982 resultados para parasitoid-host interaction
Infection by the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii is widely prevalent in humans and animals. To prevent human infection, all meat should be well cooked before consumption, since the parasite is present in skeletal muscle. In this context, the use of skeletal muscle cells (SkMCs) as a cellular model opens up new approaches to investigate T. gondii-host cell interactions. Immunofluorescent detection of proteins that are stage-specific for bradyzoites indicated that complete cystogenesis of T. gondii in in vitro cultures of SkMCs occurs after 96 h of infection. Ultrastructural analysis showed that, after 48 h of interaction, there were alterations on the parasitophorous vacuole membrane, including greater thickness and increased electron density at the inner face of the membrane. The present study demonstrates the potential use of primary cultures of SkMCs to evaluate different molecular aspects of T. gondii invasion and cystogenesis and presents a promising in vitro model for the screening of drug activities toward tissue cysts and bradyzoites.
Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) is a retrovirus which can induce mammary carcinomas in mice late in life by activation of proto-oncogenes after integration in their vicinity. Surprisingly, it requires a functional immune system to achieve efficient infection of the mammary gland. This requirement became clear when it was discovered that it has developed strategies to exploit the immune response. Instead of escaping immune detection, it induces a vigorous polyclonal T-B interaction which is required to induce a chronic infection. This is achieved by activating and then infecting antigen presenting cells (B cells), expressing a superantigen on their cell surface and triggering unlimited help by the large number of superantigen-specific T cells. The end result of this strong T-B interaction is the proliferation and differentiation of the infected B cells leading to their long term survival.
Proline racemase is an important enzyme of Trypanosoma cruzi and has been shown to be an effective mitogen for B cells, thus contributing to the parasite's immune evasion and persistence in the human host. Recombinant epimastigote parasites overexpressing TcPRAC genes coding for proline racemase present an augmented ability to differentiate into metacyclic infective forms and subsequently penetrate host-cells in vitro. Here we demonstrate that both anti T. cruzi proline racemase antibodies and the specific proline racemase inhibitor pyrrole-2-carboxylic acid significantly affect parasite infection of Vero cells in vitro. This inhibitor also hampers T. cruzi intracellular differentiation.
Amoebae are unicellular protozoan present worldwide in several environments mainly feeding on bacteria. Some of them, the amoebae-resistant bacteria (ARBs), have evolved mechanisms to survive and replicate inside amoebal species. These mainly include legionella, mycobacteria and Chlamydia-related bacteria. Amoebae can provide a replicative niche, can act as reservoir for bacteria whereas the cystic form can protect the internalized bacteria. Moreover, the amoebae represent a Trojan horse for ARBs to infect animals. The long interaction between amoebae and bacteria has likely selected for bacterial virulence traits leading to the adaptation towards an intracellular lifestyle, and some ARBs have acquired the ability to infect mammals. This review intends to highlight the important uses of amoebae in several fields in microbiology by describing the main tools developed using amoebal cells. First, amoebae such as Acanthamoeba are used to isolate and discover new intracellular bacterial species by two main techniques: the amoebal co-culture and the amoebal enrichment. In the second part, taking Waddlia chondrophila as example, we summarize some important recent applications of amoebae to discover new bacterial virulence factors, in particular thanks to the amoebal plaque assay. Finally, the genetically tractable Dictyostelium discoideum is used as a model organism to study host-pathogen interactions, in particular with the development of several approaches to manipulate its genome that allowed the creation of a wide range of mutated strains largely shared within the Dictyostelium community.
The outcome of the interaction between Biomphalaria and Schistosoma mansoni depends on the response of the host internal defence system (IDS) and the escape mechanisms of the parasite. The aim of this study was to evaluate the responsiveness of the IDS (haemocytes and soluble haemolymph factors) of resistant and susceptible Biomphalaria tenagophila lineages and Biomphalaria glabrata lineages in the presence of in vitro-transformed primary sporocysts and secondary sporocysts obtained from infected B. glabrata. To do this, we assayed the cellular adhesion index (CAI), analysed viability/mortality, used fluorescent markers to evaluate the tegumental damage and transplanted secondary sporocysts. B. tenagophila Taim was more effective against primary and secondary sporocystes than the susceptible lineage and B. glabrata. Compared with secondary sporocysts exposed to B. tenagophila, primary sporocysts showed a higher CAI, a greater percentage of dead sporocysts and were labelled by lectin from Glycine max and Alexa-Fluor 488 fluorescent probes at a higher rate than the secondary sporocysts. However, the two B. tenagophila lineages showed no cercarial shedding after inoculation with secondary sporocysts. Our hypothesis that secondary sporocysts can escape the B. tenagophila IDS cannot be confirmed by the transplantation experiments. These data suggest that there are additional mechanisms involved in the lower susceptibilty of B. tenagophila to S. mansoni infection.
Trichomonas vaginalis and Tritrichomonas foetus are human and bovine parasites, respectively, that provoke the sexually transmitted disease trichomoniasis. These extracellular parasites adhere to the host epithelial cell surface. Although mucinases and proteases have been described as important proteins for parasite adhesion to epithelial cells, no studies have examined the role of the keratin molecules that cornify the vaginal epithelium. Here, we investigated the interaction of T. vaginalis and T. foetus with human keratin in vitro; additionally, adherence assays were performed in cattle with T. foetus to elucidate whether trichomonads were able to interact with keratin in vivo. We demonstrated that both T. vaginalisand T. foetusinteracted directly with keratin. Additionally, the trichomonads ingested and digested keratin, shedding new light on the Trichomonas infection process.
Adhesion to host cells is an initial and important step in Acinetobacter baumannii pathogenesis. However, there is relatively little information on the mechanisms by which A. baumannii binds to and interacts with host cells. Adherence to extracellular matrix proteins, such as fibronectin, affords pathogens with a mechanism to invade epithelial cells. Here, we found that A. baumannii adheres more avidly to immobilized fibronectin than to control protein. Free fibronectin used as a competitor resulted in dose-dependent decreased binding of A. baumannii to fibronectin. Three outer membrane preparations (OMPs) were identified as fibronectin binding proteins (FBPs): OMPA, TonB-dependent copper receptor, and 34 kDa OMP. Moreover, we demonstrated that fibronectin inhibition and neutralization by specific antibody prevented significantly the adhesion of A. baumannii to human lung epithelial cells (A549 cells). Similarly, A. baumannii OMPA neutralization by specific antibody decreased significantly the adhesion of A. baumannii to A549 cells. These data indicate that FBPs are key adhesins that mediate binding of A. baumannii to human lung epithelial cells through interaction with fibronectin on the surface of these host cells.
The infectious process starts with an initial contact between pathogen and host. We have previously demonstrated that Paracoccidioides brasiliensis conidia interact with plasma proteins including fibrinogen, which is considered the major component of the coagulation system. In this study, we evaluated the in vitro capacity of P. brasiliensis conidia to aggregate with plasma proteins and compounds involved in the coagulation system. We assessed the aggregation of P. brasiliensis conidia after incubation with human serum or plasma in the presence or absence of anticoagulants, extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, metabolic and protein inhibitors, monosaccharides and other compounds. Additionally, prothrombin and partial thromboplastin times were determined after the interaction of P. brasiliensis conidia with human plasma. ECM proteins, monosaccharides and human plasma significantly induced P. brasiliensis conidial aggregation; however, anticoagulants and metabolic and protein inhibitors diminished the aggregation process. The extrinsic coagulation pathway was not affected by the interaction between P. brasiliensis conidia and plasma proteins, while the intrinsic pathway was markedly altered. These results indicate that P. brasiliensis conidia interact with proteins involved in the coagulation system. This interaction may play an important role in the initial inflammatory response, as well as fungal disease progression caused by P. brasiliensis dissemination.
Candida glabrata is an emerging opportunistic pathogen that is known to develop resistance to azole drugs due to increased drug efflux. The mechanism consists of CgPDR1-mediated upregulation of ATP-binding cassette transporters. A range of gain-of-function (GOF) mutations in CgPDR1 have been found to lead not only to azole resistance but also to enhanced virulence. This implicates CgPDR1 in the regulation of the interaction of C. glabrata with the host. To identify specific CgPDR1-regulated steps of the host-pathogen interaction, we investigated in this work the interaction of selected CgPDR1 GOF mutants with murine bone marrow-derived macrophages and human acute monocytic leukemia cell line (THP-1)-derived macrophages, as well as different epithelial cell lines. GOF mutations in CgPDR1 did not influence survival and replication within macrophages following phagocytosis but led to decreased adherence to and uptake by macrophages. This may allow evasion from the host's innate cellular immune response. The interaction with epithelial cells revealed an opposite trend, suggesting that GOF mutations in CgPDR1 may favor epithelial colonization of the host by C. glabrata through increased adherence to epithelial cell layers. These data reveal that GOF mutations in CgPDR1 modulate the interaction with host cells in ways that may contribute to increased virulence.
Genetic differentiation is a consequence of the combination of drift and restriction in gene flow between populations due to barriers to dispersal, or selection against individuals resulting from inter-population matings In phytophagous insects, local adaptation to different kinds of host plants can sometimes lead to reproductive isolation and thus to genetic structuring, or even to speciation Acanthoscelides. obtectus Say is a bean bruchid specialized on beans of the Phaseolus vulgaris group, attacking both wild and domesticated forms of P vulgaris., and P coccineus This study reveals that the genetic structure of populations of this bruchid is explained mainly by their geographical location and is not related to a particular kind (wild or domesticated) of bean In contrast, the species of bean might have led, to some extent, to genetic structuring in these bruchids, although our sampling is too limited to address such process unambiguously. If confirmed, it would corroborate preliminary results found for the parasitoid species that attack Acanthoscelides species, which might show a genetic structure depending on the species of host plant
Abstract: Birds harbor a variety of bacteria on their plumage, some of which can degrade feathers in vitro. Whether these keratinolytic bacteria are active on live birds and can effect feather degradation on birds is debatable. The effect of such bacteria on the body condition and behavior of birds, is unknown. Using a community of feather-degrading bacteria (EB), we investigate the interaction between the activity and load of such bacteria, on the morphology, body condition, and behavior of zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). In Chapter 2, we find that the elevated loads of such microbes lead to a reduction in the expression of morphological traits, such as male bill color (a sexually selected trait) and uropygial gland volume, without reducing body mass, or evoking a cellular immune response. We also suggest the presence of a carotenoid based defense response in hosts, to such elevated loads of microbes and document a sex-based difference in the source of carotenoids used for such a response. In Chapter 3, we investigated the effect of EB loads on male mate choice of zebra finches, wherein male choice of females with elevated and un-altered bacterial loads, varied with male size. We found that larger males preferred females with higher bacterial load and smaller males preferred females with lower bacterial load. Chapter 4 demonstrates that the presence of melanin in feathers reduces the growth and activity of the community of feather-degrading bacteria (EB) and that the EB community can effect feather degradation in humid conditions, without broth. Additional results also demonstrate that the EB community consists of bacteria that can attach themselves to feathers on live birds and those that can live freely on avian plumage. Finally, chapter 5 demonstrates that the self-maintenance, social and sexual behaviors of birds are implicated in the infection and horizontal transmission of bacteria. It also suggests a linked oral - faecal - genital mode of transmission of pathogens in birds. These results demonstrate that differential loads of normal flora of vertebrate hosts can effect changes in their morphology and behavior. They also shed light on the role of feather-degrading bacteria in the evolution of melanin polymorphism in birds and suggest that bacteria can be active on live birds. This thesis also highlights the importance of social and, sexual behaviors of birds, in epidemiology. Résumé: Les Oiseaux ont dans leur plumage diverses bactéries dont certaines dégradent les plumes in vitro, néanmoins. Il n'est pas clair, au vu de précédentes études, si ces bactéries kératinolytiques sont actives sur des oiseaux vivants, et si celles-ci dégradent effectivement le plumage de leur hôte, L'effet de ces bactéries sur la condition corporelle ainsi que le comportement des oiseaux n'est pas connu. A l'aide d'une communauté de bactéries dégradant les plumes (EB), non pathogènes, nous examinons les interactions entre l'activité et la charge bactérienne sur la morphologie, la condition corporelle et le comportement du diamant mandarins (Taeniopygia guttata). Dans le chapitre 2, nous montrons qu'une charge élevée de ces microbes mène à une réduction de l'expression de certains traits morphologiques, tels que la couleur du bec chez le mâle (un trait soumis à sélection sexuelle), ainsi que le volume de la glande uropygienne, sans qu'il y ait une réduction de la masse corporelle, ni déclenchement d'une réponse immune cellulaire. Nos données suggèrent la présence d'une défense chez l'hôte à des charges élevées de bactéries basée sur la présence de caroténoïdes. Nous montrons, de plus une différence liée au sexe dans la source des caroténoïdes utilisé pour cette réponse. Dans le chapitre 3 nous examinons l'influence de la charge bactérienne EB sur le choix des mâles chez le diamant mandarins. Des femelles avec une charge bactérienne normale et augmentée sont choisies par les mâles et ce choix varie avec la taille des mâles. Nous avons mis en évidence que les grands mâles préfèrent les femelles avec une charge bactérienne plus élevée. Les petits mâles préfèrent les femelles avec une charge bactérienne réduite. Le chapitre 4 démontre que la présence de mélanine dans les plumes réduit la croissance et l'activité de la communauté de bactéries dégradant le plumage (EB), et que cette communauté EB peut dégrader les plumes dans des conditions humides, sans milieu de culture liquide. De plus nous montrons que cette communauté consiste en des bactéries qui peuvent s'attacher sur les plumes d'oiseaux vivants ainsi que des bactéries libres. Pour finir nous montrons dans le chapitre 5 que la maintenance corporelle, l'interaction sociale et le comportement sexuel de ces oiseaux sont impliqués dans l'infection et la transmission horizontale de ces bactéries. Nos données suggèrent une transmission orale-fécale-génitale des pathogènes chez les oiseaux. Ces résultats montrent que des charges différentes de la flore bactérienne habituelle et non pathogène de vertébrés peuvent affecter leur morphologie et leur comportement. Ils éclaircissent également le rôle des bactéries dégradant les plumes dans l'évolution du polymorphisme mélanique chez les oiseaux et suggèrent que ces bactéries peuvent être actives sur des oiseaux vivants. Cette thèse souligne également l'importance du comportement social et sexuel des oiseaux dans l'épidémiologie.
BACKGROUND: Evolutionary analysis may serve as a useful approach to identify and characterize host defense and viral proteins involved in genetic conflicts. We analyzed patterns of coding sequence evolution of genes with known (TRIM5alpha and APOBEC3G) or suspected (TRIM19/PML) roles in virus restriction, or in viral pathogenesis (PPIA, encoding Cyclophilin A), in the same set of human and non-human primate species. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: This analysis revealed previously unidentified clusters of positively selected sites in APOBEC3G and TRIM5alpha that may delineate new virus-interaction domains. In contrast, our evolutionary analyses suggest that PPIA is not under diversifying selection in primates, consistent with the interaction of Cyclophilin A being limited to the HIV-1M/SIVcpz lineage. The strong sequence conservation of the TRIM19/PML sequences among primates suggests that this gene does not play a role in antiretroviral defense.
SAMHD1 has recently been identified as an HIV-1 restriction factor operating in myeloid cells. As a countermeasure, the Vpx accessory protein from HIV-2 and certain lineages of SIV have evolved to antagonize SAMHD1 by inducing its ubiquitin-proteasome-dependent degradation. Here, we show that SAMHD1 experienced strong positive selection episodes during primate evolution that occurred in the Catarrhini ancestral branch prior to the separation between hominoids (gibbons and great apes) and Old World monkeys. The identification of SAMHD1 residues under positive selection led to mapping the Vpx-interaction domain of SAMHD1 to its C-terminal region. Importantly, we found that while SAMHD1 restriction activity toward HIV-1 is evolutionarily maintained, antagonism of SAMHD1 by Vpx is species-specific. The distinct evolutionary signature of SAMHD1 sheds light on the development of its antiviral specificity.
The identification of novel transcription factors associated with antifungal response may allow the discovery of fungus-specific targets for new therapeutic strategies. A collection of 241 Candida albicans transcriptional regulator mutants was screened for altered susceptibility to fluconazole, caspofungin, amphotericin B, and 5-fluorocytosine. Thirteen of these mutants not yet identified in terms of their role in antifungal response were further investigated, and the function of one of them, a mutant of orf19.6102 (RCA1), was characterized by transcriptome analysis. Strand-specific RNA sequencing and phenotypic tests assigned Rca1 as the regulator of hyphal formation through the cyclic AMP/protein kinase A (cAMP/PKA) signaling pathway and the transcription factor Efg1, but also probably through its interaction with a transcriptional repressor, most likely Tup1. The mechanisms responsible for the high level of resistance to caspofungin and fluconazole observed resulting from RCA1 deletion were investigated. From our observations, we propose that caspofungin resistance was the consequence of the deregulation of cell wall gene expression and that fluconazole resistance was linked to the modulation of the cAMP/PKA signaling pathway activity. In conclusion, our large-scale screening of a C. albicans transcription factor mutant collection allowed the identification of new effectors of the response to antifungals. The functional characterization of Rca1 assigned this transcription factor and its downstream targets as promising candidates for the development of new therapeutic strategies, as Rca1 influences host sensing, hyphal development, and antifungal response.
Clustering of alphavbeta3 integrin after interaction with the RGD-like integrin-binding sequence present in neuronal Thy-1 triggers formation of focal adhesions and stress fibers in astrocytes via RhoA activation. A putative heparin-binding domain is present in Thy-1, raising the possibility that this membrane protein stimulates astrocyte adhesion via engagement of an integrin and the proteoglycan syndecan-4. Indeed, heparin, heparitinase treatment and mutation of the Thy-1 heparin-binding site each inhibited Thy-1-induced RhoA activation, as well as formation of focal adhesions and stress fibers in DI TNC(1) astrocytes. These responses required both syndecan-4 binding and signaling, as evidenced by silencing syndecan-4 expression and by overexpressing a syndecan-4 mutant lacking the intracellular domain, respectively. Furthermore, lack of RhoA activation and astrocyte responses in the presence of a PKC inhibitor or a dominant-negative form of PKCalpha implicated PKCalpha and RhoA activation in these events. Therefore, combined interaction of the astrocyte alphavbeta3-integrin-syndecan-4 receptor pair with Thy-1, promotes adhesion to the underlying matrix via PKCalpha- and RhoA-dependent pathways. Importantly, signaling events triggered by such receptor cooperation are shown here to be the consequence of cell-cell rather than cell-matrix interactions. These observations are likely to be of widespread biological relevance because Thy-1-integrin binding is reportedly relevant to melanoma invasion, monocyte transmigration through endothelial cells and host defense mechanisms.