952 resultados para spray-dried powders


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ordered mesoporous, highly luminescent SiO2 particles have been synthesized by spray pyrolysis from solutions containing tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS), Eu(NO3)3.6H2O, and cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as structure-directing agents. The 1,10-phenantroline (Phen) molecules were coordinated in a post-synthesis step by a simple wet impregnation method. In addition, other matrices were also prepared by the encapsulation of europium complex Eu(fod)3 (where fod = 6,6,7,7,8,8,8-heptafluoro-2,2-dimethyl-3,5-octanedionato) into mesoporous silica, and then the Phen molecules were encapsulated by different impregnation steps, after which the luminescence properties were investigated. The obtained materials were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), powder x-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Powders with polydisperse spherical grains were obtained, displaying an ordered hexagonal array of mesochannels. Luminescence results revealed that Phen molecules had been successfully coordinated as an additional ligand in the Eu(fod)3 complex into the channels of the mesoporous particles without disrupting the structure.


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O objetivo desse trabalho foi obter polpa de guavira desidratada por atomização, utilizando maltodextrina ou goma arábica como agentes carreadores. Inicialmente, avaliou-se a influência das condições de processo, temperatura do ar de secagem (130, 155 e 180) °C e vazão volumétrica da mistura (20 e 40) mL/min, o tipo e concentração de agente carreador (10 e 20) % nas características físicas, físico-químicas e atividade antioxidante do produto obtido. As propriedades analisadas foram umidade, atividade de água, higroscopicidade, solubilidade, cor, distribuição e tamanho médio de partículas, morfologia, compostos fenólicos totais e atividade antioxidante. A temperatura do ar de secagem e a vazão volumétrica de alimentação influenciaram significativamente todas as propriedades da guavira em pó. A umidade e atividade de água apresentaram os menores valores na temperatura intermediária, independentemente do tipo e concentração do carreador usado. A solubilidade das amostras adicionadas de maltodextrina foram superiores às amostras com goma arábica. O aumento da concentração de agente carreador, em geral, proporcionou um aumento no parâmetro L* e diminuição dos parâmetros a* e b*, tornando as amostras mais claras e reduzindo as tonalidades vermelha e amarela. A guavira em pó apresentou coloração próxima do amarelo e marrom, com grande variação nos parâmetros de cor C* e H* em função das diferentes condições de secagem. A distribuição do tamanho de partículas não teve um padrão definido e o tamanho médio das amostras com maltodextrina foram maiores do que as com goma arábica para a temperatura do ar a 130 °C. No entanto, para as outras temperaturas (155 e 180) °C não houve um comportamento específico do tamanho das partículas em função da vazão de alimentação, tipo e ou concentração de agente carreador. A análise de microscopia eletrônica de varredura permitiu observar que as partículas obtidas tanto com maltodextrina como goma arábica apresentaram formato esférico, superfície rugosa e com adesão de partículas menores nas de maior tamanho, sendo que a superfície das partículas com goma arábica também apresentaram concavidades. A atividade antioxidante foi superior quando utilizada a temperatura de secagem intermediária. A partir das condições selecionadas na primeira etapa (temperatura do ar de 155 °C, vazão volumétrica da mistura de 40 mL/min e 10% de maltodextrina ou goma arábica) a polpa de guavira em pó foi caracterizada quanto a temperatura de transição vítrea, as isotermas de adsorção e a estabilidade à estocagem do ácido ascórbico, compostos fenólicos totais e da atividade antioxidante da polpa de guavira em pó produzida por spray drying ao longo de 120 dias. As temperaturas de transição vítrea foram de (25,2 ± 2,7 °C e 31,4 ± 0,4) °C para os pós produzidos com goma arábica e maltodextrina, respectivamente. O modelo de BET apresentou ajuste muito bom (R2>0,99) para descrever o comportamento de sorção de água das amostras nas temperaturas de (20, 30 e 40) °C. A polpa de guavira em pó produzida com goma arábica apresentou maior adsorção de água do que as amostras obtidas com maltodextrina. No estudo da estabilidade, as amostras foram acondicionadas em embalagem de polietileno laminado e armazenadas a 25 °C e umidade relativa de 75%. A embalagem de polietileno laminado foi eficiente na manutenção do teor de ácido ascórbico e atividade antioxidante da guavira em pó por um período de 120 dias, independente do carreador adicionado. O teor de compostos fenólicos para a guavira em pó com goma arábica apresentou uma redução nos primeiros 22 dias, contudo a amostra com maltodextrina manteve-se estável durante 120 dias de armazenamento.


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The development of surface stickiness of droplets of sugar and acid-rich foods during spray drying can be explained using the notion of glass transition temperature (T-g). In this work, criteria for a safe drying regime have been developed and their physical basis provided. A dimensionless time (psi) is introduced as an indicator of spray dryability and it is correlated with the recovery of powders in practical spray drying. Droplets with initial diameters of 120 mum were subjected to simulated spray drying conditions and their safe drying regime and 41 values generated. The model predicted the recovery in a pilot scale spray dryer reasonably well. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The cyclone stickiness test (CST) technique was applied to measure the stickiness temperature and relative humidity of whey, honey, and apple juice powders. A moisture sorption isotherm study was conducted to analyze the surface moisture content of whey powder. The glass transition temperatures of the sample powder were analyzed using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The stickiness results of these products were found within 20 degrees C above their surface glass transition temperatures, which is well within the normal temperature range for glass transition in general. The results obtained by the CST technique were found consistent with DSC values.


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Recent studies have detected a dominant accumulation mode (~100 nm) in the Sea Spray Aerosol (SSA) number distribution. There is evidence to suggest that particles in this mode are composed primarily of organics. To investigate this hypothesis we conducted experiments on NaCl, artificial SSA and natural SSA particles with a Volatility-Hygroscopicity-Tandem-Differential-Mobility-Analyser (VH-TDMA). NaCl particles were atomiser generated and a bubble generator was constructed to produce artificial and natural SSA particles. Natural seawater samples for use in the bubble generator were collected from biologically active, terrestrially-affected coastal water in Moreton Bay, Australia. Differences in the VH-TDMA-measured volatility curves of artificial and natural SSA particles were used to investigate and quantify the organic fraction of natural SSA particles. Hygroscopic Growth Factor (HGF) data, also obtained by the VH-TDMA, were used to confirm the conclusions drawn from the volatility data. Both datasets indicated that the organic fraction of our natural SSA particles evaporated in the VH-TDMA over the temperature range 170–200°C. The organic volume fraction for 71–77 nm natural SSA particles was 8±6%. Organic volume fraction did not vary significantly with varying water residence time (40 secs to 24 hrs) in the bubble generator or SSA particle diameter in the range 38–173 nm. At room temperature we measured shape- and Kelvin-corrected HGF at 90% RH of 2.46±0.02 for NaCl, 2.35±0.02 for artifical SSA and 2.26±0.02 for natural SSA particles. Overall, these results suggest that the natural accumulation mode SSA particles produced in these experiments contained only a minor organic fraction, which had little effect on hygroscopic growth. Our measurement of 8±6% is an order of magnitude below two previous measurements of the organic fraction in SSA particles of comparable sizes. We stress that our results were obtained using coastal seawater and they can’t necessarily be applied on a regional or global ocean scale. Nevertheless, considering the order of magnitude discrepancy between this and previous studies, further research with independent measurement techniques and a variety of different seawaters is required to better quantify how much organic material is present in accumulation mode SSA.


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Lithium niobate powders from the raw powders of Li2 O5 are directly synthesized by a combustion method with urea fuel. The synthesis parameters (e.g. the calcination temperature, calcination time, and urea-to-(Li2 CO3 + Nb2 O5) quantity ratio) are studied to reveal the optimized synthesis conditions for preparing high-quality lithium niobate powders. In our present work, it is found that a urea-to-(Li2 CO3 + Nb2 O5) ratio close to 3, calcination temperature at 550-600 degrees and reaction time around 2.5h may lead to high-quality lithium niobate powsers. The microstructure of synthesized powders is further studied; a possible mechanism of the involved reactions is also proposed.


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The structural, optical, and gas-sensing properties of spray pyrolysis deposited Cu doped ZnO thin films were investigated. Gas response of the undoped and doped films to N02 (oxidizing) gas shows an increase and decrease in resistance, respectively, indicating p-type conduction in doped samples. The UV-Vis spectra of the films show decrease in the bandgap with increasing Cu concentration in ZnO. The observed p-type conductivity is attributed to the holes generated by incorporated Cu atoms on Zn sites in ZnO thin films. The X-ray diffraction spectra showed that samples are polycrystalline with the hexagonal wurtzite structure and increasing the concentration of Cu caused a decrease in the intensity of the dominant (002) peak. The surface morphology of films was studied by scanning electron microscopy and the presence of Cu was also confirmed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Seebeck effect measurements were utilized to confirm the p-type conduction of Cu doped ZnO thin films. Copyright © 2009 American Scientific Publishers All rights reserved.


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The photocatalytic disinfection of Enterobacter cloacae and Enterobacter coli using microwave (MW), convection hydrothermal (HT) and Degussa P25 titania was investigated in suspension and immobilized reactors. In suspension reactors, MW-treated TiO(2) was the most efficient catalyst (per unit weight of catalyst) for the disinfection of E. cloacae. However, HT-treated TiO(2) was approximately 10 times more efficient than MW or P25 titania for the disinfection of E. coli suspensions in surface water using the immobilized reactor. In immobilized experiments, using surface water a significant amount of photolysis was observed using the MW- and HT-treated films; however, disinfection on P25 films was primarily attributed to photocatalysis. Competitive action of inorganic ions and humic substances for hydroxyl radicals during photocatalytic experiments, as well as humic substances physically screening the cells from UV and hydroxyl radical attack resulted in low rates of disinfection. A decrease in colony size (from 1.5 to 0.3 mm) was noted during photocatalytic experiments. The smaller than average colonies were thought to occur during sublethal (•) OH and O(2) (•-) attack. Catalyst fouling was observed following experiments in surface water and the ability to regenerate the surface was demonstrated using photocatalytic degradation of oxalic acid as a model test system