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The trace element compositions of Hadean zircons have been used in two ways to argue for the existence of Hadean continental crust. One argument is based on low crystallization temperatures of Hadean zircons that have been determined using a novel geothermometer based on the Ti content of zircons in equilibrium with rutile. The second argument is based on using the trace element abundances in zircons to calculate their parental melt compositions, especially the rare earth elements. Here we demonstrate that zircons that grow from a melt formed by basalt differentiation at modern mid-ocean ridges cannot be unambiguously distinguished from Hadean zircons on either of these grounds. Thus, we conclude that the trace element compositions of Hadean zircons are permissive of models that do not include the generation of continental crust in the Hadean.


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The upper Miocene to Pleistocene sediments recovered at ODP Sites 745 and 746 in the Australian-Antarctic Basin are characterized by cyclic facies changes. Sedimentological investigations of a detailed Quaternary section reveal that facies A is dominated by a high content of siliceous microfossils, a relatively low terrigenous sediment content, an ice-rafted component, low concentrations of fine sediment particles, and a relatively high smectite content. This facies corresponds to interglacial sedimentary conditions. Facies B, in contrast, is characteristic of glacial conditions and is dominated by a large amount of terrigenous material and a smaller opaline component. There is also a prominent ice-rafted component. The microfossils commonly are reworked and broken. The clay mineral assemblages show higher proportions of glacially derived illite and chlorite. A combination of four different processes, attributed to glacial-interglacial cycles, was responsible for the cyclic facies changes during Quaternary time: transport by gravity, ice, and current and changes in primary productivity. Of great importance was the movement of the grounding line of the ice shelves, which directly influenced the intensity of ice rafting and of gravitational sediment transport to the deep sea. The extension of the ice shelves was also responsible for the generation of cold and erosive Antarctic Bottom Water, which controlled the grain-size distribution, particularly of the fine fraction, in the investigated area.


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Igneous rocks recovered from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 134 Sites 827, 829, and 830 at the toe of the forearc slope of New Hebrides Island Arc were investigated, using petrography, mineral chemistry, major and trace element, and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic analyses. Basaltic and andesitic clasts, together with detrital crystals of plagioclase, pyroxenes, and amphiboles embedded in sed-lithic conglomerate or volcanic siltstone and sandstone of Pleistocene age, were recovered from Sites 827 and 830. Petrological features of these lava clasts suggest a provenance from the Western Belt of New Hebrides Island Arc; igneous constituents were incorporated into breccias and sandstones, which were in turn reworked into a second generation breccia. Drilling at Site 829 recovered a variety of igneous rocks including basalts and probably comagmatic dolerites and gabbros, plus rare ultramafic rocks. Geochemical features, including Pb isotopic ratios, of the mafic rocks are intermediate between midocean ridge basalts and island arc tholeiites, and these rocks are interpreted to be backarc basin basalts. No correlates of these mafic rocks are known from Espiritu Santo and Malakula islands, nor do they occur in the Pleistocene volcanic breccias at Sites 827 and 830. However, basalts with very similar trace element and isotopic compositions have been recovered from the northern flank of North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge at Site 828. It is proposed that igneous rocks drilled at Site 829 represent material from the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge accreted onto the over-riding Pacific Plate during collision. An original depleted mantle harzburgitic composition is inferred for a serpentinite clast recovered at 407 meters below seafloor (mbsf) in Hole 829A. Its provenance is a matter of speculation. It could have been brought up along a deep thrust fault affecting the Pacific Plate at the colliding margin, or analogous to the Site 829 basaltic lavas, it may represent material accreted from the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge.


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Earth's largest reactive carbon pool, marine sedimentary organic matter, becomes increasingly recalcitrant during burial, making it almost inaccessible as a substrate for microorganisms, and thereby limiting metabolic activity in the deep biosphere. Because elevated temperature acting over geological time leads to the massive thermal breakdown of the organic matter into volatiles, including petroleum, the question arises whether microorganisms can directly utilize these maturation products as a substrate. While migrated thermogenic fluids are known to sustain microbial consortia in shallow sediments, an in situ coupling of abiotic generation and microbial utilization has not been demonstrated. Here we show, using a combination of basin modelling, kinetic modelling, geomicrobiology and biogeochemistry, that microorganisms inhabit the active generation zone in the Nankai Trough, offshore Japan. Three sites from ODP Leg 190 have been evaluated, namely 1173, 1174 and 1177, drilled in nearly undeformed Quaternary and Tertiary sedimentary sequences seaward of the Nankai Trough itself. Paleotemperatures were reconstructed based on subsidence profiles, compaction modelling, present-day heat flow, downhole temperature measurements and organic maturity parameters. Today's heat flow distribution can be considered mainly conductive, and is extremely high in places, reaching 180 mW/m**2. The kinetic parameters describing total hydrocarbon generation, determined by laboratory pyrolysis experiments, were utilized by the model in order to predict the timing of generation in time and space. The model predicts that the onset of present day generation lies between 300 and 500 m below sea floor (5100-5300 m below mean sea level), depending on well location. In the case of Site 1174, 5-10% conversion has taken place by a present day temperature of ca. 85 °C. Predictions were largely validated by on-site hydrocarbon gas measurements. Viable organisms in the same depth range have been proven using 14C-radiolabelled substrates for methanogenesis, bacterial cell counts and intact phospholipids. Altogether, these results point to an overlap of abiotic thermal degradation reactions going on in the same part of the sedimentary column as where a deep biosphere exists. The organic matter preserved in Nankai Trough sediments is of the type that generates putative feedstocks for microbial activity, namely oxygenated compounds and hydrocarbons. Furthermore, the rates of thermal degradation calculated from the kinetic model closely resemble rates of respiration and electron donor consumption independently measured in other deep biosphere environments. We deduce that abiotically driven degradation reactions have provided substrates for microbial activity in deep sediments at this convergent continental margin.


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Basalts from Maud Rise, Weddell Sea, are vesicular and olivine-phyric. Major, trace, and rare earth element concentrations are similar to those of alkali basalts from ocean islands and seamounts. The rocks are low in MgO, Cr, Ni, and Sc, and high in TiO2, K2O, P2O5, Zr, and LREE contents. The abundance of "primary" biotite and apatite in the matrix indicates the melting of a hydrous mantle. Prevalence of olivine and absence of plagioclase in the rocks suggests that the volatile in the melt was an H2O-CO2 mixture, where H2O was <0.5. Mantle derived xenocrysts in the basalt include corroded orthopyroxene, chromite, apatite, and olivine. Olivine (Fo90) is too magnesian to be in equilibrium with the basalts, as they contain only 5-6 wt% MgO. Based on the presence of mantle xenocrysts, the high concentration of incompatible elements, the spatial and chemical affinity with other ocean island basalts from the area, and the relative age of the basalt (overlain by late Campanian sediments), it is suggested that Maud Rise was probably generated by hot-spot activity, possible during a ridge crest jump prior to 84 Ma (anomaly 34 time). Iddingsite, a complex intergrowth of montmorillonite and goethite, is the major alteration product of second generation olivine. It is suggested that iddingsite crystallized at low temperatures (<200°C) from an oxidized fluid during deuteric alteration. Vesicles are commonly filled by zeolites which have been replaced by K-feldspars.


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More than 2000 turbidite, debris-flow, and slump deposits recovered at Site 823 record the history of the Queensland Trough since the middle Miocene and provide new insights about turbidites, debris flow, and slump deposits (herein termed gravity deposits). Changes in the composition and nature of gravity deposits through time can be related to tectonic movements, fluctuations in eustatic sea level, and sedimentological factors. The Queensland Trough is a long, relatively narrow, structural depression that formed as a result of Cretaceous to Tertiary rifting of the northeastern Australia continental margin. Thus, tectonics established the geometry of this marginal basin, and its steep slopes set the stage for repeated slope failures. Seismic data indicate that renewed faulting, subsidence, and associated tectonic tilting occurred during the early late Miocene (continuing into the early Pliocene), resulting in unstable slopes that were prone to slope failures and to generation of gravity deposits. Tectonic subsidence, together with a second-order eustatic highstand, resulted in platform drowning during the late Miocene. The composition of turbidites reflects their origin and provides insights about the nature of sedimentation on adjacent shelf areas. During relative highstands and times of platform drowning, planktonic foraminifers were reworked from slopes and/or drowned shelves and were redeposited in turbidites. During relative lowstands, quartz and other terrigenous sediment was shed into the basin. Quartzose turbidites and clay-rich hemipelagic muds also can record increased supply of terrigenous sediment from mainland Australia. Limestone fragments were eroded from carbonate platforms until the drowned platforms were buried under hemipelagic sediments following the late Miocene drowning event. Bioclastic grains and neritic foraminifers were reworked from neritic shelves during relative lowstands. During the late Pliocene (2.6 Ma), the increased abundance of bioclasts and quartz in turbidites signaled the shallowing and rejuvenation of the northeastern Australia continental shelf. However, a one-for-one relationship cannot be recognized between eustatic sea-level fluctuations and any single sedimentologic parameter. Perhaps, tectonism and sedimentological factors along the Queensland Trough played an equally important role in generating gravity deposits. Turbidites and other gravity deposits (such as those at Site 823) do not necessarily represent submarine fan deposits, particularly if they are composed of hemipelagic sediments reworked from drowned platforms and slopes. When shelves are drowned and terrigenous sediment is not directly supplied by nearby rivers/point sources, muddy terrigenous sediments blanket the entire slope and basin, rather than forming localized fans. Slope failures affect the entire slope, rather than localized submarine canyons. Slopes may become destabilized as a result of tectonic activity, inherent sediment weaknesses, and/or during relative sea-level lowstands. For this reason, sediment deposits in this setting reflect tectonic and eustatic events that caused slope instabilities, rather than migration of different submarine fan facies.


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Different generations of complex authigenic carbonates formed in siliceous muds (lithologic Unit IV) and hemipelagic clays (lithologic Unit V) of ODP Site 643, Leg 104 Norwegian Sea. The dominant phase in Unit IV is an early diagenetic Mn, Fe-calcite with a strong negative d13C ( -14 to -16 per mil) signature, and slightly negative d180 values. The strong negative d13C results from extensive incorporation of 12C-enriched CO2 derived from bacterial degradation of marine organic matter into early Mn, Fe - calcite cements. Concomitant framboidal pyrite precipitation and abundant SEM microtextures showing excellent preservation of delicate structures of fragile diatom valves by outpourings with early Mn-calcites strongly support their shallow burial formation before the onset of compaction. Later generations of authigenic mineralizations in lithologic Unit IV include minor amounts of a second generation of calcite with platy crystals, possibly precipitated along with opal-A dissolution, and finally opal-CT crystallization in deeper seated environments overgrowing earlier precipitates with films and lepispheres. The last mineralization is collophane (fluor apatite) forming amorphous aggregates and tiny hexagonal crystals. Authigenic mineral assemblages in lithologic Unit V consist of rhodochrosites, transitional rhodochrosite/manganosiderites, and apatite. A negative d13C ( -7.1 to -15.6 per mil) and a fluctuating d18O signal indicates that the micritic to sparitic rhodochrosites, transitional rhodochrosites/manganosiderites were formed at various burial depths. CO2 resulted from organic matter degradation in the lowermost sulfate reduction zone and from biogenic methane generation in the lowermost sediments, resulting in variable and negative d13C signals. The change in carbonate mineralogy reflects major compositional differences compared to sediments in Unit IV. Most prominent is an increase in altered ash as a primary sediment component and a sudden decrease of siliceous microfossils. Upward diffusion of cations, lowered salinities in pore waters, and elevated temperatures provide diagenetic environments favoring increased remobilization processes.


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As part of a continuing program of organic-geochemistry studies of sediments recovered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project, we have analyzed the types, amounts, and thermal-alteration indices of organic matter in samples collected from the landward wall of the Japan Trench on Legs 56 and 57. The samples were canned aboard ship, enabling us to measure also their gas contents. In addition, we analyzed the heavy C15+ hydrocarbons, NSO compounds, and asphaltenes extracted from selected samples. Our samples form a transect down the trench wall, from Holes 438 and 438A (water depth 1558 m), through Holes 435 and 435A (water depth 3401 m), and 440 (water depth 4507 m), to Holes 434 and 434B (water depth 5986 m). The trench wall is the continental slope of Japan. Its sediments are Cenozoic hemipelagic diatomaceous muds that were deposited where they are found or have slumped from farther up the slope. Their terrigenous components probably were deposited from near-bottom nepheloid layers transported by bottom currents or in low density flows (Arthur et al., 1978). Our objective was to find out what types of organic matter exist in the sediment and to estimate their potential for generation of hydrocarbons.


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A new technique for the precise and accurate determination of Ge stable isotope compositions has been developed and applied to silicate rocks and biogenic opal. The analyses were performed using a continuous flow hydride generation system coupled to a MC-ICP-MS. Samples have been purified through anion- and cation-exchange resins to separate Ge from matrix elements and eliminate potential isobaric interferences. Variations of 74Ge/70Ge ratios are expressed as d74Ge values relative to our internal standard and the long-term external reproducibility of the data is better than 0.2? for sample size as low as 15 ng of Ge. Data are presented for igneous and sedimentary rocks, and the overall variation is 2.4? in d74Ge, representing 12 times the uncertainty of the measurements and demonstrating that the terrestrial isotopic composition of Ge is not unique. Co-variations of 74Ge/70Ge, 73Ge/70Ge and 72Ge/70Ge ratios follow a mass-dependent behaviour and imply natural isotopic fractionation of Ge by physicochemical processes. The range of d74Ge in igneous rocks is only 0.25? without systematic differences among continental crust, oceanic crust or mantle material. On this basis, a Bulk Silicate Earth reservoir with a d74Ge of 1.3+/-0.2? can be defined. In contrast, modern biogenic opal such as marine sponges and authigenic glauconite displayed higher d74Ge values between 2.0? and 3.0?. This suggests that biogenic opal may be significantly enriched in light isotopes with respect to seawater and places a lower bound on the d74Ge of the seawater to +3.0?.This suggests that seawater is isotopically heavy relative to Bulk Silicate Earth and that biogenic opal may be significantly fractionated with respect to seawater. Deep-sea sediments are within the range of the Bulk Silicate Earth while Mesozoic deep-sea cherts (opal and quartz) have d74Ge values ranging from 0.7? to 2.0?. The variable values of the cherts cannot be explained by binary mixing between a biogenic component and a detrital component and are suggestive of enrichment in the light isotope of diagenetic quartz. Further work is now required to determine Ge isotope fractionation by siliceous organisms and to investigate the effect of diagenetic processes during chert lithification.


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Aqueous dihydrogen (H2,aq) is produced in copious amounts when seawater interacts with peridotite and H2O oxidizes ferrous iron in olivine to ferric iron in secondary magnetite and serpentine. Poorly understood in this process is the partitioning of iron and its oxidation state in serpentine, although both impose an important control on dihydrogen production. We present results of detailed petrographic, mineral chemical, magnetic and Mößbauer analyses of partially to fully serpentinized peridotites from the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 209, Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) 15°N area. These results are used to constrain the fate of iron during serpentinization and are compared with phase equilibria considerations and peridotite-seawater reaction path models. In samples from Hole 1274A, mesh-rims reveal a distinct in-to-out zoning from brucite at the interface with primary olivine, followed by a zone of serpentine + brucite ± magnetite and finally serpentine + magnetite in the outermost mesh-rim. The compositions of coexisting serpentine (Mg# 95) and brucite (Mg# 80) vary little throughout the core. About 30-50% of the iron in serpentine/brucite mesh-rims is trivalent, irrespective of subbasement depth and protolith (harzburgite versus dunite). Model calculations suggest that both partitioning and oxidation state of iron are very sensitive to temperature and water-to-rock ratio during serpentinization. At temperatures above 330 °C the dissolution of olivine and coeval formation of serpentine, magnetite and dihydrogen depends on the availability of an external silica source. At these temperatures the extent of olivine serpentinization is insufficient to produce much hydrogen, hence conditions are not reducing enough to form awaruite. At T < 330 °C, hydrogen generation is facilitated by the formation of brucite, as dissolution of olivine to form serpentine, magnetite and brucite requires no addition of silica. The model calculations suggest that the iron distribution observed in serpentine and brucite is consistent with formation temperatures ranging from <150 to 250 °C and bulk water-to-rock ratios between 0.1 and 5. These conditions coincide with peak hydrogen fugacities during serpentinization and are conducive to awaruite formation during main stage serpentinization. The development of the common brucite rims around olivine is either due to an arrested reaction olivine -> brucite -> serpentine + brucite, or reflects metastable olivine-brucite equilibria developing in the strong gradient in silica activity between orthopyroxene (talc-serpentine) and olivine (serpentine-brucite).


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The organic geochemistry of Sites 1108 and 1109 of the Woodlark Basin, offshore Papua New Guinea, was studied to determine whether thermally mature hydrocarbons were present in the penetrated section and, if present, whether they are genetically related to the penetrated "coaly" interval. Both the organic carbon and pyrolysis data indicate that there is no significant hydrocarbon source-rock potential at Site 1108. The hydrocarbons encountered during drilling appear to be indigenous and not migrated products or contaminants. In contrast, the coaly interval at Site 1109 contains zones with significant hydrocarbon-generation potential. Several independent lines of evidence indicate that the coaly sequence encountered at Site 1109 is thermally immature. The Site 1108 methane stable-carbon isotope composition does not display a clear trend with depth as would be expected if it was solely reflecting a maturation profile. The measured isotopic composition of methane has most probably been altered by fractionation during sample handling and storage. This fractionation would result in isotopically heavier values than would be obtained on free gas. The organic geochemical data gathered indicate that Site 1108 can be safely revisited and that the organic-rich sediments encountered at Site 1109 were not the source of the gas encountered at Site 1108.


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At the active continental margin off Costa Rica substantial amounts of hydrocarbon gases are encountered in sediments. The molecular composition (C1-C3) of free hydrocarbon gas as well as the isotopic composition (d13C of methane and ethane and D of methane) was analysed on core samples (ranging between 50 and 380 m depth) collected at sites 1040-1043 which was drilled during ODP Leg 170. In addition, the molecular composition of the C1-C3 hydrocarbons and the d13C composition of C1 and C2 hydrocarbons was determined on adsorbed gas from selected depth intervals at Site 1041 (50-380 mbsf). The molecular composition, and stable carbon and hydrogen isotope signature of low molecular weight hydrocarbons from core sediments and gas pockets indicate that most of the gas was generated by microbial CO2-reduction. Beside d13C values of about -80 per mil for methane (which is typical for microbially- generated methane) extremely light d13C values of -55 per mil were measured for ethane. The carbon isotope composition of methane and ethane, as well as the C1/(C2+C3) ratio display distinct trends with increasing depth. Gas mixing calculations indicate that the percentage of thermally-generated ethane increases from 10% at about 75 mbsf to almost 80% at 380 mbsf. The fraction of thermogenic methane in this depth interval is calculated to range from 0.03 to 1.8% of the total methane. The small contribution of thermogenic methane would increase the d13C value by <1 per mil. Therefore, the increase of d13C of methane (by about 12 per mil) with depth cannot be explained by gas mixing alone. Instead, the observed d13C trend is caused by successive isotope depletion of the methane precursor within the sedimentary organic matter due to progressing microbial gas generation.


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Thirty sediment samples from Tortonian to Pleistocene age of five ODP locations (Holes 650A, 651A, and 652A, and Sites 654 and 655) in the Marsili Basin, Vavilov Basin, and Sardinia Margin (Tyrrhenian Sea) were studied by organic geochemical methods including total organic carbon determination, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, bitumen extraction, pyrolysis-gas chromatography, and organic petrography. Six organic facies, including open ocean anoxia with variable terrestrial input, oxic open ocean, oxic tidal flat, mildly oxic lagoon, and anoxic lacustrine algal-bacterial mat environments, have been recognized in these sediments. The sediments below 500 m in Sardinia Margin are mature for significant hydrocarbon generation. Possible mature source-rock (Type I and IIB/III kerogen) and migrated bitumen occur in the deeper part of the section in Vavilov Basin and Sardinia Margin sediments. Sporadic sapropel formation observed in the studied Pliocene-Pleistocene sediment section is probably controlled by organic productivity due to nutrient supply by the rivers and terrestrial input associated with open ocean anoxia or anoxia caused by the material balance between rate of organic matter supplied by turbidites and organic matter consumption. Pliocene and Pleistocene sapropels are mostly immature and lie within Type II-III (precisely as IIA-IIB and IIB source rocks) kerogen maturation path.