908 resultados para plant disease loss
Soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi Sydow & P. Sydow is one of the major diseases of the soybean crop. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of sowing dates, plant populations and reduced doses of fungicides on soybean rust severity and its effects on plant development and yield, cultivar MG/BR46 (Conquista). Field experiments were conducted in the 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 harvests, under natural rust infestation of soybean rust. As from the appearance of the first disease symptoms, also began the fungicide spraying and the disease severity assessments. To understand the nature and extent of the effects of different treatments, a multivariate analysis of factors was applied. For the majority of the agronomic characters and factors, one-third to two-thirds of their variability can be explained by changes in plant populations or by differences in the fungicide treatments, and the remainder, was explained by sowing date variations. The fungicide treatments and sowing dates are determinants in disease severity and its interference on crop productivity. The characters of plant growth are more dependent on plant population variations. Treatments with azoxystrobina + ciproconazol promoted smaller disease severities, reflecting in productivity increase. The plant populations can be reduced up to 160.000 plants ha(-1) without losses in the disease control and the soybean yield. In general, the earliest sowings provided increase in the plant development, although the rust control was less efficient.
"Cornstalk disease" is the name given to the cause or causes of death of cattle allowed to run in fields of standing cornstalks from which the ears have been gathered. It is probable that "many different maladies have been included under this name." In Nebraska, however, there is such a similarity in the symptoms reported by the farmers that it seems probable that the great majority of the losses attributed to cornstalk disease are really due to some common cause. As to the exact nature of this cause nothing is known. However, various theories have been advanced, and methods of prevention or treatment based upon these theories have been described.
BACKGROUND & AIMS: Homozygous loss of function mutations in interleukin-10 (IL10) and interleukin-10 receptors (IL10R) cause severe infantile (very early onset) inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) was reported to induce sustained remission in 1 patient with IL-10R deficiency. We investigated heterogeneity among patients with very early onset IBD, its mechanisms, and the use of allogeneic HSCT to treat this disorder. METHODS: We analyzed 66 patients with early onset IBD (younger than 5 years of age) for mutations in the genes encoding IL-10, IL-10R1, and IL-10R2. IL-10R deficiency was confirmed by functional assays on patients' peripheral blood mononuclear cells (immunoblot and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay analyses). We assessed the therapeutic effects of standardized allogeneic HSCT. RESULTS: Using a candidate gene sequencing approach, we identified 16 patients with IL-10 or IL-10R deficiency: 3 patients had mutations in IL-10, 5 had mutations in IL-10R1, and 8 had mutations in IL-10R2. Refractory colitis became manifest in all patients within the first 3 months of life and was associated with perianal disease (16 of 16 patients). Extraintestinal symptoms included folliculitis (11 of 16) and arthritis (4 of 16). Allogeneic HSCT was performed in 5 patients and induced sustained clinical remission with a median follow-up time of 2 years. In vitro experiments confirmed reconstitution of IL-10R-mediated signaling in all patients who received the transplant. CONCLUSIONS: We identified loss of function mutations in IL-10 and IL-10R in patients with very early onset IBD. These findings indicate that infantile IBD patients with perianal disease should be screened for IL-10 and IL-10R deficiency and that allogeneic HSCT can induce remission in those with IL-10R deficiency.
The sugarcane root endophyte Trichoderma virens 223 holds enormous potential as a sustainable alternative to chemical pesticides in the control of sugarcane diseases. Its efficacy as a biocontrol agent is thought to be associated with its production of chitinase enzymes, including N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidases, chitobiosidases and endochitinases. We used targeted gene deletion and RNA-dependent gene silencing strategies to disrupt N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase and endochitinase activities of the fungus, and to determine their roles in the biocontrol of soil-borne plant pathogens. The loss of N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase activities was dispensable for biocontrol of the plurivorous damping-off pathogens Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, and of the sugarcane pathogen Ceratocystis paradoxa, the causal agent of pineapple disease. Similarly, suppression of endochitinase activities had no effect on R. solani and S. sclerotiorum disease control, but had a pronounced effect on the ability of T. virens 223 to control pineapple disease. Our work demonstrates a critical requirement for T. virens 223 endochitinase activity in the biocontrol of C. paradoxa sugarcane disease, but not for general antagonism of other soil pathogens. This may reflect its lifestyle as a sugarcane root endophyte.
OBJECTIVE This EAS Consensus Panel critically appraised evidence relevant to the benefit to risk relationship of functional foods with added plant sterols and/or plant stanols, as components of a healthy lifestyle, to reduce plasma low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C) levels, and thereby lower cardiovascular risk. METHODS AND RESULTS Plant sterols/stanols (when taken at 2 g/day) cause significant inhibition of cholesterol absorption and lower LDL-C levels by between 8 and 10%. The relative proportions of cholesterol versus sterol/stanol levels are similar in both plasma and tissue, with levels of sterols/stanols being 500-/10,000-fold lower than those of cholesterol, suggesting they are handled similarly to cholesterol in most cells. Despite possible atherogenicity of marked elevations in circulating levels of plant sterols/stanols, protective effects have been observed in some animal models of atherosclerosis. Higher plasma levels of plant sterols/stanols associated with intakes of 2 g/day in man have not been linked to adverse effects on health in long-term human studies. Importantly, at this dose, plant sterol/stanol-mediated LDL-C lowering is additive to that of statins in dyslipidaemic subjects, equivalent to doubling the dose of statin. The reported 6-9% lowering of plasma triglyceride by 2 g/day in hypertriglyceridaemic patients warrants further evaluation. CONCLUSION Based on LDL-C lowering and the absence of adverse signals, this EAS Consensus Panel concludes that functional foods with plant sterols/stanols may be considered 1) in individuals with high cholesterol levels at intermediate or low global cardiovascular risk who do not qualify for pharmacotherapy, 2) as an adjunct to pharmacologic therapy in high and very high risk patients who fail to achieve LDL-C targets on statins or are statin- intolerant, 3) and in adults and children (>6 years) with familial hypercholesterolaemia, in line with current guidance. However, it must be acknowledged that there are no randomised, controlled clinical trial data with hard end-points to establish clinical benefit from the use of plant sterols or plant stanols.
The myelin-associated protein Nogo-A is among the most potent neurite growth inhibitors in the adult CNS. Recently, Nogo-A expression was demonstrated in a number of neuronal subpopulations of the adult and developing CNS but at present, little is known about the expression of Nogo-A in the nigrostriatal system, a brain structure severely affected in Parkinson's disease (PD). The present study sought to characterize the expression pattern of Nogo-A immunoreactive (ir) cells in the adult ventral mesencephalon of control rats and in the 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) rat model of PD. Immunohistochemical analyses of normal adult rat brain showed a distinct expression of Nogo-A in the ventral mesencephalon, with the highest level in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc) where it co-localized with dopaminergic neurons. Analyses conducted 1week and 1 month after unilateral striatal injections of 6-OHDA disclosed a severe loss of the number of Nogo-A-ir cells in the SNc. Notably, at 1week after treatment, more dopaminergic neurons expressing Nogo-A were affected by the 6-OHDA toxicity than Nogo-A-negative dopaminergic neurons. However, at later time points more of the surviving dopaminergic neurons expressed Nogo-A. In the striatum, both small and large Nogo-A-positive cells were detected. The large cells were identified as cholinergic interneurons. Our results suggest yet unidentified functions of Nogo-A in the CNS beyond the inhibition of axonal regeneration and plasticity, and may indicate a role for Nogo-A in PD.
Applications of foliar fungicides on soybeans have been shown to reduce disease pressure and protect yield under the right conditions, especially in environments that have very wet or humid conditions. In the past decade, fungicide use in Iowa has increased. Initially, growers were concerned with the potential threat of soybean rust, which is controlled effectively by foliar fungicides. In Iowa, however, there has not been any case of yield reduction due to soybean rust. New potential purposes for foliar fungicides include “plant health” benefits and the reduction of foliar diseases endemic in Iowa such as Septoria brown spot, Cercospora leaf blight, and frogeye leaf spot. Currently what is not known is how the efficacy of fungicides is affected when agricultural practices change. Our question: How does plant population affect the efficacy of fungicides?
The effect of biodiversity on the ability of parasites to infect their host and cause disease (i.e. disease risk) is a major question in pathology, which is central to understand the emergence of infectious diseases, and to develop strategies for their management. Two hypotheses, which can be considered as extremes of a continuum, relate biodiversity to disease risk: One states that biodiversity is positively correlated with disease risk (Amplification Effect), and the second predicts a negative correlation between biodiversity and disease risk (Dilution Effect). Which of them applies better to different host-parasite systems is still a source of debate, due to limited experimental or empirical data. This is especially the case for viral diseases of plants. To address this subject, we have monitored for three years the prevalence of several viruses, and virus-associated symptoms, in populations of wild pepper (chiltepin) under different levels of human management. For each population, we also measured the habitat species diversity, host plant genetic diversity and host plant density. Results indicate that disease and infection risk increased with the level of human management, which was associated with decreased species diversity and host genetic diversity, and with increased host plant density. Importantly, species diversity of the habitat was the primary predictor of disease risk for wild chiltepin populations. This changed in managed populations where host genetic diversity was the primary predictor. Host density was generally a poorer predictor of disease and infection risk. These results support the dilution effect hypothesis, and underline the relevance of different ecological factors in determining disease/infection risk in host plant populations under different levels of anthropic influence. These results are relevant for managing plant diseases and for establishing conservation policies for endangered plant species.
Ulmus minor es una especie arbórea originaria de Europa cuyas poblaciones han sido diezmadas por el hongo patógeno causante de la enfermedad de la grafiosis. La conservación de los olmos exige plantearse su propagación a través de plantaciones y conocer mejor su ecología y biología. Ulmus minor es un árbol de ribera, pero frecuentemente se encuentra alejado del cauce de arroyos y ríos, donde la capa freática sufre fuertes oscilaciones. Por ello, nuestra hipótesis general es que esta especie es moderadamente resistente tanto a la inundación como a la sequía. El principal objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es entender desde un punto de vista funcional la respuesta de U. minor a la inundación, la sequía y la infección por O. novo-ulmi; los factores que posiblemente más influyen en la distribución actual de U. minor. Con este objetivo se persigue dar continuidad a los esfuerzos de conservación de esta especie que desde hace años se dedican en varios centros de investigación a nivel mundial, ya que, entender mejor los mecanismos que contribuyen a la resistencia de U. minor ante la inoculación con O. novo-ulmi y factores de estrés abiótico ayudará en la selección y propagación de genotipos resistentes a la grafiosis. Se han planteado tres experimentos en este sentido. Primero, se ha comparado la tolerancia de brinzales de U. minor y U. laevis – otro olmo ibérico – a una inmersión controlada con el fin de evaluar su tolerancia a la inundación y comprender los mecanismos de aclimatación. Segundo, se ha comparado la tolerancia de brinzales de U. minor y Quercus ilex – una especie típica de ambientes Mediterránea secos – a la falta de agua en el suelo con el fin de evaluar el grado de tolerancia y los mecanismos de aclimatación a la sequía. El hecho de comparar dos especies contrastadas responde al interés en entender mejor cuales son los procesos que conducen a la muerte de una planta en condiciones de sequía – asunto sobre el que hay una interesante discusión desde hace algunos años. En tercer lugar, con el fin de entender mejor la resistencia de algunos genotipos de U. minor a la grafiosis, se han estudiado las diferencias fisiológicas y químicas constitutivas e inducidas por O. novo-ulmi entre clones de U. minor seleccionados a priori por su variable grado de resistencia a esta enfermedad. En el primer experimento se observó que los brinzales de U. minor sobrevivieron 60 días inmersos en una piscina con agua no estancada hasta una altura de 2-3 cm por encima del cuello de la raíz. A los 60 días, los brinzales de U. laevis se sacaron de la piscina y, a lo largo de las siguientes semanas, fueron capaces de recuperar las funciones fisiológicas que habían sido alteradas anteriormente. La conductividad hidráulica de las raíces y la tasa de asimilación de CO2 neta disminuyeron en ambas especies. Por el contrario, la tasa de respiración de hojas, tallos y raíces aumentó en las primeras semanas de la inundación, posiblemente en relación al aumento de energía necesario para desarrollar mecanismos de aclimatación a la inundación, como la hipertrofia de las lenticelas que se observó en ambas especies. Por ello, el desequilibrio del balance de carbono de la planta podría ser un factor relevante en la mortalidad de las plantas ante inundaciones prolongadas. Las plantas de U. minor (cultivadas en envases de 16 litros a media sombra) sobrevivieron por un prolongado periodo de tiempo en verano sin riego; la mitad de las plantas murieron tras 90 días sin riego. El cierre de los estomas y la pérdida de hojas contribuyeron a ralentizar las pérdidas de agua y tolerar la sequía en U. minor. Las obvias diferencias en tolerancia a la sequía con respecto a Q. ilex se reflejaron en la distinta capacidad para ralentizar la aparición del estrés hídrico tras dejar de regar y para transportar agua en condiciones de elevada tensión en el xilema. Más relevante es que las plantas con evidentes síntomas de decaimiento previo a su muerte exhibieron pérdidas de conductividad hidráulica en las raíces del 80% en ambas especies, mientras que las reservas de carbohidratos apenas variaron y lo hicieron de forma desigual en ambas especies. Árboles de U. minor de 5 y 6 años de edad (plantados en eras con riego mantenido) exhibieron una respuesta a la inoculación con O. novo-ulmi consistente con ensayos previos de resistencia. La conductividad hidráulica del tallo, el potencial hídrico foliar y la tasa de asimilación de CO2 neta disminuyeron significativamente en relación a árboles inoculados con agua, pero solo en los clones susceptibles. Este hecho enlaza con el perfil químico “más defensivo” de los clones resistentes, es decir, con los mayores niveles de suberina, ácidos grasos y compuestos fenólicos en estos clones que en los susceptibles. Ello podría restringir la propagación del hongo en el árbol y preservar el comportamiento fisiológico de los clones resistentes al inocularlos con el patógeno. Los datos indican una respuesta fisiológica común de U. minor a la inundación, la sequía y la infección por O. novo-ulmi: pérdida de conductividad hidráulica, estrés hídrico y pérdida de ganancia neta de carbono. Pese a ello, U. minor desarrolla varios mecanismos que le confieren una capacidad moderada para vivir en suelos temporalmente anegados o secos. Por otro lado, el perfil químico es un factor relevante en la resistencia de ciertos genotipos a la grafiosis. Futuros estudios deberían examinar como este perfil químico y la resistencia a la grafiosis se ven alteradas por el estrés abiótico. ABSTRACT Ulmus minor is a native European elm species whose populations have been decimated by the Dutch elm disease (DED). An active conservation of this species requires large-scale plantations and a better understanding of its biology and ecology. U. minor generally grows close to water channels. However, of the Iberian riparian tree species, U. minor is the one that spread farther away from rivers and streams. For these reasons, we hypothesize that this species is moderately tolerant to both flooding and drought stresses. The main aim of the present PhD thesis is to better understand the functional response of U. minor to the abiotic stresses – flooding and drought – and the biotic stress – DED – that can be most influential on its distribution. The overarching goal is to aid in the conservation of this emblematic species through a better understanding of the mechanisms that contribute to resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses; an information that can help in the selection of resistant genotypes and their expansion in large-scale plantations. To this end, three experiments were set up. First, we compared the tolerance to experimental immersion between seedlings of U. minor and U. laevis – another European riparian elm species – in order to assess their degree of tolerance and understand the mechanisms of acclimation to this stress. Second, we investigated the tolerance to drought of U. minor seedlings in comparison with Quercus ilex (an oak species typical of dry Mediterranean habitats). Besides assessing and understanding U. minor tolerance to drought at the seedling stage, the aim was to shed light into the functional alterations that trigger drought-induced plant mortality – a matter of controversy in the last years. Third, we studied constitutive and induced physiological and biochemical differences among clones of variable DED resistance, before and following inoculation with Ophiostoma novo-ulmi. The goal is to shed light into the factors of DED resistance that is evident in some genotypes of U. minor, but not others. Potted seedlings of U. minor survived for 60 days immersed in a pool with running water to approximately 2-3 cm above the stem collar. By this time, U. minor seedlings died, whereas U. laevis seedlings moved out of the pool were able to recover most physiological functions that had been altered by flooding. For example, root hydraulic conductivity and leaf photosynthetic CO2 uptake decreased in both species; while respiration initially increased with flooding in leaves, stems and roots possibly to respond to energy demands associated to mechanisms of acclimation to soil oxygen deficiency; as example, a remarkable hypertrophy of lenticels was soon observed in flooded seedlings of both species. Therefore, the inability to maintain a positive carbon balance somehow compromises seedling survival under flooding, earlier in U. minor than U. laevis, partly explaining their differential habitats. Potted seedlings of U. minor survived for a remarkable long time without irrigation – half of plants dying only after 90 days of no irrigation in conditions of high vapour pressure deficit typical of summer. Some mechanisms that contributed to tolerate drought were leaf shedding and stomata closure, which reduced water loss and the risk of xylem cavitation. Obviously, U. minor was less tolerant to drought than Q. ilex, differences in drought tolerance resulting mostly from the distinct capacity to postpone water stress and conduct water under high xylem tension among species. More relevant was that plants of both species exhibited similar symptoms of root hydraulic failure (i.e. approximately 80% loss of hydraulic conductivity), but a slight and variable depletion of non-structural carbohydrate reserves preceding dieback. Five- and six-year-old trees of U. minor (planted in the field with supplementary watering) belonging to clones of contrasted susceptibility to DED exhibited a different physiological response to inoculation with O. novo-ulmi. Stem hydraulic conductivity, leaf water potential and photosynthetic CO2 uptake decreased significantly relative to control trees inoculated with water only in DED susceptible clones. This is consistent with the “more defensive” chemical profile observed in resistant clones, i.e. with higher levels of saturated hydrocarbons (suberin and fatty acids) and phenolic compounds than in susceptible clones. These compounds could restrict the spread of O. novo-ulmi and contribute to preserving the near-normal physiological function of resistant trees when exposed to the pathogen. These results evidence common physiological responses of U. minor to flooding, drought and pathogen infection leading to xylem water disruption, leaf water stress and reduced net carbon gain. Still, seedlings of U. minor develop various mechanisms of acclimation to abiotic stresses that can play a role in surviving moderate periods of flood and drought. The chemical profile appears to be an important factor for the resistance of some genotypes of U. minor to DED. How abiotic stresses such as flooding and drought affect the capacity of resistant U. minor clones to face O. novo-ulmi is a key question that must be contemplated in future research.
An emerging topic in plant biology is whether plants display analogous elements of mammalian programmed cell death during development and defense against pathogen attack. In many plant–pathogen interactions, plant cell death occurs in both susceptible and resistant host responses. For example, specific recognition responses in plants trigger formation of the hypersensitive response and activation of host defense mechanisms, resulting in restriction of pathogen growth and disease development. Several studies indicate that cell death during hypersensitive response involves activation of a plant-encoded pathway for cell death. Many susceptible interactions also result in host cell death, although it is not clear how or if the host participates in this response. We have generated transgenic tobacco plants to express animal genes that negatively regulate apoptosis. Plants expressing human Bcl-2 and Bcl-xl, nematode CED-9, or baculovirus Op-IAP transgenes conferred heritable resistance to several necrotrophic fungal pathogens, suggesting that disease development required host–cell death pathways. In addition, the transgenic tobacco plants displayed resistance to a necrogenic virus. Transgenic tobacco harboring Bcl-xl with a loss-of-function mutation did not protect against pathogen challenge. We also show that discrete DNA fragmentation (laddering) occurred in susceptible tobacco during fungal infection, but does not occur in transgenic-resistant plants. Our data indicate that in compatible plant–pathogen interactions apoptosis-like programmed cell death occurs. Further, these animal antiapoptotic genes function in plants and should be useful to delineate resistance pathways. These genes also have the potential to generate effective disease resistance in economically important crops.
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Reprinted from the Journal of mental science.
"Serial no. 97-00."