275 resultados para populaarimusiikki - Balkan
Cross section of a part of Eastern Europe and the Balkan Peninsula, from Kaliningrad in the north to Dubrovnik in the south.
eser-i Ahmet Cemal.
Redigiert v. Dr. K. Peucker ; Rudolph Maschek sculps ; Kartogr. Anst. v. Th. Bannwarth.
dressé par les Frères Lotter.
Venundantur per Gerardum et Leonardum Valk, cum Priv.
nach den militœrischen Handkarten des Prinzen Eugen der Grafen Khevenhüller, Marsigli und Pallavicini geographisch aufgetragen, und nach den zuverloessigsten Nachrichten, und Reisebeschreibungen berichtiget im Jahre 1788 von Herrn Maximilian Schimek ; J. Alberti Sculp. ; F. Müller Scrip.
by H. Moll.
per Gerardum Mercatorem cum privilegio.
dressée sur les observations astronomiq. par le Sr. Janvier, geographe.
Ioan. Sambucus Ortelio suo, S Mitto hanc quòque tabellam qua nesessaria confinia Pannoniæ declarantur, fluviorum et aliquot locorum situs Hirschvogelii recte mutaui, Angelini autem studio plurima adieci, et inualla correxi, vt parum quis si cum Hirschvogelig hæc conjugat desiderarit si qui errores sint, dies certiora docebit.
par son très humble et très obéisant Serviteur H. Iaillot.
Covers Libya, Egypt, Sudan, the Arabian Peninsula, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, the Balkan Peninsula, Turkey, Greece, Armenia, Azerbaijan and portions of Ethiopia and Russia.
nach den besten Originalzeichnungen Charten und Beschriebungen entworfen von Herrn Carl Schütz ; gestochen von C. Schütz und F. Müller.
This CEPS Commentary notes that this is a critical time for the EU’s enlargement agenda with competing interests at play – between those who suggest that further enlargement is a heavy burden that the EU can ill afford in the current economic climate, and others who continue to believe that extending the frontiers of peace and security to include the Balkan countries will make the EU a safer place. To counter the naysayers, Erwan Fouéré underlines the importance for the EU to show that its current strategy continues to deliver dividends, as it certainly does in the case of Kosovo and Serbia. He further advises the EU to be ready to adapt its strategy where necessary, as in the case of Macedonia, by using whatever leverage it has in a more direct and consistent way and ensuring that its policy objectives and strategy in this area are based on the progress assessment narrative and not the other way around. In his view, opening accession negotiations with Macedonia will be the only way to prevent the country from sinking into further political instability.
Ten years have passed since the EU-Western Balkans summit was held in Thessaloniki in June 2003. In this new CEPS Commentary, CEPS Associate Senior Fellow Erwan Fouéré exhorts the EU to mark the occasion by reaffirming with greater determination the European perspective for the countries of the region in the hope of keeping the Balkan ghosts at bay.