950 resultados para propriedades magnéticas


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A estimativa do custo de produção vem se tornando um instrumento indispensável para auxiliar na análise da eficiência de seus componentes e viabilidade de todo processo produtivo. Neste aspecto, este conhecimento torna-se imprescindível para que o produtor obtenha informações confiáveis que contribuam para a escolha da atividade e das práticas utilizadas, identificando pontos críticos e mostrando se seu desempenho é rentável para permanecer no mercado.


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O rolo-faca é um implemento agrícola simples e prático, que pode ser construído na propriedade rural e depende apenas de tração animal. A única restrição é que o terreno não pode possuir tocos. Por outro lado, ele apresenta outras vantagens: não agride o solo, pois só corta as plantas ou a palhada sem enterrá-las no chão; favorece a proteção do solo contra a força da chuva e contra os rigores do sol, pois o deixa coberto pelo material cortado; a cobertura do solo pela palhada também inibe a germinação das invasoras, conserva a umidade por mais tempo, além de favorecer o desenvolvimento de minhocas e microorganismos do solo.


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O acompanhamento de propriedades, no segmento de pesquisa e experimentação do Projeto de Desenvolvimento Rural Integrado do Amazonas se insere no item de estudos de administração rural. O estudo será desenvolvido numa amostra de produtores. Tem por objetivo identificar o processo produtivo da pequena propriedade, caracterizar o grupo doméstico, a interação do homem com o ecossistema e suas relações de trabalho.


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Iniciado em meados de 1995, o projeto de manejo florestal sustentado para pequenas propriedades tem como principal característica a prescrição de uma intervenção de baixo impacto sobre a floresta por meio de "métodos artesanais" de exploração de madeira, que consideram os baixos recursos materiais disponíveis pelos pequenos produtores. A primeira parte deste documento apresenta uma descrição sintetizada da metodologia utilizada. A segunda parte apresenta as etapas já executadas e seus respectivos resultados.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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Os resultados apresentados aqui foram alcançados no âmbito do programa de doutoramento intitulado “Impurezas Magnéticas em Materiais Nanoestruturados”. O objectivo do estudo foi a síntese e caracterização de óxido contendo impurezas magnéticas. Durante este trabalho, sínteses de sol-gel não-aquoso têm sido desenvolvidos para a síntese de óxidos dopados com metais de transição (ZnO e ZrO2). A dopagem uniforme é particularmente importante no estudo de semicondutores magnéticos diluídos (DMSs) e o ponto principal deste estudo foi verificar o estado de oxidação e a estrutura local do dopante e para excluir a existência de uma fase secundária como a origem do ferromagnetismo. Para alargar o âmbito da investigação e explorar plenamente o conceito de "impurezas magnéticas em materiais nanoestruturados" estudamos as propriedades de nanopartículas magnéticas dispersas em uma matriz de óxido. As nanopartículas (ferrita de cobalto) foram depositadas como um filme e cobertas com um óxido metálico semicondutor ou dielétrico (ZnO, TiO2). Estes hetero-sistemas podem ser considerados como a dispersão de impurezas magnéticas em um óxido. As caracterizações exigidas por estes nanomateriais têm sido conduzidas na Universidade de Aveiro e Universidade de Montpellier, devido ao equipamento complementar.


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The present PhD work aims the research and development of materials that exhibit multiferroic properties, in particular having a significant interaction between ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity; either directly within an intrinsic single phase or by combining extrinsic materials, achieving the coupling of properties through mechanic phenomena of the respective magnetostriction and piezoelectricity. These hybrid properties will allow the cross modification of magnetic and electric polarization states by the application of cross external magnetic and/or electric fields, giving way to a vast area for scientific investigation and potential technological applications in a new generation of electronic devices, such as computer memories, signal processing, transducers, sensors, etc. Initial experimental work consisted in chemical synthesis of nano powders oxides by urea pyrolysis method: A series of ceramic bulk composites with potential multiferroic properties comprised: of LuMnO3 with La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 and BaTiO3 with La0.7Ba0.3MnO3; and a series based on the intrinsic multiferroic LuMn1-zO3 phase modified with of Manganese vacancies. The acquisition of a new magnetron RF sputtering deposition system, in the Physics Department of Aveiro University, contributed to the proposal of an analogous experimental study in multiferroic thin films and multilayer samples. Besides the operational debut of this equipment several technical upgrades were completed like: the design and construction of the heater electrical contacts; specific shutters and supports for the magnetrons and for the substrate holder and; the addition of mass flow controllers, which allowed the introduction of N2 or O2 active atmosphere in the chamber; and the addition of a second RF generator, enabling co-deposition of different targets. Base study of the deposition conditions and resulting thin films characteristics in different substrates was made from an extensive list of targets. Particular attention was given to thin film deposition of magnetic phases La1-xSrxMnO3, La1-xBaxMnO3 and Ni2+x-yMn1-xGa1+y alloy, from the respective targets: La0.7Sr0.3MnO3, La0.7Ba0.3MnO3; and NiGa with NiMn. Main structural characterization of samples was performed by conventional and high resolution X-Ray Diffraction (XRD); chemical composition was determined by Electron Dispersion Spectroscopy (EDS); magnetization measurements recur to a Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM) prototype; and surface probing (SPM) using Magnetic-Force (MFM) and Piezo-Response (PFM) Microscopy. Results clearly show that the composite bulk samples (LuM+LSM and BTO+LBM) feat the intended quality objectives in terms of phase composition and purity, having spurious contents below 0.5 %. SEM images confirm compact grain packaging and size distribution around the 50 nm scale. Electric conductivity, magnetization intensity and magneto impedance spreading response are coherent with the relative amount of magnetic phase in the sample. The existence of coupling between the functional phases is confirmed by the Magnetoelectric effect measurements of the sample “78%LuM+22%LSM” reaching 300% of electric response for 1 T at 100 kHz; while in the “78%BTO+22%LBM” sample the structural transitions of the magnetic phase at ~350 K result in a inversion of ME coefficient the behavior. A functional Magneto-Resistance measurement system was assembled from the concept stage until the, development and operational status; it enabled to test samples from 77 to 350 K, under an applied magnetic field up to 1 Tesla with 360º horizontal rotation; this system was also designed to measure Hall effect and has the potential to be further upgraded. Under collaboration protocols established with national and international institutions, complementary courses and sample characterization studies were performed using Magneto-Resistance (MR), Magneto-Impedance (MZ) and Magneto-Electric (ME) measurements; Raman and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS); SQUID and VSM magnetization; Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Rutherford Back Scattering (RBS); Scan Probe Microscopy (SPM) with Band Excitation Probe Spectroscopy (BEPS); Neutron Powder Diffraction (NPD) and Perturbed Angular Correlations (PAC). Additional collaboration in research projects outside the scope of multiferroic materials provided further experience in sample preparation and characterization techniques, namely VSM and XPS measurements were performed in cubane molecular complex compounds and enable to identify the oxidation state of the integrating cluster of Ru ions; also, XRD and EDS/SEM analysis of the acquired targets and substrates implied the devolution of some items not in conformity with the specifications. Direct cooperation with parallel research projects regarding multiferroic materials, enable the assess to supplementary samples, namely a preliminary series of nanopowder Y1-x-yCaxØyMn1O3 and of Eu0.8Y0.2MnO3, a series of micropowder composites of LuMnO3 with La0.625Sr0.375MnO3 and of BaTiO3 with hexagonal ferrites; mono and polycrystalline samples of Pr1-xCaxMnO3, La1-xSrxMnO3 and La1-xCaxMnO3.


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This thesis presents the results of perturbed angular correlation (PAC) experiments , an experimental technique which measures the hyperfine interaction at probes (radioactive ions implanted in the materials to study), from which one infers local information on an atomic scale. Furthermore, abinitio calculations using density functional theory electronic obtain results that directly complement the experiments, and are also used for theoretical research. These methods were applied in two families of materials. The manganites, with the possible existence of magnetic, charge, orbital and ferroelectric orders, are of fundamental and technological interest. The experimental results are obtained in the alkaline-earth manganites (Ca, Ba, Sr), with special interest due to the structural variety of possible polymorphs. With probes of Cd and In the stability of the probe and its location in a wide temperature range is established and a comparison with calculations allows the physical interpretation of the results. Calculations of hyperfine properties in rare-earth manganites are also presented. The second type of materials in which hyperfine properties were studied are the Manganese pnictides: MnAs, MnSb, and MnBi, compounds in which magnetism is fundamental. The experimental results obtained mainly consider the MnAs compound, whose magneto-structural transition is of great interest. The transition is analyzed in detail with the local resolution characteristic of the technique, obtaining information of the character of the transition also with complementary, more conventional techniques. The last work in this thesis uses only the first principles calculations, continuing the theme of the hyperfine interactions, but this time with respect to ferroelectrics. Several transition metal oxides with perovskite or distorted structures are considered. The electric field gradient which exists due to the quadrupole interaction in nuclei is related to the spontaneous electric polarization, the main quantity measured in ferroelectrics. This study provides a fundamental theoretical basis for previous empirical studies, suggesting new directions for research in ferroelectrics and multiferroics using techniques which measure the electric field gradient.