968 resultados para pk-yritys


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Dendrite structures of ice produced on undirectional solidification of ternary and quaternary aqueous solutions have been studied. Upon freezing, solutions containing more than one solute produce plate-shaped dendrites of ice. The spacing between dendrites increase linearly with the distance from the chill surface and the square root of local solidification time (or square root of inverse freezing rate) for any fixed composition. For fixed freezing conditions, the dendrite spacings from multicomponent aqueous solutions were a function of the concentrations and diffusion coefficients of the individual solutes. The dendrite spacing produced by freezing of a solution was changed by the addition of a solute different from those already present. If the main diffusion coefficient of the added solute is higher than that of solutes already present, the dendrite spacing is increased and vice versa. The dendrite spacing in multi-component systems increases with the total solute concentration if the constituent solutes are present in equal amounts. The dendrite spacing obtained on freezing of these dilute multicomponent solutions can be expressed by regression equations of the type Image Full-size image (2K) where L is the dendrite spacing in microns, C1, C2 and C3 are concentrations of individual solutes, Θf is the total freezing time and A1 −A8 are constants. A Yates analysis of the dendrite spacings in a factorial design of quaternary solutions indicates that there are strong interactions between individual solutes in regard to their effect on the dendrite spacings. A mass transport analysis has been used to calculate the interdendritic supersaturation ΔC of the individual solutes, the supercooling in the interdendritic liquid ΔT, and the transverse growth velocity of the dendrites, VT. In ternary solutions if two solutes are present in equal amount the supersaturation of the solute with higher main diffusion coefficient is lower, and vice versa. If a solute with higher main diffusion coefficient is added to a binary solution, the interface growth velocity, the interdendritic supersaturation of the base solute and the interdendritic supercooling increase with the quantity of solute added.


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A formal synthesis of Image -18-hydroxyestrone has been achieved by the preparation of Image -3-methanesulfonyloxy-13β,17β-dicarboxy-18--norestra-1,3,5(10)-triene anhydride, the dextrorotatory enantiomer of which is an intermediate in Barton's conversion of Image -estrone to Image -1β-hydroxyestrone (KC-6A).


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Farms and rural areas have many specific valuable resources that can be used to create non-agricultural products and services. Most of the research regarding on-farm diversification has hitherto concentrated on business start-up or farm survival strategies. Resource allocation and also financial success have not been the primary focus of investigations as yet. In this study these specific topics were investigated i.e. resource allocation and also the financial success of diversified farms from a farm management perspective. The key question addressed in this dissertation, is how tangible and intangible resources of the diversified farm affect the financial success. This study’s theoretical background deals with resource-based theory, and also certain themes of the theory of learning organisation and other decision-making theories. Two datasets were utilised in this study. First, data were collected by postal survey in 2001 (n = 663). Second, data were collected in a follow-up survey in 2006 (n = 439). Data were analysed using multivariate data analyses and path analyses. The study results reveal that, diversified farms performed differently. Success and resources were linked. Professional and management skills affected other resources, and hence directly or indirectly influenced success per se. In the light of empirical analyses of this study, tangible and intangible resources owned by the diversified farm impacted on its financial success. The findings of this study underline the importance of skills and networks for entrepreneur(s). Practically speaking all respondents of this study used either agricultural resources for non-farm businesses or non-farm resources for agricultural enterprises. To share resources in this way was seen as a pragmatic opportunity recognised by farmers. One of the downsides of diversification might be the phenomenon of over-diversification, which can be defined as the situation in which a farm diversifies beyond its optimal limit. The empirical findings of this study reveal that capital and labour resource constrains did have adverse effects on financial success. The evidence indicates that farms that were capital and labour resource constrained in 2001 were still less profitable than their ‘no problems’ counterparts five years later.


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A View into the World of Kitchen: Development and retention of a leading position in the market of kitchen interiors - a case study of 20 years. This study focuses on the development of a kitchen interiors company, presently called Novart Inc., into the leading company of the industry from 1980´s to the present. The objective of the study is to describe the effects of strategic choices, the decisions of the management and the owner´s direction and control to the build up and the retaining of the leading position in the market. From theory point of view, strategic choices refer to com-pany purchases as corporate-level strategies, and business and marketing strategies. The empirical research was carried out in two phases and it is based on various company documents and records, and on the intensive interviews of seven key executives in the company. An abductive research design was utilized. The company gained the leading position in the kitchen market in Finland by company purchases, and the company has been able to retain the position. Firstly the goal was to expand to retail market and, secondly, the company has maintained the balance of supply and demand by closing the purchased production units when needed. The simultaneous use of these two strategic goals is a kind of a new observation, and the strategy may be suitable only for market leaders. During the latter part of the research period the strategy of com-pany purchases has been abandoned and the leading position in the market has been main-tained by developing systematically business and marketing capability. In the business and marketing strategies the distribution channels and the brands have been emphasized. During the research period the company has almost totally abandoned the long distribution channels and started to use its own channels built and named after the main brands. These are A la Carte, Parma and Petra. At the moment, in the beginning of the 21st century, a new distribution channel, the concept of the Kitchen World, is being built in addition to the channels mentioned above. The management´s decision making and the implementation the decisions have been well-considered. The executives emphasized the valuing of the importance of the decisions dif-ferently except the two decisions named the most important ones, i.e., the decisions to start own production of the raw material and to concentrate the business only to one company. The executive staff has also succeeded in managing crisis and threats of bankruptcy, and the company has been managed profitable. During all the four terms of ownership: Puolimatka Corporation, the Hankkija/Novera Corporation, the ownership period of the "bank", and the Nobia Corporate the ownership direction and control has been somewhat different. All the owners have paid attention to economic issues. The direction of cash flows and investments was at its strongest during the Hankkija/Novera term. For the last owner Nobia the production and marketing of the kitchen interiors has been the core business, which thus has strengthened the business and marketing capabilities of the target company of this research. A common denominator during all the four terms of ownership has been owners' trust gained by the professional skills of the management of the target company. This has lead to greater independence of the management of the company and less owners´ direction. Keywords: leading position, marketing strategy, management decisions, acquisition, corporate governance


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An analysis of gas absorption accompanied by chemical reaction in the presence of interfacial resistance is presented. The analysis indicates that the effect of interfacial resistance on interphase mass transfer is significantly higher in presence of a reaction compared to the pure absorption case. For fixed values of surface resistance and contact time, the difference between the amount of gas transferred across the interface with and without surface resistance increases as the value of reaction velocity increases. For ranges of contact time and surface resistance of practical relevance, the influence of surface resistance is too high to be neglected while designing gas-liquid contactors.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää pienten elintarvikeyritysten innovatiivisuutta ja sen yhteyttä yrityksen strategisiin toimintoihin. Yritysten erilainen suhtautuminen innovaatioihin ja uusia tuotteita kohtaan pyrittiin esittämään yrityksen eri taustatekijöiden kuten toimialan, resurssien, tuotestrategian ja uusien elintarvikkeiden laatukäsityksen kautta. Teoriaosassa käytiin läpi innovaatioteorioita ja innovaation käsitettä elintarvikealalla. Kirjallisuuden avulla tuotiin esiin yrityksen innovatiivisuuden mittaamiseen käytettyjä menetelmiä. Innovaatioteorian rinnalle nostettiin uusien elintarvikkeiden laatukäsitys ja tuotteen laatu, joiden avulla, kirjallisuuteen pohjautuen, tarkasteltiin elintarviketta tuoteinnovaationa. Empiirinen osa tutkimuksessa kerättiin yrityksille lähetettynä postikyselynä syksyllä 2005. Vastanneita yrityksiä oli 59, jotka olivat suomalaisia elintarvikkeita jalostavia yrityksiä. Kysely muodostui osioista esitiedot, uuden elintarvikkeen ominaisuudet, innovatiivisuus ja tuotestrategia. Yritysten ulkopuoliselle kuluttajaryhmälle (n=97) tehtiin myös kysely liittyen elintarvikkeen laatuun. Yritykset jaettiin kahteen eri ryhmään innovatiivisuuden perusteella ja ryhmien sisältöä tarkasteltiin yritysten elintarviketoimialan, tuotestrategian ja laatukäsityksen näkökulmasta. Ryhmiksi muodostuivat kasvuhaluiset innovoijat (n=24) ja perinteiset kehittäjät (n=25). Uuden elintarvikkeen 22 laatuominaisuudesta kehitettiin uuden elintarvikkeen laatumittaristo hyödyntämällä faktori- ja reliabiliteettianalyysiä. Laatumittaristo muodostui kuudesta eri ulottuvuudesta: ulkonäkö, tunne, käytettävyys, terveydellisyys, hygienia-aistittava laatu ja prosessilaatu. Laatumittarin avulla verrattiin kasvuhaluisten innovoijien ja perinteisten kehittäjien laatukäsitystä. Merkitsevä ero muodostui laadun terveydellisyys-ulottuvuuden arvostuksessa. Tutkimustulosten perusteella elintarvikealan pienyritysten toimialakentällä on strategisesti erilaisia yrityksiä. Kasvuhaluiset innovoijat olivat tuoteorientoituneita, joiden tuotestrategia tähtäsi kasvuun ja tuotteet olivat uutuusasteeltaan korkeita erikoistuotteita. Yritysryhmien innovatiivisuuteen vaikuttavana tekijänä oli yrityksen koko. Kooltaan kasvuhaluiset innovoijat olivat suurimmaksi osaksi mikroyrityksiä (2 - 9 hlöä). Innovatiivisuuden voi katsoa liittyvän yrityksen tiettyyn kasvuhaluiseen vaiheeseen, jolloin myös yritys ajattelee markkinasuuntautuneisemmin. Tuotteiden uudet mahdollisuudet luoda kasvua koetaan tärkeämmiksi kuin kasvuvaiheen ohittaneissa yrityksissä. Tutkimus tukee käsitystä, että innovatiiviset yritykset käyttävät enemmän ulkoista markkinainformaatiota hyväkseen.


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Wear rates of several cast aluminium base alloys have been measured for lubricated rubbing against a rotating hardened steel disk. Wear rates of cast graphitic aluminium-silicon-nickel alloys were lower than those of pure Al, Al-Si and Al-Si-Ni alloys especially above pressures of 0.02 kg/mm2. The high wear resistance is attributed to the presence of graphite particles in the matrix which act as a solid lubricant. Additions of nickel alone to Al-Si alloys decrease the wear resistance. Graphitic aluminium-silicon-nickel alloys containing above 2% graphite can be mated unlubricated against the rotating steel disk after a one minute lubricated run-in period. Graphite particles may be potentially suitable to replace part of all of the tin in aluminium-tin bearing alloys.


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Our present-day understanding of fundamental constituents of matter and their interactions is based on the Standard Model of particle physics, which relies on quantum gauge field theories. On the other hand, the large scale dynamical behaviour of spacetime is understood via the general theory of relativity of Einstein. The merging of these two complementary aspects of nature, quantum and gravity, is one of the greatest goals of modern fundamental physics, the achievement of which would help us understand the short-distance structure of spacetime, thus shedding light on the events in the singular states of general relativity, such as black holes and the Big Bang, where our current models of nature break down. The formulation of quantum field theories in noncommutative spacetime is an attempt to realize the idea of nonlocality at short distances, which our present understanding of these different aspects of Nature suggests, and consequently to find testable hints of the underlying quantum behaviour of spacetime. The formulation of noncommutative theories encounters various unprecedented problems, which derive from their peculiar inherent nonlocality. Arguably the most serious of these is the so-called UV/IR mixing, which makes the derivation of observable predictions especially hard by causing new tedious divergencies, to which our previous well-developed renormalization methods for quantum field theories do not apply. In the thesis I review the basic mathematical concepts of noncommutative spacetime, different formulations of quantum field theories in the context, and the theoretical understanding of UV/IR mixing. In particular, I put forward new results to be published, which show that also the theory of quantum electrodynamics in noncommutative spacetime defined via Seiberg-Witten map suffers from UV/IR mixing. Finally, I review some of the most promising ways to overcome the problem. The final solution remains a challenge for the future.


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Perfluorinated alkyl acids (PFAAs) have been detected in serum at low concentrations in background populations. Higher concentrations haven been observed in adult males compared to females, with a possible explanation that menstruation offers females an additional elimination route. In this study, we examined the significance of blood loss as an elimination route of PFAAs. Pooled serum samples were collected from individuals undergoing a medical procedure involving ongoing blood withdrawal called venesection. Concentrations from male venesection patients were approximately 40% lower than males in the general population for perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS), perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA). A simple pharmacokinetic model was used to test the hypothesis that blood loss could explain why adult males have higher concentrations of PFAAs than females, and why males undergoing venesections had lower concentrations compared to males in the general population. The model application generally supported these hypotheses showing that venesection might reduce blood serum concentrations by 37% (PFOA) and 53% (PFOS) compared to the observed difference of 44% and 37%. Menstruation was modeled to show a 22% reduction in PFOA serum concentrations compared to a 24% difference in concentrations between males and females in the background population. Uncertainties in the modeling and the data are identified and discussed.


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Aqueous solutions of sodium chloride were solidified under the influence of magnetic and electrical fields using two different freezing systems. In the droplet system, small droplets of the solution are introduced in an organic liquid column at −20°C which acts as the heat sink. In the unidirectional freezing system the solutions are poured into a tygon tube mounted on a copper chill, maintained at −70°C, from which the freezing initiates. Application of magnetic fields caused an increase in the spacing and promoted side branching of primary ice dendrites in the droplet freezing system, but had no measurable effect on the dendrites formed in the unidirectional freezing system. The range of electric fields applied in this investigation had no measurable effect on the dendritic structure. Possible interactions between external magnetic and electrical fields have been reviewed and it is suggested that the selective effect of magnetic fields on dendrite spacings in a droplet system could be due to a change in the nucleation behaviour of the solution in the presence of a magnetic field.


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Seizure resistance of several cast aluminium base alloys has been examined using a standard Hohman Wear Tester. Disks of aluminium base alloys were run against a standard aluminium 12% silicon base alloy. The seizure resistance of the alloys (as measured by the lowest bearing parameter reached before seizure) increased with hardness, yield and tensile strength. In Al-Si-Ni alloys where silicon and nickel have little solid solubility in α-aluminium and Si and Ni Al3 hard phases are formed, the minimum bearing parameter decreased with the parameter V (The product of vol. % of hard phases in the disk and the shoe). Apparently the silicon and NiAl3 particles provided discontinuities in the matrix and reduced the probability (1 − V) of the α-aluminium phase in the disk coming into contact with the α-aluminium phase in the shoe. The copper and magnesium containing Al-Si-Ni alloys with lesser volumes of hard phases exhibit considerably better seizure resistance indicating that a slight increase in the solute content or the hardness of the primary α-phase leads to a considerable increase in seizure resistance. Deformation during wear and seizure leads to fragmentation of the original hard particles into considerably smaller particles uniformly dispersed in the deformed α-aluminium matrix.


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A formal synthesis of -18-hydroxyestrone has been achieved by the preparation of -3-methanesulfonyloxy-13β,17β-dicarboxy-18--norestra-1,3,5(10)-triene anhydride, the dextrorotatory enantiomer of which is an intermediate in Barton's conversion of -estrone to -1β-hydroxyestrone (KC-6A).


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Wear rates of several cast aluminium base alloys have been measured for lubricated rubbing against a rotating hardened steel disk. Wear rates of cast graphitic aluminium-silicon-nickel alloys were lower than those of pure Al, Al-Si and Al-Si-Ni alloys especially above pressures of 0.02 kg/mm2. The high wear resistance is attributed to the presence of graphite particles in the matrix which act as a solid lubricant. Additions of nickel alone to Al-Si alloys decrease the wear resistance. Graphitic aluminium-silicon-nickel alloys containing above 2% graphite can be mated unlubricated against the rotating steel disk after a one minute lubricated run-in period. Graphite particles may be potentially suitable to replace part of all of the tin in aluminium-tin bearing alloys.


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Literature reveals that a low order priority has been given to foundry applications of the solar furnace for temperatures upto about 1000°C. In the present work, the performance of a solar furnace capable of melting small quantities of foundry-grade metals and alloys had been studied under various conditions. Crucibles of different materials and shapes were tried and the effect of having different heat-shield materials was also studied. Al---bronze crucible with cavity, and well-polished stainless stell heat-shield were found to be most effective in enhancing the efficiency of the furnace. Many important industrial applications of the present solar furnace, such as the recovery of metallic zinc from slags, had also been realised.


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A direct method of preparing cast aluminium alloy-graphite particle composites using uncoated graphite particles is reported. The method consists of introducing and dispersing uncoated but suitably pretreated graphite particles in aluminium alloy melts, and casting the resulting composite melts in suitable permanent moulds. The optical pretreatment required for the dispersion of the uncoated graphite particles in aluminium alloy melts consists of heating the graphite particles to 400° C in air for 1 h just prior to their dispersion in the melts. The effects of alloying elements such as Si, Cu and Mg on the dispersability of pretreated graphite in molten aluminium have also been reported. It was found that additions of about 0.5% Mg or 5% Si significantly improve the dispersability of graphite particles in aluminium alloy melts as indicated by the high recoveries of graphite in the castings of these composites. It was also possible to disperse upto 3% graphite in LM 13 alloy melts and retain the graphite particles in a well distributed fashion in the castings using the pre-heat-treated graphite particles. The observations in this study have been related to the information presently available on wetting between graphite and molten aluminium in the presence of different elements and our own thermogravimetric analysis studies on graphite particles. Physical and mechanical properties of LM 13-3% graphite composite made using pre-heat-treated graphite powder, were found to be adequate for many applications, including pistons which have been successfully used in internal combustion engines.