984 resultados para radiação UV-C
Visible range to telecom band spectral translation is accomplished using an amorphous SiC pi'n/pin wavelength selector under appropriate front and back optical light bias. Results show that background intensity works as selectors in the infrared region, shifting the sensor sensitivity. Low intensities select the near-infrared range while high intensities select the visible part according to its wavelength. Here, the optical gain is very high in the infrared/red range, decreases in the green range, stays close to one in the blue region and strongly decreases in the near-UV range. The transfer characteristics effects due to changes in steady state light intensity and wavelength backgrounds are presented. The relationship between the optical inputs and the output signal is established. A capacitive optoelectronic model is presented and tested using the experimental results. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Solvatochromic UV-Vis shifts of four indicators (4-nitroaniline, 4-nitroanisole, 4-nitrophenol and N,N-dimethy-1-4-nitro aniline) have been measured at 298.15 K in the ternary mixture methano1/1-propanol/acetonitrile (MeOH/1-PrOH/MeCN) in a total of 22 mole fractions, along with 18 additional mole fractions for each of the corresponding binary mixtures, MeOH/1-PrOH, 1-PrOH/MeCN and MeOH/MeCN. These values, combined with our previous experimental results for 2,6-dipheny1-4-(2,4,6-triphenylpyridinium-1-yl)phenolate (Reichardt's betaine dye) in the same mixtures, permitted the computation of the Kamlet-Taft solvent parameters, alpha, beta, and pi*. The rationalization of the spectroscopic behavior of each probe within each mixture's whole mole fraction range was achieved through the use of the Bosch and Roses preferential solvation model. The applied model allowed the identification of synergistic behaviors in MeCN/alcohol mixtures and thus to infer the existence of solvent complexes in solution. Also, the addition of small amounts of MeCN to the binary mixtures was seen to cause a significant variation in pi*, whereas the addition of alcohol to MeCN mixtures always lead to a sudden change in a and The behavior of these parameters in the ternary mixture was shown to be mainly determined by the contributions of the underlying binary mixtures. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The solubilities of two C-tetraalkylcalix[4]resorcinarenes, namely C-tetramethylcalix[4]resorcinarene and C-tetrapentylcalix[4]resorcinarene, in supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO2) were measured in a flow-type apparatus at a temperature range from (313.2 to 333.2) K and at pressures from (12.0 to 35.0) MPa. The C-tetraalkylcalix[4]resorcinarenes were synthesized applying our optimized procedure and fully characterized by means of gel permeation chromatography, infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The solubilities of the C-tetraalkylcalix[4]resorcinarenes in SCCO2 were determined by analysis of the extracts obtained by HPLC with ultraviolet (UV) detection methodology adapted by our team. Four semiempirical density-based models, and the SoaveRedlichKwong cubic equation of state (SRK CEoS) with classical mixing rules, were applied to correlate the solubility of the calix[4]resorcinarenes in the SC CO2. The physical properties required for the modeling were estimated and reported.
Objectivos: Com a generalização dos procedimentos endovasculares, cresce a preocupação com os efeitos deletérios que a execução continuada de tais procedimentos radiológicos acarreta. Com este trabalho pretendeu-se avaliar e quantificar a distribuição pela equipa cirúrgica da exposição à radiação dispersa, emitida por um aparelho portátil de radioscopia com arco cirúrgico (arco em C), durante a utilização em bloco operatório. Material e métodos: O registo e avaliação da dose de radiação foram efectuados em sala do bloco operatório reproduzindo as condições habituais em que decorrem os procedimentos endovasculares. Para a simulação geométrica do tórax do doente foi utilizado um fantoma cilíndrico de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) com 15 cm de espessura. A radiação dispersa foi medida para o local do cirurgião, ajudante, anestesista e enfermeira instrumentista, através de um monitor de radiação portátil RaySafe Xi Survey Detector, tendo sido ajustada a medição para a avaliação da taxa de dose de exposição à radiação em mGy/s a diversas alturas do solo e distâncias do doente. Utilizou-se ainda o detetor RaySafe Xi R/F para a medição da taxa de dose de exposição na superfície de entrada da pele do doente. As medições foram efectuadas em modo de fl uoroscopia pulsada de 4 quadros por segundo (qps), subtração digital e roadmap, com a combinação dos três modos de magnifi cação electrónica disponíveis (Mag1, Mag2 e Mag3). Em todos os casos foi considerada a Dose 3, o nível de dose máxima do aparelho que fornece a melhor qualidade de imagem através do controlo automático em tempo real do contraste e do brilho. Resultados: A análise dos dados permitiu determinar a distribuição da radiação dispersa pela equipa assistente, constatando-se como nível máximo de exposição, a altura ao solo de 120 cm no modo de subtracção digital e roadmap. A este nível, a intensidade da radiação dispersa em relação à taxa de dose de exposição na superfície de entrada da pele do doente é distribuída em 0,47% pelo cirurgião, 0,21% pelo anestesista, 0,32% pelo ajudante e 0,13% pela enfermeira instrumentista. A utilização de subtração digital e roadmap aumentou o nível de radiação cerca de 5 vezes em relação à fluoroscopia pulsada a 4 qps, tanto na taxa de dose de exposição na superfície de entrada da pele do doente como na radiação dispersa pela equipa. Quando utilizados os meios de proteção radiológica os níveis de radiação foram consideravelmente inferiores. Conclusões: Atendendo à dispersão prevista da radiação determinou-se que a proximidade da ampola aumenta a quantidade de radiação dispersa que atinge o corpo. Quando utilizado o equipamento de proteção individual, os níveis de radiação dispersa são consideravelmente menores e permitem doses acumuladas abaixo dos limites aceitáveis.
The study of the effect of radiation on living tissues is a rather complex task to address mainly because they are made of a set of complex functional biological structures and interfaces. Particularly if one is looking for where damage is taking place in a first stage and what are the underlying reaction mechanisms. In this work a new approach is addressed to study the effect of radiation by making use of well identified molecular hetero-structures samples which mimic the biological environment. These were obtained by assembling onto a solid support deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and phospholipids together with a soft water-containing polyelectrolyte precursor in layered structures and by producing lipid layers at liquid/air interface with DNA as subphase. The effects of both ultraviolet (UV) radiation and carbon ions beams were systematically investigated in these heterostructures, namely damage on DNA by means vacuum ultraviolet (VUV), infrared (IR), X-Ray Photoelectron (XPS) and impedance spectroscopy. Experimental results revealed that UV affects furanose, PO2-, thymines, cytosines and adenines groups. The XPS spectrometry carried out on the samples allowed validate the VUV and IR results and to conclude that ionized phosphate groups, surrounded by the sodium counterions, congregate hydration water molecules which play a role of UV protection. The ac electrical conductivity measurements revealed that the DNA electrical conduction is arising from DNA chain electron hopping between base-pairs and phosphate groups, with the hopping distance equal to the distance between DNA base-pairs and is strongly dependent on UV radiation exposure, due loss of phosphate groups. Characterization of DNA samples exposed to a 4 keV C3+ ions beam revealed also carbon-oxygen bonds break, phosphate groups damage and formation of new species. Results from radiation induced damage carried out on biomimetic heterostructures having different compositions revealed that damage is dependent on sample composition, with respect to functional targeted groups and extent of damage. Conversely, LbL films of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-Glycero-3-[Phospho-rac-(1-glycerol)] (Sodium Salt) (DPPG) liposomes, alternated with poly(allylamine hydrochloride) (PAH) revealed to be unaffected, even by prolonged UV irradiation exposure, in the absence of water molecules. However, DPPG molecules were damaged by the UV radiation in presence of water with cleavage of C-O, C=O and –PO2- bonds. Finally, the study of DNA interaction with the ionic lipids at liquid/air interfaces revealed that electrical charge of the lipid influences the interaction of phospholipid with DNA. In the presence of DNA in the subphase, the effects from UV irrladiation were seen to be smaller, which means that ionic products from biomolecules degradation stabilize the intact DPPG molecules. This mechanism may explain why UV irradiation does not cause immediate cell collapse, thus providing time for the cellular machinery to repair elements damaged by UV.
Medidas de radiação solar global foram executadas dentro e fora de mata tropical úmida de terra firme durante o dia 07 de novembro de 1986, em Tucuruí, Pará. As intensidades de radiação solar incidentes em 3 sensores instalados aleatoriamente no chão da floresta e um sensor localizado em área aberta (sensor padrão) são avaliadas e intercomparadas. A radiação média que atinge o chão da floreeta foi 4.7% da radiação incidente em área aberta adjacente à floresta. As diferenças entre as medidas dos sensores da mata e o padrão pode ser atribuída à distribuição espacial heterogênea da radiação solar que alcança o chão da floresta.
Thermoplastic elastomers based on a triblock copolymer styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) with different butadiene/styrene ratios, block structure and carbon nanotube (CNT) content were submitted to accelerated weathering in a Xenontest set up, in order to evaluate their stability to UV ageing. It was concluded that ageing mainly depends on butadiene/styrene ratio and block structure, with radial block structures exhibiting a faster ageing than linear block structures. Moreover, the presence of carbon nanotubes in the SBS copolymer slows down the ageing of the copolymer. The evaluation of the influence of ageing on the mechanical and electrical properties demonstrates that the mechanical degradation is higher for the C401 sample, which is the SBS sample with the largest butadiene content and a radial block structure. On the other hand, a copolymer derivate from SBS, the styrene-ethylene/butadiene-styrene (SEBS) sample, retains a maximum deformation of ~1000% after 80 h of accelerated ageing. The hydrophobicity of the samples decreases with increasing ageing time, the effect being larger for the samples with higher butadiene content. It is also verified that cytotoxicity increases with increasing UV ageing with the exception of SEBS, which remains not cytotoxic up to 80 h of accelerated ageing time, demonstrating its potential for applications involving exposition to environmental conditions.
In this study, the metabolomics characterization focusing on the carotenoid composition of ten cassava (Manihot esculenta) genotypes cultivated in southern Brazil by UV-visible scanning spectrophotometry and reverse phase-high performance liquid chromatography was performed. Cassava roots rich in -carotene are an important staple food for populations with risk of vitamin A deficiency. Cassava genotypes with high pro-vitamin A activity have been identified as a strategy to reduce the prevalence of deficiency of this vitamin. The data set was used for the construction of a descriptive model by chemometric analysis. The genotypes of yellow-fleshed roots were clustered by the higher concentrations of cis--carotene and lutein. Inversely, cream-fleshed roots genotypes were grouped precisely due to their lower concentrations of these pigments, as samples rich in lycopene (redfleshed) differed among the studied genotypes. The analytical approach (UV-Vis, HPLC, and chemometrics) used showed to be efficient for understanding the chemodiversity of cassava genotypes, allowing to classify them according to important features for human health and nutrition.
Buriti do Brejo (Mauritia flexuosa L.) é um típico fruto da Amazônia, Nordeste e Centro-Oeste brasileiro, muito utilizado na culinária para produção de sucos, doces e vinhos. É considerado uma excelente fonte de carotenóides precursores da vitamina A, apresentando maior concentração de β-caroteno. Além dos carotenóides também encontramos ácido ascórbico e açúcares. O ácido ascórbico administrado em quantidades suficientes pode prevenir os sinais clínicos de deficiência conhecida como escorbuto. O emprego da radiação ionizante gama tem mostrado um potencial efeito na redução de perdas pós-colheita, mantendo a qualidade nutricional dos alimentos. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da radiação gama, nas doses de 0,5 kGy e 1,0 kGy, na concentração de carotenóides totais, ácido ascórbico e açúcares do buriti. A determinação dos carotenos (α, β e luteína), ácido ascórbico e açúcares foi realizada por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE) e os carotenóides totais por espectrofotometria. Os resultados demonstraram que o Buriti é uma excelente fonte de carotenóides totais (44600μg/100g), podendo ser utilizado no combate à hipovitaminose A. A irradiação dos frutos de buriti na dose de 0,5 kGy não alterou significativamente os teores de carotenóides e açúcares. Entretanto, houve uma redução na concentração do ácido ascórbico com o aumento da dose, que pode ter sido causada pela irradiação ou por fatores intrínsecos e extrínsecos que alteram a estabilidade do ácido ascórbico nos alimentos, podendo converter o ácido ascórbico a dehidroascórbico, mantendo ainda a forma ativa da vitamina C.
Tese de Doutoramento Engenharia Têxtil
Com o objetivo de realizar o sensoriamento climático, no perfil da copa de Hevea bvasiliensis cv. RRIM 600, utilizaram-se fitômetros com Beta vulgaris cv, Asgrow Wonder em 3 níveis de um seringal com 4 anos de idade, em Rio Claro (SP). Os fitômetros foram alocados na copa das árvores distribuídas ao acaso, nas alturas de 1,50m, 2,20m e 3,00m, do solo; sendo que 30 fitômetros foram colocados em cada nível. A exposição dos fitômetros foi realizada em três épocas: de 04 a 17 de maio, junho e setembro. Os valores médios da RAF e AFE mostraram-se mais altos no nível superior da copa e da VPS, VAF, TCR, TAL e RPF nos níveis inferiores. A radiação líquida revelou-se mais alta: na região inferior da copa pela manhã, na região mediana em torno do meio-dia e na região superior do perfil da copa da seringueira no período da tarde. O coeficiente de absorção aumentou pela manhã, tendendo a atingir um patamar ótimo da assíntota perto das 11:00 horas, estendendo-se pela tarde; sendo que o valor médio do coeficiente de absorção em seu patamar foi da ordem de 0,588.
PIDD has been implicated in survival and apoptotic pathways in response to DNA damage, and a role for PIDD was recently identified in non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) repair induced by γ-irradiation. Here, we present an interaction of PIDD with PCNA, first identified in a proteomics screen. PCNA has essential functions in DNA replication and repair following UV irradiation. Translesion synthesis (TLS) is a process that prevents UV irradiation-induced replication blockage and is characterized by PCNA monoubiquitination and interaction with the TLS polymerase eta (polη). Both of these processes are inhibited by p21. We report that PIDD modulates p21-PCNA dissociation, and promotes PCNA monoubiquitination and interaction with polη in response to UV irradiation. Furthermore, PIDD deficiency leads to a defect in TLS that is associated, both in vitro and in vivo, with cellular sensitization to UV-induced apoptosis. Thus, PIDD performs key functions upon UV irradiation, including TLS, NHEJ, NF-κB activation and cell death.
While knowledge about standardization of skin protection against ultraviolet radiation (UVR) has progressed over the past few decades, there is no uniform and generally accepted standardized measurement for UV eye protection. The literature provides solid evidence that UV can induce considerable damage to structures of the eye. As well as damaging the eyelids and periorbital skin, chronic UV exposure may also affect the conjunctiva and lens. Clinically, this damage can manifest as skin cancer and premature skin ageing as well as the development of pterygia and premature cortical cataracts. Modern eye protection, used daily, offers the opportunity to prevent these adverse sequelae of lifelong UV exposure. A standardized, reliable and comprehensive label for consumers and professionals is currently lacking. In this review we (i) summarize the existing literature about UV radiation-induced damage to the eye and surrounding skin; (ii) review the recent technological advances in UV protection by means of lenses; (iii) review the definition of the Eye-Sun Protection Factor (E-SPF®), which describes the intrinsic UV protection properties of lenses and lens coating materials based on their capacity to absorb or reflect UV radiation; and (iv) propose a strategy for establishing the biological relevance of the E-SPF.
Micas are commonly used in Ar-40/Ar-39 thermochronological studies of variably deformed rocks yet the physical basis by which deformation may affect radiogenic argon retention in mica is poorly constrained. This study examines the relationship between deformation and deformation-induced microstructures on radiogenic argon retention in muscovite, A combination of furnace step-heating and high-spatial resolution in situ UV-laser ablation Ar-40/Ar-39 analyses are reported for deformed muscovites sampled from a granitic pegmatite vein within the Siviez-Mischabel Nappe, western Swiss Alps (Penninic domain, Brianconnais unit). The pegmatite forms part of the Variscan (similar to 350 Ma) Alpine basement and exhibits a prominent Alpine S-C fabric including numerous mica `fish' that developed under greenschist facies metamorphic conditions, during the dominant Tertiary Alpine tectonic phase of nappe emplacement. Furnace step-heating of milligram quantities of separated muscovite grains yields an Ar-40/Ar-39 age spectrum with two distinct staircase segments but without any statistical plateau, consistent with a previous study from the same area. A single (3 X 5 mm) muscovite porphyroclast (fish) was investigated by in situ UV-laser ablation. A histogram plot of 170 individual Ar-40/Ar-39 UV-laser ablation ages exhibit a range from 115 to 387 Ma with modes at approximately 340 and 260 Ma. A variogram statistical treatment of the (40)Ad/Ar-39 results reveals ages correlated with two directions; a highly correlated direction at 310 degrees and a lesser correlation at 0 degrees relative to the sense of shearing. Using the highly correlated direction a statistically generated (Kriging method) age contour map of the Ar-40/Ar-39 data reveals a series of elongated contours subparallel to the C-surfaces which where formed during Tertiary nappe emplacement. Similar data distributions and slightly younger apparent ages are recognized in a smaller mica fish. The observed intragrain age variations are interpreted to reflect the partial loss of radiogenic argon during Alpine (similar to 35 Ma) greenschist facies metamorphism. One-dirnensional diffusion modelling results are consistent with the idea that the zones of youngest apparent age represent incipient shear band development within the mica porphyroclasts, thus providing a network of fast diffusion pathways. During Alpine greenschist facies metamorphism the incipient shear bands enhanced the intragrain loss of radiogenic argon. The structurally controlled intragrain age variations observed in this investigation imply that deformation has a direct control on the effective length scale for argon diffusion, which is consistent with the heterogeneous nature of deformation. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.