979 resultados para organic pollutants
The environmental fate of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), a group of flame retardants that are considered to be persistent organic pollutants (POPs), around the Zhuoshui River and Changhua County regions of Taiwan was assessed. An investigation into emissions, partitioning, and fate of selected PBDEs was conducted based on the equilibrium constant (EQC) fugacity model developed at Trent University, Canada. Emissions for congeners PBDE 47, PBDE 99, and PBDE 209 to air (4.9–92 × 10−3 kg/h), soil (0.91–17.4 × 10−3 kg/h), and water (0.21–4.04 × 10−3 kg/h), were estimated by modifying previous models on PBDE emission rates by considering both industrial and domestic rates. It was found that fugacity modeling can give a reasonable estimation of the behavior, partitioning, and concentrations of PBDE congeners in and around Taiwan. Results indicate that PBDE congeners have a high affinity for partitioning into sediments then soils. As congener number decreases, the PBDEs then partition more readily into air. As the degree of bromination increases, congeners more readily partition to sediments. Sediments may then act as a long-term source of PBDEs which can be released back into the water column due to resuspension during storm events.
BACKGROUND: Evolution equipped Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus predatory bacteria to invade other bacteria, digesting and replicating, sealed within them thus preventing nutrient-sharing with organisms in the surrounding environment. Bdellovibrio were previously described as "obligate predators" because only by mutations, often in gene bd0108, are 1 in ~1x10(7) of predatory lab strains of Bdellovibrio converted to prey-independent growth. A previous genomic analysis of B. bacteriovorus strain HD100 suggested that predatory consumption of prey DNA by lytic enzymes made Bdellovibrio less likely than other bacteria to acquire DNA by lateral gene transfer (LGT). However the Doolittle and Pan groups predicted, in silico, both ancient and recent lateral gene transfer into the B. bacteriovorus HD100 genome.
RESULTS: To test these predictions, we isolated a predatory bacterium from the River Tiber- a good potential source of LGT as it is rich in diverse bacteria and organic pollutants- by enrichment culturing with E. coli prey cells. The isolate was identified as B. bacteriovorus and named as strain Tiberius. Unusually, this Tiberius strain showed simultaneous prey-independent growth on organic nutrients and predatory growth on live prey. Despite the prey-independent growth, the homolog of bd0108 did not have typical prey-independent-type mutations. The dual growth mode may reflect the high carbon content of the river, and gives B. bacteriovorus Tiberius extended non-predatory contact with the other bacteria present. The HD100 and Tiberius genomes were extensively syntenic despite their different cultured-terrestrial/freshly-isolated aquatic histories; but there were significant differences in gene content indicative of genomic flux and LGT. Gene content comparisons support previously published in silico predictions for LGT in strain HD100 with substantial conservation of genes predicted to have ancient LGT origins but little conservation of AT-rich genes predicted to be recently acquired.
CONCLUSIONS: The natural niche and dual predatory, and prey-independent growth of the B. bacteriovorus Tiberius strain afforded it extensive non-predatory contact with other marine and freshwater bacteria from which LGT is evident in its genome. Thus despite their arsenal of DNA-lytic enzymes; Bdellovibrio are not always predatory in natural niches and their genomes are shaped by acquiring whole genes from other bacteria.
The photonic efficiencies of films of Evonik (formerly Degussa) P25 TiO2 and carbon-modified TiO2 Kronos VLP 7000 samples are reported as a function of excitation wavelength (300–430 nm; FWHM ∼ 7.5 nm), i.e. the action spectra, for the degradation of stearic acid, a model organic for the photocatalytic destruction of solid surface organic pollutants. For each of these semiconductor photocatalysts, at 365 nm (FWHM = 18 nm), the dependence of the rate of degradation of stearic acid, upon the irradiance, I, is determined and the rate is found to be proportional to I0.65 and I0.82 for P25 and Kronos titania, respectively. Assuming this relationship holds at all wavelengths, the action spectra for two different semiconductor photocatalysts is modified by plotting, (RSA (rate of stearic acid destruction, units: molecules cm−2 s−1)/Iθ) vs. wavelength of excitation (λexcit), and both differ noticeably from those of the original (unmodified) action spectra, which are plots of (RSA/I = photonic efficiency, ξ) vs. λexcit. The shape of the modified action spectrum for P25 TiO2 is consistent with that reported by others for other organic mineralisation reactions and correlates well with diffuse reflectance data for P25 TiO2 (Kubelka–Munk plot), although there is some evidence that the active phase, in the photodegradation of stearic acid, is the anatase form present in P25. The unmodified and modified action spectra of the beige Kronos VLP 7000 TiO2 compound exhibits little or no activity in the visible i.e. (λexcit > 400 nm) and a peak at 350 nm. The Kronos powder contains a yellow/brown conjugated, extractable, organic sensitiser which has been identified by others as the species responsible for its reported photocatalytic visible light activity. But, irradiation of the Kronos powder film, with and without a stearic acid coating, in air, using UVA or visible light, bleaches rapidly (<60 min) most, if not all, of the little colour exhibited by the original Kronos powder. The photobleached form of the Kronos has a similar action spectrum to that of the unbleached form, which, in turn, appears very similar to that of P25 titania, at wavelengths >350 nm. It is proposed that the difference between the Kronos and P25 powder films at wavelengths <350 nm is due to a photodegradation-resistant, previously unidentified (but extractable using MeCN) UV-absorbing organic species in the former which screens the titania particles at these lower wavelengths. The implications of these observations are discussed briefly.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are an important class of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the environment and accumulate in forest soils. These soils are often dominated by ectomycorrhizal (EcM) roots, but little is known about how EcM fungi degrade PAHs, or the overall effect of field colonized EcM roots on the fate of PAHs. The ability of eight EcM fungi to degrade PAHs in liquid culture spiked with 14C labelled PAHs was investigated. Microcosms were used to determine the impact of naturally colonized mycorrhizal pine seedlings on PAH mineralization and volatilization. Only two EcM fungi (Thelephora terrestris and Laccaria laccata) degraded at least one PAH and none were able to mineralize the PAHs in pure culture. Where degradation occurred, the compounds were only mono-oxygenated. EcM pine seedlings did not alter naphthalene mineralization or volatilization but retarded fluorene mineralization by 35% compared with unplanted, ectomycorrhizosphere soil inoculated, microcosms. The EcM fungi possessed limited PAH degrading abilities, which may explain why EcM dominated microcosms retarded fluorene mineralization. This observation is considered in relation to the 'Gadgil-effect', where retarded litter decomposition has been observed in the presence of EcM roots. © New Phytologist (2004).
The potential of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) associations to facilitate clean-up of soil contaminated with persistent organic pollutants (POPs) is considered. Most ECM fungi screened for degradation of POPs (e.g. polyhalogenated biphenyls, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, chlorinated phenols, and pesticides) are able to transform these compounds. Mineralization of toluene, tetrachloroethylene and 2,4-dichlorophenol in intact ECM-association rhizospheres has also been demonstrated. We review and consider the likely mechanisms by which ECM fungi can transform pollutants, the extent to which these capabilities may be utilized practically in bioremediation, along with the potential advantages and disadvantages of using ECM associations in bioremediation. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd.
Case histories of large, accidental fires are presented to illustrate that heavy metals may be used as markers to assess the extent of localized environmental contamination resulting from fires. Due to the complexity of fire chemistry with respect to organic pollutants, determination of organic pollutants in the environment following a fire would be time consuming and expensive. Using heavy metals as markers on the other hand is much cheaper and can be done very rapidly. © 1995.
Evidence that persistent environmental pollutants may target the male reproductive system is increasing. The male reproductive system is regulated by secretion of testosterone by testicular Leydig cells, and perturbation of Leydig cell function may have ultimate consequences. 3-Methylsulfonyl-DDE (3-MeSO2-DDE) is a potent adrenal toxicants formed from the persistent insecticide DDT. Although studies have revealed the endocrine disruptive effect of 3-MeSO2-DDE, the underlying mechanisms at cellular level in steroidogenic Leydig cells remains to be established. The current study addresses the effect of 3-MeSO2-DDE on viability, hormone production and proteome response of primary neonatal porcine Leydig cells. The AlamarBlue™ assay was used to evaluate cell viability. Solid phase radioimmunoassay was used to measure concentration of hormones produced by both unstimulated and Luteinizing hormone (LH)-stimulated Leydig cells following 48h exposure. Protein samples from Leydig cells exposed to a non-cytotoxic concentration of 3-MeSO2-DDE (10μM) were subjected to nano-LC-MS/MS and analyzed on a Q Exactive mass spectrometer and quantified using label-free quantitative algorithm. Gene Ontology (GO) and Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) were carried out for functional annotation and identification of protein interaction networks. 3-MeSO2-DDE regulated Leydig cell steroidogenesis differentially depending on cell culture condition. Whereas its effect on testosterone secretion at basal condition was stimulatory, the effect on LH-stimulated cells was inhibitory. From triplicate experiments, a total of 6804 proteins were identified in which the abundance of 86 proteins in unstimulated Leydig cells and 145 proteins in LH-stimulated Leydig cells was found to be significantly regulated in response to 3-MeSO2-DDE exposure. These proteins not only are the first reported in relation to 3-MeSO2-DDE exposure, but also display small number of proteins shared between culture conditions, suggesting the action of 3-MeSO2-DDE on several targeted pathways, including mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative phosphorylation, EIF2-signaling, and glutathione-mediated detoxification. Further identification and characterization of these proteins and pathways may build our understanding to the molecular basis of 3-MeSO2-DDE induced endocrine disruption in Leydig cells.
Os fármacos são importantes contaminantes ambientais. Nas últimas duas décadas, o número de estudos sobre a ocorrência destes poluentes emergentes em matrizes ambientais aumentou significativamente. Esta ocorrência generalizada preocupa a comunidade científica devido a evidências que comprovam a sua capacidade de interferir nos ecossistemas, mesmo em concentrações muito baixas. No caso particular dos fármacos psiquiátricos é expectável que constituam um risco ecológico significativo. Para uma melhor compreensão do impacto real destes poluentes é essencial que se proceda a uma avaliação extensiva da sua persistência e destino em matrizes ambientais. Os estudos apresentados nesta tese pretendem contribuir para melhorar o conhecimento acerca da ocorrência, persistência e destino ambiental de fármacos psiquiátricos. Para este efeito, foram seleccionados, como objecto de estudo, dois grupos de fármacos: anti-epilépticos (carbamazepina) e fármacos com efeitos ansiolíticos e sedativos (as benzodiazepinas diazepam, oxazepam, lorazepam e alprazolam). A fotodegradação é o principal processo que afecta a persistência de poluentes orgânicos em ambientes aquáticos. Consequentemente, a persistência dos cinco fármacos seleccionados foi avaliada através de estudos de fotodegradação directa e indirecta, tendo em consideração a influência de parâmetros relevantes tais como pH, nível de oxigenação e matéria orgânica dissolvida. Os estudos de fotodegradação aqui descritos foram seguidos por cromatografia micelar electrocinética com a aplicação de um capilar com revestimento dinâmico. Adicionalmente, os fotoprodutos resultantes de fotodegradação directa foram identificados por espectrometria de massa. O estudo da carbamazepina no ambiente é particularmente relevante uma vez que esta foi proposta como um potencial marcador de poluição antropogénica. A sua ocorrência em água superficiais, de sub-solo e residuais foi investigada através da implementação de um ensaio imunológico (ELISA), optimizado para a aplicação a triagens ambientais e amostras com matrizes complexas. O destino deste fármaco na interface água/solo foi também investigado usando solos agrícolas submetidos a fertilizações de longo prazo; este estudo permitiu tirar conclusões acerca da contaminação de águas adjacentes por solos contaminados. O trabalho aqui descrito constitui uma abordagem multidisplinar à problemática da ocorrência de fármacos psiquiátricos no ambiente, contribuindo de forma relevante para esta área de estudo.
This work describes the synthesis of nanosized metal sulfides and respective SiO2 and/or TiO2 composites in high yield via a straightforward process, under ambient conditions (temperature and pressure), by adding to aqueous metals a nutrient solution containing biologically generated sulfide from sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). The nanoparticles‘ (NPs) morphological properties were shown not to be markedly altered by the SRB growth media composition neither by the presence of bacterial cells. We further extended the work carried out, using the effluent of a bioremediation system previously established. The process results in the synthesis of added value products obtained from metal rich effluents, such as Acid Mine Drainage (AMD), when associated with the bioremediation process. Precipitation of metals using sulfide allows for the possibility of selective recovery, as different metal sulfides possess different solubilities. We have evaluated the selective precipitation of CuS, ZnS and FeS as nanosized metal sulfides. Again, we have also tested the precipitation of these metal sulfides in the presence of support structures, such as SiO2. Studies were carried out using both artificial and real solutions in a continuous bioremediation system. We found that this method allowed for a highly selective precipitation of copper and a lower selectivity in the precipitation of zinc and iron, though all metals were efficiently removed (>93% removal). This research has also demonstrated the potential of ZnS-TiO2 nanocomposites as catalysts in the photodegradation of organic pollutants using the cationic dye, Safranin-T, as a model contaminant. The influence of the catalyst amount, initial pH and dye concentration were also evaluated. Finally, the efficiency of the precipitates as catalysts in sunlight mediated photodegradation was investigated, using different volumes of dye-contaminated water (150 mL and 10 L). This work demonstrates that all tested composites have the potential to be used as photocatalysts for the degradation of Safranin-T.
Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445
The globalisation and unintended impacts of chemicals sets substantial challenges for sustainable development and the protection of natural resources such as land and water. Currently, there are three key chemical Conventions, the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal which came into force in 1992, the 1993 Rotterdam Convention on Trade in Dangerous Chemicals and the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) (2004). These Conventions have as common features a mechanism for assessment of chemical safety, a process for the addition of new chemicals to a list of controlled substances and capacity building in developed countries. However, they only cover a small fraction of the chemicals manufactured and traded across the world. Defining effective regulation of chemicals is an on-going debate that has the potential to have a significant impact on vested commercial and political interests. A sustainable chemical industry should take account of evidence-based standards and through legal mechanisms adopt long-term precautionary evaluations rather than short-term market driven decisions. It is argued in this paper that effective international chemical regulation in the future will come from the adoption of sound chemical management and corporate social responsibility, but it recognised that this will face the challenge of economic disparity between countries and the potential export of regulatory risk from big chemical conglomerates to poorly regulated jurisdictions.
Heavy metal pollution is a matter of concern in industrialised countries. Contrary to organic pollutants, heavy metals are not metabolically degraded. This fact has two main consequences: its bioremediation requires another strategy and heavy metals can be indefinitely recycled. Yeast cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are produced at high amounts as a by-product of brewing industry constituting a cheap raw material. In the present work, the possibility of valorising this type of biomass in the bioremediation of real industrial effluents containing heavy metals is reviewed. Given the autoaggregation capacity (flocculation) of brewing yeast cells, a fast and off-cost yeast separation is achieved after the treatment of metal-laden effluent, which reduces the costs associated with the process. This is a critical issue when we are looking for an effective, eco-friendly, and low-cost technology. The possibility of the bioremediation of industrial effluents linked with the selective recovery of metals, in a strategy of simultaneous minimisation of environmental hazard of industrial wastes with financial benefits from reselling or recycling the metals, is discussed.
Among organic pollutants existing in coastal areas, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are of great concern due to their ubiquity and carcinogenic potential. The aim of this study was to evaluate the seasonal patterns of PAHs in the digestive gland and arm of the common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) from the Northwest Atlantic Portuguese coast. In the different seasons, 18 PAHs were determined and the detoxification capacity of the species was evaluated. Ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) and ethoxycoumarin O-deethylase (ECOD) activities were measured to assess phase I biotransformation capacity. Individual PAH ratios were used for major source (pyrolytic/petrogenic) analysis. Risks for human consumption were determined by the total toxicity equivalence approach. Generally, low levels of PAHs were detected in the digestive gland and in the arm of octopus, with a predominance of low molecular over high molecular weight compounds. PAHs exhibited seasonality in the concentrations detected and in their main emission sources. In the digestive gland, the highest total PAH levels were observed in autumn possibly related to fat availability in the ecosystem and food intake. The lack of PAH elimination observed in the digestive gland after captivity could be possibly associated to a low biotransformation capacity, consistent with the negligible/undetected levels of EROD and ECOD activity in the different seasons. The emission sources of PAHs found in the digestive gland varied from a petrogenic profile observed in winter to a pyrolytic pattern in spring. In the arm, the highest PAH contents were observed in June; nevertheless, levels were always below the regulatory limits established for food consumption. The carcinogenic potential calculated for all the sampling periods in the arm were markedly lower than the ones found in various aquatic species from different marine environments. The results presented in this study give relevant baseline data for environmental monitoring of organic pollution in coastal areas.
Human exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) is a certainty, even to long banned pesticides like o,p′-dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (o,p′-DDT), and its metabolites p,p′-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (p,p′-DDE), and p,p′-dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (p,p′-DDD). POPs are known to be particularly toxic and have been associated with endocrine-disrupting effects in several mammals, including humans even at very low doses. As environmental estrogens, they could play a critical role in carcinogenesis, such as in breast cancer. With the purpose of evaluating their effect on breast cancer biology, o,p′-DDT, p,p′-DDE, and p,p′-DDD (50–1000 nM) were tested on two human breast adenocarcinoma cell lines: MCF-7 expressing estrogen receptor (ER) α and MDA-MB-231 negative for ERα, regarding cell proliferation and viability in addition to their invasive potential. Cell proliferation and viability were not equally affected by these compounds. In MCF-7 cells, the compounds were able to decrease cell proliferation and viability. On the other hand, no evident response was observed in treated MDA-MB-231 cells. Concerning the invasive potential, the less invasive cell line, MCF-7, had its invasion potential significantly induced, while the more invasive cell line MDA-MB-231, had its invasion potential dramatically reduced in the presence of the tested compounds. Altogether, the results showed that these compounds were able to modulate several cancer-related processes, namely in breast cancer cell lines, and underline the relevance of POP exposure to the risk of cancer development and progression, unraveling distinct pathways of action of these compounds on tumor cell biology.
Estudia el área costera del Callao, para evaluar los parámetros de calidad acuática y residuos contaminantes orgánicos.