931 resultados para renewable energy production
Creative ways of utilising renewable energy sources in electricity generation especially in remote areas and particularly in countries depending on imported energy, while increasing energy security and reducing cost of such isolated off-grid systems, is becoming an urgently needed necessity for the effective strategic planning of Energy Systems. The aim of this research project was to design and implement a new decision support framework for the optimal design of hybrid micro grids considering different types of different technologies, where the design objective is to minimize the total cost of the hybrid micro grid while at the same time satisfying the required electric demand. Results of a comprehensive literature review, of existing analytical, decision support tools and literature on HPS, has identified the gaps and the necessary conceptual parts of an analytical decision support framework. As a result this research proposes and reports an Iterative Analytical Design Framework (IADF) and its implementation for the optimal design of an Off-grid renewable energy based hybrid smart micro-grid (OGREH-SμG) with intra and inter-grid (μG2μG & μG2G) synchronization capabilities and a novel storage technique. The modelling design and simulations were based on simulations conducted using HOMER Energy and MatLab/SIMULINK, Energy Planning and Design software platforms. The design, experimental proof of concept, verification and simulation of a new storage concept incorporating Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) fuel cell is also reported. The implementation of the smart components consisting Raspberry Pi that is devised and programmed for the semi-smart energy management framework (a novel control strategy, including synchronization capabilities) of the OGREH-SμG are also detailed and reported. The hybrid μG was designed and implemented as a case study for the Bayir/Jordan area. This research has provided an alternative decision support tool to solve Renewable Energy Integration for the optimal number, type and size of components to configure the hybrid μG. In addition this research has formulated and reported a linear cost function to mathematically verify computer based simulations and fine tune the solutions in the iterative framework and concluded that such solutions converge to a correct optimal approximation when considering the properties of the problem. As a result of this investigation it has been demonstrated that, the implemented and reported OGREH-SμG design incorporates wind and sun powered generation complemented with batteries, two fuel cell units and a diesel generator is a unique approach to Utilizing indigenous renewable energy with a capability of being able to synchronize with other μ-grids is the most effective and optimal way of electrifying developing countries with fewer resources in a sustainable way, with minimum impact on the environment while also achieving reductions in GHG. The dissertation concludes with suggested extensions to this work in the future.
Marine Renewable Energy Conversion systems comprise wave energy and tidal stream converters as well as offshore-wind turbines for electrical generation. These technologies are currently at different stages of development but are mostly at the pre-commercial stage and require research to be undertaken at a series of scales along the path to commercialization. However each of these technologies also needs specific research infrastructures in order to conduct this research. The aim of the MARINET initiative is to coordinate research and development at all scales (small models through to prototype scales, from laboratories through to open sea tests) and to allow access for researchers and developers to infrastructures which are not available universally in Europe, including test facilities for components such as power take-off systems, grid integration, moorings and environmental monitoring so as to ensure a focusing of activities in this area. The initiative offers researchers and developers access to 45 research facilities as well as to the associated network of expertise at all scales in Offshore Marine Renewable Energy technology research and development. The aim of this paper is to present this MARINET initiative that was started in 2011, bringing together a network of 29 partners spread across twelve countries. Details of the MARINET Transnational Access (TA) program are presented, for which over 260 applications were received throughout the 5 official calls for proposals. In particular, statistics on applications and completed projects are presented which provide an overview of the global development progress of the different offshore renewable energy conversion technologies at a European level. It also provides a good overview of the current research activity, as well as evidence of the requirement for specialised research facilities, in this burgeoning field.
Feed-in-tariff (FIT) schemes have been widely employed to promote renewable energy deployment. While FITs may be perceived by consumers as an extra cost, renewable energies cause a noticeable price reduction in wholesale electricity markets. We analyse both effects for the case of the Spanish electricity market during 2010. In particular, we examine the level of FITs that makes savings and extra costs to be similar on an hourly basis. Results are obtained for a wide range of renewable generation scenarios. It is found that FITs with null extra costs for consumers are in the range of 50–80 €/MWh. Some of the side-effects of a high penetration of renewable energy in the market are analysed in detail and discussed.
An empirical investigation of the impact of global energy transition on Nigerian oil and gas exports
18 months embargo on the thesis and check appendix for copy right materials
This thesis presents advances in integration of photovoltaic (PV) power and energy in practical systems, such as existing power plants in buildings or directly integrated in the public electrical grid. It starts by providing an analyze of the current state of PV power and some of its limitations. The work done in this thesis begins by providing a model to compute mutual shading in large PV plants, and after provides a study of the integration of a PV plant in a biogas power plant. The remainder sections focus on the work done for project PVCROPS, which consisted on the construction and operation of two prototypes composed of a PV system and a novel battery connected to a building and to the public electrical grid. These prototypes were then used to test energy management strategies and validate the suitability of the two advanced batteries (a lithium-ion battery and a vanadium redox ow battery) for households (BIPV) and PV plants. This thesis is divided in 7 chapters: Chapter 1 provides an introduction to explain and develop the main research questions studied for this thesis; Chapter 2 presents the development of a ray-tracing model to compute shading in large PV elds (with or without trackers); Chapter 3 shows the simulation of hybridizing a biogas plant with a PV plant, using biogas as energy storage; Chapters 4 and 5 present the construction, programming, and initial operation of both prototypes (Chapter 4), EMS testing oriented to BIPV systems (Chapter 5). Finally, Chapters 6 provides some future lines of investigation that can follow this thesis, and Chapter 7 shows a synopsis of the main conclusions of this work; Resumo: Avanços na integracão de potência fotovoltaica e producão de energia em sistemas práticos Esta tese apresenta avanços na integração de potência e energia fotovoltaica (PV) em sistemas práticos, tais como centrais existentes ou a rede eléctrica pública. Come ça por analisar o estado corrente do fotovoltaico no mundo e aborda algumas das suas limitações. O trabalho feito para esta tese de doutoramento começou pelo desenvolvimento de um modelo para calcular os sombreamentos que ocorrem em grandes campos fotovoltaicos, e depois apresenta um estudo sobre a integração um sistema fotovoltaico em uma central eléctrica a bióg as. As ultimas secções da tese focam-se no trabalho feito para o projecto PVCROPS, que consistiu na construção e operação de dois demonstratores, cada um formado por um sistema fotovoltaico e bateria conectados a um edíficio e a rede eléctrica pública. Estes protótipos foram posteriormente utilizados para testar estratégias de gestão de energia (EMS) e para validar a operação de duas baterias avançadas (bateria de Iões de Li tio e bateria de Fluxo Redox de Van adio) e a sua utiliza ção para habitações e centrais PV. A tese está dividida em 7 capitulos: O capitulo 1 apresenta uma introdução para explicar e desenvolver as principais questões que foram investigadas nesta tese; O capitulo 2 mostra o desenvolvimento de um modelo baseado em traçados de raios para calcular sombreamentos mútuos em grandes centrais PV (com e sem seguidores); O capitulo 3 mostra a simulação da hibridização de uma central electrica a biogas com uma central PV, e utilizando o biógas como armazenamento de energia. Os capitulos 4 e 5 apresentam a construção, programação e operação inicial dos dois demonstradores (Capitúlo 4), o teste de EMS orientadas para sistemas PV em habitações (Capítulo 5). Finalmente, o capítulo 6 sugere algumas futuras linhas de investigação que poderão seguir esta tese, e o Capítulo 7 faz uma sinopse das principais conclusões deste trabalho.
Sustainability and responsible environmental behaviour constitute a vital premise in the development of the humankind. In fact, during last decades, the global energetic scenario is evolving towards a scheme with increasing relevance of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) like photovoltaic, wind, biomass and hydrogen. Furthermore, hydrogen is an energy carrier which constitutes a mean for long-term energy storage. The integration of hydrogen with local RES contributes to distributed power generation and early introduction of hydrogen economy. Intermittent nature of many of RES, for instance solar and wind sources, impose the development of a management and control strategy to overcome this drawback. This strategy is responsible of providing a reliable, stable and efficient operation of the system. To implement such strategy, a monitoring system is required.The present paper aims to contribute to experimentally validate LabVIEW as valuable tool to develop monitoring platforms in the field of RES-based facilities. To this aim, a set of real systems successfully monitored is exposed.
The continuous growth of global population brings an exponential increase on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission in the atmosphere contributing to the increase of the planet temperature. Therefore, it is mandatory to adopt renewable energy production systems like photovoltaic or wind power: unfortunately, the main limit of these technologies is the natural intermittence of the energy sources that limits their applicability. The key enabling technology for a widespread usage of clean power sources are electrochemical energy storage systems, most commonly known as batteries. Batteries will enable the storage of energy during overproduction period and the release during low production period stabilizing the power outcome, allowing the connection to the main grid and increasing the applicability of renewable energy sources. Despite the high number of benefits that the widespread use of batteries will bring, starting from the reduction of CO2 emitted in the atmosphere, it is necessary also to take care of the environmental impact of processes and materials used for the production of electrochemical storage systems. In addition, there are many different battery systems, with different chemistries and designs that require specific strategies. Nowadays, the most part of the materials and chemicals used for battery production are toxic for humans and the environment. For this reason, this Ph.D. thesis addresses the challenging scope of lowering the environmental impact of manufacturing processes of different electrochemical energy storage systems using natural derived or low carbon footprint materials while increasing the performances with respect to commercial devices. The activities carried out during my Ph.D. cover a high number of different electrochemical storage systems involving a wide range of electrochemical processes from capacitive to faradic. New materials, different production processes and new battery design, all in view of sustainability and low environmental impact, increased the innovative and challenging aspects of this work.
Energy transition is the response of humankind to the concerning effects of fossil fuels depletion, climate change and energy insecurity, and calls for a deep penetration of renewable energy sources (RESs) in power systems and industrial processes. Despite the high potentials, low impacts and long-term availability, RESs present some limits which need to be overcome, such as the strong variability and difficult predictability, which result in scarce reliability and difficult applicability in steady-state processes. Some technological solutions relate to energy storage systems, equipment electrification and hybrid systems deployment, thus accomplishing distributed generation even in remote sites as offshore. However, all of these actions cannot disregard sustainability, which represents a founding principle for any project, bringing together economics, reliability and environmental protection. To entail sustainability in RESs-based innovative projects, previous knowledge and tools are often not tailored or miss the novel objectives. This research proposes three methodological approaches, bridging the gaps. The first contribute adapts literature-based indicators of inherent safety and energy efficiency to capture the specificities of novel process plants and hybrid systems. Minor case studies dealing with novel P2X processes exemplify the application of these novel indicators. The second method guides the conceptual design of hybrid systems for the valorisation of a RES in a site, by considering the sustainability performances of alternative design options. Its application is demonstrated through the comparison of two offshore sites where wave energy can be valorised. Finally, “OHRES”, a comprehensive tool for the sustainable optimisation of hybrid renewable energy systems is proposed. “OHRES” hinges on the exploitation of multiple RESs, by converting ex-post sustainability indicators into discrimination markers screening a large number of possible system configurations, according to the location features. Five case studies demonstrate “OHRES” versatility in the sustainable valorisation of multiple RESs.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
A presente dissertação insere-se no âmbito da unidade curricular “ Dissertação” do 2º ano do mestrado em Engenharia Eletrotécnica – Sistemas Elétricos de Energia. Com o aumento crescente do número de consumidores de energia, é cada vez mais imperioso a adoção de medidas de racionalização e gestão dos consumos da energia elétrica. Existem diferentes tipos de dificuldades no planeamento e implementação de novas centrais produtoras de energia renovável, pelo que também por este motivo é cada vez mais importante adoção de medidas de gestão de consumos, quer ao nível dos clientes alimentados em média tensão como de baixa tensão. Desta forma será mais acessível a criação de padrões de eficiência energética elevados em toda a rede de distribuição de energia elétrica. Também a economia é afetada por uma fraca gestão dos consumos por parte dos clientes. Elevados desperdícios energéticos levam a que mais energia tenha que ser produzida, energia essa que contribui ainda mais para a elevada taxa de dependência energética em Portugal, e para o degradar da economia nacional. Coloca-se assim a necessidade de implementar planos e métodos que promovam a eficiência energética e a gestão racional de consumos de energia elétrica. Apresenta-se nesta dissertação várias propostas, algumas na forma de projetos já em execução, que visam sensibilizar o consumidor para a importância da utilização eficiente de energia e, ao mesmo tempo, disponibilizam as ferramentas tecnológicas adequadas para auxiliar a implementação dos métodos propostos. Embora os planos apresentados, sobejamente conhecidos, tenham imensa importância, a implementação nos vários consumidores de sistemas capazes de efetivamente reduzir consumos tem um papel fundamental. Equipamentos de gestão de consumos, que são apresentados nesta dissertação, permitem ao consumidor aceder diretamente ao seu consumo. Podem aceder não apenas ao consumo global da instalação mas também ao consumo específico por equipamento, permitindo perceber onde se verifica a situação mais desfavorável. Funcionalidades de programação de perfis tipo, com limitações de potência em vários períodos horários, bem como possibilidades de controlo remoto com recurso a aplicações para Smartphones permitem a redução de consumos ao nível da rede de distribuição e, desta forma, contribuir para a redução dos desperdícios e da dependência energética em Portugal. No âmbito do trabalho de dissertação é desenvolvida uma metodologia de comercialização de potência, que é apresentada nesta tese. Esta metodologia propõem que o consumidor, em função dos seus consumos, pague apenas a quantidade de potência que efetivamente necessita num certo período de tempo. Assim, o consumidor deixa de pagar uma tarifa mensal fixa associada á sua potência contratada, e passará a pagar um valor correspondente apenas à potência que efetivamente solicitou em todas as horas durante o mês. Nesta metodologia que é apresentada, o consumidor poderá também fazer uma análise do seu diagrama de cargas e simular uma alteração da sua tarifa, tarifa esta que varia entre tarifa simples, bi-horária semanal, bi-horária diária, tri-horária semanal ou tri-horária diária, de forma a perceber em qual destas pagará um menor valor pela mesma energia. De forma a que o consumidor possa perceber se haverá vantagem de uma alteração para uma potência contratada flexível, ou para uma outra tarifa associada á energia, tem ao seu dispor uma ferramenta, que em função dos seus consumos, permite retirar conclusões sobre o preço final a pagar na fatura, após cada tipo de alteração. Esta ferramenta foi validada com recurso a várias simulações, para diferentes perfis de consumidores. Desta forma, o utilizador fica a perceber que realmente pode poupar com uma potência contratada flexível, ao mesmo tempo que pode identificar-se com um perfil de simulação e, mais facilmente, perceber para que alteração tarifária pode usufruir de uma maior poupança.
The stems and roots of most dicot plants increase in diameter by radial growth, due to the activity of secondary meristems. Two types of meristems function in secondary plant body formation: the vascular cambium, which gives rise to secondary xylem and phloem, and the cork cambium, which produces a bark layer that replaces the epidermis and protects the plant stem from mechanical damage and pathogens. Cambial development, the initiation and activity of the vascular cambium, leads to an accumulation of wood, the secondary xylem tissue. The thick, cellulose-rich cell walls of wood provide a source of cellulose and have the potential to be used as a raw material for sustainable and renewable energy production. In this review, we will discuss what is known about the mechanisms regulating the cambium and secondary tissue development.
Tulevaisuudessa sähköverkko kohtaa monia haasteita, kun sähköautot yleistyvät, vaatien suuren tehotarpeen. Uusiutuvan energiantuotannon epävarma huipputehon tuotanto ei välttämättä pysty kattamaan sähköautoista johtuvaa suurta tehopiikkiä, jos suuret määrät ajoneuvoista kytketään yhtä aikaa lataukseen. Jos sähköajoneuvot voidaan ladata ohjatusti, ei välttämättä tarvita lisäenergian tuotantoa kattamaan kasvanutta huipputehon tarvetta. Lisäksi sähköajoneuvojen akut toimivat koko sähköverkolle energiavarastoina, jollaista ei ole ennen ollut. Älykkäällä sähköverkolla voidaan ohjata sähköajoneuvon latausta, mikäli ajoneuvossa on ohjausjärjestelmä ja akkujen varaustilan mittaus. Tässä kandidaatin työssä ohjelmoidaan mittaus- ja ohjauskortti plug-in hybridiautoa varten, jossa on V2G-ominaisuus. Ohjainkortista toteutetaan toimintakuvaus, jonka mukaan se myös ohjelmoidaan. Ohjainkortti mittaa akkujen jännitettä ja virtaa, joista voidaan määrittää akkujen varaustilat. Ohjainkortti lähettää tiedot eteenpäin PC:lle, jolta ohjainkortti saa käskyn toimintatilasta. Mittaustietojen perusteella voidaan seurata mahdollisia vikatilanteita. Kandidaatintyön aikana ohjainkorttia ei ehditty asentamaan ajoneuvoon, mutta laboratoriotestien mukaan voidaan todeta, että ohjainkortti on ohjelmallisesti toimiva. Mittauksissa selvisi, että ohjainkortin mittaustulot eivät olleet tarpeeksi tarkkoja käyttökohteeseen. Todettiin, että ohjainkortti vaatii rakenteellisia muutoksia mittaustuloksien parantamista varten, ennen ohjainkortin käyttöönottoa, mutta kandidaatintyön tavoitteet saavutettiin.
Tässä opinnäytetyössä käsitellään syöttötariffeja, jotka ovat yksi valtion tukikeino uusiutuvalle energialle. Työn tarkoituksena on käsitellä uusiutuvien energialähteiden käytön edistämistä syöttötariffijärjestelmällä. Työssä esitellään lainsäädännön edellytykset kullekin tuotantomuodolle, jotta ne hyväksytään syöttötariffijärjestelmään. Lisäksi käsitellään syöttötariffien piirissä olevien eri tuotantomuotojen kohtaamia ongelmia. Työssä tutkitaan myös syöttötariffien vaikutusta sähkön hintaan tulevaisuudessa. Lopuksi esitellään lyhyesti muualla Euroopassa käytössä olevia tukimuotoja ja niiden määritys perusteita.
Energian varastointi on noussut keskeiseksi energia-alan teemaksi viime vuosina. Erityi-sesti uusiutuvan tuotannon lisääntyminen ja energian käytön tehostaminen ovat edesautta-neet energiavarastoratkaisuiden mukaantuloa. Työssä tarkastellaan litiumrautafosfaattiak-kujen käytön kannattavuutta omakotitaloissa. Tavoitteena on selvittää, millä reunaehdoilla näiden akkujen käyttö energiavarastoina tulee kannattavaksi Lappeenrannan olosuhteissa. Kannattavuutta selvitetään litiumrautafosfaattiakkujen markkina-analyysin ja teknistalou-dellisen analyysin sekä Matlab-simulaation avulla.