953 resultados para palliative behandling og omsorg
Syftet är att undersöka de teorier och behandlingsmetoder som Nyckelns behandlingshem använder sig av, samt att belysa själva begreppet självskadebeteende och dess orsaker. Vi har gjort en litteraturgenomgång om orsaker och behandling och en kvalitativ intervju med personal på behandlingshemmet Nyckeln, vars målgrupp är unga flickor i åldern 15 till 25 år. Dessa behandlas för självskador enligt vår definition: att skära, rispa eller bränna sig i huden. De metoder vi utgår från är kognitiv terapi, kognitiv beteendeterapi och dialektisk beteendeterapi, vilka Nyckeln grundar sin behandling på. Dessa teorier går ut på att förändra negativa tankesätt och att därmed få till en förändring i beteendet. De resultat vi har fått fram är att orsakerna till självskador i huvudsak är ett sätt att hantera svåra känslor på och att det är ett sätt för flickorna att uttrycka sig. Den kognitiva behandlingen är en fungerande metod just för att den lägger fokus dessa bitar och Nyckeln hjälper därmed flickorna att identifiera sina känslor och att hitta andra sätt att hantera dem på. Efter de resultat vi har fått fram i analysen kan vi dra slutsatsen att Nyckelns arbete fungerar. De lyckas behandla en hel del flickor utifrån de kognitiva modeller de använder sig av.
Syftet med denna uppsats är att belysa fenomenet spelberoende utifrån tre områden, vilka är omfattning, karaktär och behov av behandling. Vi undersöker överensstämmelsen mellan forskning och behandling kring spelberoende. De metoder som använts är litteraturöversikt samt halvstrukturerade intervjuer med personal på Folkhälsoinstitutets Spelberoendeprojekt i Malmö och i Göteborg. Den forskning som projektet grundats på gjordes innan den digitala spridningen av spel slog igenom. Därför täcker inte forskningen alla målgrupper för behandling och behandlingen måste ha stöd i forskningen för att få legitimitet. Den internationella forskningen som finns om spelberoende rör framförallt karaktären, medan omfattningen och behovet av behandling inte berörs i samma utsträckning. Spelberoendeproblematiken har stor vikt för socialt arbete, då det är ett beroende som alla andra och drabbar alla samhällsgrupper och alla åldrar. Kunskaper i ämnet är viktigt för att upptäcka och komma åt problemet i ett tidigt stadium.
In ambito oncologico il dolore affligge la maggior parte dei pazienti (incidenza riportata dal 53 al 90%), in tutte le fasi della malattia: nonostante l’esistenza di Linee Guida (OMS), l’attuale “undertreatment” del sintomo dolore oncologico, legato a un inappropriato uso degli oppioidi, in Italia raggiunge stime fino al 40% dei casi. Segnalazioni recenti sul consumo degli oppioidi in Italia riportano un aumento imputabile a un solo farmaco (fentanil TTS), il che suggerisce un comportamento prescrittivo inappropriato. Letteratura in merito alle valutazioni di efficacia delle terapie di controllo del dolore sia in fase iniziale – quando la terapia medica oncologica è attiva- sia in fase avanzata di malattia – quando il controllo del dolore si configura come una delle principali terapie di supporto- è ormai disponibile , con un buon livello di affidabilità. Quello che è necessario è aumentare la capacità del Servizio Sanitario di trasferire nella pratica clinica e assistenziale i risultati della ricerca sulla efficacia delle cure. Questi i quesiti ai quali la ricerca ha inteso rispondere: a. Le competenze globalmente espresse dal servizio sanitario dell’Emilia Romagna sono adeguate per consentire un tempestivo, globale, appropriato ed efficace controllo del dolore oncologico, in tutte le fasi della malattia e lungo tutto il percorso di assistenza si a domiciliare che ospedaliero, per tutti i malati che ne hanno bisogno? b. Quali raccomandazioni possiamo fornire, basate sulle evidenze di efficacia, a clinici e gestori per migliorare l’identificazione del bisogno, la scelta del trattamento, il suo monitoraggio, la possibilità di garantirne l’accesso e la disponibilità non solo in ospedale ma anche a domicilio? c. Quale efficacia hanno dimostrato i percorsi di formazione relativi al riconoscimento e al controllo del dolore messi in atto finora? d. Quali percorsi possono essere raccomandati per mettere a disposizione dei cittadini le conoscenze scientifiche sul controllo del dolore oncologico?
6. Zusammenfassung In der palliativen Therapie des metastasierten kolorektalen Karzinoms gibt es durch die Verbesserung der klassischen Therapien und die Entwicklung neuer Strategien inzwischen eine Vielzahl von Behandlungsoptionen. Die zwei Studien dieser Arbeit untersuchen das „älteste“ eingesetzte Zytostatikum in der Therapie des Kolonkarzinom, 5-Flurouracil, einmal in der Zweitlinientherapie als Hochdosisinfusionstherapie mit und Biomodulation mit Folinsäüre und einmal als Erstlinientherapie in Kombination mit Irinotecan im FOLFIRI-Protokoll. In der Zweitlinienbehandlung ergab sich hierbei ein geringer Vorteil in den Krankheitskontrollraten (57% vs. 44%) bei vergleichbaren Ansprechraten für die längere 5-FU-Infusion ohne Biomodulation. Bezüglich des Gesamtüberleben ab Beginn der Zweitlinientherapie und des Progressionsfreien Überleben zeigte die nicht biomodulierte Gruppe bessere, statistisch jedoch nicht signifikante Ergebnisse (16 vs. 9 bzw. 7,5 vs. 6 Monate). In der Erstlinientherapie erreichten wir eine Tumorkontrollrate von 74%, 4 komplette Remissionen (11%) und bei 3 Patienten die Möglichkeit einer Nachresektion der Lebermetastasen mit kurativem Ansatz. Der neoadjuvante Einsatz dieser Therapie sollte aufgrund dieser Ergebnisse weiter untersucht werden. Das Gesamtüberleben lag bei 17 Monaten (i.r. 9-25 Monate), die progressionsfreie Zeit mit 7 Monaten lag im Bereich unserer Zweitlinienstudie. Für beide Therapien befand sich die Toxizität im Rahmen der Erwartungen, die Symptome waren reversibel und im Allgemeinen akzeptabel. Ein Vergleich der Lebensqualität vor und während der Erstlinientherapie ergab für unsere Patienten keine deutlichen Veränderungen. Die Ergebnisse unserer untersuchten Studien zeigen, dass beide Therapien wirksame und gut verträgliche Optionen in der palliativen Behandlung des kolorektalen Karzinoms darstellen. Für jeden Patienten sollte aus der Vielzahl der bestehenden Möglichkeiten die für ihn bestmögliche individuelle Therapie ermittelt werden.
Response to analgesics, anticancer pharmacotherapy and pharmacotherapy of other cancer related symptoms vary broadly between individuals. Age, disease, comorbidities, concomitant medication, organ function and patients' compliance may partly explain the differences. However, the focus of ongoing research has shifted towards genomic variants of phase I and II drug metabolizing enzymes with one important goal being an individual dose adjustment according to a patient's genotype. Polymorphisms of the cytochrome P 450 2D6 influence the metabolism of many drugs including the analgesics codeine, tramadol, hydrocodone and oxycodone, as well as the metabolism of tricyclic antidepressants and the anticancer drug tamoxifen. Other candidate genes such as (opioid)-receptors, transporters and other molecules important for pharmacotherapy in pain management are discussed. Although pharmacogenetics as a diagnostic tool has the potential to improve patient therapy, study results are often equivocal and limited by small sample sizes and often by their retrospective design. Well designed studies are needed to demonstrate superiority of pharmoacogenetics to conventional dosing regimes.
BACKGROUND: There is an increasing demand for comprehensive forms of palliative cancer care, meeting physical as well as emotional, cognitive, spiritual and social needs. Therapy programs of anthroposophic hospitals are aimed at improving health and quality of life (QoL) at these levels. However, data on the influence of these programs on QoL of patients with advanced cancer are scarce. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 144 in-patients with advanced epithelial cancers were treated at the anthroposophic Lukas Klinik, Arlesheim, Switzerland. QoL was assessed upon admission, discharge and after 4 months, using 20 functional scales from the questionnaires EORTC QLQ-C30, HADS and SELT-M. Statistical testing was performed with the Wilcoxon signed rank test. At month 4, subjectively perceived benefits from anthroposophic medicine (AM) and conventional cancer therapy (CCT) were assessed by telephone. OBJECTIVE: The aim was to provide an account of global, physical, emotional, cognitive-spiritual and social QoL developments in advanced cancer patients, during and after in-patient AM treatment, and to investigate subjective benefits from AM and CCT. RESULTS: QoL improvements were observed in all 20 dimensions (12 significant). Compared to related studies, improvements were fairly high. At month 4, QoL scores had decreased but were still above baseline in all 20 dimensions. Both AM and CCT were perceived as beneficial. CONCLUSION: Our data provide evidence that in-patient therapy at an anthroposophic hospital can lead to significant QoL improvements, especially in emotional, but also global, physical, cognitive-spiritual and social aspects. Benefits of AM were experienced on the physical, emotional, cognitive- spiritual and social level. Benefits of CCT were tumor-focused.
BACKGROUND: Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and most of all anthroposophic medicine (AM) are important features of cancer treatment in Switzerland. While the number of epidemiological investigations into the use of such therapies is increasing, there is a distinct lack of reports regarding the combination of conventional and CAM methods. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 144 in-patients with advanced epithelial cancers were enrolled in a prospective quality-of-life (QoL) study at the Lukas Klinik (LK), Arlesheim, Switzerland. Tumor-related treatment was assessed 4 months prior to admission, during hospitalization and 4 months after baseline. OBJECTIVE: We aimed at giving a detailed account of conventional, AM and CAM treatment patterns in palliative care, before, during and after hospitalization, with emphasis on compliance with AM after discharge. RESULTS: Certain conventional treatments featured less during hospitalization than before but were resumed after discharge (chemotherapy, radiotherapy, sleeping pills, psychoactive drugs). Hormone therapy, corticosteroids, analgesics WHO III and antidepressants remained constant. AM treatment consisted of Iscador? (mistletoe), other plant- or mineral-derived medication, baths, massage, eurythmy, art therapy, counseling and lactovegetarian diet. Compliance after discharge was highest with Iscador (90%) and lowest with art therapy (14%). Many patients remained in the care of AM physicians. Other CAM and psychological methods were initially used by 39.9% of patients. After 4 months, the use had decreased with few exceptions. CONCLUSION: During holistic palliative treatment in an anthroposophic hospital, certain conventional treatments featured less whereas others remained constant. After discharge, chemotherapy returned to previous levels, AM compliance remained high, the use of other CAM therapies low.