928 resultados para physiological specialization


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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are ligand-dependent transcription factors that are involved in many physiological processes, such as inflammation and energy homeostasis. In general, PPARs must be activated by ligands to stimulate the expression of their target genes. These agonists can be synthetic molecules, such as drugs used to treat hypertriglyceridemia and insulin resistance, or natural physiological ligands, such as fatty acids and eicosanoids. Although recent work has uncovered a surprisingly broad variety of natural molecules capable of activating PPARs, relatively little is known about their mode of action in an in vivo physiological context. The action of physiological ligands in situations of food deprivation and abundance, especially with respect to their intervention in the inflammatory response, and in both lipid homeostasis and inflammation resolution will be reviewed.


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The objective of this work was to analyze gas exchange, photosynthetic characteristics, photochemical efficiency of photosystem II and anatomical characteristics of young plant leaves of two guarana (Paullinia cupana) clones (BRS-CG372RC and BRS-CG611RL) growing under open field. The variables of gas exchange and fluorescence of chlorophyll a were evaluated in mature leaves. The values of photosynthesis and transpiration found for BRS-CG372RC were 27% greater and 80% lesser than values found for BRS-CG611RL, respectively. The values of stomatal conductance found for the clones BRS-CG372RC and BRS-CG611RL were in the order of 224 and 614 mmol mm-2 s-1, respectively. The values of photorespiration, rate of carboxylation and rate electron transport were greater in BRS-CG372RC. The clone BRS-CG372RC exhibited stomatal density 26% greater than BRS-CG611RL. However, the area of ostiolar opening was 42% greater in BRS-CG611RL. The values of the water use efficiency in BRS-CG372RC were 134% greater than in BRS-CG611RL. High stomatal density and low stomatal conductance can be important characteristics in the selection of the clones with a good ability to assimilate carbon and optimize the use of water.


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Endocrine disruption is defined as the perturbation of the endocrine system, which includes disruption of nuclear hormone receptor signalling. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) represent a family of nuclear receptors that has not yet been carefully studied with regards to endocrine disruption, despite the fact that PPARs are known to be important targets for xenobiotics. Here we report a first comprehensive approach aimed at defining the mechanistic basis of PPAR disruption focusing on one chemical, the plasticizer monethylhexyl phthalate (MEHP), but using a variety of methodologies and models. We used mammalian cells and a combination of biochemical and live cell imaging techniques to show that MEHP binds to PPAR gamma and selectively regulates interactions with coregulators. Micro-array experiments further showed that this selectivity is translated at the physiological level during adipocyte differentiation. In that context, MEHP functions as a selective PPAR modulator regulating only a subset of PPAR gamma target genes compared to the action of a full agonist. We also explored the action of MEHP on PPARs in an aquatic species, Xenopus laevis, as many xenobiotics are found in aquatic ecosystems. In adult males, micro-array data indicated that MEHP influences liver physiology, possibly through a cross-talk between PPARs and estrogen receptors (ER). In early Xenopus laevis embryos, we showed that PPAR beta/delta exogenous activation by an agonist or by MEHP affects development. Taken together our results widen the concept of endocrine disruption by pinpointing PPARs as key factors in that process.


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Specialization is common in most lineages of insect herbivores, one of the most diverse groups of organisms on earth. To address how and why specialization is maintained over evolutionary time, we hypothesized that plant defense and other ecological attributes of potential host plants would predict the performance of a specialist root-feeding herbivore (the red milkweed beetle, Tetraopes tetraophthalmus). Using a comparative phylogenetic and functional trait approach, we assessed the determinants of insect host range across 18 species of Asclepias. Larval survivorship decreased with increasing phylogenetic distance from the true host, Asclepias syriaca, suggesting that adaptation to plant traits drives specialization. Among several root traits measured, only cardenolides (toxic defense chemicals) correlated with larval survival, and cardenolides also explained the phylogenetic distance effect in phylogenetically controlled multiple regression analyses. Additionally, milkweed species having a known association with other Tetraopes beetles were better hosts than species lacking Tetraopes herbivores, and milkweeds with specific leaf area values (a trait related to leaf function and habitat affiliation) similar to those of A. syriaca were better hosts than species having divergent values. We thus conclude that phylogenetic distance is an integrated measure of phenotypic and ecological attributes of Asclepias species, especially defensive cardenolides, which can be used to explain specialization and constraints on host shifts over evolutionary time.


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SUMMARY Regulation of sodium excretion by the kidney is a key mechanism in the long term regulation of blood pressure, and when altered it constitutes a risk factor for the appearance of arterial hypertension. Aldosterone, which secretion depends upon salt intake in the diet, is a steroid hormone that regulates sodium reabsorption in the distal part of the nephron (functional unit of the kidney) by modulating gene transcription. It has been shown that it can act synergistically with the peptidic hormone insulin through the interaction of their signalisation pathways. Our work consisted of two distinct parts: 1) the in vitro and in vivo characterisation of Glucocorticoid-Induced Leucine Zipper (GILZ) (an aldosterone-induced gene) mechanism of action; 2) the in vitro characterisation of insulin mechanism of action and its interaction with aldosterone. GILZ mRNA, coded by the TSC22D3 gene, is strongly induced by aldosterone in the cell line of principal cells of the cortical collecting duct (CCD) mpkCCDc14, suggesting that GILZ is a mediator of aldosterone response. Co-expression of GILZ and the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel ENaC in vitro in the Xenopus oocyte expression system showed that GILZ has no direct effect on the ENaC-mediated Na+ current in basal conditions. To define the role of GILZ in the kidney and in other organs (colon, heart, skin, etc.), a conditional knock-out mouse is being produced and will allow the in vivo study of its role. Previous data showed that insulin induced a transepithelial sodium transport at supraphysiological concentrations. Insulin and the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) are able to bind to each other receptor with an affinity 50 to 100 times lower than to their cognate receptor. Our starting hypothesis was that the insulin effect observed at these supraphysiological concentrations is actually mediated by the IGF receptor type 1 (IGF-1R). In a new cell line that presents all the characteristics of the principal cells of the CCD (mCCDc11) we have shown that both insulin and IGF-1 induce a physiologically significant increase of Na+ transport through the activation of IGF-1R. Aldosterone and insulin/IGF-1 have an additive effect on Na+ transport, through the activation of the PI3-kinase (PI3-K) pathway and the phosphorylation of the serum- and glucocorticoid-induced kinase 1 (Sgk1) by the IGF-1R, and the induction of Sgk1 expression by aldosterone. Thus, Sgk1 integrates IGF-1/insulin and aldosterone effects. We suggest that IGF-1 is physiologically relevant in the modulation of sodium balance, while insulin can only regulate Na+ transport at supraphysiological conditions. Both hormones would bind to the IGF-1R and induce Na+ transport by activating the PI3-K PDK1/2 - Sgk1 pathway. We have shown for the first time that Sgk1 is expressed and phosphorylated in principal cells of the CCD in basal conditions, although the mechanism that maintains Sgk1 phosphorylation is not known. This new role for IGF-1 suggests that it could be a salt susceptibility gene. In effect, IGF-1 stimulates Na+ and water transport in the kidney in vivo. Moreover, 35 % of the acromegalic patients (overproduction of growth hormone and IGF-1) are hypertensives (higher proportion than in normal population), and genetic analysis suggest a link between the IGF-1 gene locus and blood pressure. RÉSUMÉ La régulation de l'excrétion rénale de sodium (Na+) joue un rôle principal dans le contrôle à long terme de la pression sanguine, et ses altérations constituent un facteur de risque de l'apparition d'une hypertension artérielle. L'aldosterone, dont la sécrétion dépend de l'apport en sel dans la diète, est une hormone stéroïdienne qui régule la réabsorption de Na+ dans la partie distale du nephron (unité fonctionnelle du rein) en contrôlant la transcription de gènes. Elle peut agir de façon synergistique avec l'hormone peptidique insuline, probablement via l'interaction de leurs voies de signalisation cellulaire. Le but de notre travail comportait deux volets: 1) caractériser in vitro et in vivo le mécanisme d'action du Glucocorticoid Induced Leucine Zipper (GILZ) (un gène induit par l'aldosterone); 2) caractériser in vitro le mécanisme d'action de l'insuline et son interaction avec l'aldosterone. L'ARNm de GILZ, codé par le gène TSC22D3, est induit par l'aldosterone dans la lignée cellulaire de cellules principales du tubule collecteur cortical (CCD) mpkCCDc14, suggérant que GILZ est un médiateur potentiel de la réponse à l'aldosterone. La co-expression in vitro de GILZ et du canal à Na+ sensible à l'amiloride ENaC dans le système d'expression de l'oocyte de Xénope a montré que GILZ n'a pas d'effet sur les courants sodiques véhiculées par ENaC en conditions basales. Une souris knock-out conditionnelle de GILZ est en train d'être produite et permettra l'étude in vivo de son rôle dans le rein et d'autres organes. Des expériences préliminaires ont montré que l'insuline induit un transport transépithelial de Na+ à des concentrations supraphysiologiques. L'insuline et l'insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) peuvent se lier à leurs récepteurs réciproques avec une affinité 50 à 100 fois moindre qu'à leur propre récepteur. Nous avons donc proposé que l'effet de l'insuline soit médié par le récepteur à l'IGF type 1 (IGF-1R). Dans une nouvelle lignée cellulaire qui présente toutes les caractéristiques des cellules principales du CCD (mCCDc11) nous avons montré que les deux hormones induisent une augmentation physiologiquement significative du transport du Na+ par l'activation des IGF-1 R. Aldosterone et insuline/IGF-1 ont un effet additif sur le transport de Na+, via l'activation de la voie de la PI3-kinase et la phosphorylation de la serum- and glucocorticoid-induced kinase 1 (Sgk1) par l'IGF-1R, dont l'expression est induite par l'aldosterone. Sgk1 intègre les effets de l'insuline et l'aldosterone. Nous proposons que l'IGF-1 joue un rôle dans la modulation physiologique de la balance sodique, tandis que l'insuline régule le transport de Na+ à des concentrations supraphysiologiques. Les deux hormones agissent en se liant à l'IGF-1R et induisent le transport de Na+ en activant la cascade de signalisation PI3-K - PDK1/2 - Sgk1. Nous avons montré pour la première fois que Sgk1 est exprimée et phosphorylée dans des conditions basales dans les cellules principales du CCD, mais le mécanisme qui maintient sa phosphorylation n'est pas connu. Ce nouveau rôle pour l'IGF-1 suggère qu'il pourrait être un gène impliqué de susceptibilité au sel. Aussi, l'IGF-1 stimule le transport rénal de Na+ in vivo. De plus, 35 % des patients atteints d'acromégalie (surproduction d'hormone de croissance et d'IGF-1) sont hypertensifs (prévalence plus élevée que la population normale), et des analyses génétiques suggèrent un lien entre le locus du gène de l'IGF-1 et la pression sanguine. RÉSUMÉ GRAND PUBLIC Nos ancêtres se sont génétiquement adaptés pendant des centaines de millénaires à un environnement pauvre en sel (chlorure de sodium) dans la savane équatoriale, où ils consommaient moins de 0,1 gramme de sel par jour. On a commencé à ajouter du sel aux aliments avec l'apparition de l'agriculture (il y a 5000 à 10000 années), et aujourd'hui une diète omnivore, qui inclut des plats préparés, contient plusieurs fois la quantité de sodium nécessaire pour notre fonction physiologique normale (environ 10 grammes par jour). Le corps garde sa concentration constante dans le sang en s'adaptant à une consommation très variable de sel. Pour ceci, il module son excrétion soit directement, soit en sécrétant des hormones régulatrices. Le rein joue un rôle principal dans cette régulation puisque l'excrétion urinaire de sel change selon la diète et peut aller d'une quantité dérisoire à plus de 36 grammes par jour. L'attention qu'on prête au sel est liée à sa relation avec l'hypertension essentielle. Ainsi, le contrôle rénal de l'excrétion de sodium et d'eau est le principal mécanisme dans la régulation de la pression sanguine, et une ingestion excessive de sel pourrait être l'un des facteurs-clé déclenchant l'apparition d'un phénotype hypertensif. L'hormone aldosterone diminue l'excrétion de sodium par le rein en modulant l'expression de gènes qui pourraient être impliqués dans la sensibilité au sel. Dans une lignée cellulaire de rein l'expression du gène TSC22D3, qui se traduit en la protéine Glucocorticoid Induced Leucine Zipper (GILZ), est fortement induite par l'aldosterone. Ceci suggère que GILZ est un médiateur potentiel de l'effet de l'aldosterone, et pourrait être impliqué dans la sensibilité au sel. Pour analyser la fonction de GILZ dans le rein plusieurs approches ont été utilisées. Par exemple, une souris dans laquelle GILZ est spécifiquement inactivé dans le rein est en train d'être produite et permettra l'étude du rôle de GILZ dans l'organisme. De plus, on a montré que GILZ, en conditions basales, n'a pas d'effet direct sur la protéine transportant le sodium à travers la membrane des cellules, le canal sodique épithélial ENaC. On a aussi essayé de trouver des protéines qui interagissent directement avec GILZ utilisant une technique appelée du « double-hybride dans la levure », mais aucun candidat n'a émergé. Des études ont montré que, à de hautes concentrations, l'insuline peut aussi diminuer l'excrétion de sodium. A ces concentrations, elle peut activer son récepteur spécifique, mais aussi le récepteur d'une autre hormone, l'Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1). En plus, l'infusion d'IGF-1 augmente la rétention rénale de sodium et d'eau, et des mutations du gène codant pour l'IGF-1 sont liées aux différents niveaux de pression sanguine. On a utilisé une nouvelle lignée cellulaire de rein développée dans notre laboratoire, appelée mCCDc11, pour analyser l'importance relative des deux hormones dans l'induction du transport de sodium. On a montré que les deux hormones induisent une augmentation significative du transport de sodium par l'activation de récepteurs à l'IGF-1 et non du récepteur à l'insuline. On a montré qu'à l'intérieur de la cellule leur activation induit une augmentation du transport sodique par le biais du canal ENaC en modifiant la quantité de phosphates fixés sur la protéine Serumand Glucocorticoid-induced Kinase 1 (Sgk1). On a finalement montré que l'IGF-1 et l'aldosterone ont un effet additif sur le transport de sodium en agissant toutes les deux sur Sgk1, qui intègre leurs effets dans le contrôle du transport de sodium dans le rein.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the physiological changes that occur in different leaves during the early and late grain-filling stages of two rice genotypes (Oryza sativa subsp. indica , BRS Pelota cultivar, and O. sativa subsp. japonica , BRS Firmeza cultivar), which present differences in grain yield potential. The plants were cultivated in greenhouse. Pigment content, chlorophyll fluorescence, electron transport and oxygen evolution rate were determined in the grain-filling stage, from the first to the forth leaf (top to bottom). Pigment content, photochemical efficiency of photosystem II and electron transport decreased significantly according to the position of leaves in 'BRS Pelota'. The BRS Firmeza cultivar shows higher pigment content and higher activity of the photosynthetic apparatus in comparison to 'BRS Pelota' during the grain-filling stage.


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This article aims to present the current knowledge on physiological requirements in Olympic distance and Ironman triathlon. Showing the data available from a "traditional point of view" (aerobic power, anaerobic threshold, heart rate, running economy) and from a "contemporary" point of view (V̇O2 kinetics), it emphasises where we are currently and the areas that remain unknown.


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The objective of this work was to determine physiological stress markers, neutrophil:lymphocyte ratio (N/L) and corticoid concentrations, in gestating sows under different cooling systems. A sprinkling cooling system (SS) and a system based on fan-assisted evaporative cellulose pad (PS) were used. SS showed higher N/L ratio (1.095) than PS (0.850). Corticoid concentrations showed high variability. Corticosteroids are more efficient short-term stress indicators while N/L ratio is a good medium and long-term stress indicator. According to N/L ratio, gestating sows under PS benefit from a higher level of welfare.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the Magnaporthe oryzae pathotype diversity in new commercial irrigated rice fields in the Araguaia River Valley, state of Tocantins, Brazil. The causal agent of rice blast has heavily affected rice production in the region. Despite the efforts of breeding programs, blast resistance breakdown has been recorded shortly after the release of new resistant cultivars developed for the region. Among the causes of resistance breakage is the capacity of the fungus to rapidly develop new pathotypes. A sample of 479 M. oryzae monosporic isolates was obtained and tested using the international rice blast differential set. Isolate collections were made in small areas designed as trap nurseries and in scattered sites in their vicinity. Analysis of 250 M. oryzae isolates from three trap nurseries indicated the presence of 45 international M. oryzae races belonging to seven pathotype groups (IA-IG). In the isolates tested, 61 M. oryzae pathotypes belonging to all but the IH group were detected. The new areas of irrigated rice in the Araguaia River Valley have the highest diversity of M. oryzae pathotypes reported so far in Brazil.


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Abstract: The objective of this work was to evaluate the feasibility of using physiological parameters for water deficit tolerance, as an auxiliary method for selection of upland rice genotypes. Two experiments - with or without water deficit - were carried out in Porangatu, in the state of Goiás, Brazil; the water deficit experiment received about half of irrigation that was applied to the well-watered experiment. Four genotypes with different tolerance levels to water stress were evaluated. The UPLRI 7, B6144F-MR-6-0-0, and IR80312-6-B-3-2-B genotypes, under water stress conditions, during the day, showed lower stomatal diffusive resistance, higher leaf water potential, and lower leaf temperature than the control. These genotypes showed the highest grain yields under water stress conditions, which were 534, 601, and 636 kg ha-1, respectively, and did not differ significantly among them. They also showed lower drought susceptibility index than the other genotypes. 'BRS Soberana' (susceptible control) was totally unproductive under drought conditions. Leaf temperature is a easy-read parameter correlated to plant-water status, viable for selecting rice genotypes for water deficit tolerance.


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Abstract: The objective of this work was to define procedures to assess the tolerance of cassava genotypes to postharvest physiological deterioration (PPD) and to microbial deterioration (MD). Roots of six cassava genotypes were evaluated in two experiments, during storage under different environmental conditions: high temperature and low soil moisture; or low temperature and high soil moisture. Roots were treated or not with fungicide (carbendazim) before storage. Genotype reactions to MD and PPD were evaluated at 0, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 days after harvest (DAH), in the proximal, medial, and distal parts of the roots. A diagrammatic scale was proposed to evaluate nonperipheral symptoms of PPD. Fungicide treatment and root position did not influence PPD expression; however, all factors had significant effect on MD severity. Genotypes differed as to their tolerance to PPD and MD. Both deterioration types were more pronounced during periods of higher humidity and lower temperatures. The fungicide treatment increased root shelf life by reducing MD severity up to 10 DAH. Whole roots showed low MD severity and high PPD expression up to 10 DAH, which enabled the assessment of PPD without significant interference of MD symptoms during this period.


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Abstract:The objective of this work was to develop a scale to assess the severity of postharvest physiological deterioration (PPD) of cassava roots, and to validate this scale for accuracy and reproducibility estimates. A diagrammatic scale (0 to 100%) for the damaged roots was analyzed according to precision, accuracy, and reproducibility. Seven evaluators (four with experience and three without it) quantified the PPD severity, with or without the scale, considering 150 roots with different levels of PPD. Without and with the use of the scale, respectively, the inexperienced evaluators obtained coefficients of determination (R2) from 0.76 to 0.86 and 0.87 to 0.92, and the experienced evaluators obtained R2 from 0.90 to 0.96 and 0.96 to 0.97. The values of the intercept (a) obtained by both the experienced and inexperienced evaluators who did not use the scale were all significant, while after using the scale, only two evaluators got values that were not significantly different from one. Evaluation reproducibility between the evaluators ranged from 0.61 to 0.91 for the inexperienced ones and from 0.83 to 0.95 for the experienced ones. The proposed diagrammatic scale was considered appropriate to estimate the severity of PPD in cassava roots, and can be used to identify sources of tolerance to postharvest deterioration.


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The shift from solitary to social organisms constitutes one of the major transitions in evolution. The highest level of sociality is found in social insects (ants, termites and some species of bees and wasps). Division of labor is central to the organization of insect societies and is thought to be at the root of their ecological success. There are two main levels of division of labor in social insect colonies. The first relates to reproduction and involves the coexistence of queen and worker castes: while reproduction is usually monopolized by one or several queens, functionally sterile workers perform all the tasks to maintain the colony, such as nest building, foraging or brood care. The second level of division of labor, relating to such non-reproductive duties, is characterized by the performance of different tasks or roles by different groups of workers. This PhD aims to better understand the mechanisms underlying division of labor in insect societies, by investigating how genes and physiology influence caste determination and worker behavior in ants. In the first axis of this PhD, we studied the nature of genetic effects on division of labor. We used the Argentine ant Linepithema humile to conduct controlled crosses in the laboratory, which revealed the existence of non-additive genetic effects, such as parent-of-origin and genetic compatibility effects, on caste determination and worker behavior. In the second axis, we focused on the physiological regulation of division of labor. Using Pogonomyrmex seed- harvester ants, we performed experimental manipulation of hibernation, hormonal treatments, gene expression analyses and protein quantification to identify the physiological pathways regulating maternal effects on caste determination. Finally, comparing gene expression between nurses and foragers allowed us to reveal the association between vitellogenin and worker behavior in Pogonomyrmex ants. This PhD provides important insights into the role of genes and physiology in the regulation of division of labor in social insect colonies, helping to better understand the organization, evolution and ecological success of insect societies. - L'une des principales transitions évolutives est le passage de la vie solitaire à la vie sociale. La socialité atteint son paroxysme chez les insectes sociaux que sont les fourmis, les termites et certaines espèces d'abeilles et de guêpes. La division du travail est la clé de voûte de l'organisation de ces sociétés d'insectes et la raison principale de leur succès écologique. La division du travail s'effectue à deux niveaux dans les colonies d'insectes sociaux. Le premier niveau concerne la reproduction et implique la coexistence de deux castes : les reines et les ouvrières. Tandis que la reproduction est le plus souvent monopolisée par une ou plusieurs reines, les ouvrières stériles effectuent les tâches nécessaires au bon fonctionnement de la colonie, telles que la construction du nid, la recherche de nourriture ou le soin au couvain. Le second niveau de division du travail, qui concerne les tâches autres que la reproduction, implique la réalisation de différents travaux par différents groupes d'ouvrières. Le but de ce doctorat est de mieux comprendre les mécanismes sous-jacents de la division du travail dans les sociétés d'insectes en étudiant comment les gènes et la physiologie influencent la détermination de la caste et le comportement des ouvrières chez les fourmis. Dans le premier axe de ce doctorat, nous avons étudié la nature des influences génétiques sur la division du travail. Nous avons utilisé la fourmi d'Argentine, Linepithema humile, pour effectuer des croisements contrôlés en laboratoire. Cette méthode nous a permis de révéler l'existence d'influences génétiques non additives, telles que des influences dépendantes de l'origine parentale ou des effets de compatibilité génétique, sur la détermination de la caste et le comportement des ouvrières. Dans le second axe, nous nous sommes intéressés à la régulation physiologique de la division du travail. Nous avons utilisé des fourmis moissonneuses du genre Pogonomyrmex pour effectuer des hibernations artificieHes, des traitements hormonaux, des analyses d'expression de gènes et des mesures de vitellogénine, ce qui nous a permis d'identifier les mécanismes physiologiques régulant les effets maternels sur la détermination de la caste. Enfin, la comparaison d'expression de gènes entre nourrices et fourrageuses suggère un rôle de la vitellogénine dans la régulation du comportement des ouvrières chez les fourmis moissonneuses. En détaillant les influences des gènes et de la physiologie dans la régulation de la division du travail dans les colonies d'insectes sociaux, ce doctorat fournit d'importantes informations permettant de mieux comprendre l'organisation, l'évolution et le succès écologique des sociétés d'insectes.


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Résume Les caspases sont un groupe de protéases à cystéine qui s?activent lors de l'apoptose. Leur activation induit le clivage de nombreuses cibles intracellulaires, conduisant à l'activation de voies pro-apoptotiques et finalement au démantèlement des cellules. Cependant, des caspases ont été décrites dans de nombreux autres processus indépendants de l'apoptose, notamment dans la physiologie des cellules hématopoïétiques, des cellules musculaires, des cellules de la peau et des neurones. Comment est-ce que les cellules réconcilient-elles ces deux fonctions distinctes? Une partie de la réponse réside dans la nature des substrats qu'elles clivent. Certains substrats, une fois clivées, deviennent anti-apoptotiques. RasGAP est une cible des caspases et contient deux sites spécifiques de clivage par les caspases. Lorsque le niveau d?activité des caspases est faible le clivage de RasGAP produit un fragment N-terminal qui active un signal antiapoptotique, relayé par la voie de Ras/PI3K/Akt. Lorsque le niveau d?activité des caspases est plus élevé le fragment RasGAP N-terminal est à nouveau clivé, perdant de ce fait ses propriétés anti-apoptotiques. Dans cette étude, nous avons mis en évidence que l'activation de la voie Ras/PI3K/Akt induite par le fragment RasGAP N-terminal dépend de RasGAP lui-même. Par ailleurs, dans le but d?étudier l?importance du clivage de RasGAP dans un contexte physiologique, nous avons développé un modèle animal exprimant une gêne mutée de RasGAP de sorte que la protéine est devenu insensible a l?action de caspases. Les données préliminaires obtenues montrent que le clivage de RasGAP n'est pas indispensable pour le développement et l?homéostasie chez la souris. Finalement, nous avons développé une souris transgénique surexprimant le fragment de RasGAP N-terminal dans les cellules ß du pancréas. Les animaux obtenus ne montrent pas de symptômes dans les conditions basales bien qu?ils soient plus résistants au diabète induit expérimentalement. Ces résultats montrent que la surexpression du fragment N-terminal de RasGAP protége efficacement les cellules ß du pancréas de l?apoptose induite par le stress sans pourtant affecter d?autres paramètres physiologiques des Ilot de Langerhans.<br/><br/>Caspases are a series of proteases that are activated during apoptosis. Their activation causes the cleavage of numerous intracellular targets, which leads to cell dismantling and activation of pro-apoptotic pathways. Caspases have been found to be involved in the physiology of numerous cell types including haematopoietic cells, muscle cells, skin cells and neurons. How cells conciliate these two opposite functions? Part of the answer lies in the nature of the substrates they cleave. Some substrates become anti-apoptotic once cleaved by caspases. RasGAP is a caspase substrate that possesses two conserved caspase-cleavage sites. At low caspase activity, RasGAP is first cleaved and the generated N-terminal fragment activates a potent anti-apoptotic signal, mediated by the Ras/PI3K/Akt pathway. At higher caspase activity, the N-terminal fragment is further cleaved thereby losing its anti-apoptotic properties. In the present study we show that the activation of the Ras/PI3K/Akt pathway mediated by RasGAP N-terminal fragment is dependent on RasGAP itself. Moreover, to study the role of RasGAP cleavage in a physiological model, we have developed a knock-in mouse model expressing a RasGAP mutant that is not cleavable by caspases. Preliminary data shows that RasGAP cleavage is not required for normal development and homeostasis in mice. Finally, we have developed a transgenic mouse model overexpressing RasGAP N-terminal fragment in the ß-cell of the pancreas. In basal conditions, these mice show no difference with their wt counterparts. However, they are protected against experimentally induced diabetes. These results indicate that fragment N can protect ? cells from stress-induced apoptosis without affecting other physiological parameters of the Islets.