972 resultados para reaction-kinetics


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It is now accepted that some human-induced climate change is unavoidable. Potential impacts on water supply have received much attention, but relatively little is known about the concomitant changes in water quality. Projected changes in air temperature and rainfall could affect river flows and, hence, the mobility and dilution of contaminants. Increased water temperatures will affect chemical reaction kinetics and, combined with deteriorations in quality, freshwater ecological status. With increased flows there will be changes in stream power and, hence, sediment loads with the potential to alter the morphology of rivers and the transfer of sediments to lakes, thereby impacting freshwater habitats in both lake and stream systems. This paper reviews such impacts through the lens of UK surface water quality. Widely accepted climate change scenarios suggest more frequent droughts in summer, as well as flash-flooding, leading to uncontrolled discharges from urban areas to receiving water courses and estuaries. Invasion by alien species is highly likely, as is migration of species within the UK adapting to changing temperatures and flow regimes. Lower flows, reduced velocities and, hence, higher water residence times in rivers and lakes will enhance the potential for toxic algal blooms and reduce dissolved oxygen levels. Upland streams could experience increased dissolved organic carbon and colour levels, requiring action at water treatment plants to prevent toxic by-products entering public water supplies. Storms that terminate drought periods will flush nutrients from urban and rural areas or generate acid pulses in acidified upland catchments. Policy responses to climate change, such as the growth of bio-fuels or emission controls, will further impact freshwater quality.


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The results of an experimental study into the oxidative degradation of proxies for atmospheric aerosol are presented. We demonstrate that the laser Raman tweezers method can be used successfully to obtain uptake coeffcients for gaseous oxidants on individual aqueous and organic droplets, whilst the size and composition of the droplets is simultaneously followed. A laser tweezers system was used to trap individual droplets containing an unsaturated organic compound in either an aqueous or organic ( alkane) solvent. The droplet was exposed to gas- phase ozone and the reaction kinetics and products followed using Raman spectroscopy. The reactions of three different organic compounds with ozone were studied: fumarate anions, benzoate anions and alpha pinene. The fumarate and benzoate anions in aqueous solution were used to represent components of humic- like substances, HULIS; a alpha- pinene in an alkane solvent was studied as a proxy for biogenic aerosol. The kinetic analysis shows that for these systems the diffusive transport and mass accommodation of ozone is relatively fast, and that liquid- phase di. ffusion and reaction are the rate determining steps. Uptake coe. ffcients, g, were found to be ( 1.1 +/- 0.7) x 10(-5), ( 1.5 +/- 0.7) x 10 (-5) and ( 3.0 - 7.5) x 10 (-3) for the reactions of ozone with the fumarate, benzoate and a- pinene containing droplets, respectively. Liquid- phase bimolecular rate coe. cients for reactions of dissolved ozone molecules with fumarate, benzoate and a- pinene were also obtained: k(fumarate) = ( 2.7 +/- 2) x 10 (5), k(benzoate) = ( 3.5 +/- 3) x 10 (5) and k(alpha-pinene) = ( 1-3) x 10(7) dm(3) mol (-1) s (- 1). The droplet size was found to remain stable over the course of the oxidation process for the HULIS- proxies and for the oxidation of a- pinene in pentadecane. The study of the alpha- pinene/ ozone system is the first using organic seed particles to show that the hygroscopicity of the particle does not increase dramatically over the course of the oxidation. No products were detected by Raman spectroscopy for the reaction of benzoate ions with ozone. One product peak, consistent with aqueous carbonate anions, was observed when following the oxidation of fumarate ions by ozone. Product peaks observed in the reaction of ozone with alpha- pinene suggest the formation of new species containing carbonyl groups.


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The temperature-time profiles of 22 Australian industrial ultra-high-temperature (UHT) plants and 3 pilot plants, using both indirect and direct heating, were surveyed. From these data, the operating parameters of each plant, the chemical index C*, the bacteriological index B* and the predicted changes in the levels of beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, lactulose, furosine and browning were determined using a simulation program based on published formulae and reaction kinetics data. There was a wide spread of heating conditions used, some of which resulted in a large margin of bacteriological safety and high chemical indices. However, no conditions were severe enough to cause browning during processing. The data showed a clear distinction between the indirect and direct heating plants. They also indicated that degree of denaturation of alpha-lactalbumin varied over a wide range and may be a useful discriminatory index of heat treatment. Application of the program to pilot plants illustrated its value in determining processing conditions in these plants to simulate the conditions in industrial UHT plants. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Biological models of an apoptotic process are studied using models describing a system of differential equations derived from reaction kinetics information. The mathematical model is re-formulated in a state-space robust control theory framework where parametric and dynamic uncertainty can be modelled to account for variations naturally occurring in biological processes. We propose to handle the nonlinearities using neural networks.


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The presence of paramagnetic species in the aqueous ring opening metathesis polymerizations of the exo,exo-7-oxabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene-2,3-dicarboxylic acid monomer with RuCl(3) and K(2)[RuCl(5)H(2)O] compounds was studied using ESR techniques. It was observed that the intensities of the Ru(III) signals in the ESR spectra decrease on the time scale of the induction period so that the ROMP can take place. The intensity of the Ru(III) signal almost disappeared 50 min after reacting with K(2)[RuCl(5)H(2)O] and after 100 mm in the case of RuCl(3). Reactions of the cis-[Ru(NH(3))(4)(H(2)O)(2)](tfms)(3) and [Ru(NH(3))(5)H(2)O](tfms)(3) complexes with the monomer and different organic compounds representing the organic functions in the monomer (furan, norbornene, but-2-ene-1,4-diol and formic, acetic, oxalic and maleic acids) were also monitored by ESR and UV/vis spectra. It was deduced that the organic acids provide the disappearance of the Ru(III) signal. The proton NMR relaxation times of the residual water in D(2)O for reactions with oxalic acid suggested that the presence of paramagnetic ions in the solution decreases along with


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Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the mining and mineral processing industries and must incorporate the associated waste products. Acid mine drainage (AMD) is one such by-product and is one of the most serious environmental problems facing the minerals industry today. The oxidation of sulphidic mine wastes often continues for a substantial period of time after mine closure, resulting in difficult and costly remediation and rehabilitation works. Mining companies are often reluctant to spend increasing amounts of money on waste treatment when the mine life is limited or even finished. Hence a simple, low maintenance and low-cost method of treating AMD is required. Whilst this paper does not address the issue of AMD, it does propose methods for removal of individual species from AMD with potential benefits, including raising AMD pH.

A novel concept of using biosolids as a biological adsorbent, or ‘biosorbent’, of metals from AMD is being investigated at a laboratory/pilot scale level. Biosolids are a by-product resulting from the biological treatment of wastewater, and have been previously shown to adsorb metals from aqueous solutions. This could lead to an environmentally sustainable or ‘green’ method for treating both AMD discharges and disposing/reusing the biosolids.

The result of a laboratory-scale study of the biosorption of Zn(II) is presented in this paper. Physical parameters including reaction kinetics, mixing speed and solution pH were investigated. Solution pH also rose an average of 2 pH units over the 24 hour equilibrium time – a valuable side effect when treating acid mine drainage. The outcome of the study highlights the usefulness of biosolids as a biosorbent for the removal/recovery of metal ions from acid mine drainage. A simple, low-cost treatment technology requiring low maintenance would be beneficial to the mining industry to address some issues relating to AMD and would help integrate environmental and economic considerations into sustainable environmental management.


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Epichlorohydrin (ECH), an important chemical in the synthetic polymer industry, is a bifunctional alkylating agent with the potential to form DNA interstrand crosslinks. Occupational exposure to this suspect carcinogen leads to chromosomal aberrations, and ECH has been shown to undergo reaction with DNA in vivo and in vitro. We are using denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to assess cross-linking of synthetic DNA oligomers by both ECH and the related compound, epibromohydrin (EBH). Both epihalohydrins produce a low-mobility band on denaturing gels consistent with an interstrand cross-link. Moreover, the efficiencies, sequence preferences, reaction kinetics, and pH dependence differ for the two compounds, suggesting different mechanisms of reaction. Understanding these alkylation reactions may help explain the role of the epihalohydrins in cancer development.


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Article Outline
• Introduction
• Principles
• Reaction Kinetics and the Observed Signal
• Chemiluminescence versus Fluorescence Detection
• Selectivity
• Corrected Emission Spectra
• Gas-Phase Reactions
• Liquid-Phase Reactions
• Solid-Phase Reactions
• Acknowledgements
• Further Reading


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The reaction of tris(2,2’-bipyridyl)ruthenium(III) (Ru(bipy) 33+) with various analytes to generate chemiluminescence has been well documented. This investigation sought to undertake a chemiluminometic study of the reactions of Ru(bipy) 33+ with selected Papaver Somniferum alkaloids and specifically synthesised phenethylamines. The investigation, based on a kinetic study, primarily addressed the effect of varying reaction conditions (pH) on Ru(bipy) 33+ chemiluminescence production. To monitor these reactions, a batch chemiluminometer was specifically designed, fabricated and automated to conduct an extensive study on the selected compounds of interest. The instrumentation incorporated a custom built reaction cell and comprised an ‘on-line’ sample preparation system with which calibration standards could be automatically prepared. The instrumentation provided both time-independent (peak area) and time-dependent (kinetic profile) information. A novel approach to the stabilisation of Ru(bipy) 33+ as a chemiluminescencent reagent was also investigated and a recirculating system was employed with the batch chemiluminometer to provide a stable supply of Ru(bipy) 33+. Codeine, thebaine and 6-methoxy-codeine were the Papaver Somniferum alkaloids selected for this study and several N-methylated and N,N-dimethylated phenethylamines and methoxy-substituted phenetheylamines were also synthesised to investigate the affect of pH on the chemiluminescence emission efficiency. The versatility of the batch chemiluminometer facilitated the kinetic study of numerous analytes over a broad pH range. The exemplary performance of the chemiluminometer as an analytical instrument, was demonstrated by the calibration functions, based on peak area data, which exhibited excellent linearity and sensitivity. The estimated detection limits (3s) for the selected alkaloids were in the range 2 x 10-9 M to 7 x 10-9 at pH 5.0 and above, which compared favourably to detection limits for the same compounds determined using FIA. Relative standard deviations (n=5) for peak areas ranged between 1% to 5% with a mean of 3.1% for all calibration standards above 2.5 x 10-8 M. Correlation between concentration and peak area, irrespective of pH and analyte was excellent, with all but two calibration functions having r-squared values greater than 0.990. The analytical figures of merit exemplified the precision and robustness of the reagent delivery and ‘on-line’ sample preparation, as well as the sensitivity of the system. The employment of the chemiluminometer for the measurement of total chemiluminescence emission (peak area) was in itself a feasible analytical technique, which generated highly reproducible and consistent data. Excellent analytical figures of merit, based on peak area, were similarly achieved for the phenethylamines. The effects of analyte structure on chemiluminescence activity was also investigated for the alkaloids and the phenethylamines. Subtle structural variations between the three alkaloids resulted in either a moderately reduced or enhanced total emission that was two or three fold difference only. A significant difference in reaction kinetics was observed between thebaine and codeine/6-methoxy-codeine, which was dependent upon pH. The time-dependent data, namely the observed rate constants for the initial rise in intensity and for the subsequent decay rate, were obtained by fitting a mathematical function (based on the postulated reaction mechanism) to the raw data. The determination of these rate constants for chemiluminescence reactions highlighted the feasibility for utilising such measurements for quantitative analytical applications. The kinetic data were used to discriminate between analyte responses in order to determine the concentrations of individual analytes in a binary mixture. A preliminary, multi-component investigation performed on a binary mixture of codeine and 6-methoxy-codeine (1:1) successfully determined the concentrations of these individual components using such rate constant measurements. Consequently, variations in kinetics resulted in a significant difference between the relative chemiluminescence response based on peak area measurements and the relative response base on peak height measurements obtained using FIA. With regards to the observed reactivity of secondary amines and tertiary amines, chemiluminescence peak area determinations confirmed the vital role of pH on reaction efficiency, which was governed by structural features and kinetics. The tertiary amines investigated generally produced a greater emission under acidic conditions than the corresponding secondary amines. However, the measured chemiluminescence responses were highly dependent upon pH, with similar peak areas obtained for both amine groups under slightly alkaline conditions.


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A two-stage process in the formation of TiAl3 was found in the accumulative roll bonding (ARB) Ti/Al multilayers. The distribution of layer spacing did not become broad enough to lose the main features of the double exothermal behaviour. A modified model based on thin films was set up to describe the kinetic characteristics of the formation of TiAl3 in ARB samples.


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One of the major problems associated with the use of polypyrrole (PPy) in a practical engineering application is its poor thermal stability at elevated temperatures, especially in the presence of oxygen and moisture. Several authors have shown that enhanced stability can be achieved through treatment with simple acids and bases. This paper presents a summary of the possible structural changes which occur as a result of these treatments and those that appear to be related to enhanced conductivity stability. A slight increase in conductivity (10–20%) is observed for acid treated PPy films which is found to be the result of protonation of the pyrrole structure. This effect is dramatically enhanced by treatment at high temperatures where an increase in conductivity of >84% can be achieved. Base treatment of the PPy films results in the deprotonation of the pyrrole structure leading to the loss of conductivity (>40%). Preliminary X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) results indicate that both acid and base treatment resulted in the elimination of reactive sites for oxygen. Long term thermal ageing of these treated films were conducted at 150 °C in air. The conductivity decay behaviour was found to follow multiple first order chemical reaction kinetics.


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Covalent posttranslational protein modifications by eukaryotic transglutaminases proceed by a kinetic pathway of acylation and deacylation. Ammonia is released as the acylenzyme is formed, whereas the cross-linked product is released later in the deacylation step. Superposition of the active sites of transglutaminase type 2 (TG2) and the structurally related cysteine protease, papain, indicates that in the formation of tetrahedral intermediates, the backbone nitrogen of the catalytic Cys-277 and the NƐ1 nitrogen of Trp-241 of TG2 could contribute to transition-state stabilization. The importance of this Trp-241 side chain was demonstrated by examining the kinetics of dansylcadaverine incorporation into a model peptide. Although substitution of the Trp-241 side chain with Ala or Gly had only a small effect on the Michaelis constant Km (1.5-fold increase), it caused a >300-fold lowering of the catalytic rate constant kcat. The wild-type and mutant TG2-catalyzed release of ammonia showed kinetics similar to the kinetics for the formation of cross-linked product, indicating that transitionstate stabilization in the acylation step was rate-limiting. In papain, a Gln residue is at the position of TG2-Trp-241. The conservation of Trp-241 in all eukaryotic transglutaminases and the finding that W241Q-TG2 had a much lower kcat than wild-type enzyme suggest evolutionary specialization in the use of the indole group. This notion is further supported by the observation that transitionstate- stabilizing side chains of Tyr and His that operate in some serine and metalloproteases only partially substituted for Trp.


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Effective disinfection planning and management in large, complex water distribution systems requires an accurate network water quality model. This model should be based on reaction kinetics, which describes disinfectant loss from bulk water over time, within experimental error. Models in the literature were reviewed for their ability to meet this requirement in real networks. Essential features were identified as accuracy, simplicity, computational efficiency, and ability to describe consistently the effects of initial chlorine dose, temperature variation, and successive rechlorinations. A reaction scheme of two organic constituents reacting with free chlorine was found to be necessary and sufficient to provide the required features. Recent release of the multispecies extension (MSX) to EPANET and MWH Soft's H2OMap Water MSX network software enables users to implement this and other multiple-reactant bulk decay models in real system simulations.


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Time-resolved extinction spectroscopy is employed to study the reaction kinetics in the shape-conversion reaction involving halide ions (including Cl-, Br- and I-) etching (sculpturing) silver nanoplates. A series of time-resolved extinction spectra are obtained during the in situ etching process and the evolution of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) of the silver nanoparticles is analyzed. Spectral analysis indicates that the conversion of nanoprisms starts simultaneously with the emergence of nanodisks when the halide ions are added. The etching rate of different halide ions is evaluated through the in-plane dipole resonance peak intensity of silver nanoplates vs. the reaction time (dI/dt). The relationship between the etching rate and the halide ion concentration shows that the halide ion etching reaction can be considered as a pseudo-first-order reaction. The effect of different halide ions on the shape-conversion of silver nanoplates is compared in detail. The activation energy of the etching reaction is calculated, which indicates that the etching ability of different halide ions is on the order of Cl - < I- < Br-.