979 resultados para pollution accidents
No Estado do Rio de Janeiro, a atividade de transporte rodoviário de produtos perigosos foi responsável por aproximadamente 40% dos atendimentos a emergências realizados pela FEEMA (hoje INEA) nos últimos anos. Dentre as diversas rotas de tráfego desses produtos, destaca-se a rodovia Presidente Dutra que percorre as imediações dos rios Paraíba do Sul e Guandu, e seus principais afluentes. A exposição a riscos ambientais da ETA Guandu é, portanto, bastante alta, pois compreende a Bacia do rio Paraíba do Sul, a montante da transposição, bem como a Bacia do rio Guandu, a montante do ponto de captação da Cedae (área de influência da ETA Guandu). Este trabalho identifica riscos de acidentes ambientais associados ao transporte terrestre de produtos perigosos em parte da área territorial de influência da ETA Guandu, buscando fornecer subsídios para a elaboração de um plano de contingência das Bacias dos rios Paraíba do sul e Guandu. A ETA Guandu, que abastece cerca de 9 milhões de habitantes da RMRJ, capta águas do rio Guandu que, por sua vez, depende principalmente das águas transpostas do rio Paraíba do Sul e do rio Piraí, situados em outra bacia hidrográfica. Além de um mapeamento de pontos de alta e média gravidade das principais rodovias e ferrovias na área de influência da ETA Guandu, a principal contribuição deste estudo foi a identificação de vários trechos de alto risco de acidentes ambientais ao longo da rodovia Presidente Dutra, em território fluminense, que podem efetivamente comprometer a qualidade das águas dos rios Paraíba do Sul e Guandu.
This is the Effect of water quality on coarse fish productivity and movement in the Lower River Irwell and Upper Manchester Ship Canal: a watercourse recovering from historical pollution report produced by the Environment Agency in 2003. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of water quality upon coarse fish population dynamics in a lowland, urban watercourse. All of the research carried was undertaken in the lower River Irwell and upper Manchester Ship Canal, between February 1998 and December 2001. Of particular interest was the natural sustainability of the urban fishery given recent concern raised in the angling community over an apparent decline in coarse fish populations in lowland rivers. The research described in this report has concentrated upon the role of water quality in determining coarse fish population dynamics, and in particular: The impact of water quality upon fish growth and productivity; The impact of poor water quality and low dissolved oxygen concentrations upon fish distribution and movement; The impact of water quality upon the sexual development of fish.
Houses close to River Lune at Lancaster, North West England, UK. This photo shows the polluted River Lune in July 1949. This photo is part of a Photo Album that includes pictures from 1935 to 1954.
This handbook provides detailed information for a wide range of legal instruments relevant to fisheries and fishworkers. It covers 114 legal instruments, categorized into the following seven themes: Theme I. Human Rights, Food Security, Women and Development. Theme II. Environment and Sustainable Development. Theme III. Oceans and Fisheries Management. Theme IV. Environmental Pollution Theme V. Fishing Vessels and Safety at Sea Theme VI. Labour Theme VII. Trade The handbook also includes the working of the instruments (decision-making bodies, monitoring and implementation agencies, periodicity of meetings, rules for participation in meetings of the decision-making bodies and implementation agencies for States and non-governmental organizations), regional instrument and agencies. Apart from being a ready reckoner to the instruments, it highlights the important sections of relevance to fisheries or small-scale fisheries and fishworkers. The companion CD-ROM provides the full texts of the instruments in a searchable database. The handbook will be useful for fishworker and non-governmental organizations, and also for researchers and others interested in fisheries issues.
Effluents leaving the Gilt Edge Mining properties in the Black Hills near Deadwood, South Dakota, were collected during April 1940. Field studies of these effluents and of the streams receiving them were made at the time and subsequently laboratory assays and analyses have been completed. ... Data from this particular case of mine waste pollution are presented here.
Distribution of phytoplankton, chlorophyll A and phaeophytin was studied at different locations in the Mahi Estuary, Gujarat, India during 1982. The water quality at the discharge point was poor while the region away from it was relatively unpolluted. The results indicated a wide range of variation in phytoplankton population (7.68-5010, 96 x 10 super(4) cells/l, chl. a 2.22-58.22 mg/m super(3) and phaeophytin [0.20-10.21 mg/m super(3)]. The ratio of chl. a/phaeophytin were remarkably low at highly polluted stations. Higher abundance of the genera Oscillatoria and Nitzschia were recorded at polluted stations. The diversity of species at the unpolluted station was higher (1.56) as compared to the polluted station (1.07).