786 resultados para rehabilitation nursing care
Aims and objectives This study sought to determine the relationship between health related quality of life (HRQoL), fatigue and activity levels of people with anaemia secondary to chronic kidney disease (CKD) over a 12 month period following the introduction of an erythropoietin stimulating agent (ESA). Background CKD occurs in five stages and it is a complex chronic illness which severely impacts on an individual’s HRQoL, and ability to perform everyday activities. Fatigue is also a common symptom experienced by people with CKD. Design and methods Using a longitudinal repeated measures design, 28 people with CKD completed the SF-36, human activity profile and fatigue severity scale at the commencement of an ESA and then at 3, 6 and 12 months. Results Over a 12 month period, people reported a significant change in HRQoL in relation to role physical, vitality, mental health/emotional well-being and overall mental health. However activity levels did not significantly improve during that time. Both the amount of breathlessness and level of fatigue were highest at baseline and declined over time. Both fatigue and breathlessness were correlated with less reported general health over time. Conclusion Renal nurses, in dialysis units and CKD outpatient clinics, have repeated and frequent contact with people with CKD over long periods of time, and are in an ideal position to routinely assess fatigue and activity levels and to institute timely interventions. Early detection would enable timely nursing interventions to optimise HRQoL and independent activity. Relevance to Clinical Practice Drawing on rehabilitation nursing interventions could assist renal nurses to minimize the burden of fatigue and its impact on simple everyday activities and a person’s quality of life. These interventions are important for people who are living at home and could assist in lowering the burden on home support services.
Aim To develop clinical practice guidelines for nurse-administered procedural sedation and analgesia in the cardiac catheterisation laboratory. Background Numerous studies have reported that nurse-administered procedural sedation and analgesia is safe. However, the broad scope of existing guidelines for the administration and monitoring of patients who receive sedation during medical procedures without an anaesthetist presents means there is a lack of specific guidance regarding optimal nursing practices for the unique circumstances in which nurse-administered procedural sedation and analgesia is used in the cardiac catheterisation laboratory. Methods A sequential mixed methods design was utilised. Initial recommendations were produced from three studies conducted by the authors: an integrative review; a qualitative study; and a cross-sectional survey. The recommendations were revised in accordance with responses from a modified Delphi study. The first Delphi round was completed by nine senior cardiac catheterisation laboratory nurses. All but one of the draft recommendations met the pre-determined cut-off point for inclusion. There were a total of 59 responses to the second round. Consensus was reached on all recommendations. Implications for nursing The guidelines that were derived from the Delphi study offer twenty four recommendations within six domains of nursing practice: Pre-procedural assessment; Pre-procedural patient and family education; Pre-procedural patient comfort; Intra-procedural patient comfort; Intra-procedural patient assessment and monitoring; and Post-procedural patient assessment and monitoring. Conclusion These guidelines provide an important foundation towards the delivery of safe, consistent and evidence-based nursing care for the many patients who receive sedation in the cardiac catheterisation laboratory setting.
This study was a phenomenological inquiry of the experience of auditory hallucinations as described by 13 Indonesian people diagnosed with schizophrenia. The interviewees included 6 men and 7 women and they were aged between 19 and 56 years. Four themes emerged from this study: feeling more like a robot than a human being; voices of contradiction - a point of confusion; tattered relationships and family disarray; and normalizing the presence of voices as part of everyday life. The findings of this study have the potential to contribute to new understandings of how people live with and manage auditory hallucinations and so enhance client-centered nursing care.
An exploratory study of staff nurses' knowledge of delirium in the medical ICU: An Asian perspective
Aim The aim of this study was to establish intensive care unit nurses’ knowledge of delirium within an acute tertiary hospital within South East Asia. Background Delirium is a common, life threatening and often preventable cause of morbidity and mortality among older patients. Undetected and untreated delirium is a catalyst to increased mortality, morbidity, functional decline and results in increased requirement for nursing care, healthcare expense and hospital length of stay. However, despite effective assessment tools to identify delirium in the acute setting, there still remains an inability of ICU nurses’ to accurately identify delirium in the critically ill patient especially that of hypoactive delirium. Method A purposive sample of 53 staff nurses from a 13-bedded medical intensive care unit within an acute tertiary teaching hospital in South East Asia were asked to participate. A 40 item 5-point Likert scale questionnaire was employed to determine the participants’ knowledge of the signs and symptoms; the risk factors and negative outcomes of delirium. Results The overall positively answered mean score was 27 (67.3%) out of a possible 40 questions. Mean scores for knowledge of signs and symptoms, risk factors and negative outcomes were 9.52 (63.5%, n = 15), 11.43 (63.5%, n = 17) and 6.0 (75%, n = 8), respectively. Conclusion Whilst the results of this study are similar to others taken from a western perspective, it appeared that the ICU nurses in this study demonstrated limited knowledge of the signs and symptoms, risk factors and negative outcomes of delirium in the critically patient. The implications for practice of this are important given the outcomes of untreated delirium.
Aim. This paper is a report of a development and validation of a new job performance scale based on an established job performance model. Background. Previous measures of nursing quality are atheoretical and fail to incorporate the complete range of behaviours performed. Thus, an up-to-date measure of job performance is required for assessing nursing quality. Methods. Test construction involved systematic generation of test items using focus groups, a literature review, and an expert review of test items. A pilot study was conducted to determine the multidimensional nature of the taxonomy and its psychometric properties. All data were collected in 2005. Findings. The final version of the nursing performance taxonomy included 41 behaviours across eight dimensions of job performance. Results from preliminary psychometric investigations suggest that the nursing performance scale has good internal consistency, good convergent validity and good criterion validity. Conclusion. The findings give preliminary support for a new job performance scale as a reliable and valid tool for assessing nursing quality. However, further research using a larger sample and nurses from a broader geographical region is required to cross-validate the measure. This scale may be used to guide hospital managers regarding the quality of nursing care within units and to guide future research in the area.
One in eight women living in developed countries will be diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 85, with the mean age at first diagnosis approximately 60 years. Stage I represents just under 50% of diagnoses, while 45% of cases are diagnosed at later stages (stages II to IV; the remainder being unknown stage). Breast cancer continues to be the most common cause of cancer-related deaths in women , and although survival for women with stage I disease is high (98% 5-year relative survival), survival is significantly lower for those diagnosed with more advanced disease stage (i.e., stages II to IV, 83%; an unknown stage, 50%) .
Lewis’s Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, 4th Edition is the most comprehensive go-to reference for essential information about all aspects of professional nursing care of patients. Using the nursing process as a framework for practice, the fourth edition has been extensively revised to reflect the rapid changing nature of nursing practice and the increasing focus on key nursing care priorities. Building on the strengths of the third Australian and New Zealand edition and incorporating relevant global nursing research and practice from the prominent US title Medical-Surgical Nursing, 9Th Edition, Lewis’s Medical-Surgical Nursing, 4th Edition is an essential resource for students seeking to understand the role of the professional nurse in the contemporary health environment.
This descriptive correlational study examined relationships between mild stroke functional and psychosocial outcomes over the early post-discharge period among dyads of mild stroke patients (n=38) and their spousal caregivers (n=38). We measured patients' functional scores using the modified Rankin Scale; patients' and caregivers' quality of life (QoL) using Stroke Impact Scale and Short-Form 36 respectively, mood using the Beck Depression Inventory-II, and marital function scores using the Family Assessment Device. Spousal caregivers also completed the Bakas Caregiving Outcomes Scale as a measure of caregiver strain. The average age of stroke patients was 64 years and of spousal caregivers 58 years. All stroke patients were male; all spousal caregivers female. At three months post discharge, patient functional status scores had significantly improved from discharge (p=0.026) with a corresponding increase in QoL scores (p=0.012). Functional status was significantly correlated with patient perceptions of QoL at three months (r=.014, p=0.024) and spousal caregiver perceptions of physical domain QoL (r=.-.397, p=0.014). Spousal caregivers' mood at three months post discharge was strongly correlated with their perceptions of marital satisfaction (r=.578, p=0.000) and caregiver strain (r=-.620, p=0.000). In preparing patients for discharge following mild stroke, nurses must consider the psychological and social implications of the recovery process over time for both the patient with stroke and their spousal caregivers.
A prospective design that included a survey tool, nursing care records, and telephone interview was used to determine postprocedural effects experienced by children and families following gastrointestinal endoscopy performed as a day procedure. One hundred twenty-one children attending a pediatric gastroenterology unit for endoscopy under general anesthesia participated in the study. Physical symptoms, day care/school attendance, behavioral issues, and economic factors in the 72 hours post procedure were identified. Over half the children (n = 69, 57%) experienced pain in the hospital post procedure. Pain was reported by 73 children (60%) at home on the day of the procedure, by 55 children (45%) on Day 1 post procedure, and by 37 children (31%) on Day 2 post procedure. The throat was the most common site of pain. Nausea or vomiting was experienced by 37 children (31%) at some time following their procedure but was not associated with procedure type, age, or fasting time. Over half the children (n = 53, 51%) who usually attended day care or school did not attend the day following their procedure. Twenty-four parents (40%) who would normally have worked on the day after the procedure did not attend employment. These findings have been used to improve the preprocedural information and discharge management of patients treated in a pediatric gastroenterology ambulatory setting. © The Society of Gastroenterology Nurses & Associates 2007. All Rights Reserved.
Health Assessment and Physical Examination is designed to teach students to assess a patient’s physical, psychological, cultural and emotional dimensions of health as a foundation of nursing care. The skills of interviewing, inspection, percussion, palpation, auscultation, and documentation are refined to help students to make clinical judgements and promote healthy patient outcomes. A strong emphasis on science encompasses all the technical aspects of anatomy, physiology, and assessment, while highlighting clinically relevant information. Emphasis on caring is displayed through themes of assessment of the whole person, which also encourages nurses to think about care for themselves as well as patients.
A national prostate cancer specialist nursing pilot program, supported by Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia, was launched in May 2012 with funding support from The Movember Foundation. The pilot program aimed to trial a best practice model for providing specialist nursing care to those affected by prostate cancer. Prostate cancer specialist nurses were allocated to 12 hospitals across all Australian states and territories to work in the context of multidisciplinary care. The Prostate Cancer Foundation provided professional development support for nurses through a structured program. This article presents key outcomes from the research commissioned by the Prostate Cancer Foundation to evaluate the prostate cancer specialist nurse role. Specifically, the paper reports evaluation data relating to the roles and functions of the prostate cancer specialist nurse to explore the influence of the role on outcomes for patients, carers and services.
Los planes de atención de enfermería actuales recogen nuevas intervenciones, alternativas a los cuidados convencionales y algunas de ellas poco estudiadas, como lo es el uso de distintas formas de arte como terapia complementaria a un tratamiento médico. Uno de los campos donde más fuerza tiene es en el de la salud mental, ya que permite actuar tanto de forma terapéutica como preventiva. La arteterapia engloba intervenciones con cualquier forma de arte como la pintura, la fotografía, la música o el teatro. Su terreno de actuación, además de la parte puramente asistencial, incluye el ámbito social y educativo que en muchas ocasiones son olvidados en los cuidados enfermeros. Una revisión de este tipo es necesaria para guiar las intervenciones enfermeras englobadas en la mejora de la comunicación no verbal en pacientes con los que la psicoterapia tradicional a través del diálogo no es eficaz y como herramienta de estimulación cognitiva y prevención de síntomas depresivos o ansiosos que conllevan muchas patologías médicas. El objetivo de esta revisión es mostrar una visión general de la situación actual de este tipo de terapia, repasando su evolución histórica y valorar su eficacia a partir de la evidencia científica encontrada. Para ello se realizó un análisis de las publicaciones que tratan este tema, incluyendo artículos de investigación que analizan el efecto de distintos tipos de terapias con arte sobre diversos trastornos, teniendo siempre en cuenta el tipo de artículo analizado así como la calidad científica de las publicaciones.
Trata-se de um estudo do tipo estudo de caso, na abordagem qualitativa, que visa a analisar as vivências das mulheres que utilizaram as tecnologias não-invasivas de cuidado de enfermagem durante a gravidez e o parto e discutir quais e como essas tecnologias estimularam o empoderamento nelas. Para isso foram utilizadas referências que abordem conceitos de gênero, empoderamento e tecnologias. Como referencial teórico foi utilizado a de Promoção da Saúde de Nola Pender que, a partir da identificação dos fatores biopsicossociais do indivíduo, busca influenciar comportamentos saudáveis, visando ao bem-estar como proposta de promoção da saúde. O cenário do estudo foi a Casa de Parto David Capistrano Filho, localizada no município do Rio de Janeiro, e contou com a participação de dez mulheres que pariram na Casa. Para a coleta de dados, foi elaborado um diagrama semelhante ao de Pender, contendo alguns aspectos biopsicossociais das mulheres que pudessem ter influência na vivência de empoderamento delas. As entrevistas aconteceram entre os meses de março e maio de 2010. Os dados produzidos foram analisados e transformados em três categorias: características e vivências individuais da mulher; conhecimentos, sentimentos e influências, na gravidez e no parto, a partir do uso das tecnologias; e o resultado do empoderamento. A tecnologia relacional, como o acolhimento, o vínculo e a escuta sensível, influenciou de forma benéfica as mulheres desde o momento que elas iniciaram o pré-natal na Casa, já que no início da gravidez algumas tinham receio com as mudanças do corpo e com as responsabilidades da maternidade. A dor do parto também foi outra preocupação citada por desconhecerem a fisiologia do processo. Mas, através de tecnologias como a de informação, de apoio, de potencialização de expressão corporal, de favorecimento da presença do acompanhante e de respeito de escolha delas, o parto acabou sendo calmo, tranqüilo, acolhedor e prazeroso. Com isso, as tecnologias contribuíram para as vivências de fortalecimento do vínculo com o bebê, na maior autoconfiança em parir e no preparo da maternidade que despertou nelas um desejo de serem pessoas de opiniões próprias e de terem uma formação profissional para garantir um bom futuro para o filho. Percebeu-se, nesse estudo, que as tecnologias favoreceram o empoderamento delas em parir numa Casa de Parto sendo assistidas por enfermeiras obstetras. No entanto, elas ainda se mostram passivas à dominação masculina quando valorizam a capacidade feminina em conquistar o espaço público masculino, mesmo em detrimento de suas reais necessidades, mostrando a importância de mais discussão sobre a temática a fim de vislumbrar novas tecnologias que auxiliem às mulheres a transpor esse empoderamento, adquirido durante a gravidez e o parto, para o seu dia a dia.
As doenças infecto-parasitárias, ainda hoje, em pleno século XXI são responsáveis por uma quantidade generosa de morbidade e mortalidade no Brasil e no mundo. Muitas delas são amplamente influenciadas pelas mudanças climáticas que estão ocorrendo em todo o planeta fazendo com que sua incidência e distribuição geográfica aumentem. A dengue é considerada a principal doença reemergente nos países tropicais e subtropicais. A malária tem forte incidência nos países ao sul do deserto do Saara na África, ocorrendo também em vários países da América do Sul que possuem parte da região Amazônica em seu território. Várias doenças voltam a assolar a população de vários locais como as leishmanioses, a Doença de Lyme, erlichioses entre outras. Em março de 2009 começam a ocorrer os primeiros casos de uma nova doença inicialmente denominada Influenza suína, a qual, levou alguns indivíduos a óbito em Oaxaca, uma cidade mexicana localizada a 400 quilômetros da capital. Rapidamente, a doença se espalhou pelo país e posteriormente, no começo do mês de abril de 2009 já, existiam relatos de casos em vários países. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é verificar em que medida o cuidado de enfermagem realizado expressou um maior ou menor grau de controle do enfermeiro sobre seu trabalho, apontando para os potenciais riscos (biológicos) de adoecimento e impactos negativos na saúde deste trabalhador. O presente estudo foi desenvolvido por meio de uma abordagem quantitativa com desenho longitudinal e observacional, delineamento de pesquisa não experimental e caráter descritivo. Foi feita a análise observacional nas tendas quanto a sua infraestrutura e posteriormente foi passado um questionário aos enfermeiros pautado em questões sobre o risco biológico que estes estavam sendo submetidos. Faz-se necessário que a cultura do improviso acabe e comece a se pensar em uma nova realidade: as doenças transmissíveis são uma realidade, elas existem e há de ser feito um adequamento de tudo que esteja ligado à área de saúde pensando em um novo contexto. É imperioso que tanto as autoridades como os profissionais revejam e reflitam sobre o que aconteceu, para que os erros do passado possam ficar para trás e não se repitam.
Esse estudo trata-se de uma dissertação de Mestrado do Programa de Pós Graduação da Faculdade de Enfermagem da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Essa pesquisa tem como objeto A relação entre saber científico e senso comum na consulta de enfermagem. O objetivo geral deste estudo é Refletir acerca da presença e possíveis articulações entre o saber científico e o senso comum nas consultas de enfermagem da Policlínica Piquet Carneiro. Como objetivos específicos temos: Compreender a percepção dos enfermeiros da Policlínica Piquet Carneiro acerca da consulta de enfermagem; Identificar a presença do saber científico e do senso comum nas consultas de enfermagem da Policlínica Piquet Carneiro e Identificar possíveis articulações entre o saber científico e o senso comum nas consultas de enfermagem da Policlíclinica Piquet Carneiro. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo descritivo que utilizou como abordagem metodológica a hermenêutica dialética. O cenário do estudo foi a Policlínica Piquet Carneiro e os sujeitos foram doze enfermeiros que realizam consulta de enfermagem na Policlínica em diversas áreas. Todos os participantes autorizaram a coleta de dados mediante a assinatura do termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de observações livres e entrevistas. As entrevistas foram transcritas e analisadas utilizando a lógica de compreensão da hermenêutica dialética. A partir dos resultados foi possível selecionar quatro categorias de análise de dados. A consulta de enfermagem na percepção dos enfermeiros e enquanto espaço educativo, Sentidos do senso comum, A expressão do saber científico na consulta de enfermagem e Articulações possíveis entre o senso comum e o saber científico na consulta de enfermagem. Diante de tudo o que foi explicitado nesse estudo conclui-se que a articulação entre saberes é possível e pode acontecer quando estamos dispostos a reconhecer o valor e a sabedoria presente nos saberes populares.