762 resultados para patient-centred care
This article reports an initiative to improve students' insight into service user and carer experience of endoscopy, particularly those with severe disability, such as spinal cord injury. This insight has the potential to improve the information provided and level of person-centred care in an endoscopy service. It was evident in the feedback from the classroom encounter that the teaching and learning strategy had a positive outcome, which will allow us to integrate the approach into future curriculum development and delivery, bringing the lived experience from the service user and carer perspective into the classroom. Students engaged in discussion and used their reflective skills to develop sensitivity to those with physical disability and complex needs requiring endoscopy procedures.
Introduction: In recent times, the demand for aesthetic dentistry has increased, with patients presenting for treatment expecting an improvement in their aesthetics. Therefore, it is increasingly important for the dental profession to appreciate perceptions of dental aesthetics in order to provide a patient-centred service.
Objectives: The aim of this study is to quantify perceptions of aesthetics using a cross-sectional survey design. The hypotheses being tested were that differences exist in aesthetic perceptions of 1) dentists and dental students, 2) different age ranges and 3) gender.
Methods: A questionnaire was distributed to dental staff and students in the Cork University Dental School and Hospital. The questionnaire sought information relating to aesthetic perceptions by asking participants to compare photographs of smiles.
Results: 100 questionnaires were returned. It was found that differences existed in perceptions of dentists and dental students when certain aspects of a smile were evaluated, in particular when a minor flaw was present in a smile in addition to the major flaw being tested. Assuming that flaws were detected, more dental students (34%) than dentists (26%) were found to prioritise colour above more subtle flaws, such as a centreline shift. However, most results between the two groups are comparable in terms of their prioritising of importance of particular aspects of a smile, with no large significant differences.
Conclusion: Differences exist in aesthetic perceptions of dentists and dental students, especially with regard to tooth colour.
This paper examines the role of the Anaesthetic Nuse Specialist(ANS) in the context of innovative cochlear implant surgery which restores hearing to those with long term deafness. The specific focus is patient centered care during the long surgery under local anaestha when the patient is awake.
It is crucial during this surgery that the patient remains still, relaxed and calm, the ANS has been particularly creative using communication cards and tablets to allow patients to write questions and the nurse to answer. The writers capture the unique moment when someone with long term hearing can hear, and the ensuing emotion from the patient and theatre team.
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Sociais (Sociologia Geral), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2013
Purpose To provide a brief overview of the literature to date which has focussed on co-production within mental healthcare in the UK, including service user and carer involvement and collaboration. Design The paper presents key outcomes from studies which have explicitly attempted to introduce co-produced care in addition to specific tools designed to encourage co-production within mental health services. The paper debates the cultural and ideological shift required for staff, service users and family members to undertake co-produced care and outlines challenges ahead with respect to service redesign and new roles in practice. Findings Informal carers (family and friends) are recognised as a fundamental resource for mental health service provision, as well as a rich source of expertise through experience, yet their views are rarely solicited by mental health professionals or taken into account during decision-making. This issue is considered alongside new policy recommendations which advocate the development of co-produced services and care. Research Limitations Despite the launch of a number of initiatives designed to build on peer experience and support, there has been a lack of attention on the differing dynamic which remains evident between healthcare professionals and people using mental health services. Co-production sheds a light on the blurring of roles, trust and shared endeavour (Slay and Stephens, 2013) but, despite an increase in peer recovery workers across England, there has been little research or service development designed to focus explicitly on this particular dynamic. Practical Implications Despite these challenges, coproduction in mental healthcare represents a real opportunity for the skills and experience of family members to be taken into account and could provide a mechanism to achieve the ‘triangle of care’ with input, recognition and respect given to all (service users, carers, professionals) whose lives are touched by mental distress. However, lack of attention in relation to carer perspectives, expertise and potential involvement could undermine the potential for coproduction to act as a vehicle to encourage person-centred care which accounts for social in addition to clinical factors. Social Implications The families of people with severe and enduring mental illness (SMI) assume a major responsibility for the provision of care and support to their relatives over extended time periods (Rose et al, 2004). Involving carers in discussions about care planning could help to provide a wider picture about the impact of mental health difficulties, beyond symptom reduction. The ‘co-production of care’ reflects a desire to work meaningfully and fully with service users and carers. However, to date, little work has been undertaken in order to coproduce services through the ‘triangle of care’ with carers bringing their own skills, resources and expertise. Originality/Value This paper debates the current involvement of carers across mental healthcare and debates whether co-production could be a vehicle to utilise carer expertise, enhance quality and satisfaction with mental healthcare. The critique of current work highlights the danger of increasing expectations on service providers to undertake work aligned to key initiatives (shared decision-making, person-centred care, co-production), that have common underpinning principles but, in the absence of practical guidance, could be addressed in isolation rather than as an integrated approach within a ‘triangle of care’.
O número de pessoas com idade superior a 65 anos aumentou consideravelmente nos últimos 40 anos. Este incremento de longevidade tem levado ao aparecimento de varias patologias relacionadas com a idade e ao aumento da prevalência das patologias cronicas. Uma grande maioria desta população e poli-medicada e assim sendo a gestão de medicamentos e uma área que pode proporcionar grandes benefícios aos idosos. A grande quantidade de medicamentos assim como as diferentes dosagens e os diferentes horários de toma fazem com que os idosos se confundam no cumprimento do esquema terapêutico aconselhado pelo medico, nomeadamente devido ao declínio cognitivo a que estão sujeitos devido ao envelhecimento humano. Torna-se, portanto, fundamental o desenvolvimento de sistemas inteligentes que auxiliem os idosos na gestão da sua medicação. A presente dissertação de mestrado foi materializada num dispositivo, designado ElderlySafety, que visa responder aos problemas da poli-medicação, através de uma solução tecnológica que incorpora as vertentes de controlo e comunicação. O objectivo do ElderlySafety e relembrar, de forma automática, o idoso da toma atempada dos seus medicamentos e consiste num prototipo de um dispositivo com varias compartições para organização dos vários medicamentos. Este aparelho apresenta 24 compartimentos, um deles referente a uma posição estática, considerada a posição `home' e os restantes dizem respeito a 23 tomas de medicação durante uma semana. Os compartimentos em questão devem ser preenchidos com a devida medicação, pelo cuidador do idoso, no inicio de cada semana. O aparelho esta conectado via Bluetooth a uma aplicação denominada ElderlySafety Online que permite monitorizar todo o sistema. E aqui que e feito o registo, com data, hora e nome do medicamento, de toda a medicação prescrita ao paciente. Também e possível a verificação de possíveis interações medicamentosas, bem como o acesso a informações acerca do que fazer em caso de esquecimento de uma ou mais tomas. Aquando a chegada da data e hora da toma de cada medicação, o aparelho desenvolvido emite um lembrete ao idoso e esse lembrete e feito através de um alerta luminoso. Se o sistema ElderlySafety verificar que o idoso se esquece da toma dos medicamentos tem a capacidade de interagir via e-mail com o cuidador, que poder a ser um familiar próximo, alertando-o para o esquecimento da toma de medicação do paciente a seu cuidado. Os testes de validação realizados ao ElderlySafety revelaram que o prototipo se mostra funcional e apto para integrar um ambiente de vida assistido de qualquer idoso.
Mental health awareness has been rising worldwide, motivated by its social and economic costs. Despite the investment in research in neuroscience in the recent years, little is known about the underlying mechanisms in the brain that are correlated with psychiatric conditions. This project, through two feature articles suitable to be published in magazines, provides perspectives onto mental health research. First it presents an example where psychiatry joins forces with neuroscience and computer science in an interdisciplinary effort to improve the life of those affected by mental disorders. The second article gathers opinions which claim that mental health research priorities should be set by patients themselves, or even that people with lived experience of mental health issues should have an active role in that research. This project was planned and researched while I was an Erasmus student at Nottingham Trent University, in the United Kingdom.
Medication adherence is a well-known risk factor in internal medicine. However in oncology this dimension is emerging due to the increasing number of oral formulations. First results in the oral oncology literature suggest that patients' ability to cope with medical prescription decreases with time. This might preclude patients from reaching clinical outcomes. Factors impacting on medication adherence to oral oncology treatments have not been yet extensively described neither strategies to address them and support patient's needs. Oncologists and pharmacists in our University outpatient settings performed a pilot study which aimed at measuring and facilitating adherence to oral oncology treatments and at understanding determinants of patient's adherence. The ultimate purpose of such a patient-centered and interdisciplinary collaboration would be to promote patient self-management and complement the standard medical follow-up.
Objective To evaluate the perceptions of healthcare workers in Vietnam about the efficacy of a continuing education strategy about father involvement and breastfeeding counselling. Design One group, post-test only, quasi-experimental design Method A questionnaire based on Social Cognitive Theory (SCT; Bandura, 2004) was disseminated to participants (N=28). This questionnaire measured self-efficacy, outcome expectations, socio-structural factors, goal setting and behaviour. Multiple regressions were analyzed predicting participants’ practice of client focused father involvement consulting. Results Bivariate correlations demonstrated the anticipated patterns of association between SCT-based constructs. Multiple regression analysis indicated that outcome expectations and barriers were significant predictors of client focused father involvement consulting. Conclusions Participants reported that the education increased their self-efficacy, outcome expectations and client focused father involvement consulting behaviour. Future education should be accessible, increase counselling confidence and address beliefs about the outcomes and challenges of father involvement consulting.
La vie de famille avec un adolescent comporte son lot de défis. Les émotions de l’adolescent qui se présentent parfois comme des montagnes russes peuvent rendre les relations tendues et difficiles au sein de la cellule familiale, voire même au-delà de celle-ci. Par son caractère inattendu, l’avènement d’un traumatisme craniocérébral (TCC) chez l’adolescent vient fragiliser encore davantage la dynamique familiale. En outre, la myriade d’impacts engendrés par le TCC contraint la famille à modifier son projet de vie en s’investissant ensemble pour le reconstruire. La résilience devant une situation de traumatisme ne se manifeste pas de la même façon pour toutes les familles qui y sont confrontées. Certaines d’entre elles réussissent à se transformer positivement, tandis que d’autres n’y parviennent pas ou manifestent plus de difficultés. Il convient alors d’actualiser des approches de soins interdisciplinaires centrées sur la famille qui favoriseraient la reconnaissance des éléments pouvant soutenir son processus de résilience à travers cette épreuve et, enfin, aider à transformer son projet de vie. Avec comme perspective disciplinaire le modèle humaniste des soins infirmiers (Cara, 2012; Cara & Girard, 2013; Girard & Cara, 2011), cette étude qualitative et inductive (LoBiondo-Wood, Haber, Cameron, & Singh, 2009), soutenue par une approche collaborative de recherche (Desgagné, 1997), a permis la coconstruction des composantes d’un programme d’intervention en soutien à la résilience familiale, avec des familles dont un adolescent est atteint d’un TCC modéré ou sévère et des professionnels de la réadaptation. Le modèle de développement et de validation d’interventions complexes (Van Meijel, Gamel, Van Swieten-Duijfjes, & Grypdonck, 2004) a structuré la collecte des données en trois volets. Le premier volet consistait à identifier les composantes du programme d’intervention selon les familles (n=6) et les professionnels de la réadaptation (n=5). La priorisation et la validation des composantes du programme d’intervention, soit respectivement le deuxième et troisième volets, se sont réalisées auprès de ces mêmes familles (n=6 au volet 2 et n=4 au volet 3) et professionnels de la réadaptation (n=5 aux volets 2 et 3). Le processus d’analyse des données (Miles & Huberman, 2003) a repéré cinq thèmes intégrateurs, considérés comme les composantes du programme d’intervention en soutien à la résilience familiale à la suite du TCC modéré ou sévère d’un adolescent. Ce sont : 1) les caractéristiques de la famille et ses influences; 2) les stratégies familiales positives; 3) le soutien familial et social; 4) la prise en charge de l’aspect occupationnel et; 5) l’apport de la communauté et des professionnels de la santé. Les résultats issus de ce processus de coconstruction ont produit une matrice solide, suffisamment flexible pour pouvoir s’adapter aux différents contextes dans lesquels évoluent les familles et les professionnels de la réadaptation. Cette étude offre en outre des avenues intéressantes tant pour les praticiens que pour les gestionnaires et les chercheurs en sciences infirmières et dans d’autres disciplines quant à la mise en place de stratégies concrètes visant à soutenir le processus de résilience des familles dans des situations particulièrement difficiles de leur vie.
El suicidio es un problema de salud resultando 1000.000 de muertes anuales, siendo mayores en pacientes con enfermedades psiquiátricas, lo cual genera costos en atención llegando hasta 46,024 USD anuales. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y factores asociados al intento suicida en pacientes con antecedente psicótico. Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal, 226 pacientes de consulta externa en la Clínica La Paz, Bogotá; entre 2008-2009. Información recolectada por entrevista directa con el paciente/cuidador mediante cuestionario que evaluó factores demográficos, consumo, adherencia, clínicos y atención. Resultados: La distribución por género fue similar, promedio de edad de 41,11±12,5 años y mediana de 41 años. Prevalencia del 26% de intento suicida. Diagnóstico más frecuente: esquizofrenia (53.5%). La mayoría de los pacientes vivía con sus familiares (91,2%). Factores asociados al aumento de la probabilidad de intento suicida fueron: género femenino (OR = 1,77; IC 0,919-3,422), ingesta de alcohol (OR = 2,43; IC 95: 1,07-5,51) y tener hospitalización previa con duración menor a 10 días (OR = 2,065; IC 95: 1,086-3,928). Los factores asociados con menor probabilidad de intento suicida en el último año fueron las relacionados con adherencia. Mientras que el alcohol se determinó como un factor asociado que aumentó la probabilidad de intento suicida en los últimos 5 años (OR = 1,68 IC 95: 1,17-22,17). Conclusiones: Ser de género femenino, ingerir alcohol y haber tenido hospitalización previa menor a 10 días son factores asociados a mayor probabilidad de intento suicida. La adherencia al tratamiento es un factor asociado con menor probabilidad del dicho desenlace.
Brain injuries, including stroke, can be debilitating incidents with potential for severe long term effects; many people stop making significant progress once leaving in-patient medical care and are unable to fully restore their quality of life when returning home. The aim of this collaborative project, between the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Reading, is to provide a low cost portable system that supports a patient's condition and their recovery in hospital or at home. This is done by providing engaging applications with targeted gameplay that is individually tailored to the rehabilitation of the patient's symptoms. The applications are capable of real-time data capture and analysis in order to provide information to therapists on patient progress and to further improve the personalized care that an individual can receive.
Bakgrund: Diabetes typ 2 är en folksjukdom och kan förebyggas eller fördröjas genom hälsosamma levnadsvanor. Att informera och motivera patienterna på ett hälsofrämjande och preventivt sätt är distriktssköterskans ansvar. Distriktssköterskans nyckelroll är att kritiskt granska evidensbaserad forskning för att uppnå en säker vård av god kvalitet som kan implementeras i praktiken. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva distriktssköterskors upplevelser av att motivera patienter med diabetes typ 2 till hälsosammare levnadsvanor genom evidensbaserad vård. Metod: En kvalitativ ansats användes. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med sju distriktssköterskor. Materialet analyserades utifrån Graneheim och Lundmans innehållsanalys. Resultat: Resultatet i föreliggande studie visar att distriktssköterskorna måste utgå från patientens situation och individanpassa informationen. Genom stöd från distriktssköterskan ska patienten kunna motivera sig själv till att genomföra förändringar. Informanterna i studien belyste vikten av att informera patienten om diabetes samt vilka komplikationer som kan uppstå. För att uppnå en patientsäker vård av hög kvalitet ansåg distriktssköterskorna att evidensbaserad kunskap var en förutsättning. Konklusion: För att motivera patienterna till förändrade levnadsvanor krävs det att distriktssköterskorna informerar och undervisar patienterna om diabetes och hur förändrade levnadsvanor påverkar hälsan. Distriktssköterskan måste finna olika metoder för att motivera patienterna. Det som förmedlas ska grunda sig på vetenskap och evidensbaserad kunskap.
Socialstyrelsens brukarundersökning visar att äldre som bor på särskilt boende är mest missnöjda med de aktiviteter och den sociala samvaron som verksamheten erbjuder. Äldreomsorgen bygger på den nationella värdegrunden som innefattar att den äldre ska få leva ett värdigt liv och känna välbefinnande, men det är inte klart hur denna värdegrund påverkar personalens arbetssätt eller de sociala aktiviteter som erbjuds. Vår studie angriper denna fråga. Fem särskilda boenden var representerade både från kommunala och privata vårdgivare i två olika kommuner. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med de särskilda boendes enhetschefer, som sedan transkriberades och tematiskt analyserades. Vårt resultat tyder på att den nationella värdegrunden inom äldreomsorgen tolkas olika på alla de särskilda boendena. Alla enhetschefer la stor vikt på personcentrerad vård, men trots det så erbjöd man liknade sociala aktiviteter ofta då som gruppaktivitet. Resultaten diskuterar vi med hänvisning till Aktivitetsteorin och Gerotranscendenceteorin.
Bakgrund: Andliga och existentiella frågor hamnar i allt större utsträckning hos sjukvårdspersonal. Det palliativa förhållningssättet betonar vikten av att ge en god omvårdnad vad gäller andliga och existentiella frågor. Sjuksköterskans roll är att genom goda relationer skapa en anpassad och balanserad omvårdnad för att öka välbefinnandet för patienten den sista tiden i livet. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att sammanställa hur andliga och existentiella frågor beskrivs i forskning utifrån sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av palliativ vård. Metod: En litteraturöversikt som sammanställer aktuell forskning inom det valda omvårdnadsområdet. Resultat: I resultatet framträdde att tid är det vanligaste hindret och utbildning är det som främjar givandet av andlig och existentiell omvårdnad. Att skapa relationer och kommunicera är viktiga aspekter inom vårdandets konst. Egenskaper som sjuksköterskan bör inneha för att underlätta givandet av andlig och existentiell omvårdnad är; en god självkännedom, empati, intuition och observationsförmåga. Slutsats: För att kunna ge en bättre andlig och existentiell omvårdnad behöver de yttre förutsättningarna ge tid för mötet mellan sjuksköterska och patient, vårdmiljön organiseras så detta möjliggörs, teamarbete tillämpas och utbildning ges.