985 resultados para puzzle difficulty


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Non-monotone incentive structures, which - according to theory - are able to induce optimal behavior, are often regarded as empirically less relevant for labor relationships. We compare the performance of a theoretically optimal non-monotone contract with a monotone one under controlled laboratory conditions. Implementing some features relevant to real-world employment relationships, our paper demonstrates that, in fact, the frequency of income-maximizing decisions made by agents is higher under the monotone contract. Although this observed behavior does not change the superiority of the non-monotone contract for principals, they do not choose this contract type in a significant way. This is what we call the monotonicity puzzle. Detailed investigations of decisions provide a clue for solving the puzzle and a possible explanation for the popularity of monotone contracts.


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Target difficulty is often argued to increase performance. While this association is well established in experimental research, empirical evidence in field research is rather mixed. We attempt to explain this inconsistency by analyzing the importance of intra-year target revisions, which are especially prevalent in real-world field settings. Using survey and archival data from 97 firms, we find that firms with more challenging business unit targets revise targets more often, in line with asymmetric, downward target revisions. Results further show that the degree to which targets are revised during a period results in negative effects on firm performance, as the anticipation of revision negatively affects the business unit management’s performance incentives. Additionally, we find that using targets predominantly for either decision-making or control influences the overall performance effects of target revisions. Our findings may partially explain the mixed field study evidence regarding the effects of target difficulty.


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In the Burgdorf Museum of Ethnology, a mummy rests in a coffin. According to the inventory book, it was purchased from the Cairo Egyptian museum in 1926. The coffin was now examined by Egyptologists and the mummy was radiocarbon dated and examined by Anthropologists. The aim of the study was to compare the results and to check whether mummy and coffin actually belong together. The skull was examined morphological-anthropologically and by CT as a “blank sample”. Coffin and skull imply that the individual was female. The coffin dates to the Ptolemaic period. Only skull bones are preserved, the ethmoid is damaged. CT images Show resinous substances, bone fragments and brain remnants inside the skull. The ethmoid bone was probably foraminated during the mummification process and thus ended up inside the skull. The individual was mummified between the New Kingdom and the Ptolemaic period. Due to its style, it is most probable that the coffin comes from the Gamhud necropolis. The Burgdorf museum of ethnology inventory book chronicles were largely falsified by the examinations. There is a time gap between coffin and the mummy, there are two possible interpretations: the body was mummified with older linen, or the mummy and the coffin do not belong together. The authors strongly advise further investigations.


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High variety assortments are a double-edged sword. On one hand perceiving large variety is attractive, on the other hand choosing from it can cause perceived choice difficulty. Using mass-customizations tools our two studies show how both antipodal processes jointly determine consumers’ satisfaction with the customized product.


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El autor reflexiona sobre la influencia de la economía y los cambios históricos en la concepción de la ciencia. A raíz de la caída de la URSS, Martín Pereda considera que la ciencia y la tecnología deben desarrollarse basándose en la cooperación entre las naciones y los científicos.


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En estas palabras, escritas por José Antonio Martín Pereda, e incluidas en una sesión de homenaje al difunto D. Rafael Portaencasa celebrada por la Real Academia de Ingeniería, el autor recuerda cómo era Portaencasa, en qué situación encontró la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid cuando empezó su mandato como Rector y cuáles fueron sus mayores logros.


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To test whether the structure of a protein is determined in a manner akin to the assembly of a jigsaw puzzle, up to 10 adjacent residues within the core of T4 lysozyme were replaced by methionine. Such variants are active and fold cooperatively with progressively reduced stability. The structure of a seven-methionine variant has been shown, crystallographically, to be similar to wild type and to maintain a well ordered core. The interaction between the core residues is, therefore, not strictly comparable with the precise spatial complementarity of the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Rather, a certain amount of give and take in forming the core structure is permitted. A simplified hydrophobic core sequence, imposed without genetic selection or computer-based design, is sufficient to retain native properties in a globular protein.