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Exact solutions of partial differential equation models describing the transport and decay of single and coupled multispecies problems can provide insight into the fate and transport of solutes in saturated aquifers. Most previous analytical solutions are based on integral transform techniques, meaning that the initial condition is restricted in the sense that the choice of initial condition has an important impact on whether or not the inverse transform can be calculated exactly. In this work we describe and implement a technique that produces exact solutions for single and multispecies reactive transport problems with more general, smooth initial conditions. We achieve this by using a different method to invert a Laplace transform which produces a power series solution. To demonstrate the utility of this technique, we apply it to two example problems with initial conditions that cannot be solved exactly using traditional transform techniques.


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We revisit the venerable question of access credentials management, which concerns the techniques that we, humans with limited memory, must employ to safeguard our various access keys and tokens in a connected world. Although many existing solutions can be employed to protect a long secret using a short password, those solutions typically require certain assumptions on the distribution of the secret and/or the password, and are helpful against only a subset of the possible attackers. After briefly reviewing a variety of approaches, we propose a user-centric comprehensive model to capture the possible threats posed by online and offline attackers, from the outside and the inside, against the security of both the plaintext and the password. We then propose a few very simple protocols, adapted from the Ford-Kaliski server-assisted password generator and the Boldyreva unique blind signature in particular, that provide the best protection against all kinds of threats, for all distributions of secrets. We also quantify the concrete security of our approach in terms of online and offline password guesses made by outsiders and insiders, in the random-oracle model. The main contribution of this paper lies not in the technical novelty of the proposed solution, but in the identification of the problem and its model. Our results have an immediate and practical application for the real world: they show how to implement single-sign-on stateless roaming authentication for the internet, in a ad-hoc user-driven fashion that requires no change to protocols or infrastructure.


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We consider the problem of increasing the threshold parameter of a secret-sharing scheme after the setup (share distribution) phase, without further communication between the dealer and the shareholders. Previous solutions to this problem require one to start off with a nonstandard scheme designed specifically for this purpose, or to have communication between shareholders. In contrast, we show how to increase the threshold parameter of the standard Shamir secret-sharing scheme without communication between the shareholders. Our technique can thus be applied to existing Shamir schemes even if they were set up without consideration to future threshold increases. Our method is a new positive cryptographic application for lattice reduction algorithms, inspired by recent work on lattice-based list decoding of Reed-Solomon codes with noise bounded in the Lee norm. We use fundamental results from the theory of lattices (geometry of numbers) to prove quantitative statements about the information-theoretic security of our construction. These lattice-based security proof techniques may be of independent interest.


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Beginning in 1974, the State of Maryland created spatial databases under the MAGI (Maryland's Automated Geographic Information) system. Since that early GIS, other state and local agencies have begun GISs covering a range of applications from critical lands inventories to cadastral mapping. In 1992, state agencies, local agencies, universities, and businesses began a series of GIS coordination activities, resulting in the formation of the Maryland Local Geographic Information Committee and the Maryland State Government Geographic Information Coordinating Committee. GIS activities and system installations can be found in 22 counties plus Baltimore City, and most state agencies. Maryland's decision makers rely on a variety of GIS reports and products to conduct business and to communicate complex issues more effectively. This paper presents the status of Maryland's GIS applications for local and state decision making.


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Geoscientists are confronted with the challenge of assessing nonlinear phenomena that result from multiphysics coupling across multiple scales from the quantum level to the scale of the earth and from femtoseconds to the 4.5 Ga of history of our planet. We neglect in this review electromagnetic modelling of the processes in the Earth’s core, and focus on four types of couplings that underpin fundamental instabilities in the Earth. These are thermal (T), hydraulic (H), mechanical (M) and chemical (C) processes which are driven and controlled by the transfer of heat to the Earth’s surface. Instabilities appear as faults, folds, compaction bands, shear/fault zones, plate boundaries and convective patterns. Convective patterns emerge from buoyancy overcoming viscous drag at a critical Rayleigh number. All other processes emerge from non-conservative thermodynamic forces with a critical critical dissipative source term, which can be characterised by the modified Gruntfest number Gr. These dissipative processes reach a quasi-steady state when, at maximum dissipation, THMC diffusion (Fourier, Darcy, Biot, Fick) balance the source term. The emerging steady state dissipative patterns are defined by the respective diffusion length scales. These length scales provide a fundamental thermodynamic yardstick for measuring instabilities in the Earth. The implementation of a fully coupled THMC multiscale theoretical framework into an applied workflow is still in its early stages. This is largely owing to the four fundamentally different lengths of the THMC diffusion yardsticks spanning micro-metre to tens of kilometres compounded by the additional necessity to consider microstructure information in the formulation of enriched continua for THMC feedback simulations (i.e., micro-structure enriched continuum formulation). Another challenge is to consider the important factor time which implies that the geomaterial often is very far away from initial yield and flowing on a time scale that cannot be accessed in the laboratory. This leads to the requirement of adopting a thermodynamic framework in conjunction with flow theories of plasticity. This framework allows, unlike consistency plasticity, the description of both solid mechanical and fluid dynamic instabilities. In the applications we show the similarity of THMC feedback patterns across scales such as brittle and ductile folds and faults. A particular interesting case is discussed in detail, where out of the fluid dynamic solution, ductile compaction bands appear which are akin and can be confused with their brittle siblings. The main difference is that they require the factor time and also a much lower driving forces to emerge. These low stress solutions cannot be obtained on short laboratory time scales and they are therefore much more likely to appear in nature than in the laboratory. We finish with a multiscale description of a seminal structure in the Swiss Alps, the Glarus thrust, which puzzled geologists for more than 100 years. Along the Glarus thrust, a km-scale package of rocks (nappe) has been pushed 40 km over its footwall as a solid rock body. The thrust itself is a m-wide ductile shear zone, while in turn the centre of the thrust shows a mm-cm wide central slip zone experiencing periodic extreme deformation akin to a stick-slip event. The m-wide creeping zone is consistent with the THM feedback length scale of solid mechanics, while the ultralocalised central slip zones is most likely a fluid dynamic instability.


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A significant reduction in global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is a priority, and the preservation of existing building stock presents a significant opportunity to reduce the carbon footprint of our built environment. Within this ‘wicked’ problem context, and moving beyond the ad hoc and incremental performance improvements that have been made to date, collaborative and multidisciplinary efforts are required to find rapid and transformational solutions. Design has emerged as a strategic and redirective practice, and lessons can therefore be learned about transformation and potentially applied in the built environment. The purpose of this paper is to discuss a pragmatic and novel research approach for undertaking such applied design driven research. This paper begins with a discussion of key contributions from design science (rational) and action research (reflective) philosophies in creating an emerging methodological ‘hybrid design approach’. This research approach is then discussed in relation to its application to specific research exploring the processes, methods and lessons from design in heritage building retrofit projects. Drawing on both industry and academic knowledge to ensure relevance and rigour, it is anticipated that the hybrid design approach will be useful for others tackling such complex wicked problems that require context-specific solutions.


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Autonomous navigation and picture compilation tasks require robust feature descriptions or models. Given the non Gaussian nature of sensor observations, it will be shown that Gaussian mixture models provide a general probabilistic representation allowing analytical solutions to the update and prediction operations in the general Bayesian filtering problem. Each operation in the Bayesian filter for Gaussian mixture models multiplicatively increases the number of parameters in the representation leading to the need for a re-parameterisation step. A computationally efficient re-parameterisation step will be demonstrated resulting in a compact and accurate estimate of the true distribution.


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Finite element method (FEM) relies on an approximate function to fit into a governing equation and minimizes the residual error in the integral sense in order to generate solutions for the boundary value problems (nodal solutions). Because of this FEM does not show simultaneous capacities for accurate displacement and force solutions at node and along an element, especially when under the element loads, which is of much ubiquity. If the displacement and force solutions are strictly confined to an element’s or member’s ends (nodal response), the structural safety along an element (member) is inevitably ignored, which can definitely hinder the design of a structure for both serviceability and ultimate limit states. Although the continuous element deflection and force solutions can be transformed into the discrete nodal solutions by mesh refinement of an element (member), this setback can also hinder the effective and efficient structural assessment as well as the whole-domain accuracy for structural safety of a structure. To this end, this paper presents an effective, robust, applicable and innovative approach to generate accurate nodal and element solutions in both fields of displacement and force, in which the salient and unique features embodies its versatility in applications for the structures to account for the accurate linear and second-order elastic displacement and force solutions along an element continuously as well as at its nodes. The significance of this paper is on shifting the nodal responses (robust global system analysis) into both nodal and element responses (sophisticated element formulation).


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Changes in the construction sector are creating opportunities in research to maximise the benefits of those changes and to continue the exciting developments in improved people skills, new processes and developing technologies. Many research centres around the world are investigating aspects of the current changes to drive their particular expertise forward. However, the CIB Integrated Design and Delivery Solutions (IDDS) priority research theme takes a higher-level view of the changes and then focuses down on a prioritised set of research targets. These targets have been investigated, re-focussed and validated over a period of four years through many workshops, conferences and meetings by a wide ranging group of representatives from approximately 90 industry and research organisations. The outcomes of such research, once put into practice should be significantly shortened timespans from conception of need to occupation of new or revised structures. As time is money, the owners will get their investments into productive use sooner, which means a shorter payback time. In addition, there will inevitably be a reduction in construction costs as productivity increases. The improvements in reliable delivery and improved quality currently being seen in relatively simplistic use of Building information Modelling (BIM) (compared to full IDDS) will inevitably continue its on-going trajectory of improvement. We should also consider the wider economic contribution to society that will stem from such improvements and, finally, and by no means unimportantly, the reliable modelling and delivery of sustainability at both the building and estate/ area scale will significantly improve carbon footprints and other sustainable outcomes. Whilst there are huge opportunities for early adopters, the primary risk will be the expansion of the gap between those working in this way and those who are not so advanced or who even refuse to progress . The opportunities to address the significant and widely varying wastes within the structure of the construction sector and within and across projects are huge and timely and industry is encouraged to become involved.


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Integrated design and delivery solutions (IDDS) is a priority theme of the International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB), which will be used to drive the global research agenda forward. IDDS will use collaborative work processes and enhanced skills together with integrated data, information and knowledge management to minimize structural and process inefficiencies and to enhance the value delivered during design, build, operation, and across projects. IDDS build on building information modelling (BIM), incorporating advances in the training and employment of people, together with supporting new technologies. The successful use of IDDS involves changes in each of the project phases from conceptual planning and business case formulation to all stages of the supply chain: design, construction, commissioning, operation, retrofit and decommissioning. For each of these phases, key changes in the structure and culture of the project team across the different collaborating firms create a favourable context for IDDS. Special for IDDS thinking is the idea of adding project and whole-life value in all phases, for all stakeholders...


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A new approach of integrated design and delivery solutions (IDDS) aims to radically improve the performance of the construction industries. IDDS builds upon recent trends in the construction industries that have seen the widespread adoption of technologies such as building information modelling (BIM) and innovative processes such as integrated project delivery. However, these innovations are seen to develop in isolation, with little consideration of the overarching interactions between people, process and technology. The IDDS approach is holistic in that it recognizes that it is only through a combination of initiatives such as skill development, process re-engineering, responsive information technology, enhanced interoperability and integrating knowledge management, among others, that radical change can be achieved. To implement IDDS requires step changes in many project aspects, and this gap between current performance and that required for IDDS is highlighted. The research required to bridge the gaps is identified in four major aspects of collaborative processes, workforce skills, integrated information and knowledge management.


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CIB is developing a priority theme, now termed Improving Construction and Use through Integrated Design & Delivery Solutions (IDDS). The IDDS working group for this theme adopted the following definition: Integrated Design and Delivery Solutions use collaborative work processes and enhanced skills, with integrated data, information, and knowledge management to minimize structural and process inefficiencies and to enhance the value delivered during design, build, and operation, and across projects. The design, construction, and commissioning sectors have been repeatedly analysed as inefficient and may or may not be quite as bad as portrayed; however, there is unquestionably significant scope for IDDS to improve the delivery of value to clients, stakeholders (including occupants), and society in general, simultaneously driving down cost and time to deliver operational constructed facilities. Although various initiatives developed from computer‐aided design and manufacturing technologies, lean construction, modularization, prefabrication and integrated project delivery are currently being adopted by some sectors and specialisations in construction; IDDS provides the vision for a more holistic future transformation. Successful use of IDDS requires improvements in work processes, technology, and people’s capabilities to span the entire construction lifecycle from conception through design, construction, commissioning, operation, refurbishment/ retrofit and recycling, and considering the building’s interaction with its environment. This vision extends beyond new buildings to encompass modifications and upgrades, particularly those aimed at improved local and area sustainability goals. IDDS will facilitate greater flexibility of design options, work packaging strategies and collaboration with suppliers and trades, which will be essential to meet evolving sustainability targets. As knowledge capture and reuse become prevalent, IDDS best practice should become the norm, rather than the exception.


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Changes in the construction sector are creating opportunities in research to maximise the benefits of those changes and to continue the exciting developments in improved people skills, new processes and developing technologies. There are many research centres around the world investigating aspects of the current changes to drive their particular expertise forward. However, the CIB Integrated Design and Delivery Solutions (IDDS) priority research theme takes a higher-level view of the changes and then focuses down on a prioritised set of research targets. These targets have been investigated, re-focussed and validated over a period of four years through many workshops, conferences and meetings by a wide ranging group of representatives from approximately 90 industry and research organisations. This roadmap prioritises and details the research to be performed, why and by whom. In particular, some 25 CIB Working Commissions and Task Groups are explained as having potential roles in the delivery of this research theme. We are extremely privileged to have been urged on by such distinguished construction professionals in their forewords and the case for research. The outcomes of such research, once put into practice should be significantly shortened timespans from conception of need to occupation of new or revised structures. As time is money, the owners will get their investments into productive use sooner, which means a shorter payback time. In addition, there will inevitably be a reduction in construction costs as productivity increases. The improvements in reliable delivery and improved quality currently being seen in relatively simplistic use of Building information Modelling (BIM) (compared to full IDDS) will inevitably continue its on-going trajectory of improvement. We should also consider the wider economic contribution to society that will stem from such improvements and, finally, and by no means unimportantly, the reliable modelling and delivery of sustainability at both the building and estate/ area scale will significantly improve carbon footprints and other sustainable outcomes. Whilst there are huge opportunities for early adopters, the primary risk will be the expansion of the gap between those working in this way and those who are not so advanced or who even refuse to progress1. However, a similar issue arises between industry, clients, educators and trainers; the latter have particular challenges, having existed for many years in a sector that has had relatively few technological changes. However, the opportunities to address the significant and widely varying wastes within the structure of the construction sector and within and across projects are huge and timely. Whilst this Roadmap is specifically targeted at the Standing Commissions and Task Groups of the CIB, it is hoped that there are elements for research and applied research across academia and industry.


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This timely collection explores ethical and legal dilemmas in healthcare arising from globalization. Conflicts between public interests and individual rights, the challenge of regulating professionals and access to health services, and the effects of a global market all feature prominently in contemporary debates in this area. As a result of globalization, issues in health law and bioethics can no longer be understood solely within political boundaries that define traditional notions of individuals and communities. Rather, solutions for emerging problems require a global conception of rights and obligations, including the re-evaluation of ethical frameworks and legal regimes that currently govern exchanges in healthcare. Leading scholars in bioethics, law, medicine and philosophy from various jurisdictions engage these themes in this volume, and demonstrate the need for transnational solutions in a global age of healthcare.


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Environmental engineers are increasingly being required to have knowledge about sustainability in their professional careers. Accreditation mechanisms for including sustainability in degree program requirements exist and are gradually being implemented by Engineers Australia. However, true integration of sustainability material into higher and vocational education curricula is still low, particularly outside the environmental engineering degree programs. In addition to environmental engineering, it is crucial for engineering across the specialisations, to be exposed to sustainability concepts and theories. This paper will demonstrate how sustainability as a ‘critical literacy’ can be designed for teaching within mainstream engineering education, using a current Australian project as a case study. The project demonstrates that sustainability education for all engineers is not only possible, but that there is international interest in collaborating in such an educational initiative. A pilot trial of the Introductory Module was undertaken in Semester 1 2004 and Version 2 trials are now proceeding with a number of universities and organisations nationally and internationally. Further modules are currently being developed in collaboration with Engineers Australia and UNESCO. The program is a finalist in the 2005 Banksia Awards (Category 11, Environmental Leadership Education and Training).