913 resultados para platelet function tests
Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia y los factores asociados con el desarrollo de hipotiroidismo autoinmune (HA) en una cohorte de pacientes con lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES), y analizar la información actual en cuanto a la prevalencia e impacto de la enfermedad tiroidea autoinmune y la autoinmunidad tiroidea en pacientes con LES. Métodos: Este fue un estudio realizado en dos pasos. Primero, un total de 376 pacientes con LES fueron evaluados sistemáticamente por la presencia de: 1) HA confirmado, 2) positividad para anticuerpos tiroperoxidasa/tiroglobulina (TPOAb/TgAb) sin hipotiroidismo, 3) hipotiroidismo no autoinmune, y 4) pacientes con LES sin hipotiroidismo ni positividad para TPOAb/TgAb. Se construyeron modelos multivariados y árboles de regresión y clasificación para analizar los datos. Segundo, la información actual fue evaluada a través de una revisión sistemática de la literatura (RLS). Se siguieron las guías PRISMA para la búsqueda en las bases de datos PubMed, Scopus, SciELO y Librería Virtual en Salud. Resultados: En nuestra cohorte, la prevalencia de HA confirmado fue de 12% (Grupo 1). Sin embargo, la frecuencia de positividad para TPOAb y TgAb fue de 21% y 10%, respectivamente (Grupo 2). Los pacientes con LES sin HA, hipotiroidismo no autoinmune ni positividad para TPOAb/TgAb constituyeron el 40% de la corhorte. Los pacientes con HA confirmada fueron estadísticamente significativo de mayor edad y tuvieron un inicio tardío de la enfermedad. El tabaquismo (ORA 6.93, IC 95% 1.98-28.54, p= 0.004), la presencia de Síndrome de Sjögren (SS) (ORA 23.2, IC 95% 1.89-359.53, p= 0.015) y la positividad para anticuerpos anti-péptido cíclico citrulinado (anti-CCP) (ORA 10.35, IC 95% 1.04-121.26, p= 0.047) se asociaron con la coexistencia de LES-HA, ajustado por género y duración de la enfermedad. El tabaquismo y el SS fueron confirmados como factores predictivos para LES-HA (AUC del modelo CART = 0.72). En la RSL, la prevalencia de ETA en LES varío entre 1% al 60%. Los factores asociados con esta poliautoinmunidad fueron el género femenino, edad avanzada, tabaquismo, positividad para algunos anticuerpos, SS y el compromiso articular y cutáneo. Conclusiones: La ETA es frecuente en pacientes con LES, y no afecta la severidad del LES. Los factores de riesgo identificados ayudarán a los clínicos en la búsqueda de ETA. Nuestros resultados deben estimular políticas para la suspensión del tabaquismo en pacientes con LES.
INTRODUCCION La hipotensión arterial por anestesia raquídea en embarazadas llevadas a cesárea es frecuente y deletérea para la madre y el feto, sin que a la fecha exista una herramienta clínicamente útil para predecirla. La variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca es una medida que estima la actividad del sistema nervioso autónomo y algunos estudio iniciales indican una posible utilidad como herramienta predictiva de hipotensión arterial en esta población. METODOLOGIA Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo para examinar el comportamiento de la variabilidad de la frecuencia cardiaca, medida como razón de Baja frecuencia/Alta frecuencia, con un punto de corte de 2.5 tomada con un reloj POLAR RS800CX, en una población de pacientes con embarazo a término llevadas a cesárea, en un hospital de tercer nivel en Bogotá- Colombia entre Febrero y Abril del 2015. RESULTADOS El estudio incluyó 82 pacientes. Se determinó que la razón Baja frecuencia/Alta frecuencia mayor a 2,5 era poco frecuente en nuestra población (15.85%), y su asociación no fue significativa. DISCUSION El presente estudio demostró que la asociación entre la presencia de hipotensión y un índice Baja frecuencia/Alta frecuencia con punto de corte de 2.5 no es significativo para nuestra población de mujeres con embarazo a término llevadas a cesárea con anestesia espinal. Según los resultados se sugieres un punto de corte de 1.6 como punto de partida para la realización de nuevos estudios que permitan validar este valor.
The platelet surface is a dynamic interface that changes rapidly in response to stimuli to coordinate the formation of thrombi at sites of vascular injury. Tight control is essential as loss of organisation may result in the inappropriate formation of thrombi (thrombosis) or excessive bleeding. In this paper we describe the comparative analysis of resting and thrombin-stimulated platelet membrane proteomes and associated proteins to identify proteins important to platelet function. Surface proteins were labelled using a biotin tag and isolated by NeurtrAvidin affinity chromatography. Liquid phase IEF and SDS-PAGE were used to separate proteins, and bands of increased intensity in the stimulated platelet fractions were digested and identified by FT-ICR mass spectrometry. Novel proteins were identified along with proteins known to be translocated to the platelet surface. Furthermore, many platelet proteins revealed changes in location associated with function, including G6B and Hip-55. HIP-55 is an SH3-binding protein important in T-cell receptor signalling. Further analysis of HIP-55 revealed that this adaptor protein becomes increasingly associated with both Syk and integrin beta 3 upon platelet activation. Analysis of HIP-55 deficient platelets revealed reduced fibrinogen binding upon thrombin stimulation, suggesting HIP-55 to be an important regulator of platelet function.
In recent years, our increased understanding of the complex signal transduction mechanisms that regulate cellular function has fueled huge advances in all aspects of biomedical science and cell biology. Platelet and megakaryocyte function is no exception to this. In the last 10 yr our understanding of the receptor biochemistry and the systems that they control has been pivotal in the development of new strategies to inhibit platelet function and thereby prevent thrombosis. Experimental techniques have become more and more elegant, however; the basic toolbox that a researcher requires to study signaling in platelets and megakaryoctes is described in this and several subsequent chapters.
Epidemiological evidence suggests that polyphenols may, in part, explain the cardioprotective properties of fruits. This review aims to summarise the evidence for the effects of fruit polyphenols on four risk factors of CVD: platelet function, blood pressure, vascular function and blood lipids. This review includes human dietary intervention studies investigating fruits and their polyphenols. There was some evidence to suggest that fruits containing relatively high concentrations of flavonols, anthocyanins and procyanindins, such as pomegranate, purple grapes and berries, were effective at reducing CVD risk factors, particularly with respect to anti-hypertensive effects, inhibition of platelet aggregation and increasing endothelial-dependent vasodilation than other fruits investigated. Flavanone-rich fruits, such as oranges and grapefruits, were reported to have hypocholesterolaemic effects, with little impact on other risk factors being examined. However, the evidence was limited, inconsistent and often inconclusive. This is in part due to the heterogeneity in the design of studies, the lack of controls, the relatively short intervention periods and low power in several studies. Details of the polyphenol content of the fruits investigated were also omitted in some studies, negating comparison of data. It is recommended that large, well-powered, long-term human dietary intervention studies investigating a wider range of fruits are required to confirm these observations. Investigations into the potential synergistic effects of polyphenols on a combination of CVD risk markers, dose–response relationships and standardisation in methodology would facilitate the comparison of studies and also provide valuable information on the types of fruits which could confer protection against CVD.
The thiol isomerase enzymes protein disulphide isomerase (PDI) and endoplasmic reticulum protein 5 (ERp5) are released by resting and activated platelets. These re-associate with the cell surface where they modulate a range of platelet responses including adhesion, secretion and aggregation. Recent studies suggest the existence of yet uncharacterised platelet thiol isomerase proteins. This study aimed to identify which other thiol isomerase enzymes are present in human platelets. Through the use of immunoblotting, flow cytometry, cell-surface biotinylation and gene array analysis, we report the presence of five additional thiol isomerases in human and mouse platelets and megakaryocytes, namely; ERp57, ERp72, ERp44, ERp29 and TMX3. ERp72, ERp57, ERp44 and ERp29 are released by platelets and relocate to the cell surface following platelet activation. The transmembrane thiol isomerase TMX3 was also detected on the platelet surface but does not increase following activation. Extracellular PDI is also implicated in the regulation of coagulation by the modulation of tissue factor activity. ERp57 was identified within platelet-derived microparticle fractions, suggesting that ERp57 may also be involved in the regulation of coagulation as well as platelet function. These data collectively implicate the expanding family of platelet-surface thiol isomerases in the regulation of haemostasis.
Dietary nitrate is metabolized to nitrite by bacterial flora on the posterior surface of the tongue leading to increased salivary nitrite concentrations. In the acidic environment of the stomach, nitrite forms nitrous acid, a potent nitrating/nitrosating agent. The aim of this study was to examine the pharmacokinetics of dietary nitrate in relation to the formation of salivary, plasma, and urinary nitrite and nitrate in healthy subjects. A secondary aim was to determine whether dietary nitrate increases the formation of protein-bound 3-nitrotyrosine in plasma, and if dietary nitrate improves platelet function. The pharmacokinetic profile of urinary nitrate excretion indicates total clearance of consumed nitrate in a 24 h period. While urinary, salivary, and plasma nitrate concentrations increased between 4- and 7-fold, a significant increase in nitrite was only detected in saliva (7-fold). High dietary nitrate consumption does not cause a significant acute change in plasma concentrations of 3-nitrotyrosine or in platelet function.
Aim: A nested case-control discovery study was undertaken 10 test whether information within the serum peptidome can improve on the utility of CA125 for early ovarian cancer detection. Materials and Methods: High-throughput matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) was used to profile 295 serum samples from women pre-dating their ovarian cancer diagnosis and from 585 matched control samples. Classification rules incorporating CA125 and MS peak intensities were tested for discriminating ability. Results: Two peaks were found which in combination with CA125 discriminated cases from controls up to 15 and 11 months before diagnosis, respectively, and earlier than using CA125 alone. One peak was identified as connective tissue-activating peptide III (CTAPIII), whilst the other was putatively identified as platelet factor 4 (PF4). ELISA data supported the down-regulation of PF4 in early cancer cases. Conclusion: Serum peptide information with CA125 improves lead time for early detection of ovarian cancer. The candidate markers are platelet-derived chemokines, suggesting a link between platelet function and tumour development.
Statins are widely prescribed cholesterol-lowering drugs that are a first-line treatment for coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis, reducing the incidence of thrombotic events such as myocardial infarction and stroke. Statins have been shown to reduce platelet activation, although the mechanism(s) through which this occurs is unclear. Since several of the characteristic effects of statins on platelets are shared with those elicited by the inhibitory platelet adhesion receptor PECAM-1, we investigated a potential connection between the influence of statins on platelet function and PECAM-1 signalling. Statins were found to inhibit a range of platelet functional responses and thrombus formation in vitro and in vivo. Notably, these effects of statins on platelet function in vitro and in vivo were diminished in PECAM-1-/- platelets. Activation of PECAM-1 signalling results in its tyrosine phosphorylation, the recruitment and activation of tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2, the subsequent binding of phosphoinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K) and diminished PI3-K signalling. Statins resulted in the stimulation of these events, leading to the inhibition of Akt activation. Together, these data provides evidence for a fundamental role of PECAM-1 in the inhibitory effects of statins on platelet activation, which may explain some of the pleiotropic actions of these drugs.
Epidemiological and clinical trials reveal compelling evidence for the ability of dietary flavonoids to lower cardiovascular disease risk. The mechanisms of action of these polyphenolic compounds are diverse, and of particular interest is their ability to function as protein and lipid kinase inhibitors. We have previously described structure-activity studies that reinforce the possibility for using flavonoid structures as templates for drug design. In the present study, we aim to begin constructing rational screening strategies for exploiting these compounds as templates for the design of clinically relevant, antiplatelet agents. We used the platelet as a model system to dissect the structural influence of flavonoids, stilbenes, anthocyanidins, and phenolic acids on inhibition of cell signaling and function. Functional groups identified as relevant for potent inhibition of platelet function included at least 2 benzene rings, a hydroxylated B ring, a planar C ring, a C ring ketone group, and a C-2 positioned B ring. Hydroxylation of the B ring with either a catechol group or a single C-4' hydroxyl may be required for efficient inhibition of collagen-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylated proteins of 125 to 130 kDa, but may not be necessary for that of phosphotyrosine proteins at approximately 29 kDa. The removal of the C ring C-3 hydroxyl together with a hydroxylated B ring (apigenin) may confer selectivity for 37 to 38 kDa phosphotyrosine proteins. We conclude that this study may form the basis for construction of maps of flavonoid inhibitory activity on kinase targets that may allow a multitargeted therapeutic approach with analogue counterparts and parent compounds.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is an increasing neurological disorder in an aging society. The motor and non-motor symptoms of PD advance with the disease progression and occur in varying frequency and duration. In order to affirm the full extent of a patient’s condition, repeated assessments are necessary to adjust medical prescription. In clinical studies, symptoms are assessed using the unified Parkinson’s disease rating scale (UPDRS). On one hand, the subjective rating using UPDRS relies on clinical expertise. On the other hand, it requires the physical presence of patients in clinics which implies high logistical costs. Another limitation of clinical assessment is that the observation in hospital may not accurately represent a patient’s situation at home. For such reasons, the practical frequency of tracking PD symptoms may under-represent the true time scale of PD fluctuations and may result in an overall inaccurate assessment. Current technologies for at-home PD treatment are based on data-driven approaches for which the interpretation and reproduction of results are problematic. The overall objective of this thesis is to develop and evaluate unobtrusive computer methods for enabling remote monitoring of patients with PD. It investigates first-principle data-driven model based novel signal and image processing techniques for extraction of clinically useful information from audio recordings of speech (in texts read aloud) and video recordings of gait and finger-tapping motor examinations. The aim is to map between PD symptoms severities estimated using novel computer methods and the clinical ratings based on UPDRS part-III (motor examination). A web-based test battery system consisting of self-assessment of symptoms and motor function tests was previously constructed for a touch screen mobile device. A comprehensive speech framework has been developed for this device to analyze text-dependent running speech by: (1) extracting novel signal features that are able to represent PD deficits in each individual component of the speech system, (2) mapping between clinical ratings and feature estimates of speech symptom severity, and (3) classifying between UPDRS part-III severity levels using speech features and statistical machine learning tools. A novel speech processing method called cepstral separation difference showed stronger ability to classify between speech symptom severities as compared to existing features of PD speech. In the case of finger tapping, the recorded videos of rapid finger tapping examination were processed using a novel computer-vision (CV) algorithm that extracts symptom information from video-based tapping signals using motion analysis of the index-finger which incorporates a face detection module for signal calibration. This algorithm was able to discriminate between UPDRS part III severity levels of finger tapping with high classification rates. Further analysis was performed on novel CV based gait features constructed using a standard human model to discriminate between a healthy gait and a Parkinsonian gait. The findings of this study suggest that the symptom severity levels in PD can be discriminated with high accuracies by involving a combination of first-principle (features) and data-driven (classification) approaches. The processing of audio and video recordings on one hand allows remote monitoring of speech, gait and finger-tapping examinations by the clinical staff. On the other hand, the first-principles approach eases the understanding of symptom estimates for clinicians. We have demonstrated that the selected features of speech, gait and finger tapping were able to discriminate between symptom severity levels, as well as, between healthy controls and PD patients with high classification rates. The findings support suitability of these methods to be used as decision support tools in the context of PD assessment.
Background: Obesity may affect the respiratory system, causing changes in respiratory function and in the pulmonary volumes and flows. Objectives: To evaluate the influence of obesity in the movement of thoracoabdominal complex at rest and during maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV), and the contribution between the different compartments of this complex and the volume changes of chest wall between obese and non-obese patients. Materials and Methods: We studied 16 patients divided into two groups: the obese group (n = 8) and group non-obese (n = 8). The two groups were homogeneous in terms of spirometric characteristics (FVC mean: 4.97 ± 0.6 L - 92.91 ± 10.17% predicted, and 4.52 ± 0.6 L - 93.59 ± 8.05%), age 25.6 ± 5.0 and 26.8 ± 4.9 years, in non-obese and obese respectively. BMI was 24.93 ± 3.0 and 39.18 ± 4.3 kg/m2 in the groups investigated. All subjects performed breathing calm and slow and maneuver MVV, during registration for optoelectronic plethysmography. Statistical analysis: we used the unpaired t test and Mann-Whitney. Results: Obese individuals had a lower percentage contribution of the rib cage abdominal (RCa) during breathing at rest and VVM. The variation of end expiratory (EELV) and end inspiratory (EILV) lung volumes were lower in obese subjects. It has been found asynchrony and higher distortion between compartments of thoracoabdominal complex in obese subjects when compared to non-obese. Conclusions: Central obesity impairs the ventilation lung, reducing to adaptation efforts and increasing the ventilatory work
Esta pesquisa teve o objetivo de avaliar os efeitos do estímulo verbal (EV) no tempo do teste de escada (TEsc) e nas variáveis cardiorrespiratórias de adultos saudáveis. Trinta e um adultos saudáveis realizaram dois TEsc (com EV e sem EV). Antes e depois de cada teste, foram avaliados os sinais vitais e a Escala de Borg. Os tempos nos TEsc foram comparados por meio do Teste t de Student para amostras pareadas e as diferenças, de acordo com a ordem de realização dos testes utilizando o Teste de Mann-Whitney. Os sinais vitais e a Escala de Borg foram comparados por meio do Teste de Friedman ou ANOVA com post hoc do Teste de Tukey. As variações foram comparadas utilizando o Teste t Student para amostras independentes ou Teste de Mann-Whitney (p<0,05). O tempo no TEsc sem EV foi de 23,48±8,28 segundos, significativamente maior que o teste com EV, que foi de 21,60±7,18 segundos (p<0,05). Todas as variáveis aumentaram após os testes, e a Escala de Borg foi a única que teve maior variação no TEsc com EV, variando 2,5±1,4 no teste sem estímulo e 3,0±1,8 pontos no com estímulo (p<0,05). O estímulo verbal melhora o desempenho no TEsc e leva à maior sensação de esforço.
OBJETIVO: Verificar se os testes: Volume Expiratório Forçado no 1º segundo (VEF1), Teste de Caminhada de 6 minutos (TC6) e Teste de Escada (TE) se alteram proporcionalmente ao pulmão funcionante ressecado. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos pacientes candidatos a toracotomia para ressecção pulmonar. No pré-operatório (pré) e no mínimo três meses após a cirurgia (pós), realizaram espirometria, TC6 e TE. O TE foi realizado em escada com 12,16m de altura. O tempo para subir todos os degraus o mais rápido possível foi chamado tempo de escada (tTE). Os cálculos dos valores dos testes preditos para o pós-operatório (ppo) foram realizados conforme o número de segmentos funcionantes perdidos. Os valores pré, ppo e pós foram comparados entre si para cada teste. Estatística: foi utilizada a análise de variância para medidas repetidas (ANOVA), com significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 40 pacientes. A ressecção pulmonar variou desde o ganho de dois segmentos funcionantes até a perda de 9. Os valores pré, ppo e pós foram respectivamente: VEF1 -pré = 2,6±0,8L, ppo = 2,3±0,8L, pós = 2,3±0,8L (VEF1pré > VEF1ppo = VEF1pós), TC6-pré = 604±63m, ppo = 529±103m, pós = 599±74m (TC6pré = TC6pós > TC6ppo), tTE-pré = 32,9±7,6s, ppo = 37,8±12,1s, pós = 33,7±8,5s (tTEpré = tTEpós < tTEppo). CONCLUSÃO: Nas ressecções pulmonares, este grupo de pacientes perdeu função pulmonar medida através da espirometria, mas não perdeu a capacidade de exercício, medida através dos testes de escada e caminhada.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)