936 resultados para refractory metals
Summary Purpose: Status epilepticus (SE) that is resistant to two antiepileptic compounds is defined as refractory status epilepticus (RSE). In the few available retrospective studies, estimated RSE frequency is between 31% and 43% of patients presenting an SE episode; almost all seem to require a coma induction for treatment. We prospectively assessed RSE frequency, clinical predictors, and outcome in a tertiary clinical setting. Methods: Over 2 years we collected 128 consecutives SE episodes (118 patients) in adults. Clinical data and their relationship to outcome (mortality and return to baseline clinical conditions) were analyzed. Results: Twenty-nine of 128 SE episodes (22.6%) were refractory to first- and second-line antiepileptic treatments. Severity of consciousness impairment and de novo episodes were independent predictors of RSE. RSE showed a worse outcome than non-RSE (39% vs. 11% for mortality; 21% vs. 63% for return to baseline clinical conditions). Only 12 patients with RSE (41%) required coma induction for treatment. Discussion: This prospective study identifies clinical factors predicting the onset of SE refractoriness. RSE appears to be less frequent than previously reported in retrospective studies; furthermore, most RSE episodes were treated outside the intensive care unit (ICU). Nonetheless, we confirm that RSE is characterized by high mortality and morbidity.
The effect of soil contamination by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and heavy metals on earthworms and enchytraeids was studied in urban parks, in Brno, Czech Republic. In spring and autumn 2007, annelids were collected and soil samples taken in lawns along transects, at three different distances (1, 5 and 30 m) from streets with heavy traffic. In both seasons, two parks with two transects each were sampled. Earthworms were collected using the electrical octet method. Enchytraeids were extracted by the wet funnel method from soil cores. All collected annelids were counted and identified. Basic chemical parameters and concentrations of 16 PAH, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn were analysed from soil from each sampling point. PAH concentrations were rather low, decreasing with the distance from the street in spring but not in autumn. Heavy metal concentrations did not decrease significantly with increasing distance. Annelid densities did not significantly differ between distances, although there was a trend of increase in the number of earthworms with increasing distance. There were no significant correlations between soil content of PAH or heavy metals and earthworm or enchytraeid densities. Earthworm density and biomass were negatively correlated with soil pH; and enchytraeid density was positively correlated with soil phosphorus.
(I): Hexaaquacobalt(II) aqua[ethylenediaminetetraacetato(3-)]cobaltate(II) dihydrate, [Co(H2O)6][Co(C10H13N2O8)(H2O)]2.2H2O (Ibis): Hexaaquamagnesium(II) aqua[ethylenediaminetetraacetato(3-)]magnesiate(II) dihydrate, [Mg(H2O)6][Mg(C10H13N2O8)(H2O)]2.2H2O (II):Tetraaquabis{aqua[ethylenediaminetetraacetato(3-)]cadmium(II)-O-O'}Cadmium(II) tetrahydrate
(I): Hexaaquacobalt(II) aqua[ethylenediaminetetraacetato(3-)]cobaltate(II) dihydrate, [Co(H2O)6][Co(C10H13N2O8)(H2O)]2.2H2O (Ibis): Hexaaquamagnesium(II) aqua[ethylenediaminetetraacetato(3-)]magnesiate(II) dihydrate, [Mg(H2O)6][Mg(C10H13N2O8)(H2O)]2.2H2O (II):Tetraaquabis{aqua[ethylenediaminetetraacetato(3-)]cadmium(II)-O-O'}Cadmium(II) tetrahydrate
The purpose of our study was to update the safety and efficacy results of radioimmunotherapy in relapsed or resistant indolent or transformed non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Methods: More than 9 y ago, we treated 12 indolent and 4 transformed, relapsed or refractory lymphoma patients with a single administration of nonmyeloablative therapy with tositumomab and I-131-tositumomab. The 16 patients had a mean of 3.1 (range, 1-6) previous chemotherapy and antibody treatments. Results: Six of 12 relapsed indolent lymphoma patients remain disease-free a mean of 9.8 y (range, 8.6-10.7 y) after radioimmunotherapy. Three of 4 transformed lymphoma patients progressed after radioimmunotherapy, and 1 patient had a partial response of 10 mo. Conclusion: Optimal patient benefit might be obtained in indolent lymphoma when administering radioimmunotherapy up-front in combination with chemotherapy and rituximab treatment. However, these results show that radioimmunotherapy alone achieved long-lasting remissions in 6 of 12 (50%) indolent lymphoma patients in relapse after 1 or multiple chemotherapies.
(I): Hexaaquacobalt(II) aqua[ethylenediaminetetraacetato(3-)]cobaltate(II) dihydrate, [Co(H2O)6][Co(C10H13N2O8)(H2O)]2.2H2O (Ibis): Hexaaquamagnesium(II) aqua[ethylenediaminetetraacetato(3-)]magnesiate(II) dihydrate, [Mg(H2O)6][Mg(C10H13N2O8)(H2O)]2.2H2O (II):Tetraaquabis{aqua[ethylenediaminetetraacetato(3-)]cadmium(II)-O-O'}Cadmium(II) tetrahydrate
PURPOSE: To evaluate the clinical outcome of patients who received a Baerveldt implant for refractory glaucoma and to identify factors which may influence the outcome. METHODS: Retrospective study including 51 eyes of 51 patients with medically uncontrolled glaucoma who underwent Baerveldt implant surgery between June 1994 and December 1998. Criteria for success were intraocular pressure (IOP) < or = 21 mmHg and > 6 mmHg, necessity of further antiglaucoma medications, absence of additional glaucoma surgery and no loss of light perception. RESULTS: Over a mean follow-up of 37.6 (SD: +/-18.8) months, the mean intraocular pressure decreased from 34.8 (+/-12.5) mmHg to 14.0 (+/-4.3) mmHg at month 60. Qualified success rate, achieved when IOP was below 21 mmHg and higher than 6 mmHg with medications was 25/48 (52%), complete success rate (same IOP limits without medication) was 14/48 (29%). Seven eyes had major complications or lost light perception. Postoperative visual acuity improved or remained within one Snellen line of the preoperative visual acuity in 35 patients (73%). Factors associated with a better prognosis were a preoperative visual acuity better than 20/400 and etiology of glaucoma. CONCLUSION: The Baerveldt implant is effective in lowering intraocular pressure in most patients with refractory glaucoma. Long-term results are promising with satisfactory IOP control.
Diplomityön tarkoituksena oli löytää keino korkean mangaanipitoisuuden hallintaan ECF-valkaisussa. Kirjallisuusosassa käsiteltiin eri metallien ja kuidun vuorovaikutuksia sekä niiden vaikutuksia prosessiin. Lisäksi käytiin läpi sellunvalmituksen yleisimpiä metallienhallintamenetelmiä. Työn kokeellisessa osassa tehtiin esikokeina laboratoriokokeita, jotta löydettiin oikeat kelatointistrategiat tehdasmittakaavan koeajoille. Laboratoriovalkaisut suoritettiin kuudella eri kemikaalilla käyttäen DD3-pesurin jälkeistä massaa ja samanlaisia parametrejä kuin tehdasvalkaisussa. Kolmesta eri valkaisusekvenssistä paras tulos saavutettiin D0-QEP-sekvenssillä. Tehdasmittakaavan koeajojen tavoitteena oli saavuttaa alle 1 mg/kg jäännösmangaanipitoisuus valkaistussa massassa ja korkeampi vaaleus EOP-vaiheessa pienemmällä klooridioksidin kulutuksella. Koeajoissa käytettiinDTPA:ta ja EDTA:ta kahdeksassa eri koepisteessä. Pienimpiin jäännöspitoisuuksiin päästiin koepisteissä, joissa kelatointiaine annosteltiin ennen valkaisun viimeistä pesuvaihetta tai sen jälkeen. Samanlaisia tuloksia saavutettiin koepisteissä, joissa kelatointiaine lisättiin suoraan EOP-vaiheeseen. Tällöin kelatointiaineen käyttö johti myös korkeampaan vaaleuteen EOP-vaiheessa pienemmällä kappakertoimella kuin referenssissä. Säästöt klooridioksidin kulutuksessa eivät olleet kuitenkaan tarpeeksi suuret kattaakseen kelatointiaineiden käytön kustannuksia. Kustannustehokkain tapa kontrolloida jäännösmangaanipitoisuutta oli EDTA:n annostelu D2 DD-pesurin jälkeen. Haittapuolena tälläisessä kelatoinnissa oli metallikompleksien palautuminen valkaisuun kuivauskoneen kiertoveden mukana. Tärkeimmät onnistuneeseen kelatointiin vaikuttavat parametrit olivat lajittelussa käytetyn rikkihapon annos, D0-vaiheen pH ja D0 DD-pesurin pesutehokkuus.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to analyze whether fever control attenuates cerebral metabolic distress after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). METHODS: Eighteen SAH patients, who underwent intracranial pressure (ICP) and cerebral microdialysis monitoring and were treated with induced normothermia for refractory fever (body temperature >or=38.3 degrees C, despite antipyretics), were studied. Levels of microdialysate lactate/pyruvate ratio (LPR) and episodes of cerebral metabolic crisis (LPR >40) were analyzed during fever and induced normothermia, at normal and high ICP (>20 mm Hg). RESULTS: Compared to fever, induced normothermia resulted in lower LPR (40+/-24 versus 32+/-9, P<0.01) and a reduced incidence of cerebral metabolic crisis (13% versus 5%, P<0.05) at normal ICP. During episodes of high ICP, induced normothermia was associated with a similar reduction of LPR, fewer episodes of cerebral metabolic crisis (37% versus 8%, P<0.01), and lower ICP (32+/-11 versus 28+/-12 mm Hg, P<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Fever control is associated with reduced cerebral metabolic distress in patients with SAH, irrespective of ICP.
Background: Macular edema resulting from central retinal vein occlusion is effectively treated with anti-vascular endothelial growth factor injections. However, some patients need monthly retreatment and still show frequent recurrences. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the visual and anatomic outcomes of refractory macular edema resulting from ischemic central retinal vein occlusion in patients switched from ranibizumab to aflibercept intravitreal injections. Patients and Methods: We describe a retrospective series of patients followed in the Medical Retina Unit of the Jules Gonin Eye Hospital for macular edema due to ischemic central retinal vein occlusion, refractory to monthly retreatment with ranibizumab, and changed to aflibercept. Refractory macular edema was defined as persistence of any fluid at each visit one month after last injection during at least 6 months. All patients had to have undergone pan-retinal laser scan. Results: Six patients were identified, one of whom had a very short-term follow-up (excluded from statistics). Mean age was 57 ± 12 years. The mean changes in visual acuity and central macular thickness from baseline to switch were + 20.6 ± 20.3 ETDRS letters and - 316.4 ± 276.6 µm, respectively. The additional changes from before to after the switch were + 9.2 ± 9.5 ETDRS letters and - 248.0 ± 248.7 µm, respectively. The injection intervals could often be lengthened after the switch. Conclusions: Intravitreal aflibercept seems to be a promising alternative treatment for macular edema refractory to ranibizumab in ischemic central retinal vein occlusion.
PURPOSE: To investigate the visual acuity results of eyes with neovascular age-related macular degeneration and refractory fluid despite monthly treatment with ranibizumab, and to investigate differences between refractory subretinal fluid and intraretinal cystic changes. METHODS: Retrospective chart review of consecutive treatment-refractory neovascular age-related macular degeneration, defined as persistent intraretinal or subretinal fluid despite monthly ranibizumab injections during 12 months or more. Data were evaluated for baseline characteristics, type and location of the refractory fluid, mean visual acuity change, number of injections, and the time point of first complete disappearance of all fluid on spectral domain optical coherence tomography. RESULTS: Seventy-six eyes (74 patients, mean age, 76.8 years) were identified. The mean follow-up was 33.6 months (range, 12-73 months). The mean number of injections was 11.4 in the first year and 27.7 over follow-up. The refractory fluid was located subfoveally in 61.8%. In 27 eyes (35.5%), the fluid resolved after a mean of 21.8 months (range, 13-49 months). Mean visual acuity increased by 9.0, 7.9, and 7.9 letters by Month 12, Month 24, and Month 36, respectively. Subgroup analysis revealed a higher risk for fibrosis (odds ratio, 3.30) or atrophy (odds ratio, 3.34) in patients with refractory cysts as compared with refractory subretinal fluid. Furthermore, refractory cysts showed a higher risk for a 10-letter visual acuity loss (P = 0.018). CONCLUSION: Fluid refractory to monthly treatment with ranibizumab for neovascular age-related macular degeneration still allowed for well-maintained visual improvement, even in subfoveal location. Late fluid resolution may occur. However, refractory cysts were associated with poorer anatomical and functional outcome than subretinal fluid.
PURPOSE: To investigate the functional outcome of eyes with neovascular AMD (nAMD) and subretinal fluid (SRF) refractory to treatment with ranibizumab. METHODS: Retrospective chart review of consecutive treatment-refractory SRF in nAMD despite monthly ranibizumab injections during 12 months or more. Data were evaluated for baseline characteristics, location of the refractory SRF, mean visual acuity (VA) change, number of injections, and timepoint of first complete disappearance of SRF. RESULTS: Forty-five eyes in 44 patients (mean age of 76 years) were included. The mean follow-up was 32.4 months (range 12-73 months). The mean number of injections was 11.6 in the first year and 27.5 over follow-up. The refractory SRF was located subfoveally in 66.7 %. In 12 eyes (26.7 %), complete absorption of SRF was found after a mean of 22.6 months (range, 13-41 months). Mean VA increased by 10.4, 8.2, and 8.6 letters by month 12, 24, and 36, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Neovascular AMD with SRF refractory to monthly retreatment with ranibizumab may still allow good and maintained visual improvement, even if the fluid is located subfoveally. SRF may progressively absorb under continuous monthly treatment. The necessity to treat refractory SRF with monthly injections could be questioned and would need future investigations.
Slab and cluster model spin-polarized calculations have been carried out to study various properties of isolated first-row transition metal atoms adsorbed on the anionic sites of the regular MgO(100) surface. The calculated adsorption energies follow the trend of the metal cohesive energies, indicating that the changes in the metal-support and metal-metal interactions along the series are dominated by atomic properties. In all cases, except for Ni at the generalized gradient approximation level, the number of unpaired electron is maintained as in the isolated metal atom. The energy required to change the atomic state from high to low spin has been computed using the PW91 and B3LYP density-functional-theory-based methods. PW91 fails to predict the proper ground state of V and Ni, but the results for the isolated and adsorbed atom are consistent within the method. B3LYP properly predicts the ground state of all first-row transition atom the high- to low-spin transition considered is comparable to experiment. In all cases, the interaction with the surface results in a reduced high- to low-spin transition energy.
BACKGROUND: The prognosis of patients with cirrhosis and acute variceal bleeding is very poor when the standard-of-care fails to control bleeding. New treatment modalities are needed in these patients. AIM: To synthesise the available evidence on the efficacy of self-expanding metal stents (SEMS) in patients with cirrhosis and severe or refractory oesophageal variceal bleeding. METHODS: Meta-analysis of trials evaluating SEMS in patients with cirrhosis and severe or refractory oesophageal variceal bleeding. RESULTS: Thirteen studies were included. The pooled estimate rates were 0.40 (95% confidence interval, CI = 0.31-0.49) for death, 0.41 (95% CI = 0.29-0.53) for liver-related death and 0.36 (95% CI = 0.26-0.47) for death at day 30, with low heterogeneity between studies. The pooled estimate rates were 0.12 (95% CI = 0.07-0.21) for mortality related to variceal bleeding, and 0.18 (95% CI = 0.11-0.29) for failure to control bleeding with SEMS, with no or low heterogeneity between studies. The pooled estimate rate were 0.16 (95% CI = 0.04-0.48) for rebleeding after stent removal and 0.28 (95% CI = 0.17-0.43) for stent migration, with high heterogeneity. A significant proportion of patients had access to liver transplantation or to TIPSS [pooled estimate rate 0.10 (95% CI = 0.04-0.21) and 0.26 (95% CI = 0.18-0.36), respectively]. CONCLUSIONS: Fewer than 40% of patients treated with SEMS were dead at 1 month. SEMS can be used as a bridge to TIPSS or to liver transplantation in a significant proportion of patients. Additional studies are required to identify potential risk factors leading to a poor prognosis in patients with acute variceal bleeding in whom the use of SEMS could be considered.