995 resultados para sensing temperature
The Bragg wavelength of a PMMA based fiber grating is determined by the effective core index and the grating pitch, which, in temperature sensing, depend on the thermo-optic and thermal expansion coefficients of PMMA. These two coefficients are a function of surrounding temperature and humidity. Amorphous polymers including PMMA exhibit a certain degree of anisotropic thermal expansion. The anisotropic nature of expansion mainly depends on the polymer processing history. The expansion coefficient is believed to be lower in the direction of the molecular orientation than in the direction perpendicular to the draw direction. Such anisotropic behavior of polymers can be expected in drawn PMMA based optical fiber, and will lead to a reduced thermal expansion coefficient and larger temperature sensitivity than would be the case were the fiber to be isotropic. Extensive work has been carried out to identify these factors. The temperature responses of gratings have been measured at different relative humidity. Gratings fabricated on annealed and non-annealed PMMA optical fibers are used to compare the sensitivity performance as annealing is considered to be able to mitigate the anisotropic effect in PMMA optical fiber. Furthermore an experiment has been designed to eliminate the thermal expansion contribution to the grating wavelength change, leading to increased temperature sensitivity and improved response linearity. © 2014 Copyright SPIE.
We report on a systematic investigation of the dependence of both temperature and strain sensitivities on the fiber Bragg grating type, including the well-known Type I, Type IIA, and a new type that we have designated Type IA, using both hydrogen-free and hydrogenated B/Ge codoped fibres. We have identified distinct sensitivity characteristics for each grating type, and we have used them to implement a novel dual-grating, dual-parameter sensor device. Three dual-grating sensing schemes with different combinations of grating type have been constructed and compared, and that of a Type IA-Type IIA combination exhibits the best performance, which is also superior to that of previously reported grating-based structures. The characteristics of the measurement errors in such dual-grating sensor systems is also presented in detail. © 2004 Optical Society of America.
Combined the large evanescent field of microfiber with the high thermal conductivity of graphene, a sensitive all-fiber temperature sensor based on graphene-assisted micro fiber is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Microfiber can be easily attached with graphene due to the electrostatic 6 force, resulting in an effective interaction between graphene and the evanescent field of microfiber. The change of the ambient temperature has a great influence on the conductivity of graphene, leading to the variation of the effective refractive index of microfiber. Consequently, the optical power transmission will be changed. The temperature sensitivity of 0.1018 dB/°C in the heating process and 0.1052 dB/°C in the cooling process as well as a high resolution of 0.0098 °C is obtained in the experiment. The scheme may have great potential in sensing fields owing to the advantages of high sensitivity, compact size, and low cost.
Bragg gratings photo-inscribed in polymer optical fibers (POFs) are more sensitive to temperature and pressure than their silica counterparts, because of their larger thermo-optic coefficient and smaller Young's modulus. Polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings (POFBGs) are most often photo-written in poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) based materials using a continuous-wave 325 nm HeCd laser. In this work, we present the first study about birefringence effects in POFBGs manufactured in different types of fiber. To achieve this, highly reflective (> 90%) gratings were produced with the phase mask technique. Their spectral response was then monitored in transmission with polarized light. Polarization dependent loss (PDL) and differential group delay (DGD) were computed from the Jones matrix eigenanalysis using an optical vector analyzer. Maximum values exceeding several dB and a few picoseconds were obtained for the PDL and DGD, respectively. An inverse scattering technique applied to the experimental data provided an estimate of the photo-induced birefringence value arising from the side fabrication process. The response to lateral force was finally investigated for various incident directions using the PDL response of FBGs manufactured in step-index POFs. As the force induced birefringence adds to the photo-induced one, a force dependent evolution of the PDL maximum value was noticed, with a good temperature-insensitivity.
We demonstrate highly sensitive temperature and strain sensors based on an all-fiber Lyot filter structure, which is formed by concatenating two 45°-TFGs (tilted fiber gratings) with a PM fiber cavity. The experiment results show the all-fiber 45°-TFG Lyot filter has very high sensitivity to strain and temperature. The 45°-TFG Lyot filters of two different cavity lengths (18cm and 40 cm) have been evaluated for temperature sensing by heating a section of the cavity from 10°C to 50°C. The experiment results have shown remarkably high temperature sensitivities of 0.616nm/°C for 18cm and 0.31nm/°C for 40cm long cavity filter, respectively. The 18cm long cavity filter has been subjected to strain variations up to around 550μ ε and the filter has exhibited strain sensitivities of 0.02499nm/μ ε and 0.012nm/μ ε for two straining situations, where its cavity middle section of 18cm and 9cm were stretched, respectively. © 2012 SPIE.
A long period grating has been fabricated in endlessly single-mode photonic crystal fibre using a spatially-periodic electric arc discharge. The sensing characteristics of the grating have been studied and it was found to possess an insensitivity to temperature, a bend sensitivity of 3.7 nm · m and a strain sensitivity of -2.0 pm/µe.
The behavior of a temperature self-compensating, fiber, long-period grating (LPG) device is studied. This device consists of a single 325-µm-period LPG recorded across two sections of a single-mode B-Ge-codoped fiber—one section bare and the other coated with a 1-µm thickness of Ag. This structure generates two attenuation bands associated with the eighth and ninth cladding modes, which are spectrally close together (~60 nm). The attenuation band associated with the Ag-coated section is unaffected by changes in the refractive index of the surrounding medium and can be used to compensate for the temperature of the bare-fiber section. The sensor has a resolution of ±1.0 × 10-3 for the refractive index and ±0.3 °C for the temperature. The effect of bending on the spectral characteristics of the two attenuation bands was found to be nonlinear, with the Ag-coated LPG having the greater sensitivity.
We report a refractive index (RI) and liquid level sensing system based on a hybrid grating structure comprising of a 45° and an 81° tilted fiber gratings (TFGs) that have been inscribed into a single mode fiber in series. In this structure, the 45°-TFG is used as a polarizer to filter out the transverse electric (TE) component and enable the 81°-TFG operating at single polarization for RI and level sensing. The experiment results show a lower temperature cross-sensitivity, only about 7.33 pm/°C, and a higher RI sensitivity, being around 180 nm/RIU at RI=1.345 and 926 nm/RIU at RI=1.412 region, which are significantly improved in comparison with long period fiber gratings. The hybrid grating structure has also been applied as a liquid level sensor, showing 3.06 dB/mm linear peak ratio sensitivity.
A long period grating (LPG) fabricated in progressive three-layered (PTL) fibre is described. The grating with a period of 391µm, had dual attenuation bands associated with a particular cladding mode. The dual attenuation bands have been experimentally characterised for their spectral sensitivity to bending, which resulted in the highest sensitivity to bending seen for this particular fibre and temperature. The spectral characteristics of the fibre have been modelled giving good agreement to the experimental data as well as showing that the attenuation bands are both associated with the second order HE/EH2,n cladding mode.
We perform numerical simulations on a model describing a Brillouin-based temperature and strain sensor, testing its response when it is probed with relatively short pulses. Experimental results were recently published [e.g., Opt. Lett. 24, 510 (1999)] that showed a broadening of the Brillouin loss curve when the probe pulse duration is reduced, followed by a sudden and rather surprising reduction of the linewidth when the pulse duration gets shorter than the acoustic relaxation time. Our study reveals the processes responsible for this behavior. We give a clear physical insight into the problem, allowing us to define the best experimental conditions required for one to take the advantage of this effect.
A multimode microfiber (MMMF)-based dual Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) is proposed and demonstrated for simultaneous measurement of refractive index (RI) and temperature. By inserting a section of MMMFsupporting a few modes in the sensing arm of the MZI setup, an inline interference between the fundamental mode and the high-order mode of MMMF, as well as the interference between the high-order mode of MMMF and the reference arm, i.e., the dual MZI, is realized. Due to different interference mechanisms, the former interferometer achieves RI sensitivity of 2576.584 nm/RIU and temperature sensitivity of 0.193 nm/°C, while the latter one achieves RI sensitivity of 1001.864 nm/RIU and temperature sensitivity of 0.239 nm/°C, demonstrating the ability to attain highly accurate multiparameter measurements. © 2014 Optical Society of America.
We report a distributed multifunctional fiber sensing network based on weak-fiber Bragg gratings (WFBGs) and long period fiber grating (LPG) assisted OTDR system. The WFBGs are applied for temperature, strain, and vibration monitoring at key position, and the LPG is used as a linear filter in the system to convert the wavelength shift of WFBGs caused by environmental change into the power change. The simulation results show that it is possible to integrate more than 4472 WFBGs in the system when the reflectivity of WFBGs is less than {10}^{-5}. Besides, the back-Rayleigh scattering along the whole fiber can also be detected which makes distributed bend sensing possible. As an experimental demonstration, we have used three WFBGs UV-inscribed with 50-m interval at the end of a 2.6-km long fiber, which part was subjected for temperature, strain, and vibration sensing, respectively. The ratio of the intensity of output and input light is used for temperature and strain sensing, and the results show strain and temperature sensitivities are 4.2 \times {10}^{-4}{/\mu \varepsilon } and 5.9 \times {10}^{-3}{{/ {^{\circ }}\textrm {C}}} , respectively. Detection of multiple vibrations and single vibration with the broad frequency band up to 500 Hz are also achieved. In addition, distributed bend sensing which could be simultaneously realized in this system has been proposed.
A compact and low cost fiber sensor based on microfiber with Fresnel reflection is proposed and demonstrated for simultaneous measurement of refractive index (RI) and temperature with high sensitivities. © OSA 2015.
An enhanced fiber sensing system used for distributed bending and key-position sensing is reported by integrating WFBGs, LPFG and OTDR, which also achieves strain and temperature sensitivities up to 0.047mv/με and 0.675mv/°C respectively. © 2014 OSA.
We propose and demonstrate a microfiber Fabry-Perot interferometer (MFPI) fabricated by taper-drawing microfiber at the center of a uniform fiber Bragg grating (FBG). The MFPI employing the two separated sections of FBG as reflectors and a length of microfiber as its cavity is derived. Theoretic study shows that the reflection spectrum of such MFPI is consisted of two parts-interference fringes induced by multi-beam interference and reflection spectrum envelope induced by FBGs. Temperature affects both interference fringes and reflection wavelength of FBGs while ambient refractive index (RI) only influences the interference fringes, i.e., MFPI has different response to temperature and RI. Therefore, MFPI for simultaneous sensing of RI and temperature is experimentally demonstrated by tracking a reflection peak of interference fringes and the Bragg wavelength of the FBGs, which are respectively assisted by frequency domain processing and Gaussian fitting of the optical spectrum. Consequently, wavelength measurement resolution of 0.5 pm is realized. © 1983-2012 IEEE.