980 resultados para shape from shading


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The objective of this thesis is to investigate whether the corporate governance practices adopted by Chinese listed firms are associated with the quality of earnings information. Based on a review of agency and institutional theory, this study develops hypotheses that predict the monitoring effectiveness of the board and the audit committee. Using a combination of univariate and multivariate analyses, the association between corporate governance mechanisms and earnings management are tested from 2004 to 2008. Through analysing the empirical results, a number of findings are summarised as below. First, board independence is weakened by the introduction of government officials as independent directors on the boards. Government officials acting as independent directors, claim that they meet the definition of independent director set by the regulation. However, they have some connection with the State, which is the controlling shareholder in listed SOEs affiliated companies. Consequently, the effect of the independent director’s expertise in constraining earnings management is mitigated as demonstrated by an insignificant association between board expertise and earnings management. An alternative explanation for the inefficiency of board independence may point to the pre-selection of independent directors by the powerful CEO. It is argued that a CEO can manipulate the board composition and choose the "desirable" independent directors to monitor themselves. Second, a number of internal mechanisms, such as board size, board activities, and the separation of the roles of the CEO and chair are found to be significantly associated with discretionary accruals. This result suggests that there are advantages in having a large and active board in the Chinese setting. This can offset the disadvantages associated with large boards, such as increased bureaucracy, and hence, increase the constraining effects of a large and resourceful board. Third, factor analysis identifies two factors: CEO power and board power. CEO power is the factor which consists of CEO duality and turnover, and board power is composed of board size and board activity. The results of CEO power show that if a Chinese listed company has CEO duality and turnover at the same time, it is more likely to have a high level of earnings management. The significant and negative relationship between board power and accruals indicate that large boards with frequent meetings can be associated with low level of earnings management. Overall, the factor analysis suggests that certain governance mechanisms complement each other to become more efficient monitors of opportunistic earnings management. A combination of board characteristics can increase the negative association with earnings management. Fourth, the insignificant results between audit committees and earnings management in Chinese listed firms suggests that the Chinese regulator should strengthen the audit committee functions. This thesis calls for listed firms to disclose more information on audit committee composition and activities, which can facilitate future research on the Chinese audit committee’s monitoring role. Fifth, the interactive results between State ownership and board characteristics show that dominant State ownership has a moderating effect on board monitoring power as the State totally controls 42% of the issued shares. The high percentage of State ownership makes it difficult for the non-controlling institutional shareholders to challenge the State’s dominant status. As a result, the association between non-controlling institutional ownership and earnings management is insignificant in most situations. Lastly, firms audited by the international Big4 have lower abnormal accruals than firms audited by domestic Chinese audit firms. In addition, the inverse U-shape relationship between audit tenure and earnings quality demonstrates the changing effects of audit quality after a certain period of appointment. Furthermore, this thesis finds that listing in Hong Kong Stock Exchanges can be an alternative governance mechanism to discipline Chinese firms to follow strict Hong Kong listing requirements. Management of Hong Kong listed companies are exposed to the scrutiny of international investors and Hong Kong regulators. This in turn reduces their chances of conducting self-interested earnings manipulation. This study is designed to fill the gap in governance literature in China that is related to earnings management. Previous research on corporate governance mechanisms and earnings management in China is not conclusive. The current research builds on previous literature and provides some meaningful implications for practitioners, regulators, academic, and international investors who have investment interests in a transitional country. The findings of this study contribute to corporate governance and earnings management literature in the context of the transitional economy of China. The use of alternative measures for earnings management yields similar results compared with the accruals models and produces additional findings.


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This paper presents a path planning technique for ground vehicles that accounts for the dynamics of the vehicle, the topography of the terrain and the wheel/ground interaction properties such as friction. The first two properties can be estimated using well known sensors and techniques, but the third is not often estimated even though it has a significant effect on the motion of a high-speed vehicle. We introduce a technique which allows the estimation of wheel slip from which frictional parameters can be inferred. We present simulation results which show the importance of modelling topography and ground properties and experimental results which show how ground properties can be estimated along a 350m outdoor traverse.


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Anthropometry has long been used for a range of ergonomic applications & product design. Although products are often designed for specific cohorts, anthropometric data are typically sourced from large scale surveys representative of the general population. Additionally, few data are available for emerging markets like China and India. This study measured 80 Chinese males that were representative of a specific cohort targeted for the design of a new product. Thirteen anthropometric measurements were recorded and compared to two large databases that represented a general population, a Chinese database and a Western database. Substantial differences were identified between the Chinese males measured in this study and both databases. The subjects were substantially taller, heavier and broader than subjects in the older Chinese database. However, they were still substantially smaller, lighter and thinner than Western males. Data from current Western anthropometric surveys are unlikely to accurately represent the target population for product designers and manufacturers in emerging markets like China.


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Nursing personnel are consistently identified as one of the occupational groups most at risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders. During the moving and handling of bariatric patients, the weight of the patient combined with atypical body mass contributes to a significant risk of injury to the care provider and patient. This is further compounded by the shape, mobility and co-operation of the patient. The aim of this study was determine user experiences and design requirements for mobile hoists with bariatric patients. Structured interviews were conducted with six experienced injury management staff from the Manual Task Services department of three hospitals in Adelaide, South Australia. All staff had experience in patient handling, the use of patient handling equipment and the provision of patient handling training. A series of open-ended questions were structured around five main themes: 1) patient factors; 2) building/vehicle space and design; 3) equipment and furniture; 4) communication; and 5) staff issues. Questions focussed on the use of mobile hoists for lifting and transferring bariatric patients. Interviews were supplemented with a walk-through of the hospital to view the types of mobile hoists used, and the location and storage of equipment. Across the three hospitals there were differing classification systems to define bariatric patients. Ensuring patient dignity, respect and privacy were viewed as important in the management and rehabilitation of bariatric patients. Storage and space constraints were considered factors restricting the use of mobile floor hoists, with ceiling hoists being the preferred method for patient transfers. When using mobile floor hoists, the forces required to push, pull and manoeuvre, as well as sudden unstable movements of the hoist were considered important risks factors giving rise to a risk of injury to the care provider. Record keeping and purchasing policies appeared to inhibit the effective use of patient handling equipment. The moving and handling of bariatric patients presents complex and challenging issues. A co-ordinated and collaborative approach for moving and handling bariatric patients is needed across the range of care providers. Designers must consider both user and patient requirements.


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Purpose: We provide an account of the relationships between eye shape, retinal shape and peripheral refraction. Recent findings: We discuss how eye and retinal shapes may be described as conicoids, and we describe an axis and section reference system for determining shapes. Explanations are given of how patterns of retinal expansion during the development of myopia may contribute to changing patterns of peripheral refraction, and how pre-existing retinal shape might contribute to the development of myopia. Direct and indirect techniques for determining eye and retinal shape are described, and results are discussed. There is reasonable consistency in the literature of eye length increasing at a greater rate than height and width as the degree of myopia increases, so that eyes may be described as changing from oblate/spherical shapes to prolate shapes. However, one study indicates that the retina itself, while showing the same trend, remains oblate in shape for most eyes (discounting high myopia). Eye shape and retinal shape are not the same and merely describing an eye shape as being prolate or oblate is insufficient without some understanding of the parameters contributing to this; in myopia a prolate eye shape is likely to involve both a steepening retina near the posterior pole combined with a flattening (or a reduction in steepening compared with an emmetrope) away from the pole.


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Four morphologically cryptic species of the Bactrocera dorsalis fruit fly complex (B. dorsalis s.s., B. papayae, B. carambolae and B. philippinensis) are serious agricultural pests. As they are difficult to diagnose using traditional taxonomic techniques, we examined the potential for geometric morphometric analysis of wing size and shape to discriminate between them. Fifteen wing landmarks generated size and shape data for 245 specimens for subsequent comparisons among three geographically distinct samples of each species. Intraspecific wing size was significantly different within samples of B. carambolae and B. dorsalis s.s. but not within samples of B. papayae or B. philippinensis. Although B. papayae had the smallest wings (average centroid size=6.002 mm±0.061 SE) and B. dorsalis s.s. the largest (6.349 mm±0.066 SE), interspecific wing size comparisons were generally non-informative and incapable of discriminating species. Contrary to the wing size data, canonical variate analysis based on wing shape data discriminated all species with a relatively high degree of accuracy; individuals were correctly reassigned to their respective species on average 93.27% of the time. A single sample group of B. carambolae from locality 'TN Malaysia' was the only sample to be considerably different from its conspecific groups with regards to both wing size and wing shape. This sample was subsequently deemed to have been originally misidentified and likely represents an undescribed species. We demonstrate that geometric morphometric techniques analysing wing shape represent a promising approach for discriminating between morphologically cryptic taxa of the B. dorsalis species complex.


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Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) and B. papayae Drew & Hancock represent a closely related sibling species pair for which the biological species limits are unclear; i.e., it is uncertain if they are truely two biological species, or one biological species which has been incorrectly taxonomically split. The geographic ranges of the two taxa are thought to abut or overlap on or around the Isthmus of Kra, a recognised biogeographic barrier located on the narrowest portion of the Thai Peninsula. We collected fresh material of B. dorsalis sensu lato (i.e., B. dorsalis sensu stricto + B. papayae) in a north-south transect down the Thai Peninsula, from areas regarded as being exclusively B. dorsalis s.s., across the Kra Isthmus, and into regions regarded as exclusively B. papayae. We carried out microsatellite analyses and took measurements of male genitalia and wing shape. Both the latter morphological tests have been used previously to separate these two taxa. No significant population structuring was found in the microsatellite analysis and results were consistent with an interpretation of one, predominantly panmictic population. Both morphological datasets showed consistent, clinal variation along the transect, with no evidence for disjunction. No evidence in any tests supported historical vicariance driven by the Isthmus of Kra, and none of the three datasets supported the current taxonomy of two species. Rather, within and across the area of range overlap or abutment between the two species, only continuous morphological and genetic variation was recorded. Recognition that morphological traits previously used to separate these taxa are continuous, and that there is no genetic evidence for population segregation in the region of suspected species overlap, is consistent with a growing body of literature that reports no evidence of biological differentiation between these taxa.


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Dry Powder Inhaler (DPI) technology has a significant impact in the treatment of various respiratory disorders. DPI formulations consist of a micronized drug (<5ìm) blended with an inert coarse carrier, for which lactose is widely used to date. DPIs are one of the inhalation devices which are used to target the delivery of drugs to the lungs. Drug delivery via DPI formulations is influenced by the physico-chemical characteristics of lactose particles such as size, shape, surface roughness and adhesional forces. Commercially available DPI formulations, which utilise lactose as the carrier, are not efficient in delivering drug to the lungs. The reasons for this are the surface morphology, adhesional properties and surface roughness of lactose. Despite several attempts to modify lactose, the maximum efficient drug delivery to the lungs remains limited; hence, exploring suitable alternative carriers for DPIs is of paramount importance. Therefore, the objective of the project was to study the performance of spherical polymer microparticles as drug carriers and the factors controlling their performance. This study aimed to use biodegradable polymer microspheres as alternative carriers to lactose in DPIs for achieving efficient drug delivery into the lungs. This project focused on fabricating biodegradable polymer microparticles with reproducible surface morphology and particle shape. The surface characteristics of polymeric carriers and the adhesional forces between the drug and carrier particles were investigated in order to gain a better understanding of their influence on drug dispersion. For this purpose, two biodegradable polymers- polycaprolactone (PCL) and poly (DL-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) were used as the carriers to deliver the anti-asthmatic drug - Salbutamol Sulphate (SS). The first study conducted for this dissertation was the aerosolization of SS from mixtures of SS and PCL or PLGA microparticles. The microparticles were fabricated using an emulsion technique and were characterized by laser diffraction for particle size analysis, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) for surface morphology and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) to obtain surface elemental composition. The dispersion of the drug from the DPI formulations was determined by using a Twin Stage Impinger (TSI). The Fine particle Fraction (FPF) of SS from powder mixtures was analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). It was found that the drug did not detach from the surface of PCL microspheres. To overcome this, the microspheres were coated with anti-adherent agents such as magnesium stearate and leucine to improve the dispersion of the drug from the carrier surfaces. It was found that coating the PCL microspheres helped in significantly improving the FPF of SS from the PCL surface. These results were in contrast to the PLGA microspheres which readily allowed detachment of the SS from their surface. However, coating PLGA microspheres with antiadherent agents did not further improve the detachment of the drug from the surface. Thus, the first part of the study demonstrated that the surface-coated PCL microspheres and PLGA microspheres can be potential alternatives to lactose as carriers in DPI formulations; however, there was no significant improvement in the FPF of the drug. The second part of the research studied the influence of the size of the microspheres on the FPF of the drug. For this purpose, four different sizes (25 ìm, 48 ìm, 100 ìm and 150 ìm) of the PCL and PLGA microspheres were fabricated and characterized. The dispersion of the drug from microspheres of different sizes was determined. It was found that as the size of the carrier increased there was a significant increase in the FPF of SS. This study suggested that the size of the carrier plays an important role in the dispersion of the drug from the carrier surface. Subsequent experiments in the third part of the dissertation studied the surface properties of the polymeric carrier. The adhesion forces existing between the drug particle and the polymer surfaces, and the surface roughness of the carriers were quantified using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). A direct correlation between adhesion forces and dispersion of the drug from the carrier surface was observed suggesting that adhesion forces play an important role in determining the detachment potential of the drug from the carrier surface. However, no direct relationship between the surface roughness of the PCL or PLGA carrier and the FPF of the drug was observed. In conclusion, the body of work presented in this dissertation demonstrated the potential of coated PCL microspheres and PLGA microspheres to be used in DPI formulations as an alternative carrier to sugar based carriers. The study also emphasized the role of the size of the carrier particles and the forces of interaction prevailing between the drug and the carrier particle surface on the aerosolization performances of the drug.


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The most common software analysis tools available for measuring fluorescence images are for two-dimensional (2D) data that rely on manual settings for inclusion and exclusion of data points, and computer-aided pattern recognition to support the interpretation and findings of the analysis. It has become increasingly important to be able to measure fluorescence images constructed from three-dimensional (3D) datasets in order to be able to capture the complexity of cellular dynamics and understand the basis of cellular plasticity within biological systems. Sophisticated microscopy instruments have permitted the visualization of 3D fluorescence images through the acquisition of multispectral fluorescence images and powerful analytical software that reconstructs the images from confocal stacks that then provide a 3D representation of the collected 2D images. Advanced design-based stereology methods have progressed from the approximation and assumptions of the original model-based stereology(1) even in complex tissue sections(2). Despite these scientific advances in microscopy, a need remains for an automated analytic method that fully exploits the intrinsic 3D data to allow for the analysis and quantification of the complex changes in cell morphology, protein localization and receptor trafficking. Current techniques available to quantify fluorescence images include Meta-Morph (Molecular Devices, Sunnyvale, CA) and Image J (NIH) which provide manual analysis. Imaris (Andor Technology, Belfast, Northern Ireland) software provides the feature MeasurementPro, which allows the manual creation of measurement points that can be placed in a volume image or drawn on a series of 2D slices to create a 3D object. This method is useful for single-click point measurements to measure a line distance between two objects or to create a polygon that encloses a region of interest, but it is difficult to apply to complex cellular network structures. Filament Tracer (Andor) allows automatic detection of the 3D neuronal filament-like however, this module has been developed to measure defined structures such as neurons, which are comprised of dendrites, axons and spines (tree-like structure). This module has been ingeniously utilized to make morphological measurements to non-neuronal cells(3), however, the output data provide information of an extended cellular network by using a software that depends on a defined cell shape rather than being an amorphous-shaped cellular model. To overcome the issue of analyzing amorphous-shaped cells and making the software more suitable to a biological application, Imaris developed Imaris Cell. This was a scientific project with the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule, which has been developed to calculate the relationship between cells and organelles. While the software enables the detection of biological constraints, by forcing one nucleus per cell and using cell membranes to segment cells, it cannot be utilized to analyze fluorescence data that are not continuous because ideally it builds cell surface without void spaces. To our knowledge, at present no user-modifiable automated approach that provides morphometric information from 3D fluorescence images has been developed that achieves cellular spatial information of an undefined shape (Figure 1). We have developed an analytical platform using the Imaris core software module and Imaris XT interfaced to MATLAB (Mat Works, Inc.). These tools allow the 3D measurement of cells without a pre-defined shape and with inconsistent fluorescence network components. Furthermore, this method will allow researchers who have extended expertise in biological systems, but not familiarity to computer applications, to perform quantification of morphological changes in cell dynamics.


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The railhead is severely stressed under the localized wheel contact patch close to the gaps in insulated rail joints. A modified railhead profile in the vicinity of the gapped joint, through a shape optimization model based on a coupled genetic algorithm and finite element method, effectively alters the contact zone and reduces the railhead edge stress concentration significantly. Two optimization methods, a grid search method and a genetic algorithm, were employed for this optimization problem. The optimal results from these two methods are discussed and, in particular, their suitability for the rail end stress minimization problem is studied. Through several numerical examples, the optimal profile is shown to be unaffected by either the magnitude or the contact position of the loaded wheel. The numerical results are validated through a large-scale experimental study.


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Graphene nanoribbon (GNR) with free edges demonstrates unique pre-existing edge energy and edge stress, leading to non-flat morphologies. Using molecular dynamics (MD) methods, we evaluated edge energies as well as edge stresses for four different edge types, including regular edges (armchair and zigzag), armchair edge terminated with hydrogen and reconstructed armchair. The results showed that compressive stress exists in the regular and hydrogen-terminated edges along the edge direction. In contrast, the reconstructed armchair edge is generally subject to tension. Furthermore, we also investigated shape transition between flat and rippled configurations of GNRs with different free edges. It was found that the pre-existing stress at free edges can greatly influence the initial energy state and the shape transition.


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This study investigated the influence of interpersonal coordination tendencies on performance outcomes of 1-vs-1 subphases in youth soccer. Eight male developing soccer players (age: 11.8+0.4 years; training experience: 3.6+1.1 years) performed an in situ simulation of a 1-vs-1 sub-phase of soccer. Data from 82 trials were obtained with motion-analysis techniques, and relative phase used to measure the space-time coordination tendencies of attacker-defender dyads. Approximate entropy (ApEn) was then used to quantify the unpredictability of interpersonal interactions over trials. Results revealed how different modes of interpersonal coordination emerging from attacker-defender dyads influenced the 1-vs-1 performance outcomes. High levels of space-time synchronisation (47%) and unpredictability in interpersonal coordination processes (ApEn: 0.91+0.34) were identified as key features of an attacking player’s success. A lead-lag relation attributed to a defending player (34% around 7308 values) and a more predictable coordination mode (ApEn: 0.65+0.27, P50.001), demonstrated the coordination tendencies underlying the success of defending players in 1-vs-1 sub-phases. These findings revealed how the mutual influence of each player on the behaviour of dyadic systems shaped emergent performance outcomes. More specifically, the findings showed that attacking players should be constrained to exploit the space-time synchrony with defenders in an unpredictable and creative way, while defenders should be encouraged to adopt postures and behaviours that actively constrain the attacker’s actions.


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Purpose. The purpose of this article was to present methods capable of estimating the size and shape of the human eye lens without resorting to phakometry or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Methods. Previously published biometry and phakometry data of 66 emmetropic eyes of 66 subjects (age range [18, 63] years, spherical equivalent range [−0.75, +0.75] D) were used to define multiple linear regressions for the radii of curvature and thickness of the lens, from which the lens refractive index could be derived. MRI biometry was also available for a subset of 30 subjects, from which regressions could be determined for the vertex radii of curvature, conic constants, equatorial diameter, volume, and surface area. All regressions were compared with the phakometry and MRI data; the radii of curvature regressions were also compared with a method proposed by Bennett and Royston et al. Results. The regressions were in good agreement with the original measurements. This was especially the case for the regressions of lens thickness, volume, and surface area, which each had an R2 > 0.6. The regression for the posterior radius of curvature had an R2 < 0.2, making this regression unreliable. For all other regressions we found 0.25 < R2 < 0.6. The Bennett-Royston method also produced a good estimation of the radii of curvature, provided its parameters were adjusted appropriately. Conclusions. The regressions presented in this article offer a valuable alternative in case no measured lens biometry values are available; however care must be taken for possible outliers.


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Highly sensitive infrared (IR) cameras provide high-resolution diagnostic images of the temperature and vascular changes of breasts. These images can be processed to emphasize hot spots that exhibit early and subtle changes owing to pathology. The resulting images show clusters that appear random in shape and spatial distribution but carry class dependent information in shape and texture. Automated pattern recognition techniques are challenged because of changes in location, size and orientation of these clusters. Higher order spectral invariant features provide robustness to such transformations and are suited for texture and shape dependent information extraction from noisy images. In this work, the effectiveness of bispectral invariant features in diagnostic classification of breast thermal images into malignant, benign and normal classes is evaluated and a phase-only variant of these features is proposed. High resolution IR images of breasts, captured with measuring accuracy of ±0.4% (full scale) and temperature resolution of 0.1 °C black body, depicting malignant, benign and normal pathologies are used in this study. Breast images are registered using their lower boundaries, automatically extracted using landmark points whose locations are learned during training. Boundaries are extracted using Canny edge detection and elimination of inner edges. Breast images are then segmented using fuzzy c-means clustering and the hottest regions are selected for feature extraction. Bispectral invariant features are extracted from Radon projections of these images. An Adaboost classifier is used to select and fuse the best features during training and then classify unseen test images into malignant, benign and normal classes. A data set comprising 9 malignant, 12 benign and 11 normal cases is used for evaluation of performance. Malignant cases are detected with 95% accuracy. A variant of the features using the normalized bispectrum, which discards all magnitude information, is shown to perform better for classification between benign and normal cases, with 83% accuracy compared to 66% for the original.


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Shared services have gained significance as an organizational arrangement, in particular for support functions, to reduce costs, increase quality and create new capabilities. The Information Systems (IS) function is amenable to sharing arrangements and information systems can enable sharing in other functional areas. However, despite being a promising area for IS research, literature on shared services in the IS discipline is scarce and scattered. There is still little consensus on what shared services is. Moreover, a thorough understanding of why shared services are adopted, who are involved, and how things are shared is lacking. In this article, we set out to progress IS research on shared services by establishing a common ground for future research and proposing a research agenda to shape the field based on an analysis of the IS literature. We present a holistic and inclusive definition, discuss the primacy of economic-strategic objectives so far, and introduce conceptual frameworks for stakeholders and the notion of sharing. We also provide an overview of the theories and research methods applied. We propose a research agenda that addresses fundamental issues related to objectives, stakeholders, and the notion of sharing to lay the foundation for taking IS research on shared services forward.