182 resultados para sublime


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At head of title: E. Gómez Carrillo.


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(cont.): Cradle song : berceuse / Walter Spinney -- Andantino from Fantasia in C minor / W.A. Mozart -- Marche de fête / Edgar A. Barrell -- Minster march : from Lohengrin / R. Wagner -- Sunrise : op. 7, no. 1 / Sigfrid Karg-Elert -- Song without words = Chant sans paroles : op. 2, no. 3 / P. Tschaikowsky -- Prayer on motives from R. Wagner's Lohengrin : op. 54 / B. Sulze -- Festal march : op. 67, no. 8 / E.R. Kroeger -- Christmas march / G. Merkel -- Duke Street : postlude II / Geo. E. Whiting -- Canzonetta from the Raymond overture / A. Thomas -- Anniversary march : introducing Auld lang syne : op. 10 / J. Lawrence Ebb -- Two cradle songs = Zwei Wiegenliedchen / Herbert Botting -- Minuet from the overture to Berenice / G.F. Handel -- Funeral march = Marche funèbre : op. 35 / Franz Chopin -- March in B♭ / Wm. Faulkes -- The Son of God goes forth to war : postlude VI / Geo. E. Whiting -- Nocturne des anges : op. 18, no. 1 / George F. Vincent -- Hosanna! / Paul Wachs -- Roumanian bridal march / Herbert W. Wareing.


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The aim of this study has been to revaluate Bronze Age society using rock art as an archaeological material. It has also sought to question certain prevailing interpretative trends within the research of rock art; ascribing it as ritual practices, expression of a social elite and the adoption of symbols from cultures along the Mediterranean Sea. This has chiefly been made possible through the application of Slavoj Žižeks ideas about the ideological fantasy and the sublime object of ideology. The thesis proposes a connection between art and ideology. A selected sampling of rock carvings from three areas in Sweden has been made in order to further investigate the relationship between different figurative motives both at a regional level, as well as a local. This study claims that rather than having been under the control of an elite, rock art has been accessible for the majority of the population both to produce and view. The depiction of human representation as rock carving does not depict a clear social stratification. It is also argued that the idea of images displayed on the rocks having roots in the imagery of Mediterranean civilizations is a construct of current western ideology, as the symbolic connection between the cultures is tenable at best, according to this study. 


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The aim of this dissertation is to identify, describe, and explain the common experiences defining the crack abuser's life-world. Its method is phenomenological. Using basic cybernetic premises, a neurophysiologically oriented phenomenological framework concerning the constitution of thoughts, memories, and perceptions is first written. The framework is designed to hypothetically represent the neuropathology of crack abuse within a perspective that prescinds and describes the constitution, flow, and interdependence of experience. After the framework is written, the dissertation outlines the neuro-psychopharmacology of crack abuse and delimits crack abusers as a specific group within the more general population of cocaine users. It then represents the neuropathology of crack abuse within its phenomenological framework and uses the first-person accounts of forty-two crack dependents to actualize a phenomenological sketch of the crack abuser's life-world. The ethnographies afford the possibility of writing a “thick” description of the crack abuser's daily life—one that communicates the substance, order, and subjective and cultural dimensions of the dependent's defining experiences. ^ The dissertation's goals are successfully realized. The framework written and the ethnographies recorded and transcribed, the dissertation is able to identify, describe, and to a certain extent explain some of the common experiences defining the crack abusers life-world. The dissertation concludes that the crack abuser's life-world is organized around three primary and four secondary experiences. His primary experiences include: (1) an almost complete, yet fleeting, satisfaction of the ego's innate insufficiency and sublime, erotic-like stimulation of its core, (2) a fundamental inclination and expansion of the uniquely oriented euphoria-dysphoria dynamic that vivifies and orients the flow of consciousness, and (3) a change in the ego's innate structure. His secondary experiences include: (a) a characteristic aiming of projects, actions, and conduct toward the procurement and consumption of crack, (b) a denigration in the hold of legitimations and institutionalizations on the thematic field, (c) a strict alignment and a contraction in the scope of logical types pointing to the salient experiences within the stock of knowledge, and (d) for some crack abusers, ontological insecurity, despair, and exhaustion. ^


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Armonía Somers (Uruguay 1917 - 1994) ha sido clasificada dentro de la llamada Generación del 45 de Uruguay, sin embargo, muchos críticos aseguran que su obra difiere de la estética del período en que escribió. Mientras Ángel Rama sugiere que la narrativa de Somers pertenece a la tradición de los raros y malditos, que desciende del extraño linaje del Conde franco-uruguayo y poeta Lautréamont, otros la colocan en el ámbito de la narrativa imaginativa y de lo fantástico. La crítica contemporánea se aproxima a la obra de Somers a partir del concepto de lo extraño o "Unheimlich", abordando las novelas de la autora desde una perspectiva freudiana, lacaniana o heideggeriana. No obstante, ninguna de estas investigaciones ha determinado a qué género u orientación literaria se aviene, ni han indagado en profundidad sobre su contribución a los estudios metaficcionales. ^ En esta tesis propongo que las novelas de Armonía Somers, "La mujer desnuda" (1950), "De miedo en miedo. Los manuscritos del río" (1965), "Un retrato para Dickens" (1969), "Viaje al corazón del día. Elegía por un amor secreto" (1986), y "Solo los elefantes encuentran mandrágora" (1986), transgreden los géneros y tendencias literarias dominantes en su época por medio de una imaginación excesiva y de una trama anti-dramática, asociada primordialmente con la experiencia del terror sublime y la representación de lo inexpresable o irrepresentable, ambas nociones correspondientes a la poética expresionista de vanguardia y al gótico postmoderno. Las novelas analizadas en este trabajo presentan en su estructura una amplia gama de formas ambiguas e inorgánicas, cuya función desestabiliza los aspectos formales del realismo y subvierte los postulados epistemológicos e ideológicos en que se apoyan las culturas afirmativas, las cuales legitiman solo cierto concepto de realidad, desentendiéndose del resto de las experiencia humanas que no encajan en sus esquemas. La desacralización, la disolución moral, la muerte simbólica y la naturaleza fluida de la identidad junto con una marcada autorreflexividad, son algunos de los temas más relevantes de este conjunto de obras, que he categorizado como un ejemplo del expresionismo gótico postmoderno del siglo XX.^


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Armonía Somers (Uruguay 1917 – 1994) ha sido clasificada dentro de la llamada Generación del 45 de Uruguay, sin embargo, muchos críticos aseguran que su obra difiere de la estética del período en que escribió. Mientras Ángel Rama sugiere que la narrativa de Somers pertenece a la tradición de los raros y malditos, que desciende del extraño linaje del Conde franco-uruguayo y poeta Lautréamont, otros la colocan en el ámbito de la narrativa imaginativa y de lo fantástico. La crítica contemporánea se aproxima a la obra de Somers a partir del concepto de lo extraño o “Unheimlich”, abordando las novelas de la autora desde una perspectiva freudiana, lacaniana o heideggeriana. No obstante, ninguna de estas investigaciones ha determinado a qué género u orientación literaria se aviene, ni han indagado en profundidad sobre su contribución a los estudios metaficcionales. En esta tesis propongo que las novelas de Armonía Somers, “La mujer desnuda” (1950), “De miedo en miedo. Los manuscritos del río” (1965), “Un retrato para Dickens” (1969), “Viaje al corazón del día. Elegía por un amor secreto” (1986), y “Solo los elefantes encuentran mandrágora” (1986), transgreden los géneros y tendencias literarias dominantes en su época por medio de una imaginación excesiva y de una trama anti-dramática, asociada primordialmente con la experiencia del terror sublime y la representación de lo inexpresable o irrepresentable, ambas nociones correspondientes a la poética expresionista de vanguardia y al gótico postmoderno. Las novelas analizadas en este trabajo presentan en su estructura una amplia gama de formas ambiguas e inorgánicas, cuya función desestabiliza los aspectos formales del realismo y subvierte los postulados epistemológicos e ideológicos en que se apoyan las culturas afirmativas, las cuales legitiman solo cierto concepto de realidad, desentendiéndose del resto de las experiencia humanas que no encajan en sus esquemas. La desacralización, la disolución moral, la muerte simbólica y la naturaleza fluida de la identidad junto con una marcada autorreflexividad, son algunos de los temas más relevantes de este conjunto de obras, que he categorizado como un ejemplo del expresionismo gótico postmoderno del siglo XX.


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Smart cities, cities that are supported by an extensive digital infrastructure of sensors, databases and intelligent applications, have become a major area of academic, governmental and public interest. Simultaneously, there has been a growing interest in open data, the unrestricted use of organizational data for public viewing and use. Drawing on Science and Technology Studies (STS), Urban Studies and Political Economy, this thesis examines how digital processes, open data and the physical world can be combined in smart city development, through the qualitative interview-based case study of a Southern Ontario Municipality, Anytown. The thesis asks what are the challenges associated with smart city development and open data proliferation, is open data complimentary to smart urban development; and how is expertise constructed in these fields? The thesis concludes that smart city development in Anytown is a complex process, involving a variety of visions, programs and components. Although smart city and open data initiatives exist in Anytown, and some are even overlapping and complementary, smart city development is in its infancy. However, expert informants remained optimistic, faithful to a technologically sublime vision of what a smart city would bring. The thesis also questions the notion of expertise within the context of smart city and open data projects, concluding that assertions of expertise need to be treated with caution and scepticism when considering how knowledge is received, generated, interpreted and circulates, within organizations.


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This paper explores the relationship between the rise of “new” social movements (15-M and Occupy) and the Internet. The new social media gives rise to new kinds of social movements  which embed this technology from the moment of conception. The future of social movements will be characterised by movinets, which will have the effect of developing new efficient ways of activism. The movinets, with their embedded technology and capacity to circulate ideas among different spheres of reality, have a potential to alter the dynamics of social mobilisation.


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Análisis de las dependencias y novedades que, respecto al argumento de la Eneida de Virgilio, ofrece la reciente novela Lavinia (2009), de la escritora norteamericana Úrsula K. Le Guin.


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When we take a step back from the imposing figure of physical violence, it becomes possible to examine other structurally violent forces that constantly shape our cultural and political landscapes. One of the driving interests in the “turn to Paul” in recent continental philosophy stems from wrestling with questions about the real nature of contemporary violence. Paul is positioned as a thinker whose messianic experience began to cut through the violent masquerade of the existing order. The crucifixion and resurrection of the Messiah (a slave and a God co-existing in one body) exposed the empty grounding upon which power resided. The Christ-event signifies a moment of violent interruption in the existing order which Paul enjoins the Gentiles to participate in through a dedication of love for the neighbour. This divine violence aims to reveal and subvert the “powers,” epitomised in the Roman Empire, in order to fulfil the labour of the Messianic now-time which had arrived. The impetus behind this research comes from a typically enigmatic and provocative section of text by the Slovene philosopher, cultural critic, and Christian atheist Slavoj Žižek. He claims that 'the notion of love should be given here all its Paulinian weight: the domain of pure violence… is the domain of love' (2008a, 173). In this move he links Paul’s idea of love to that of Walter Benjamin’s divine violence; the sublime and the cataclysmic come together in this seemingly perverse notion. At stake here is the way in which uncovering violent forces in the “zero-level” of our narrative worldviews aids the diagnosis of contemporary political and ethical issues. It is not enough to imagine Paul’s encounter with the Christ-event as non-violent. This Jewish apocalyptic movement was engaged in a violent struggle within an existing order that God’s wrath will soon dismantle. Paul’s weak violence, inspired by his fidelity to the Christ-event, places all responsibility over creation in the role of the individual within the collective body. The centre piece of this re-imagined construction of the Pauline narrative comes in Romans 13: the violent dedication to love understood in the radical nature of the now-time. 3 This research examines the role that narratives play in the creation and diagnosis of these violent forces. In order to construct a new genealogy of violence in Christianity it is crucial to understand the role of the slave of Christ (the revolutionary messianic subject). This turn in the Symbolic is examined through creating a literary structure in which we can approach a radical Nietzschean shift in Pauline thought. The claim here, a claim which is also central to Paul’s letters, is that when the symbolic violence which manipulates our worldviews is undone by a divine violence, if even for a moment, new possibilities are created in the opening for a transvaluation of values. Through this we uncover the nature of original sin: the consequences of the interconnected reality of our actions. The role of literature is vital in the construction of this narrative; starting with Cormac McCarthy’s No Country for Old Men, and continuing through works such as Melville’s Bartleby the Scrivener, this thesis draws upon the power of literature in the shaping of our narrative worlds. Typical of the continental philosophy at the heart of this work, a diverse range of illustrations and inspirations from fiction is pulled into its narrative to reflect the symbolic universe that this work was forged through. What this work attempts to do is give this theory a greater grounding in Paul’s letters by demonstrating this radical kenotic power at the heart of the Christ-event. Romans 13 reveals, in a way that has not yet been picked up by Critchley, Žižek, and others, that Paul opposed the biopolitical power of the Roman Empire through the weak violence of love that is the labour of the slaves of Christ on the “now-time” that had arrived.


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Though the trend rarely receives attention, since the 1970s many American filmmakers have been taking sound and music tropes from children’s films, television shows, and other forms of media and incorporating those sounds into films intended for adult audiences. Initially, these references might seem like regressive attempts at targeting some nostalgic desire to relive childhood. However, this dissertation asserts that these children’s sounds are instead designed to reconnect audience members with the multi-faceted fantasies and coping mechanisms that once, through children’s media, helped these audience members manage life’s anxieties. Because sound is the sense that Western audiences most associate with emotion and memory, it offers audiences immediate connection with these barely conscious longings. The first chapter turns to children’s media itself and analyzes Disney’s 1950s forays into television. The chapter argues that by selectively repurposing the gentlest sonic devices from the studio’s films, television shows like Disneyland created the studio’s signature sentimental “Disney sound.” As a result, a generation of baby boomers like Steven Spielberg comes of age and longs to recreate that comforting sound world. The second chapter thus focuses on Spielberg, who incorporates Disney music in films like Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977). Rather than recreate Disney’s sound world, Spielberg uses this music as a springboard into a new realm I refer to as “sublime refuge” - an acoustic haven that combines overpowering sublimity and soothing comfort into one fantastical experience. The second half of the dissertation pivots into more experimental children’s cartoons like Gerald McBoing-Boing (1951) - cartoons that embrace audio-visual dissonance in ways that soothe even as they create tension through a phenomenon I call “comfortable discord.” In the final chapter, director Wes Anderson reveals that these sonic tensions have just as much appeal to adults. In films like The Royal Tenenbaums (2001), Anderson demonstrates that comfortable discord can simultaneously provide a balm for anxiety and create an open-ended space that makes empathetic connections between characters possible. The dissertation closes with a call to rethink nostalgia, not as a romanticization of the past, but rather as a reconnection with forgotten affective channels.


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Com o passar dos anos, as obras mais sublimes, começam a mostrar marcas subtis ou profundas de deterioração, como por exemplo: fissurações e defeitos associados à humidade. Estes são reflexo de fatores externos, como fungos, a própria atmosfera reativa, mudanças climatéricas e, até mesmo, a ação do homem. Neste seguimento pretende-se estudar as principais argamassas utilizadas na reabilitação de edifícios antigos, principalmente, as argamassas utilizadas no decorrer das obras ao longo do estágio, com o objetivo de comparar as suas caraterísticas, sendo estas argamassas tradicionais e pré-fabricadas. Foram feitos vários ensaios para determinar as suas resistências mecânicas, nomeadamente, o ensaio de resistência à flexão e compressão em diferentes idades após a confeção das argamassas, e ensaios para determinar a sua durabilidade como o ensaio de absorção da água por capilaridade; ensaio de absorção de água por imersão às 48horas (pressão atmosférica); ensaio para determinação do teor de água às 48horas e o ensaio de arrancamento (pull-off). A análise dos resultados mostrou que as argamassas adquirem mais resistência com o passar do tempo após a sua confeção, e que as argamassas dos provetes obtidos de forma tradicional, constituídos por argamassa de cal Hidráulica (HL5) e argamassa de cimento, apresentam melhores resultados do que a argamassa pré-fabricada (weber.cal classic).


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The selection and proposed cortazarian image in multimodal speech, a poetic moving as a doctoral thesis title, is the result of a process that forms several progressive stages. more than satisfy our curiosity and literary artistic concerns, the questions multiply increases our desire to bring more creative Cortazarian the colossus, that not only ruins a way of making literature , but in its revolutionary labyrinth gives a turn of the screw to the already tangled world of artistic writing , breaking in 1967 with the first of four hybrids books, La vuelta al día en ochenta mundos through which converts the traditional plastic unitextual and unimodal space in a palempsesto inexhaustible generator senses and meanings. Far from appeasing the wrath of conservative critics, caused by his narrative masterpiece, Hopscotch (1963), sparked the debate to denounce the regression of the classic molds of writing, proposing the imagination as the setting for creative freedom, it is not as arbitrary and nonsense, but as a process of higher state of consciousness in which it operates an underlying logic. Hence, our objective is to crawl into the underworld and plastics other multisígnicas border spaces, fleeting and ephemeral alliances that relate not just as complementary and similar texts which may be the same speech and can transmit the same, but quite the contrary, the oft-repeated notion of analogy is the first victim, fortunately, this kind of creative-artistic operations that raise the creative act to a sublime state capable of converting the inexhaustible multitextuales constellations in different ways: opposition, confrontation, invasion, dialogue, shadow, duplication, theft, etc. However this multiple transgression pushed to the limit by Julio Cortazar and his friend Julio Silva through four books proposed for analysis often does not translate into jobs and research in literature departments of the universities of the world, nor the critics are echoes the striking abundance and clarity of expression multimodal phenomenon as is the case with other works of Cortazar unimodal type, which makes it impassable fences mysterious worlds...


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.