819 resultados para obesity, bariatric surgery, Food Frequency Questionnaire, Dietary Record, dietary habits
-Social and economic inequalities in diet and physical activity - Obesity and disability - adults - Obesity and alcohol - an overview - A simple guide to classifying body mass index in children - Knowledge and attitudes towards healthy eating and physical activity - Brief intervetions for weight management - Data sources:environmental influences on physical activity and diet - Measuring diet and physical activity in weight management interventions - Obesity and Mental Health - Obesity and ethnicity - Variation in Childrens BMI by month of measurement - The economic burden of obesity - Bariatric surgery for obesity - Review of dietary assessment methods in public health - Obesity and life expectancy -
Discordances exist in epidemiological studies regarding the association between the intake of nutrients and death and disease. We evaluated the social and health profile of persons who consumed olive oil in a prospective population cohort investigation (Pizarra study) with a 6-year follow-up. A food frequency questionnaire and a 7 d quantitative questionnaire were administered to 538 persons. The type of oil used in food preparation was determined by direct measurement of the fatty acids in samples obtained from the kitchens of the participants at baseline and after follow-up for 6 years. The fatty acid composition of the serum phospholipids was used as an endogenous marker of the type of oil consumed. Total fat intake accounted for a mean 40 % of the energy (at baseline and after follow-up). The concordance in intake of MUFA over the study period was high. The fatty acid composition of the serum phospholipids was significantly associated with the type of oil consumed and with fish intake. The concentration of polar compounds and polymers, indicative of degradation, was greater in oils from the kitchens where sunflower oil or refined olive oil was used, in oils used for deep frying and in oils that had been reused for frying five times or more. Consumption of olive oil was directly associated with educational level. Part of the discordance found in epidemiological studies between diet and health may be due to the handling of oils during food preparation. The intake of olive oil is associated with other healthy habits.
To evaluate the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in the success of postoperative weight loss after 2 years of CB. METHODS: A prospective observational study was conducted in consecutive patients with morbid obesity aged between 18 and 59 yrs and enrolled in the bariatric surgery program of the Obesity Surgery Unit of our hospital from June 2007 through June 2010, with two years postoperative follow-up. Participants were divided into two groups according to their participation in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or not. Over a 3-month period, CBT was applied in 12 2-h sessions. The main dependent variables studied were body weight and height, from which we calculated BMI and percentage of excess weight lost (weight lost x 100)/(initial weight-ideal weight), classifying patients as successful (E ) those with EPP > 50%, and unsuccessful (NE) those with EPP <50%. Participants were also, assessed for general (stress, anxiety, depression and self-esteem) and specific (binge eating and food craving) psychopathology. RESULTS: Of the 35 patients with bariatric surgery, 30 responded postoperative evaluations, 16 underwent CBT before CB and 14 underwent surgery without receiving psycho-nutritional therapy, (76% female) with a mean age of 41 ± 9.5 years. The mean baseline BMI was 42 ± 10 and 45% of patients were classified as super obese (BMI: 56 ± 6). Mean excess weight loss (EPP) was 77%. According to the EPP were classified as "successful" (S) (59%) and "unsuccessful" (U) (41%). Of the patients assigned to S, 94% received CBT (15 individuals of 17 total), compared with only 12% who did not receive (2 individuals of the 17 total) with statistically significant differences (p < 0.05). Also, the S patients appeared to be significantly less anxious and stressed and have higher self-esteem (P < 0.05). Regarding specific psychopathology, the food craving guided by hunger, loss of control over food intake and guilt was lower in patients who achieved > 50% of EPP (p < 0.04, p < 0.001, p < 0.001, respectively). It was also noted that these patients were plans to eat less and ate less for positive reinforcement (p < 0.03 and p < 0.000, respectively) than the patient group NE
Background and Objectives: Guidelines for bariatric surgery demand a psychological evaluation of applicants. The aim of this study was to evaluate if the presence of "psychological risk factors" predicts postoperative weight loss after gastric bypass. Methods: Medical records of obese women who underwent bariatric surgery between 2000 and 2004 were reviewed. Psychological assessment consisted of a one-hour semi-structured interview, summarized in a written report. Anthropometric assessment at baseline and 6,12,18 and 24 months after surgery included body weight, height and body mass index. Results: The mean BMI of included patients (N = 92) was 46.2 + 6,3 kg/m(2) (range 38.4-69.7). Based on the psychological assessment, 27% (N = 25) of the patients were classified as having "psychological risk factors" and 28% (N = 26) were diagnosed with a psychiatric diagnosis, most often major depression. Two years after gastric bypass, 16% of patients with "psychological risk factors" achieved an excellent result (%EWL > 75) versus 39% of those without (p < 0.05). About 1 out of 4 patients was in postoperative psychiatric treatment, but only half of them were identified as having "psychological risk factors" at baseline. Weight loss of patients initiating a psychiatric treatment only after surgery was less than of patients who continued psychiatric treatment already initiated before surgery (55.7 + 14.8 versus 66.5 + 14.2 %EWL). Conclusions: A single semi-structured psychological interview may identify patients who are at risk for diminished postoperative weight loss; however, psychological assessment did not identify those patients who were in need of a psychiatric postoperative treatment.
Recent studies show an alarming increase in the rate of overweight / obesity among the infant - juvenile population. Obesity in childhood is associated with a significant number of complications, such as sleep apnea syndrome, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and some cancers. It is estimated that the prevalence of sleep apnea in children is 2-3% in the general population, while in obese adolescents, varies between 13% and 66%, according to various studies. It is associated with impairment of neurocognitive function, behavior, cardiovascular system, metabolic disorders and growth. Sleep apnea is a serious public health problem that increases when children and adolescents are overweight or obese. We hypothesize that aerobic endurance exercise can be an effective treatment for obesity and apnea at the same time. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of physical activity in children and adolescents with overweight / obesity in sleep apnea. An observational, descriptive, prospective, longitudinal study will be carried out in children with sleep apnea and obesity. The universe will be made up of 60 children and adolescents aged between 10 and 18 years, attending the endocrinology service for suffering of obesity in the Hospital Clinico San Cecilio of Granada during the period September 2012-September 2013. The smple will consist of children and adolescents that meet these characteristics and to hom their arents/tutors have authorized through the informed consent. Sleep apnea in children wil be measured by polysomnography and sleep quality questionnaire. There will also be a nutritional assessment by a food frequency questionnaire and an anthropometric assessment. Among the expected results are the lower overweight and obesity in children through the physical activity program. To reduce apnea and to improve sleep quality
Measurement of total energy expenditure may be crucial to an understanding of the relation between physical activity and disease and in order to frame public health intervention. To devise a self-administered physical activity frequency questionnaire (PAFQ), the following data-based approach was used. A 24-hour recall was administered to a random sample of 919 adult residents of Geneva, Switzerland. The data obtained were used to establish the list of activities (and their median duration) that contributed to 95% of the energy expended, separately for men and women. Activities that were trivial for the whole sample but that contributed to > or = 10% of an individual's energy expenditure were also selected. The final PAFQ lists 70 activities or group of activities with their typical duration. About 20 minutes are required for respondents to indicate the number of days and the number of hours per day that they performed each activity. The PAFQ method was validated against a heart rate monitor, a more objective method. The total energy estimated by the PAFQ in 41 volunteers correlated well (r = 0.76) with estimates using a heart rate monitor. The authors conclude that the design of their self-administered physical activity frequency questionnaire based on data from 24-hour recall appeared to accurately estimate energy expenditure.
Résumé: Un des domaines de prédilection de la recherche préventive en ostéoporose, est l'alimentation. L'étude « EVANIBUS » s'inscrit dans le cadre de cette recherche. Un de ses buts est de cibler à travers un questionnaire de fréquence alimentaire chez une population féminine âgée de plus de 75 ans, l'alimentation à risque pour l'ostéoporose. Le choix du questionnaire pour cette étude s'est porté sur le «Food Frequency Questionnaire», élaboré et validé sur une population pré-ménopausique écossaise par Susan New. Ce questionnaire se répartit en différents groupes et sous-groupes alimentaires. A l'aide de tables nutritionnelles les principaux micronutriments essentiels à la santé osseuse contenus dans lés sous-groupes alimentaires ont été calculés. Avant d'utiliser un questionnaire de fréquence alimentaire dans une population différente, il est nécessaire de procéder à une adaptation et une nouvelle validation du questionnaire. Cependant, cette procédure nécessite la collaboration d'un spécialiste en nutrition. Pour cette raison, seule la reproductibilité du questionnaire a été testée. Le test choisi est la première et deuxième étape du test de Bland-Altman. La reproductibilité s'établit entre les 2 mesures (1 mois d'intervalle) de la fréquence moyenne de consommation obtenue pour chaque item (groupes et sous-groupes alimentaires). Les résultats montrent que seule une minorité d'item présente une acceptation des 2 étapes du test de Bland-Altman. Pour expliquer cette mauvaise reproductibilité, les biais systématiques ont été mis en évidence et analysés en détails. Les erreurs dues à la méthodologie sont également analysées. Ces dernières sont en principe évitables. C'est l'absence d'adaptation du questionnaire qui semble en être la cause principale. A cet effet des mesures de correction sont proposées, telles qu'un pilotage du questionnaire dans un échantillon de la population cible. L'analyse du questionnaire relève également une diminution globale de la consommation lors de la deuxième mesure. On émet alors, l'hypothèse d'une influence météorologique par l'intermédiaire d'une hausse des températures.
OBJECTIVE: Reliable data about the nutrient intake of elderly noninstitutionalized women in Switzerland is lacking. The aim of this study was to assess the energy and nutrient intake in this specific population. SUBJECTS: The 401 subjects were randomly selected women of mean age of 80.4 years (range 75-87) recruited from the Swiss SEMOF (Swiss Evaluation of the Methods of Measurement of Osteoporotic Fracture Risk) cohort study. A validated food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) was submitted to the 401 subjects to assess dietary intake. RESULTS: The FFQ showed a mean daily energy intake of 1544 kcal (+/-447.7). Protein intake was 65.2 g (+/-19.9), that is 1.03 g kg(-1) body weight per day. The mean daily intake for energy, fat, carbohydrate, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, D and E were below the RNI. However, protein, phosphorus, potassium, iron and vitamin B6 were above the RNI. CONCLUSION: The mean nutrient intake of these free living Swiss elderly women was low compared with standards. Energy dense foods rich in carbohydrate, magnesium, calcium, vitamin D and E as well as regular sunshine exposure is recommended in order to optimise dietary intake.
Background/Objective:Little is known about the precise role of parental migrant status (MS) and educational level (EL) on adiposity and various eating habits in young children. Therefore, we assessed their independent contribution in preschoolers.Subjects/Methods:Of 655 randomly selected preschoolers, 542 (5.1±0.6 years; 71% of parental MS and 37% of low parental EL) were analysed. Body composition was measured by bioelectrical impedance. Eating habits were assessed using a semiqualitative food frequency questionnaire and analysed according to five messages developed by the Swiss Society for Nutrition, based on factors implicated in childhood obesity: (1) 'Drinking water and decreasing sweetened drinks', (2) 'Eating fruit and vegetables', (3) 'Decreasing breakfast skipping', (4) 'Reducing fatty and sweet foods' and (5) 'Reducing the intake of meals and snacks in front of television'.Results:Children of migrant and low EL parents had higher body fat, ate more meals and snacks while watching television and had more fruit and fatty foods compared with their respective counterparts (all P0.04). Children of low EL parents also consumed less water and vegetables compared with their counterparts (all P0.04). In most instances, we found an independent contribution of parental MS and EL to adiposity and eating habits. A more pronounced effect was found if both parents were migrants or of low EL. Differences in adiposity and eating habits were relatively similar to the joint parental data when assessed individually for maternal and paternal MS and EL.Conclusions:Parental MS and EL are independently related to adiposity and various eating habits in preschoolers.European Journal of Clinical Nutrition advance online publication, 3 November 2010; doi:10.1038/ejcn.2010.248.
BACKGROUND/AIMS: The determinants of a healthy diet have not been studied in Switzerland. This study aimed at assessing the individual and behavioural factors associated with a healthy diet in a Swiss city. METHODS: Cross-sectional, population-based study conducted between 2009 and 2013 (n = 4,439, 2,383 women, mean age 57.5 ± 10.3 years) in Lausanne. Food consumption was assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire. Two Mediterranean diet scores (classic score and specific for Switzerland) and the Harvard School of Public Health alternate healthy eating index were computed. RESULTS: For all three dietary scores considered, living in couple or having a high education were associated with a healthier diet. An unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, sedentary behaviour) or a high body mass index were associated with an unhealthier diet. Participants born in Italy, Portugal and Spain had healthier diets than participants born in France or Switzerland. Women and elderly participants had healthier diets than men and young participants according to 2 scores, while no differences were found for the Swiss-specific Mediterranean score. CONCLUSIONS: In Switzerland, healthy eating is associated with high education, a healthy lifestyle, marital status and country of origin. The associations with gender and age depend on the dietary score considered.
Tot i que el cacau i la xocolata són una gran font de polifenols, aquests aliments no es troben entre les fonts alimentàries de polifenols més consumides. Algunes dades suggereixen un aport inferior al 10% de polifenols a través d’aquests. Aquest fet podria ser causa de les diferents metodologies i l'enfocament dels qüestionaris de freqüència de consum d'aliments (FFQ) utilitzats en aquests estudis. La majoria de FFQ validats utilitzen una extensa llista d'aliments per a les fruites i verdures, però no distingeixen adequadament les diverses fonts de xocolata i cacau. Aquests fets recolzen la necessitat d'una avaluació del consum de productes de cacau per tal de poder conèixer la ingesta real de cacau, especialment en la població jove, on la xocolata és un aliment consumit freqüentment.
Background and aim: Bariatric surgery leads to sustain weight loss, improve metabolic and lipids profiles and ultimately leads to remission of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) in some obese individuals. The aim of the project is to evaluate the effect of bariatric on abdominal fat distribution in severely obese T2DM and non-T2DM obese patients. Study design and methods: A total of 23 morbidly obese subjects (mean ± SD body mass index 43.0 ± 3.6 kg/m2, age 46.5 ± 9.0 years) were recruited from the lager multicenter SLEEVEPASS studies (ClinicalTrials.gov/NCT00793143). 10 healthy age-matched non-obese individuals served as controls. The obese patients were studied before and 6 months after surgery. At baseline, there were 9 T2DMs and 14 non-diabetics. After surgery, there were 5 remitters and 4 nonremitters. Whole body magnetic resonance imaging including the abdominal regions was performed for the obese subjects before and 6 months after surgery and for the controls once. Abdominal fat were compartmentalized and analyzed. Results: At 6 months of follow-up, BMI in the obese decreased significantly (from 43 ± 4 to 33 ± 2 kg/m2, p < 0.001) with substantial improvement in whole body insulin sensitivity (from 12.2 ± 5.7 to 23.3 ± 8.1 µmol/kg/min, p < 0.001). Intraperitoneal fat mass decreased by 46% (from 3.4 ± 1.1 to 1.9± 1.0 kg, p < 0.001) more than the rest of the compartments. Abdominal visceral compartments in obese correlated with glycemic status independent of surgery. Pre-surgery posterior deep and intraperitoneal fat mass were better predictors of post-surgery glycemic status in obese. Remitters showed significant improvement in whole body insulin sensitivity (from 9.1 ± 2.1 to 20.9 ± 8.4 µmol/kg/min, p = 0.02), fasting glucose decreased significant only in nonremitters (from 7.1 ± 1.1 to 6.0 ± 0.8 mmol/l, p = 0.05) after surgery. There were no differences in extraperitoneal fat mass in remitters and superficial subcutaneous fat in non-remitters but all other compartments decreased significantly 6 months after the surgery Conclusion: Both deep subcutaneous and visceral fat are important contributors to glycemic status in obese subjects. Whereas visceral fat compartments are directly involved in T2DM, superficial subcutaneous may have offered protection against T2DM in obese subjects.