598 resultados para simulering, reflektion, mediering, redskap, scaffolding, lärande, lärarutbildning
Bakgrund Demokratiska samhällen är sårbara och historiskt sett sällsynta. Förutsättningarna för en fungerande demokrati innefattar mer än formella institutioner eller enbart frånvaron av diktatorer och extremgrupper. För att en regim skall fungera enligt demokratiska principer behövs medborgare som stöder demokratiska värden. Därför är det av vikt att förstå de processer som får individer att känna tilltro till demokratiska värden. Trots att man kan anta att stöd för sådana värderingar utvecklas som ett resultat av social inlärning är de konkreta omständigheterna som leder till ett dylikt lärande mindre uppenbara. Den klassiska litteraturen beträffande politisk socialisation lyfte fram föräldrarna som avgörande för de ungas medborgerliga fostran, men i moderna samhällen har föräldrarna sällan som en uttalad målsättning att försöka påverka sina barns nuvarande eller framtida politiska preferenser. Den föreliggande studiens mål var att fördjupa diskursen kring politisk socialisation gen om att analysera föräldraskapets betydelse för demokratiska värderingar hos ungdomar. Metod Den föreliggande studien utgick från två slumpmässiga urval. Det ena omfattade 1341 studerande, 17 år gamla, inom andra stadiets utbildning i tre regioner i Finland (södra, syd-västra och västra) och det andra 678 studerande, 16 år gamla vid studiens inledande, från den flamländska delen av Belgien. Studien innefattade frågeformulär som besvarades under skoltid. Resultat De centrala resultaten från studien kan sammanfattas i fyra punkter. För det första kunde empatiskt tänkande konstateras vara en god förklarande variabel för ungdomars demokratiska värderingar (Artikel 1). För det andra gav studien stöd för antagandet att stödjande föräldraskap är av betydelse för utvecklingen av empati under ungdomsåren (Artikel 2). För det tredje utvärderades empati, i relation till andra betydelsefulla variabler, som förklarande variabel för demokratiska värderingar (Artikel 3). För det fjärde gav den föreliggande studien bevis för att demokratiskt föräldraskap, både direkt och indirekt, är relaterat till demokratiska värderingar hos ungdomar. Sammanfattning Sammanfattningsvis visade den föreliggande studien hur föräldraskap både direkt och indirekt kan påverka demokratiska värderingar hos ungdomar och hur dessa resultat kunde användas för demokratisk samhällsfostran.
Segregering eller segregation är ett fenomen som kan förekomma inom olika områden av samhället. Inom samhällsvetenskaperna kan segregering definieras som det rumsliga åtskiljandet av befolkningsgrupper på urval av ras eller etniskt ursprung, kön, social härkomst, religion, ålder, yrke, osv. Segregering av befolkningsgrupper sker ofta mer eller mindre frivilligt och är motsatsen till integration. Inom partikelteknologi definieras segregering oftast som det rumsliga åtskiljandet av beståndsdelarna i en blandning av olika partiklar. Segregering sker då på urval av bl.a. partiklarnas storlek, densitet, form, elektrostatiska eller mekaniska egenskaper, och kan beskrivas som motsatsen till blandning. Segregeringsmekanismer används för att förklara hur och varför en partikelblandning segregerar samt vad slutresultatet i form av den rumsliga fördelningen av partiklarna blir till följd av att blandningen utsetts för en viss behandling. I denna avhandling har segregering av partikelblandningar och speciellt torra mineralbaserade byggmaterial (t.ex. murbruk) till följd av lagring i siloer studerats. Vid industriell produktion av mineralbaserade byggmaterial används siloer för korttidslagring av slutprodukterna precis innan förpackning. Segregering leder till kraftiga variationer i sammansättningen för partikelströmmen ut ur silon, vilket gör att slutprodukterna inte uppfyller kvalitetskraven och kan därmed inte säljas till kunder. Detta leder till arbetsam och dyr bearbetning (återcirkulation) av produkterna med påföljder för produktionsekonomin samt hållbara utvecklingen. I avhandlingen identifierades de väsentligaste segregeringsmekanismerna för torra mineralbaserade byggmaterial i siloer. Dessutom klargjordes effekterna av materialegenskaper, processbetingelser och siloparametrar. Slutligen behandlas möjliga åtgärder för minskning av partikelsegregering i siloer samt tillämpning av matematiska metoder för simulering av partikelflöden med hjälp av datorer.
The focus of the present work was on 10- to 12-year-old elementary school students’ conceptual learning outcomes in science in two specific inquiry-learning environments, laboratory and simulation. The main aim was to examine if it would be more beneficial to combine than contrast simulation and laboratory activities in science teaching. It was argued that the status quo where laboratories and simulations are seen as alternative or competing methods in science teaching is hardly an optimal solution to promote students’ learning and understanding in various science domains. It was hypothesized that it would make more sense and be more productive to combine laboratories and simulations. Several explanations and examples were provided to back up the hypothesis. In order to test whether learning with the combination of laboratory and simulation activities can result in better conceptual understanding in science than learning with laboratory or simulation activities alone, two experiments were conducted in the domain of electricity. In these experiments students constructed and studied electrical circuits in three different learning environments: laboratory (real circuits), simulation (virtual circuits), and simulation-laboratory combination (real and virtual circuits were used simultaneously). In order to measure and compare how these environments affected students’ conceptual understanding of circuits, a subject knowledge assessment questionnaire was administered before and after the experimentation. The results of the experiments were presented in four empirical studies. Three of the studies focused on learning outcomes between the conditions and one on learning processes. Study I analyzed learning outcomes from experiment I. The aim of the study was to investigate if it would be more beneficial to combine simulation and laboratory activities than to use them separately in teaching the concepts of simple electricity. Matched-trios were created based on the pre-test results of 66 elementary school students and divided randomly into a laboratory (real circuits), simulation (virtual circuits) and simulation-laboratory combination (real and virtual circuits simultaneously) conditions. In each condition students had 90 minutes to construct and study various circuits. The results showed that studying electrical circuits in the simulation–laboratory combination environment improved students’ conceptual understanding more than studying circuits in simulation and laboratory environments alone. Although there were no statistical differences between simulation and laboratory environments, the learning effect was more pronounced in the simulation condition where the students made clear progress during the intervention, whereas in the laboratory condition students’ conceptual understanding remained at an elementary level after the intervention. Study II analyzed learning outcomes from experiment II. The aim of the study was to investigate if and how learning outcomes in simulation and simulation-laboratory combination environments are mediated by implicit (only procedural guidance) and explicit (more structure and guidance for the discovery process) instruction in the context of simple DC circuits. Matched-quartets were created based on the pre-test results of 50 elementary school students and divided randomly into a simulation implicit (SI), simulation explicit (SE), combination implicit (CI) and combination explicit (CE) conditions. The results showed that when the students were working with the simulation alone, they were able to gain significantly greater amount of subject knowledge when they received metacognitive support (explicit instruction; SE) for the discovery process than when they received only procedural guidance (implicit instruction: SI). However, this additional scaffolding was not enough to reach the level of the students in the combination environment (CI and CE). A surprising finding in Study II was that instructional support had a different effect in the combination environment than in the simulation environment. In the combination environment explicit instruction (CE) did not seem to elicit much additional gain for students’ understanding of electric circuits compared to implicit instruction (CI). Instead, explicit instruction slowed down the inquiry process substantially in the combination environment. Study III analyzed from video data learning processes of those 50 students that participated in experiment II (cf. Study II above). The focus was on three specific learning processes: cognitive conflicts, self-explanations, and analogical encodings. The aim of the study was to find out possible explanations for the success of the combination condition in Experiments I and II. The video data provided clear evidence about the benefits of studying with the real and virtual circuits simultaneously (the combination conditions). Mostly the representations complemented each other, that is, one representation helped students to interpret and understand the outcomes they received from the other representation. However, there were also instances in which analogical encoding took place, that is, situations in which the slightly discrepant results between the representations ‘forced’ students to focus on those features that could be generalised across the two representations. No statistical differences were found in the amount of experienced cognitive conflicts and self-explanations between simulation and combination conditions, though in self-explanations there was a nascent trend in favour of the combination. There was also a clear tendency suggesting that explicit guidance increased the amount of self-explanations. Overall, the amount of cognitive conflicts and self-explanations was very low. The aim of the Study IV was twofold: the main aim was to provide an aggregated overview of the learning outcomes of experiments I and II; the secondary aim was to explore the relationship between the learning environments and students’ prior domain knowledge (low and high) in the experiments. Aggregated results of experiments I & II showed that on average, 91% of the students in the combination environment scored above the average of the laboratory environment, and 76% of them scored also above the average of the simulation environment. Seventy percent of the students in the simulation environment scored above the average of the laboratory environment. The results further showed that overall students seemed to benefit from combining simulations and laboratories regardless of their level of prior knowledge, that is, students with either low or high prior knowledge who studied circuits in the combination environment outperformed their counterparts who studied in the laboratory or simulation environment alone. The effect seemed to be slightly bigger among the students with low prior knowledge. However, more detailed inspection of the results showed that there were considerable differences between the experiments regarding how students with low and high prior knowledge benefitted from the combination: in Experiment I, especially students with low prior knowledge benefitted from the combination as compared to those students that used only the simulation, whereas in Experiment II, only students with high prior knowledge seemed to benefit from the combination relative to the simulation group. Regarding the differences between simulation and laboratory groups, the benefits of using a simulation seemed to be slightly higher among students with high prior knowledge. The results of the four empirical studies support the hypothesis concerning the benefits of using simulation along with laboratory activities to promote students’ conceptual understanding of electricity. It can be concluded that when teaching students about electricity, the students can gain better understanding when they have an opportunity to use the simulation and the real circuits in parallel than if they have only the real circuits or only a computer simulation available, even when the use of the simulation is supported with the explicit instruction. The outcomes of the empirical studies can be considered as the first unambiguous evidence on the (additional) benefits of combining laboratory and simulation activities in science education as compared to learning with laboratories and simulations alone.
Lounais-Suomen ympäristöohjelma on ohjelmakauden 2007–2012 välitarkistus. Se toteuttaa lyhyellä aikavälillä Lounais-Suomenympäristöstrategiaa 2020. Ohjelma sisältää strategisten tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi tarpeelliset tavoitteet ja toimenpiteet vuosille 2010–2013. Tarkistus on toteutettu alueen keskeisten toimijoiden laajana yhteistyönä. Toimenpiteiden toteuttajia ovat Varsinais-Suomen ja Satakunnan alueen kunnat ja muut julkishallinnon organisaatiot, toiminnanharjoittajat, järjestöt ja muut yhteisöt sekä asukkaat. Ympäristöohjelman tarkistuksessa korostuivat entistä enemmän ilmastonmuutokseen ja sitä kautta energiaan ja yhdyskuntarakenteeseen liittyvät asiat. Tarkistuksen yhteydessä päädyttiin jatkamaan ohjelmakautta vuodella eteenpäin, vuoteen 2013. Tarkistuksen yhteydessä toimenpiteitä päivitettiin ottaen huomioon tapahtuneet muutokset toteuttajatahoissa ja uudet sektorikohtaiset ohjelmat ja suunnitelmat. Ympäristöohjelman rakenne muutettiin strategian jaottelun mukaiseksi. Tästä poiketen ympäristötutkimusta ja -seurantaa käsiteltiin omana aiheena nimeten sille painopisteet sekä muut tavoitteet ja kehittämistarpeet. Ympäristöohjelman teemoina ovat pintavedet, ilmastonmuutos, pohjavedet ja maaperä, ympäristövastuullisuus ja ekotehokkuus, alueiden käyttö ja yhdyskuntarakenne, ympäristövaikutukset ja –riskit, luonnon monimuotoisuus, kulttuuriympäristö ja luonnonmaisema, elinympäristö, luonnonvarat sekä ympäristötutkimus ja ympäristön tilan seuranta. Ympäristöohjelma soveltuu työvälineeksi ja tueksi alueen toimijoiden laatiessa omia strategioita, ohjelmia ja toimintasuunnitelmiaan. Se toimii myös vahvana perusteena, kun hankkeille haetaan rahoitusta eri rahoituslähteistä. Ympäristöohjelman tarkistusta on rahoitettu maakuntien kehittämisrahalla Varsinais-Suomen liitosta ja Satakuntaliitosta. Muita rahoittajia ovat olleet Turun ja Porin kaupungit sekä Varsinais-Suomen ELY-keskus.
De förändringar som sker i samhället och i ungdomskulturen har gett upphov till ett fjärmande från naturen bland ungdomar. Samtidigt är det synnerligen relevant hur människan förhåller sig till naturen i en tid då så gott som all natur är mer eller mindre påverkad av människan och jordens befolkning ökar i snabb takt. Syftet med avhandlingen är att fördjupa förståelsen av gymnasie-studerandes förhållande till naturen. Syftet har brutits ner i fyra forskningsfrågor som berör gymnasiestuderandes beskrivningar av begreppen natur och miljö samt deras naturintresse, miljöetiska hållning och förhållande till miljökrisen. Den empiriska undersökningen bestod av två delstudier: en enkätundersökning (N=678) och en intervjuundersökning (N=14) bland österbottniska gymnasiestuderande. Den ringa andelen studerande som var helt ointresserade av naturen utgjorde ett positivt resultat med tanke på utgångspunkterna för lärande om naturen, men andelen eldsjälar var också liten. Respondenterna ansåg inte att skolan hade påverkat deras naturintresse nämnvärt. Studien visade även att studerandena hade en övervägande romantisk syn på naturen, med såväl människocentrerade som naturcentrerade inslag. Naturvärden som betonar rekreation, estetik och materiell nytta var de mest centrala värdena för de studerande. Flickors värderingar var i högre grad naturcentrerade än pojkars. De studerandes oro för miljökrisen var starkt kopplad till framtiden och de verkade inte inse att läget redan är akut på många områden. På basis av de kategorier som blev resultatet när respondenterna skulle ange orsakerna till sitt naturintresse respektive ointresse för naturen kan man konkludera att det är a och o att i undervisningen sträva efter att elever i olika åldrar börjar trivas i naturen. De naturvärden som visade sig vara de mest centrala för studerande borde även betonas i undervisningen för att föra ungdomarna närmare naturen och därigenom motverka det fjärmande som sker.
To create a more inclusive school, an increase in multidisciplinary cooperation is needed. One possible form of collaboration could encompass the special education teacher taking on the role of a consultant for other teachers in need of support in working with heterogeneous groups of pupils. Previous research shows that special education teachers see the role as consultant as diffuse and complex. The overarching aim of the present study involves deepening the knowledge on how consultation in a special educational context can be understood and developed based on teachers’ descriptions on this particular form of activity interpreted against various perspectives on consultation. The study is qualitative in nature and rests on a hermeneutic interpretive research tradition in combination with an abductive approach. The theoretical framework consists of two different approaches to consultation: the directive and the non-directive approach. The approaches differ regarding particular emphasis on advice and reflection during the consultation and with respect to who or what should be the focus of the consultation. The two approaches are here studied through various theories such as social learning theory, Bruner's theory of scaffolding, Roger’s humanist psychology, and constructivism. Semi-structured interviews were held with eighteen special education teachers (n=9) and class teachers (n=9) working in the compulsory school. The overall interpretation of the results shows that special education consultation can be understood as three different types of consultation. Consultation as counseling which harmonizes with the directive perspective on consultation is the most prominent type. In the consultation as counseling conversation, the special educational knowledge transfer is central and the focus is placed on the pupil. Although special education knowledge transfer emerges as a unique aspect of special education consultation, there are several inherent challenges in this type of consultation that can be addressed in that teachers also describe two other types of consultation. In the reflective consultation, there is a move away from the pupil focus and toward a focus on the class teacher and the use of reflection. The reflective consultation harmonizes with the non-directive approach to consultation. This type of consultation does not as of yet have a prominent place in the Finland-Swedish school context and at this stage it is not seen as a legitimate type of consultation according to the teachers’ descriptions. Despite this, certain aspects of the reflective conversation could be given more space in the development of consultation within special educational contexts. The co-operative consultation is characterized by the teachers acting as teammates and using professional exchange as a strategy for consultation. Both teachers' knowledge is seen as central, and rather than the special education teacher acting as the expert and moderator, the teachers control the consultation together and jointly move the work along. The co-operative consultation enables the focus to move from the pupil toward the context, which can lead to the development of inclusive practices. The results indicate that this type of consultation holds potential in the development of special educational consultation that takes place between equal colleagues. The co-operative consultation opens up for a third collaborative approach to consultation, where aspects of the directive and non-directive perspective can merge and develop. The thesis concludes with the proposal that special pedagogical consultation can be understood from an integrated perspective. The characteristics of the consultation can vary depending on the type of problem or situation, while co-operative consultation can be seen as the ideal as equal colleagues meet in consultation conversations. In order to develop the co-operative consultation, both teachers are required to have knowledge of consultation as a practice, to be part of a collaborative school climate, and that teachers are provided with enough time to take part in consultations.
Contemporary organisations have to embrace the notion of doing ‘more with less’. This challenges knowledge production within companies and public organisations, forcing them to reorganise their structures and rethink what knowledge production actually means in the context of innovation and how knowledge is actually produced among various professional groups within the organisation in their everyday actions. Innovations are vital for organisational survival, and ‘ordinary’ employees and customers are central but too-often ignored producers of knowledge for contemporary organisations. Broader levels of participation and reflexive practices are needed. This dissertation discusses the missing links between innovation research conducted in the context of industrial management, arts, and culture; applied drama and theatre practices (specifically post-Boalian approaches); and learning – especially organising reflection – in organisational settings. This dissertation (1) explores and extends the role of research-based theatre to organising reflection and reflexive practices in the context of practice-based innovation, (2) develops a reflexive model of RBT for investigating and developing practice-based organisational process innovations in order to contribute to the development of a tool for innovation management and analysis, and (3) operationalises this model within private- and publicsector organisations. The proposed novel reflexive model of research-based theatre for investigating and developing practice-based organisational process innovations extends existing methods and offers a different way of organising reflection and reflexive practices in the context of general innovation management. The model was developed through five participatory action research processes conducted in four different organisations. The results provide learning steps – a reflection path – for understanding complex organisational life, people, and relations amid renewal and change actions. The proposed model provides a new approach to organising and cultivating reflexivity in practice-based innovation activities via research-based theatre. The results can be utilised as a guideline when processing practice-based innovation within private or public organisations. The model helps innovation managers to construct, together with their employees, temporary communities where they can learn together through reflecting on their own and each others’ experiences and to break down assumptions related to their own perspectives. The results include recommendations for practical development steps applicable in various organisations with regard to (i) application of research-based theatre and (ii) related general innovation management. The dissertation thus contributes to the development of novel learning approaches in knowledge production. Keywords: practice-based innovation, research-based theatre, learning, reflection, mode 2b knowledge production
Varsinais-Suomen aikuiskoulutusstrategiassa 2009–2015 sovittiin, että strategian välitarkastelu suoritetaan vuoden 2012 aikana. Varsinais-Suomen ELY-keskuksen hallinnoiman Koulutusta ja yhteistyötä Varsinais-Suomeen –hankkeen avulla aikuiskoulutusstrategia päivitettiin ja laajennettiin Varsinais-Suomen koulutusstrategiaksi. Strategiatyö toteutettiin kymmenen teemaryhmien avulla ohjausryhmän koordinoimana ja Varsinais-Suomen MYR:n koulutusjaoston valvonnassa. Strategisesti tärkeimmiksi kehittämisen kohteiksi Varsinais-Suomessa valittiin ennakointi, hanketoiminta sekä koulutuksen työelämä- ja yritysyhteistyö. Varsinais-Suomen koulutusstrategia 2015+:n painopisteet ovat osaamisen vahvistaminen, koulutuksen laadun varmistaminen sekä alueellinen ja valtakunnallinen vaikuttaminen. Painopisteet on konkretisoitu tavoitteiksi, jotka ovat (1.) alueen koulutusmahdollisuudet tunnetaan ja työllistävien alojen vetovoima kasvaa, (2.) koulutus vastaa työelämän muuttuviin tarpeisiin, (3.) koulutuspalvelut lisäävät asukkaiden hyvinvointia ja elämänhallintaa, (4.) koulutus- ja ohjauspalvelut ovat asiakaslähtöisiä, (5.) elinikäinen oppiminen on kaikille mahdollista, (6.) opettajuutta ja ohjausta kehitetään yhdessä (7.) uusia oppimis- ja ohjausympäristöjä kehitetään ja otetaan käyttöön, (8.) oppilaitokset ja yritykset tekevät pitkäjänteistä, strategista ennakointiyhteistyötä, (9.) oppilaitokset profiloituvat ja parantavat keskinäistä työnjakoa, (10.) oppilaitokset toimivat monialaisissa verkostoissa, sekä (11.) osaamisen ja verkostojen johtamista kehitetään, vaikutetaan oppilaitoskulttuuriin. Kaikki tavoitteet on strategiassa purettu käytännön toimenpiteiksi ja vastuutettu maakunnan toimijoille.
Vad innebär det att vara lärare? Vad handlar det pedagogiska uppdraget om? Vad behöver människan för att leva? I en tid präglad av internationella kunskapsmätningar och ekonomiska krav på lönsamhet och effektivitet ligger det nära till hands att lärarens uppgift begränsas till det som är mätbart, som ger snabba resultat och som svarar mot den globala marknadens krav. Det pedagogiska uppdraget handlar dock om mera än detta och beskrivs i lärarprofessionslitteratur som ett dubbelt uppdrag. För att leva behöver människan kunskap, men hon behöver också (lära sig att leva som) en medmänniska. Det innefattar dels uppdraget att främja och utveckla kunskaper, färdigheter och attityder hos eleven, men inkluderar också ett moraliskt ansvarsperspektiv för läraren att i undervisningssituationerna leva som en närvarande medmänniska tillsammans med eleven. Den lärare som ”enbart undervisar” fullgör inte sitt pedagogiska uppdrag, men det gör heller inte den som struntar i att utveckla elevens kunskaper och enbart är en ”trevlig medmänniska”. Pedagogikens dubbla uppdrag analyseras och utvecklas i avhandlingen utgående från Martin Bubers dialogfilosofi, som formulerar människans dubbla hållning till omvärlden: som Jag till Det och Jag med Du. I den pedagogiska verksamheten ligger fokus naturligt på kunskapandet (Jag-Det), varför påminnelsen om medlevandet (Jag-Du) är relevant. I Jag-Du-möten öppnas möjligheter för lärare och elever att erfara det annorlunda, det oväntade, det som avviker från det redan kategoriserade, det som erbjuder nya perspektiv. I den meningen bidrar Jag-Du-möten till kunskapsutvecklingen genom insikter och lärande av oförutsett slag. Samtidigt är det i dessa medlevande möten som elevens (och också lärarens) medvetenhet om vad det är att människa tillsammans med andra människor växer.
I Egentliga Finlands vuxenutbildningsstrategi 2009-2015 framgår det att mellangranskningen av strategin ska genomföras under 2012. Med hjälp av projektet Koulutusta ja yhteistyötä Varsinais-Suomeen (Utbildning och samarbete i Egentliga Finland), som administrerats av ELY-centralen i Egentliga Finland, kunde man uppdatera och utvidga vuxenutbildningsstrategin till Egentliga Finlands utbildningstrategi. Det strategiska arbetet genomfördes med hjälp av tio temagrupper som koordinerades av en styrgrupp och övervakades av utbildningssektionen vid Landskapets samarbetsgrupp (MYR) i Egentliga Finland. Till det som strategiskt sett är viktigast att utveckla valde man föregripande, projektverksamhet och utbildningens samarbete med arbetsliv och företag. Tyngdpunkterna i Egentliga Finlands utbildningsstrategi 2015+ är att stärka kunnandet, säkerställa utbildningens kvalitet och att påverka regionalt och på riksplanet. Tyngdpunkterna har konkretiserats som mål som är (1) att regionens utbildningsmöjligheter är kända och att de branscher som erbjuder sysselsättning får ökad dragningskraft, (2) att utbildningen motsvarar de föränderliga behoven i arbetslivet, (3) att utbildningstjänsterna ökar invånarnas välmående och livskompetens, (4) att utbildnings- och handledningstjänsterna är kundinriktade, (5) att alla har möjlighet till livslångt lärande, (6) att man utvecklar lärarskapet och handledningen gemensamt, (7) att nya lär- och handledningsmiljöer utvecklas och tas i användning, (8) att läroanstalter och företag gör långsiktigt och strategiskt föregripande samarbete, (9) att läroanstalterna profilerar sig och förbättrar den inbördes arbetsfördelningen, (10) att läroanstalterna verkar i branschövergripande nätverk och (11) att ledningen för kunnande och nätverk utvecklas och inverkar på läroanstaltskulturen. I strategin har alla mål brutits ner till praktiska åtgärder och ansvaret har lagts över på landskapets aktörer.
Diplomityöni tavoitteena oli tutkia Panssariprikaatin Panssarijääkärikomppaniassa vuonna 2012 toteutetun Virtual Battlespace 2 – simulaattorijärjestelmän hyötypilotoinnin yhteyttä yksikössä palvelleiden varusmiesten taisteluteknisen osaamisen kehittymiseen. Tutkimuksella on liityntäpintoja Puolustusvoimien maapuolustuksen kehittämisohjelmaan ja se tukee jalkaväen taistelukoulutuksen kehittämistä. Kyseessä on laadullinen tutkimus, jossa tutkittava ilmiö on VBS2-järjestelmän koulutuskäytön yhteys ja mahdollinen vaikutus koulutettavien oppimiseen. Ilmiötä tarkastellaan koulutettavien henkilökohtaisten kokemusten ja oppimisen reflektion näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen viitekehys on muodostettu toimintakyvyn kehittämistä, taisteluteknisen osaamisen rakentumista sekä virtuaalisia oppimisympäristöjä käsittelevistä teorioista. Tutkimusmenetelmänä sovellettiin tapaustutkimusta, jonka empiirinen aineisto kerättiin Panssarijääkärikomppanian varusmiesten ja henkilökunnan teemahaastatteluin. Aineisto käsiteltiin aineistolähtöisen analyysin periaattein. Tutkimuksen tuloksina ilmeni, että VBS2:n käytöllä ja Panssarijääkärikomppanian varusmiesten oppimisella oli heidän kokemuksensa perusteella havaittavissa yhteys. Keskeisenä havaintona VBS2-koulutus auttoi koulutettavia luomaan itselleen mielikuvan tavoitellusta toiminnasta, joka toimi sisäisenä vertailukohtana maastossa toteutettavassa taistelukoulutuksessa. Varusmiesten näkemykset VBS2-koulutuksen vaikutuksista oman taisteluteknisen osaamisensa kehittymiseen vaihtelevat hieman koulutustason ja tehtävän mukaan. Upseerikokelailla ja ryhmänjohtajilla oppimisessa korostuivat taistelukentän tapahtumien sekä oman joukon toiminnan kokonaisuuden hahmottamisen merkitys, jota tuki virtuaalisen oppimisympäristön avulla aikaan saatu poikkeuksellinen havainnollisuus. Miehistön jäsenet kiinnittivät johtajia enemmän huomiota järjestelmän tekniseen toimivuuteen liittyviin seikkoihin sekä eri toiminnallisuuksien realistisuuteen. Henkilökunta koki VBS2-koulutuksen vähentävän erityisesti teoriaoppituntien tarvetta ja nopeuttavan varusmiesten taisteluteknisten aiheiden oppimisprosessia siten, että maastossa toteutettaville soveltaville taisteluharjoituksille on käytettävissä aiempaa enemmän aikaa. VBS2-koulutus tukee käytännön kokemusten perusteella pitkävaikutteisesti maastossa tapahtuvaa taistelukoulutusta. Käytännön taisteluharjoitusten laadun koettiin lisäksi parantuneen varusmiesten ollessa totuttua aiemmin valmiita soveltamaan oppimaansa, sillä tyypillisimmät virheet oli saatu karsittua jo hyvin lyhytkestoisen VBS2-koulutuksen avulla. Yleisesti haastatellut varusmiehet pitivät VBS2:ta mielekkäänä ja motivoivana välineenä nykyaikaisen taistelukentän olosuhteiden ja oman sekä vihollisen toiminnan havainnollistamiseen ja opettamiseen. Myönteisten koulutustulosten aikaan saaminen edellyttää kouluttajilta korkeaa ammattitaitoa sekä VBS2:n käytön monipuolista hallintaa. Järjestelmäalustan tekniseen laatuun, toimivuuteen ja luotettavuuteen on panostettava, sillä erilaisista laitteisto-ongelmista johtuneet häiriötilanteet koettiin yhtenä eniten oppimista haittaavana ja motivaatiota laskevana tekijänä.
Male germ cell differentiation, spermatogenesis is an exceptional developmental process that produces a massive amount of genetically unique spermatozoa. The complexity of this process along with the technical limitations in the germline research has left many aspects of spermatogenesis poorly understood. Post-meiotic haploid round spermatids possess the most complex transcriptomes of the whole body. Correspondingly, efficient and accurate control mechanisms are necessary to deal with the huge diversity of transcribed RNAs in these cells. The high transcriptional activity in round spermatids is accompanied by the presence of an uncommonly large cytoplasmic ribonucleoprotein granule, called the chromatoid body (CB) that is conjectured to participate in the RNA post-transcriptional regulation. However, very little is known about the possible mechanisms of the CB function. The development of a procedure to isolate CBs from mouse testes was this study’s objective. Anti-MVH immunoprecipitation of cross-linked CBs from a fractionated testicular cell lysate was optimized to yield considerable quantities of pure and intact CBs from mice testes. This protocol produced reliable and reproducible data from the subsequent analysis of CB’s protein and RNA components. We found that the majority of the CB’s proteome consists of RNA-binding proteins that associate functionally with different pathways. We also demonstrated notable localization patterns of one of the CB transient components, SAM68 and showed that its ablation does not change the general composition or structure of the CB. CB-associated RNA analysis revealed a strong accumulation of PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs), mRNAs and long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) in the CB. When the CB transcriptome and proteome analysis results were combined, the most pronounced molecular functions in the CB were related to piRNA pathway, RNA post-transcriptional processing and CB structural scaffolding. In addition, we demonstrated that the CB is a target for the main RNA flux from the nucleus throughout all steps of round spermatid development. Moreover, we provided preliminary evidence that those isolated CBs slice target RNAs in vitro in an ATPdependent manner. Altogether, these results make a strong suggestion that the CB functions involve RNA-related and RNA-mediated mechanisms. All the existing data supports the hypothesis that the CB coordinates the highly complex haploid transcriptome during the preparation of the male gametes for fertilization. Thereby, this study provides a fundamental basis for the future functional analyses of ribonucleoprotein granules and offers also important insights into the mechanisms governing male fertility.
This study is based on the notion that all students are likely to have a computer of some kind as their primary tool at school within a few years. The overall aim is to contribute to the knowledge of what this development of computer-assisted multimodal text production and communication on and over the net may entail in a school context. The study has an abductive approach drawing on theory from Media and Communication studies and from Pedagogy - particularly on media peda-gogy, multimodality, storytelling, conversation research and deliberative democracy – and is based on a DBR project in three schools. The empirical data are retrieved from four school classes, school years 4 and 5, with good access to computers and digital cameras. The classes have used the class blogs to tell the blog visitors about their school work and Skype to communicate with other classes in Sweden and Tanzania. A variety of research methods was employed: content analysis of texts, observations with field notes and camera documentation, interviews with individual students, group interviews with teachers and students, and a small survey. The study is essentially qualitative, focusing on students’ different perceptions. A small quantitative study was conducted to determine if any factors and variables could be linked to each other and to enable comparisons of the surveyed group with other research results. The results suggest that more computers at school offer more opportunities for real-life assignments and the chance to secure an authentic audience to the students’ production; primarily the students’ parents and relatives, students in the same class and at other schools. A theoretical analysis model to determine the degree of reality and authenticity in various school assignments was developed. The results also indicate that having access to cameras for documenting various events in the classes and to an authentic audience can create new opportunities for storytelling that have not been practiced previously at school. The documentary photo invites a viewer into the present tense of the image and the location where the picture was taken, whoever took the picture. It is used by the students and here too, a model has been developed to describe this relationship. The study also focuses on the freedom of expression and democracy. One of the more unexpected findings is that the students in the study did not see that they can influence other people’s perceptions or change various power structures through communication on the web, neither in nor outside of school.
Sloyd as an activity concretizes man’s ability to, with the help of mind and body, reshape materials into objects and change her conditions for survival. The sloyd actor outside school works when the spirit moves her, while the pupil in school is expected to sloyd regardless of motivation. Subject teachers become experts on sloyd in educational settings, while the qualification requirements may set the class teachers’ voluntariness within parenthesis. All class teachers qualify to teach all core subjects of the national curriculum in Finland from preschool to grade six. The aim of the current thesis is to deepen the knowledge on how the science of sloyd education can support class teacher students’ future teaching in sloyd. In the empirical part of the study, Swedish-speaking Finnish class teacher students’ views on technical sloyd as one of their future subjects for teaching are examined. The class teacher’s qualifying skills in teaching technical sloyd are expected to take shape during only a few ECTS study points. The teacher students’ experience of the subject from the pupil’s perspective is supposed to move into a budding teacher subject. In a research-based teacher education, self-reflection and reflection as a dialogue are extended aided by research results. Intuitive thinking interplays with rational thinking during this time. The teacher student’s approach to make use of the autonomous free space in teaching is, in the current thesis, as considerations where the individual weighs the pros and cons in relation to various phenomena in sloyd and the school overall. The basis for an individual autonomy is shaped and is expected to interplay on the common arena of autonomy. In the exercise of their profession, the class teacher teaching sloyd is expected to oscillate between the sloyd educational practice and theory. The first step in this movement within the teacher education is the coverage of a selection of theories during the studies. The empirical part of the study is carried out at two separate occasions with directed open-ended interviews with fifteen class teacher students in the beginning and end of their first year of study. The data was analysed with a hermeneutic approach and a qualitatively oriented approach to content analysis. The results are mirrored against theory within the science of sloyd education. The results show that class teacher students have a versatile view of educational sloyd. The overall results overthrow parts of the researcher’s pre-understanding. The viewpoint of the students seems to broaden from a merely manual activity to seeing sloyd as an educational activity. In order for the results to gain significance in the teacher education of the future, a line of reasoning is conducted in order to recommend an extended dialogue and thirteen possible themes for enriching discussions are put forth as a result of the present study. The extended dialogue focuses on that teacher education should make conscious ventures to create opportunities for the students to take part in effective discussions on the subject of sloyd, complementing the existing dialogue between the teacher educator and the students. This thesis lends support to reflections on the following aspects of educational sloyd in these dialogues: the reasons for why the sloyd subject exists, the ambitions of the subject, the content and organization of the subject for students as well as for the teacher educators.
Varsinais-Suomen ELY-keskus on tehnyt selvityksen Lounais-Suomen viemäröintialueiden laajentamisesta. Samalla priorisoitiin tärkeimmät toteutuskohteet. Työssä päivitettiin vanha, vuonna 2006 tehty, Varsinais-Suomen ja Satakunnan potentiaaliset viemäröintialueet selvitys. Työssä tarkasteltiin nykyisten vesihuoltolaitosten toiminta-alueiden ja muiden rakennettujen viemäriverkostojen ulkopuolisia alueita, joille viemäriverkko olisi mahdollista ulottaa. Tiettyjen kriteerien ja laskentaperusteiden perusteella on arvioitu, millä alueilla viemäröinti olisi kiinteistökohtaisiin järjestelmiin verrattuna kannattava vaihtoehto. Priorisoinnin avulla on saatu tärkeimmät viemäröintialueet nostettua kiireellisimmin toteutettaviksi. Päivitetty selvitys toimii kunnille, maakuntien liitoille, vesihuoltolaitoksille ja Varsinais-Suomen ELY-keskukselle työkaluna mm. vesihuollon kehittämisessä, kaavoituksessa ja avustusten kohdentamisessa. Kyläyhteisöille ja haja-asutusalueiden asukkaille selvitys tarjoaa tietoa viemäröinnin kustannuksista ja eri jätevesien käsittelyvaihtoehdoista. Selvitys ei ole toteutussitoumus eikä siinä oteta kantaa siihen, mikä taho viemäröinnin toteuttaa.