191 resultados para spectro-reflectometry


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In 1990, a benthic component to the DYFAMED (dynamics of fluxes in the Mediterranean) program, the DYFAMED-BENTHOS survey, was established to investigate the possible coupling of benthic to pelagic processes at a permanent station in >2700 m water depth, 52 km off Nice, France. Surface sediment was first sampled at different periods of the year to assess the importance of the biological compartment (particularly metazoan meiofauna) and its relation to seasonally varying particulate matter input to the sea floor (estimated by measuring surface sediment particle size and porosity, as well as chloroplastic pigments, organic carbon, nitrogen and calcium carbonate contents). Beginning in 1993, surface sediment was sampled at an average interval of 1.4 months for over five consecutive years using multicorers. Biogeochemical techniques such as deployments of a free-vehicle benthic respirometer and a near-bottom sediment trap, along with analyses of sediment vertical profiles for dissolved oxygen, nutrients and dissolved metals in the porewater, were developed in conjunction with more extensive biological analyses to characterize the recycling of organic matter, and ultimately increase our understanding of the oceanic carbon cycle. This article provides the scientific background and motivation for the development of the on-going DYFAMED-BENTHOS survey, the general characteristics of the benthic site, as well as a detailed description of the sampling design applied from late 1990-2000.


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The normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) has evolved as a primary tool for monitoring continental-scale vegetation changes and interpreting the impact of short to long-term climatic events on the biosphere. The objective of this research was to assess the nature of relationships between precipitation and vegetation condition, as measured by the satellite-derived NDVI within South Australia. The correlation, timing and magnitude of the NDVI response to precipitation were examined for different vegetation formations within the State (forest, scrubland, shrubland, woodland and grassland). Results from this study indicate that there are strong relationships between precipitation and NDVI both spatially and temporally within South Australia. Differences in the timing of the NDVI response to precipitation were evident among the five vegetation formations. The most significant relationship between rainfall and NDVI was within the forest formation. Negative correlations between NDVI and precipitation events indicated that vegetation green-up is a result of seasonal patterns in precipitation. Spatial patterns in the average NDVI over the study period closely resembled the boundaries of the five classified vegetation formations within South Australia. Spatial variability within the NDVI data set over the study period differed greatly between and within the vegetation formations examined depending on the location within the state. ACRONYMS AVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer ENVSAEnvironments of South Australia EOS Terra-Earth Observing System EVIEnhanced Vegetation Index MODIS Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer MVC Maximum Value Composite NDVINormalised Difference Vegetation Index NIRNear Infra-Red NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration SPOT Systeme Pour l’Observation de la Terre. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


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The behavior of monolayer films of free base 5,10,15,20-tetrapyridylporphinato (TPyP) and 5,10,15,20-tetrapyridylporphinato zinc(II) (ZnTPyP) on pure water, 0.1 M CdCl2, and 0.1 M CuCl2 subphases was investigated by surface pressure-area isotherms, specular X-ray reflectometry, and polarized total reflection X-ray absorption spectroscopy (PTRXAS). Surface pressure-area isotherms showed significant differences in the area per molecule on pure water compared to that on salt subphases, with a marked increase in the area observed on the salt solutions. This behavior was noted for both forms of the porphyrin and both salts investigated. Modeling of specular X-ray reflectometry data indicated that thinner and more electron dense layers on salt subphases best fit the observed profiles. These data suggest that the porphyrin macrocycle is oriented parallel to the interface on salt subphases and takes on a tilted conformation on pure water. In the case of ZnTPyP, PTRXAS was used to determine the orientation of the porphyrin moiety relative to the surface and to probe the coordination of the central Zn ion. In agreement with the pressure-area isotherms and reflectometry, the PTRXAS data indicate a change in orientation on the salt subphases.


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The development of TDR for measurement of soil water content and electrical conductivity has resulted in a large shift in measurement methods for a breadth of soil and hydrological characterization efforts. TDR has also opened new possibilities for soil and plant research. Five examples show how TDR has enhanced our ability to conduct our soil- and plant-water research. (i) Oxygen is necessary for healthy root growth and plant development but quantitative evaluation of the factors controlling oxygen supply in soil depends on knowledge of the soil water content by TDR. With water content information we have modeled successfully some impact of tillage methods on oxygen supply to roots and their growth response. (ii) For field assessment of soil mechanical properties influencing crop growth, water content capability was added to two portable soil strength measuring devices; (a) A TDT (Time Domain Transmittivity)-equipped soil cone penetrometer was used to evaluate seasonal soil strengthwater content relationships. In conventional tillage systems the relationships are dynamic and achieve the more stable no-tillage relationships only relatively late in each growing season; (b) A small TDR transmission line was added to a modified sheargraph that allowed shear strength and water content to be measured simultaneously on the same sample. In addition, the conventional graphing procedure for data acquisition was converted to datalogging using strain gauges. Data acquisition rate was improved by more than a factor of three with improved data quality. (iii) How do drought tolerant plants maintain leaf water content? Non-destructive measurement of TDR water content using a flat serpentine triple wire transmission line replaces more lengthy procedures of measuring relative water content. Two challenges remain: drought-stressed leaves alter salt content, changing electrical conductivity, and drought induced changes in leaf morphology affect TDR measurements. (iv) Remote radar signals are reflected from within the first 2 cm of soil. Appropriate calibration of radar imaging for soil water content can be achieved by a parallel pair of blades separated by 8 cm, reaching 1.7 cm into soil and forming a 20 cm TDR transmission line. The correlation between apparent relative permittivity from TDR and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) backscatter coefficient was 0.57 from an airborne flyover. These five examples highlight the diversity in the application of TDR in soil and plant research.


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PURPOSE: To demonstrate the application of low-coherence reflectometry to the study of biometric changes during disaccommodation responses in human eyes after cessation of a near task and to evaluate the effect of contact lenses on low-coherence reflectometry biometric measurements. METHODS: Ocular biometric parameters of crystalline lens thickness (LT) and anterior chamber depth (ACD) were measured with the LenStar device during and immediately after a 5 D accommodative task in 10 participants. In a separate trial, accommodation responses were recorded with a Shin-Nippon WAM-5500 optometer in a subset of two participants. Biometric data were interleaved to form a profile of post-task anterior segment changes. In a further experiment, the effect of soft contact lenses on LenStar measurements was evaluated in 15 participants. RESULTS: In 10 adult participants, increased LT and reduced ACD was seen during the 5 D task. Post-task, during fixation of a 0 D target, a profile of the change in LT and ACD against time was observed. In the two participants with accommodation data (one a sufferer of nearwork-induced transient myopia and other a non-sufferer), the post-task changes in refraction compared favorably with the interleaved LenStar biometry data. The insertion of soft contact lenses did not have a significant effect on LenStar measures of ACD or LT (mean change: -0.007 mm, p = 0.265 and + 0.001 mm, p = 0.875, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: With the addition of a relatively simple stimulus modification, the LenStar instrument can be used to produce a profile of post-task changes in LT and ACD. The spatial and temporal resolution of the system is sufficient for the investigation of nearwork-induced transient myopia from a biometric viewpoint. LenStar measurements of ACD and LT remain valid after the fitting of soft contact lenses.


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The underlying work to this thesis focused on the exploitation and investigation of photosensitivity mechanisms in optical fibres and planar waveguides for the fabrication of advanced integrated optical devices for telecoms and sensing applications. One major scope is the improvement of grating fabrication specifications by introducing new writing techniques and the use of advanced characterisation methods for grating testing. For the first time the polarisation control method for advanced grating fabrication has successfully been converted to apodised planar waveguide fabrication and the development of a holographic method for the inscription of chirped gratings at arbitrary wavelength is presented. The latter resulted in the fabrication of gratings for pulse-width suppression and wavelength selection in diode lasers. In co-operation with research partners a number of samples were tested using optical frequency domain and optical low coherence reflectometry for a better insight into the limitations of grating writing techniques. Using a variety of different fabrication methods, custom apodised and chirped fibre Bragg gratings were written for the use as filter elements for multiplexer-demultiplexer devices, as well as for short pulse generation and wavelength selection in telecommunication transmission systems. Long period grating based devices in standard, speciality and tapered fibres are presented, showing great potential for multi-parameter sensing. One particular scope is the development of vectorial curvature and refractive index sensors with potential for medical, chemical and biological sensing. In addition the design of an optically tunable Mach-Zehnder based multiwavelength filter is introduced. The discovery of a Type IA grating type through overexposure of hydrogen loaded standard and Boron-Germanium co-doped fibres strengthened the assumption of UV-photosensitivity being a highly non-linear process. Gratings of this type show a significantly lower thermal sensitivity compared to standard gratings, which makes them useful for sensing applications. An Oxford Lasers copper-vapour laser operating at 255 nm in pulsed mode was used for their inscription, in contrast to previous work using CW-Argon-Ion lasers and contributing to differences in the processes of the photorefractive index change


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Accommodating Intraocular Lenses (IOLs), multifocal IOLs (MIOLs) and toric IOLs are designed to provide a greater level of spectacle independency post cataract surgery. All of these IOLs are reliant on the accurate calculation of intraocular lens power determined through reliable ocular biometry. A standardised defocus area metric and reading performance index metric were devised for the evaluation of the range of focus and the reading ability of subjects implanted with presbyopic correcting IOLs. The range of clear vision after implantation of an MIOL is extended by a second focal point; however, this results in the prevalence of dysphotopsia. A bespoke halometer was designed and validated to assess this photopic phenomenon. There is a lack of standardisation in the methods used for determining IOL orientation and thus rotation. A repeatable, objective method was developed to allow the accurate assessment of IOL rotation, which was used to determine the rotational and positional stability of a closed loop haptic IOL. A new commercially available biometry device was validated for use with subjects prior to cataract surgery. The optical low coherence reflectometry instrument proved to be a valid method for assessing ocular biometry and covered a wider range of ocular parameters in comparison with previous instruments. The advantages of MIOLs were shown to include an extended range of clear vision translating into greater reading ability. However, an increased prevalence of dysphotopsia was shown with a bespoke halometer, which was dependent on the MIOL optic design. Implantation of a single optic accommodating IOL did not improve reading ability but achieved high subjective ratings of near vision. The closed-loop haptic IOL displayed excellent rotational stability in the late period but relatively poor rotational stability in the early period post implantation. The orientation error was compounded by the high frequency of positional misalignment leading to an extensive overall misalignment of the IOL. This thesis demonstrates the functionality of new IOL lens designs and the importance of standardised testing methods, thus providing a greater understanding of the consequences of implanting these IOLs. Consequently, the findings of the thesis will influence future designs of IOLs and testing methods.


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We have used neutron reflectometry to characterize the swelling behaviour of brushes of poly[2-(diethyl amino)ethyl methacrylate], a polybase, as a function of pH. The brushes, synthesized by the "grafting from" method of atom transfer radical polymerization, were observed to approximately double their thickness in low pH solutions, although the pK is shifted to a lower pH than in dilute solution. The composition-depth profile obtained from the reflectometry experiments for the swollen brushes reveals a region depleted in polymer between the substrate and the extended part of the brush.


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Progress in the development of actuating molecular devices based on responsive polymers is reviewed. The synthesis and characterization of "grafted from brushes and triblock copolymers is reported. The responsive nature of polyelectrolyte brushes, grown by surface initiated atomic transfer radical polymerization (ATRP), has been characterized by scanning force microscopy, neutron reflectometry, and single molecule force measurements. The molecular response is measured directly for the brushes in terms of both the brush height and composition and the force generated by a single molecule. Triblock copolymers, based on hydrophobic end blocks and polyacid midblock, have been used to produce polymer gels where the deformation of the molecules can be followed directly by small angle Xray scattering (SAXS), and a correlation between molecular shape change and macroscopic deformation has been established. A Landolt pHoscillator, based on bromate/sulfite/ferrocyanide, with a room temperature period of 20 min and a range of 3.1


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Progress in the development of generic molecular devices based on responsive polymers is discussed. Characterisation of specially synthesised polyelectrolyte gels, "grafted from" brushes and triblock copolymers is reported. A Landolt pH-oscillator, based on bromate/ sulfite/ferrocyanide, with a room temperature period of 20 min and a range of 3.1


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A distributed fiber sensing system based on ultraweak FBGs (UWFBGs) assisted polarization optical time-domain reflectometry (POTDR) is proposed for load and vibration sensing with improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and sensitivity. UWFBGs with reflectivity higher than Rayleigh scattering coefficient per pulse are induced into a POTDR system to increase the intensity of the back signal. The performance improvement of the system has been studied. The numerical analysis has shown that the SNR and sensitivity of the system can be effectively improved by integrating UWFBGs along the whole sensing fiber, which has been clearly proven by the experiment. The experimental results have shown that by using UWFBGs with 1.1 x 10-5 reflectivity and 10-m interval distance, the SNR is improved by 11 dB, and the load and vibration sensitivities of the POTDR are improved by about 10.7 and 9 dB, respectively.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to design a novel experimental approach to investigate the morphological characteristics of auditory cortical responses elicited by rapidly changing synthesized speech sounds. Methods: Six sound-evoked magnetoencephalographic (MEG) responses were measured to a synthesized train of speech sounds using the vowels /e/ and /u/ in 17 normal hearing young adults. Responses were measured to: (i) the onset of the speech train, (ii) an F0 increment; (iii) an F0 decrement; (iv) an F2 decrement; (v) an F2 increment; and (vi) the offset of the speech train using short (jittered around 135. ms) and long (1500. ms) stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs). The least squares (LS) deconvolution technique was used to disentangle the overlapping MEG responses in the short SOA condition only. Results: Comparison between the morphology of the recovered cortical responses in the short and long SOAs conditions showed high similarity, suggesting that the LS deconvolution technique was successful in disentangling the MEG waveforms. Waveform latencies and amplitudes were different for the two SOAs conditions and were influenced by the spectro-temporal properties of the sound sequence. The magnetic acoustic change complex (mACC) for the short SOA condition showed significantly lower amplitudes and shorter latencies compared to the long SOA condition. The F0 transition showed a larger reduction in amplitude from long to short SOA compared to the F2 transition. Lateralization of the cortical responses were observed under some stimulus conditions and appeared to be associated with the spectro-temporal properties of the acoustic stimulus. Conclusions: The LS deconvolution technique provides a new tool to study the properties of the auditory cortical response to rapidly changing sound stimuli. The presence of the cortical auditory evoked responses for rapid transition of synthesized speech stimuli suggests that the temporal code is preserved at the level of the auditory cortex. Further, the reduced amplitudes and shorter latencies might reflect intrinsic properties of the cortical neurons to rapidly presented sounds. Significance: This is the first demonstration of the separation of overlapping cortical responses to rapidly changing speech sounds and offers a potential new biomarker of discrimination of rapid transition of sound.


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Eddy covariance (EC) estimates of carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes and energy balance are examined to investigate the functional responses of a mature mangrove forest to a disturbance generated by Hurricane Wilma on October 24, 2005 in the Florida Everglades. At the EC site, high winds from the hurricane caused nearly 100% defoliation in the upper canopy and widespread tree mortality. Soil temperatures down to -50 cm increased, and air temperature lapse rates within the forest canopy switched from statically stable to statically unstable conditions following the disturbance. Unstable conditions allowed more efficient transport of water vapor and CO2 from the surface up to the upper canopy layer. Significant increases in latent heat fluxes (LE) and nighttime net ecosystem exchange (NEE) were also observed and sensible heat fluxes (H) as a proportion of net radiation decreased significantly in response to the disturbance. Many of these impacts persisted through much of the study period through 2009. However, local albedo and MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer) data (the Enhanced Vegetation Index) indicated a substantial proportion of active leaf area recovered before the EC measurements began 1 year after the storm. Observed changes in the vertical distribution and the degree of clumping in newly emerged leaves may have affected the energy balance. Direct comparisons of daytime NEE values from before the storm and after our measurements resumed did not show substantial or consistent differences that could be attributed to the disturbance. Regression analyses on seasonal time scales were required to differentiate the storm's impact on monthly average daytime NEE from the changes caused by interannual variability in other environmental drivers. The effects of the storm were apparent on annual time scales, and CO2 uptake remained approximately 250 g C m-2 yr-1 lower in 2009 compared to the average annual values measured in 2004-2005. Dry season CO2 uptake was relatively more affected by the disturbance than wet season values. Complex leaf regeneration dynamics on damaged trees during ecosystem recovery are hypothesized to lead to the variable dry versus wet season impacts on daytime NEE. In contrast, nighttime CO2 release (i.e., nighttime respiration) was consistently and significantly greater, possibly as a result of the enhanced decomposition of litter and coarse woody debris generated by the storm, and this effect was most apparent in the wet seasons compared to the dry seasons. The largest pre- and post-storm differences in NEE coincided roughly with the delayed peak in cumulative mortality of stems in 2007-2008. Across the hurricane-impacted region, cumulative tree mortality rates were also closely correlated with declines in peat surface elevation. Mangrove forest-atmosphere interactions are interpreted with respect to the damage and recovery of stand dynamics and soil accretion processes following the hurricane.


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SHARDS, an ESO/GTC Large Program, is an ultra-deep (26.5 mag) spectro-photometric survey with GTC/OSIRIS designed to select and study massive passively evolving galaxies at z=1.0-2.3 in the GOODS-N field using a set of 24 medium-band filters (FWHM ∼ 17 nm) covering the 500-950 nm spectral range. Our observing strategy has been planned to detect, for z>1 sources, the prominent Mg absorption feature (at rest-frame ∼ 280 nm), a distinctive, necessary, and sufficient feature of evolved stellar populations (older than 0.5 Gyr). These observations are being used to: (1) derive for the first time an unbiased sample of high-z quiescent galaxies, which extends to fainter magnitudes the samples selected with color techniques and spectroscopic surveys; (2) derive accurate ages and stellar masses based on robust measurements of spectral features such as the Mg_UV or D(4000) indices; (3) measure their redshift with an accuracy Δz/(1+z)<0.02; and (4) study emission-line galaxies (starbursts and AGN) up to very high redshifts. The well-sampled optical SEDs provided by SHARDS for all sources in the GOODS-N field are a valuable complement for current and future surveys carried out with other telescopes (e.g., Spitzer, HST, and Herschel).