940 resultados para species richness estimation
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A descriptive analysis of the responses of plankton from lakes lateral to a river in its mouth zone into a tropical reservoir to water level variations is presented. Three situations were reported: 1) a comparison of species richness and diversity and of algae population abundance in prolonged drought and in periods of connection of lakes to the river, 2) the spatial distribution of abundance and richness of Rotifera species in four isolated water bodies formed by fragmentation of a lateral lake during a period of prolonged drought and in the same areas during a period of integrity as an ecosystem, 3) the variability of total zooplankton and Cladocera densities at the end of the isolation period of a lateral lake and after the recovery of connection with the river and in a year of continuous connection with the lotic ecosystem. Various idiosyncrasies were observed in connected lateral lakes, like the surface hydrologic connectivity, a primary factor in species richness modifcations and a secondary controlling factor of plankton abundance. Underground hydrologic connectivity, through the river[forward arrow] lake water fux during the high-water period and lake [forward arrow] river during drought period, appears to have an important role in richness and abundance variations of planktonic populations in the lake isolated from the river.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A total of 9 ant species were sampled from four sites covering 2000 km in the Amazon Basin using banana fruit baits: two sites on the Jurua River, one site on the Xingu River and in a dry forest of eastern Amazon, Paragominas. Camponotus abdominalis was present in all sites, and Camponotus sericeiventris, Camponotus sp. and Crematogaster sp. were present in two sites. All other species were present in only one site. Paragominas had the highest species richness because of a higher number of site restricted species. However, Jaccard faunas similarities among sites were not significantly related with distance between sites. Mosaic diversity showed a relatively simple taxonomic composition. The strong differences of the fauna sampled at banana fruit baits from other reported Neotropical ant faunas suggests that the fauna represents widespread fugitive species in an apparently complex environment.
The diversity of fish species in an transition zone between the River Paranapanema and the head mouth of the Jurumirim Reservoir was evaluated. Fish samples were collected from October 1995 to September 1996, by experimental fishing (gill-nets and sieve), in three marginal shallow lagoons and two channel river zones, Gill-net collections resulted in 21 taxons of native fishes. Detritivorous Characiformes such as Steindachnerina insculpta were predominant Sieve collections resulted in 31 taxa and the Tetragonopterinae subfamily was the most representative group, which included small species as Cheirodon stenodon. The equitability index characterized the high heterogeneity of fish numeric abundance, reflecting the dominance of a few groups. A significant relationship between biotic and abiotic variables was indicated by the first canonical function. In comparison with other regions of the drainage basin, the ecotone zone studied indicated a higher species richness and, in the case of some species, fishes in all stages of development. This study demonstrated the necessity to preserve the ecological zone for the fishing and fishery management in the reservoir.
The social wasp nests were quantified in three different plant physiognomies (forested Caatinga, shrubby Caatinga, and agricultural systems) to analyze the effect of environmental seasonality and plant physiognomy on the richness, nest abundance, and species composition of social wasps in the region of tropical dry forest of Brazil. The forested Caatinga physiognomy had the greatest richness of species (S = 16), followed by shrubby Caatinga (S 13) and by agricultural system (S = 12). The first axis of detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) explained 67.8% of the variability and shows a gradient of the fauna from agricultural system and shrubby Caatinga to forested Caatinga. In the first axis, wet season scores were much higher than those for the dry season in forested Caatinga. The second axis explained 18.7% of the variability and shows a separation of samples collected during the wet or the dry periods in shrubby Caatinga. This separation was less evident in the agricultural system. Variations in nest abundance were more intense in arbustive caatinga (45% decrease in number of active nests in the dry period), moderate in forested Caatinga (24% decrease in number of active nests in the dry period), and low in agricultural systems (8% decrease in the dry period).
The number of individuals and species richness of ants were investigated in two species of Euphorbiaceae found in three areas of differentiated flora. These areas form part of a fragment of the Atlantic Forest located in the Serra do Itapety, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Fifty eight ant species were sampled, belonging to 23 genera and 6 sub-families; 40% of the species are arboreal. The sub-family Myrmicinae was the richest in species, with Pheidole being the most diverse genus and Crematogaster the most commonly-occurring. In the three study areas, no significant differences were found between the number of individuals and the species richness of ants collected on the trunks of Euphorbiaceae. C. floribundus Spreng and A. sidifolia Muell. Arg. are similar with respect to the number of ant species sampled; the number collected being 40 and 47, respectively.
The success of fig trees in tropical ecosystems is evidenced by the great diversity (+750 species) and wide geographic distribution of the genus. We assessed the contribution of environmental variables on the species richness and density of fig trees in fragments of seasonal semideciduous forest (SSF) in Brazil. We assessed 20 forest fragments in three regions in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Fig tree richness and density was estimated in rectangular plots, comprising 31.4 ha sampled. Both richness and fig tree density were linearly modeled as function of variables representing (1) fragment metrics, (2) forest structure, and (3) landscape metrics expressing water drainage in the fragments. Model selection was performed by comparing the AIC values (Akaike Information Criterion) and the relative weight of each model (wAIC). Both species richness and fig tree density were better explained by the water availability in the fragment (meter of streams/ha): wAICrichness = 0.45, wAICdensity = 0.96. The remaining variables related to anthropic perturbation and forest structure were of little weight in the models. The rainfall seasonality in SSF seems to select for both establishment strategies and morphological adaptations in the hemiepiphytic fig tree species. In the studied SSF, hemiepiphytes established at lower heights in their host trees than reported for fig trees in evergreen rainforests. Some hemiepiphytic fig species evolved superficial roots extending up to 100 m from their trunks, resulting in hectare-scale root zones that allow them to efficiently forage water and soil nutrients. The community of fig trees was robust to variation in forest structure and conservation level of SSF fragments, making this group of plants an important element for the functioning of seasonal tropical forests. © 2013 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Synthesis Despite theoretical criticisms, the ubiquity of linear relationships between local and regional species richness has long been used to justify it as a valid framework to conclude that local communities are not saturated with species. However, we reanalyzed published studies with a new unbiased method and found no prevalence of linear relationships and more than 40% of misclassifications, including textbook examples. We thus conclude that the prevailing argument in favor of associating a valid ecological interpretation to local-regional species richness plots, its ubiquity, is not sustained, and that ecologists could use for instance metacommunity theory to make inference on the strength of local and regional processes. Identifying the relative importance of regional and local processes to local species diversity is a central issue to many questions in basic and applied ecology. One widely-used method is to plot local species richness against its regional richness to infer whether regional or local processes determine local diversity. However, this method increases the tendency to find regional prevalence as suggested by a recent simulation. We reanalyzed studies in the literature with an unbiased method and found no prevalence of either regional or local processes. In addition, almost 40% of the studies and 50% of the ecology textbook examples using the traditional method were misclassified. Our findings reinforce the need of alternative, novel tools identified by for instance metacommunity theory to go beyond the studies of local-regional relationships in the ecological literature that focus on the interdependence of regional and local processes.© 2013 The Authors. Oikos © 2013 Nordic Society Oikos.
Food webs have been used in order to understand the trophic relationship among organisms within an ecosystem, however the extension by which sampling efficiency could affect food web responses remain poorly understood. Still, there is a lack of long-term sampling data for many insect groups, mainly related to the interactions between herbivores and their host plants. In the first chapter, I describe a source food web based on the Senegalia tenuifolia plant by identifying the associated insect species and the interactions among them and with this host plant. Furthermore, I check for the data robustness from each trophic level and propose a cost-efficiently methodology. The results from this chapter show that the collected dataset and the methodology presented are a good tool for sample most insect richness of a source food web. In total the food web comprises 27 species belonging to four trophic levels. In the second chapter, I demonstrate the temporal variation in the species richness and abundance from each trophic level, as well as the relationship among distinct trophic levels. Moreover, I investigate the diversity patterns of the second and third trophic level by assessing the contribution of alfa and beta-diversity components along the years. This chapter shows that in our system the parasitoid abundance is regulated by the herbivore abundances. Besides, the species richness and abundances of the trophic levels vary temporally. It also shows that alfa-diversity was the diversity component that most contribute to the herbivore species diversity (2nd trophic level), while the contribution of alfa- and beta-diversity changed along the years for parasitoid diversity (3rd level). Overall, this dissertation describes a source food web and bring insights into some food web challenges related to the sampling effort to gather enough species from all trophic levels. It also discuss the relation among communities associated with distinct trophic levels and their temporal variation and diversity patterns. Finally, this dissertation contributes for the world food web database and in understanding the interactions among its trophic levels and each trophic level pattern along time and space
As espécies da ictiofauna podem se distribuir no espaço e no tempo de maneira organizada, seguindo um padrão que pode ser percebido pela associação ou agrupamento das espécies e pela sua relação com determinados habitats. O número reduzido de estudos e o pequeno conhecimento da fauna aquática na Amazônia resultam em sub-estimativas dos impactos na ictiofauna de igarapés. A Região Bragantina, no nordeste paraense, é tida como um exemplo de fronteira agrícola antiga na Amazônia. A agricultura familiar é expressiva na área, sendo as principais culturas milho, caupi e mandioca, e cultivos semi-perenes, como maracujá e pimenta-do-reino. Estas áreas de produção familiar constituem hoje importantes elementos da paisagem, podendo ocasionar à degradação dos solos e do ecossistema aquático. Nesse contexto, um estudo foi realizado nos anos de 2006 e 2007 em três igarapés situados nessa região: Cumaru, São João e Pachibá. Foram coletados 2.117 peixes, distribuídos em sete ordens, 13 famílias, 27 gêneros e 43 espécies. A espécie mais abundante em todas as amostras coletadas foi Hypessobrycon heterorhabudus, com 337 indivíduos, seguido por Bryconops caudomaculatus, com 326 indivíduos. A riqueza de espécies foi maior num trecho do Pachibá (IGPA-B), com 21 espécies. O Índice de Dominância de Simpson mostrou o valor mais alto no trecho B do igarapé Cumaru, enquanto o Índice de Diversidade de Shannon revelou que o IGP A-B possuiu a maior diversidade. Iguanodectes spirulus foi a espécie amostrada com mais constância, e ocorreu em 50% das amostras. A similaridade entre os ambientes revelou que a distribuição das espécies seguiu a um padrão longitudinal ao invés de um padrão geográfico. O uso da terra, em especial a agricultura familiar não influenciou na estrutura das comunidades de peixes, uma vez que a baixa intensificação dessa atividade ainda permite certa integralidade do ecossistema aquático. Porém, com uma maior intensificação e ampliação futura desses sistemas de produção não se sabe qual será a resposta desse ecossistema.
Os estudos neste trabalho acrescentam diversas informações sobre simulídeos (Diptera: Simuliidae) do leste do estado do Pará, Brasil. Tem como objetivo avaliar a distribuição geográfica das espécies; elaborar uma chave para a identificação de pupas de simulídeos do leste paraense; estimar a riqueza de espécies; avaliar a atividade hematofágica diurna; avaliar a relação dos fatores limnológicos e meteorológicos com as populações de simulídeos e outros insetos aquáticos associados; registrar o estado de conservação e similaridade de três áreas (Atlântico-Nordeste, Serras das Andorinhas e Carajás), baseadas em um protocolo ambiental e nas espécies de piuns. Foram registradas 14 espécies: S. nigrimanum, S. incrustatum, S. minusculum, S. quadrifidum, S. limbatum, S. perflavum, S. iracouboense, S. rorotaense, S. spinibranchium, S. subpallidum, S. pertinax, S. subnigrum, S. brachycladum e S. goeldii. Chave de identificação baseada nas pupas dessas espécies foi elaborada. Estes dados são inéditos e as espécies de interesse em saúde pública (S. nigrimanum, S. crustatum, S. rorotaense, S. minusculum, S. subnigrum e S. pertinax) foram encontradas em diversos ambientes, com ampla distribuição e registros de novas ocorrências no Pará e Amazônia Oriental. Estudou-se a hematofagia de S. rorotaense, S. minusculum e S. pertinax nos meses de janeiro, abril, agosto e dezembro de 2006, na Serra das Andorinhas. Estas atividades de ataque foram correlacionadas principalmente à temperatura e umidade relativa do ar, exibindo dois picos de atividades, um pela manhã e outro pela tarde. A preferência por regiões do corpo de humanos também foi estudada. Os simulídeos e entomofauna aquática associada dos sistemas aquáticos foram ordenados em dois grupos e correlacionaram em maior ou menor grau à vazão, velocidade, profundidade, largura, alcalinidade e ferro, em ambas as regiões estudadas (Costa Atlântica-Nordeste e Tocantins-Araguaia). Registrou-se ainda que o meio ambiente apresenta-se bem conservado na Serra das Andorinhas, mas bastante alterado na Serra dos Carajás e em localidades da Costa Atlântica-Nordeste. A maior similaridade na composição das espécies de simulídeos foi observada entre as Serras das Andorinhas e Carajás, seguida pela similaridade com Costa Atlântica-Nordeste.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)