975 resultados para nucleolar organizer region associated proteins


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Caveolae sind vesikuläre Invaginationen der eukaryontischen Zellmembran, die bei einer Vielzahl zellbiologischer Prozesse eine bedeutende Rolle spielen. Die strukturellen und funktionellen Hauptbestandteile der Caveolae sind die Caveolin-Proteine, welche von drei homologen Genen (Caveolin-1,-2,-3) kodiert werden. Die Caveoline stellen die Struktur-Organisatoren der Caveolae dar, und regulieren direkt die Aktivität von zahlreichen Caveolae-assoziierten Rezeptorproteinen und Signalmolekülen. Oftmals werden die pleiotropen Effekte der Caveoline über eine Veränderung der Caveolin-Genexpressionsstärke moduliert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden drei unterschiedliche biologische Steuerfaktoren identifiziert, unter deren Kontrolle die Caveolin-Genexpression in neuralen Zellsystemen steht. Bei diesen Faktoren handelt es sich um das Steroidhormon Oestrogen und seine Rezeptoren, den Wachstumsfaktor TGFa und den sekundären Botenstoff zyklisches AMP (cAMP). Oestrogen wirkt über die Aktivierung von Oestrogen-Rezeptoren (ERs) im zentralen Nervensystem in der Regel als neurotropher Faktor. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte erstmalig gezeigt werden, daß in humanen Neuroblastom-Zellen (SK-N-MC) die stabile, rekombinante Expression des ERa-Subtyps zu einer drastischen Reduktion der Caveolin-1/-2-Transkription führt, und daß in der Folge die zelluläre Caveolin-Biosynthese eingestellt wird. Eine Analyse des Caveolin-1-Gens ergab, daß einhergehend mit der Inaktivierung der Caveolin-1-Transkription eine Vielzahl der im Promoter enthaltenen CpG-Dinukleotide methyliert vorliegen. Durch pharmakologische Inhibition der nukleären DNA-Methyltransferasen sowie der Histon-Deacetylasen konnte die Caveolin-1-Transkription teilweise wiederhergestellt werden. Diese Befunde lassen auf die Existenz eines DNA-Methylierungs-abhängigen Stilllegungsmechanismus der Caveolin-Genexpression durch ERa schließen. Dagegen führte die Überexpression des ERb-Subtyps in SK-N-MC-Zellen zu keiner Veränderung der Caveolin-1/-2-Expression. Interessanterweise wurde die supprimierende Wirkung des ERa durch die gleichzeitige Überexpression des ERb vollständig aufgehoben. Der mitogene Wachstumsfaktor TGFa wurde als zweites extrazelluläres Signalmolekül identifiziert, welches eine Reduktion der Caveolin-1/-2-Genexpression bewirkt. In primären kortikalen Astrozyten konnte gezeigt werden, daß TGFa seine supprimierende Wirkung auf die Caveolin-1-Expression partiell über die Aktivierung des PI3-Kinase-abhängigen Signalweges vermittelt. Zudem wurde die supprimierende Wirkung von TGFa durch einen Inhibitior der Histon-Deacetylasen relativiert. Daher scheinen sowohl für den ERa als auch für TGFa epigenetische Prozesse bei der Suppression der Caveolin-1-Genexpression eine entscheidende Rolle zu spielen. Intrazellulär wirkte neben der PI3-Kinase auch der Botenstoff cAMP in kortikalen Astrozyten als Suppressor der Caveolin-Genexpression. Es wäre denkbar, daß die Caveolin-Suppression funktioneller Bestandteil des seit langem etablierten Effekts der cAMP-induzierten Astrozyten-Differenzierung ist. Desweiteren wiesen der cAMP- und TGFa-abhängige Signalweg ein überlappendes, Gehirnregion-spezifisches Regulationsprofil der Caveolin-Expression in Astrozyten auf: während in Kortex und Striatum eine Regulation durch cAMP und TGFa erfolgte, blieb diese in Klein- und Zwischenhirn aus. Somit bewirken drei zentrale regulatorische Faktoren der Proliferation und Differenzierung neuraler Zellen eine Reduktion in der Konzentration der pleiotrop funktionellen Caveoline. Zukünftige Studien müssen zeigen, inwieweit die reduzierte Caveolin-Expression für die morphologischen und biochemischen Primärwirkungen dieser Faktoren während der Entwicklung und im Zuge der Tumorgenese mitverantwortlich ist. Außerdem könnten über die Beobachtungen der zellbiologischen Auswirkungen reduzierter Caveolin-Spiegel neue Erkenntnisse über die Funktion dieser Proteine gewonnen werden.


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Im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit stand das große L-Hüllprotein (L) des Hepatitis B - Virus. L bildet eine ungewöhnliche duale Topologie in der ER-Membran aus, welche auch im reifen Viruspartikel erhalten bleibt. In einem partiellen, posttranslationalen Reifungsprozess wird die sogenannte PräS-Region von der zytosolischen Seite der Membran aus in das ER-Lumen transloziert. Aufgrund seiner dualen Topologie und der damit verbundenen Multifunktionalität übernimmt L eine Schlüsselfunktion im viralen Lebenszyklus. Ein Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit lag deshalb darin, neue zelluläre Interaktionspartner des L-Hüllproteins zu identifizieren. Ihre Analyse sollte helfen, das Zusammenspiel des Virus mit der Wirtszelle besser zu verstehen. Hierfür wurde das Split - Ubiquitin Hefe - Zwei - Hybrid System eingesetzt, das die Interaktionsanalyse von Membranproteinen und Membran-assoziierten Proteinen ermöglicht. Zwei der neu identifizierten Interaktionspartner, der v-SNARE Bet1 und Sec24A, die Cargo-bindende Untereinheit des CoPII-vermittelten vesikulären Transports, wurden weitergehend im humanen Zellkultursystem untersucht. Sowohl für Bet1 als auch für Sec24A konnte die Interaktion mit dem L-Hüllprotein bestätigt und der Bindungsbereich eingegrenzt werden. Die Depletion des endogenen Bet1 reduzierte die Freisetzung L-haltiger, nicht aber S-haltiger subviraler Partikel (SVP) deutlich. Im Gegensatz zu Bet1 interagierte Sec24A auch mit dem mittleren M- und kleinen S-Hüllprotein von HBV. Die Inhibition des CoPII-vermittelten vesikulären Transportweges durch kombinierte Depletion der vier Sec24 Isoformen blockierte die Freisetzung sowohl L- als auch S-haltiger SVP. Dies bedeutet, dass die HBV - Hüllproteine das ER CoPII-vermittelt verlassen, wobei sie aktiv Kontakt zur Cargo-bindenden Untereinheit Sec24A aufnehmen. Der effiziente Export der Hüllproteine aus dem ER ist für die Virusmorphogenese und somit für den HBV - Lebenszyklus essentiell. rnEin weiterer Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit basierte auf der Interaktion des L-Hüllproteins mit dem ER-luminalen Chaperon BiP. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde überprüft, ob BiP, ähnlich wie das zytosolische Chaperon Hsc70, an der Ausbildung der dualen Topologie des L-Hüllproteins beteiligt ist. Hierfür wurde BiP durch die ektopische Expression seiner Ko-Chaperone BAP und ERdj4 in seiner Substrat-bindenen Kapazität manipuliert. ERdj4, ein Mitglied der Hsp40 - Proteinfamilie, stimuliert die ATPase-Aktivität von BiP, was die Substratbindung stabilisiert. Der Nukleotid - Austauschfaktor BAP hingegen vermittelt die Auflösung des BiP - Substrat - Komplexes. Die Auswirkung der veränderten in vivo-Aktivität von BiP auf die posttranslationale PräS-Translokation wurde mit Proteaseschutz - Versuchen untersucht. Die ektopische Expression des positiven als auch des negativen Regulators von BiP resultierte in einer drastischen Reduktion der posttranslationalen PräS-Translokation. Ein vergleichbarer Effekt wurde nach Manipulation des BiP ATPase - Zyklus durch Depletion der zellulären ATP - Konzentration beobachtet. Dies spricht dafür, dass das ER-luminale Chaperon BiP, zusammen mit Hsc70, eine zentrale Rolle in der Ausbildung der dualen Topologie des L-Hüllproteins spielt. rnZwei weitere Proteine, Sec62 und Sec63, die sich für die posttranslationale Translokation in der Hefe als essentiell erwiesen haben, wurden in die Analyse der dualen Topologie des L-Hüllproteins einbezogen. Interessanterweise konnte eine rein luminale Ausrichtung der PräS-Region nach kombinierter Depletion des endogenen Sec62 und Sec63 beobachtet werden. Dies deutet an, dass sowohl Sec62 als auch Sec63 an der Ausbildung der dualen Topologie des L-Hüllproteins beteiligt sind. In Analogie zur Posttranslokation der Hefe könnte Sec62 als Translokon-assoziierter Rezeptor für Substrate der Posttranslokation, und damit der PräS-Region, dienen. Sec63 könnte mit seiner J-Domäne BiP zum Translokon rekrutieren und daraufhin dessen Substrat-bindende Aktivität stimulieren. BiP würde dann, einer molekularen Ratsche gleich, die PräS-Region durch wiederholtes Binden und Freisetzen aktiv in das ER-Lumen hereinziehen, bis eine stabile duale Topologie des L-Hüllproteins ausgebildet ist. Die Bedeutung von Sec62 und Sec63 für den HBV - Lebenszyklus wird dadurch untermauert, dass sowohl die ektopische Expression als auch die Depletion des endogenen Sec63 die Freisetzung L-haltiger SVP deutlich reduziert. rn


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The cysteine peptidase cathepsin B is important in thyroid physiology by being involved in thyroid prohormone processing initiated in the follicular lumen and completed in endo-lysosomal compartments. However, cathepsin B has also been localized to the extrafollicular space and is therefore suggested to promote invasiveness and metastasis in thyroid carcinomas through, e.g., ECM degradation. In this study, immunofluorescence and biochemical data from subcellular fractionation revealed that cathepsin B, in its single- and two-chain forms, is localized to endo-lysosomes in the papillary thyroid carcinoma cell line KTC-1 and in the anaplastic thyroid carcinoma cell lines HTh7 and HTh74. This distribution is not affected by thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) incubation of HTh74, the only cell line that expresses a functional TSH-receptor. Immunofluorescence data disclosed an additional nuclear localization of cathepsin B immunoreactivity. This was supported by biochemical data showing a proteolytically active variant slightly smaller than the cathepsin B proform in nuclear fractions. We also demonstrate that immunoreactions specific for cathepsin V, but not cathepsin L, are localized to the nucleus in HTh74 in peri-nucleolar patterns. As deduced from co-localization studies and in vitro degradation assays, we suggest that nuclear variants of cathepsins are involved in the development of thyroid malignancies through modification of DNA-associated proteins.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the expression and presence of surfactant protein (SP) A and SP-D in the lacrimal apparatus, at the ocular surface, and in tears in healthy and pathologic states. METHODS: Expression of mRNA for SP-A and SP-D was analyzed by RT-PCR in healthy lacrimal gland, conjunctiva, cornea, and nasolacrimal ducts as well as in a spontaneously immortalized conjunctival epithelial cell line (HCjE; IOBA-NHC) and a SV40-transfected cornea epithelial cell line (HCE). Deposition of SP-A and SP-D was determined by Western blot, dot blot, and immunohistochemistry in healthy tissues, in tears, aqueous humor, and in sections of different corneal abnormalities (keratoconus, herpetic keratitis, and Staphylococcus aureus-based ulceration). Cell lines were stimulated with different cytokines and bacterial components and were analyzed for the production of SP-A and SP-D by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: The presence of SP-A and SP-D on mRNA and protein levels was evidenced in healthy lacrimal gland, conjunctiva, cornea, and nasolacrimal duct samples. Moreover, both proteins were present in tears but were absent in aqueous humor. Immunohistochemistry revealed the production of both peptides by acinar epithelial cells of the lacrimal gland and epithelial cells of the conjunctiva and nasolacrimal ducts, whereas goblet cells revealed no reactivity. Healthy cornea revealed weak reactivity on epithelial surface cells only. In contrast, SP-A and SP-D revealed strong reactivity in patients with herpetic keratitis and corneal ulceration surrounding lesions and in several immigrated defense cells. Reactivity in corneal epithelium and endothelium was also seen in patients with keratoconus. Cell culture experiments revealed that SP-A and SP-D are produced by both epithelial cell lines without and after stimulation with cytokines and bacterial components. CONCLUSIONS: These results show that SP-A, in addition to SP-D, is a peptide of the tear film. Based on the known direct and indirect antimicrobial effects of collectins, the surfactant-associated proteins A and D seem to be involved in several ocular surface diseases.


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Mutations in 11 genes that encode ion channels or their associated proteins cause inherited long QT syndrome (LQTS) and account for approximately 75-80% of cases (LQT1-11). Direct sequencing of SNTA1, the gene encoding alpha1-syntrophin, was performed in a cohort of LQTS patients that were negative for mutations in the 11 known LQTS-susceptibility genes. A missense mutation (A390V-SNTA1) was found in a patient with recurrent syncope and markedly prolonged QT interval (QTc, 530 ms). SNTA1 links neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) to the nNOS inhibitor plasma membrane Ca-ATPase subtype 4b (PMCA4b); SNTA1 also is known to associate with the cardiac sodium channel SCN5A. By using a GST-fusion protein of the C terminus of SCN5A, we showed that WT-SNTA1 interacted with SCN5A, nNOS, and PMCA4b. In contrast, A390V-SNTA1 selectively disrupted association of PMCA4b with this complex and increased direct nitrosylation of SCN5A. A390V-SNTA1 expressed with SCN5A, nNOS, and PMCA4b in heterologous cells increased peak and late sodium current compared with WT-SNTA1, and the increase was partially inhibited by NOS blockers. Expression of A390V-SNTA1 in cardiac myocytes also increased late sodium current. We conclude that the A390V mutation disrupted binding with PMCA4b, released inhibition of nNOS, caused S-nitrosylation of SCN5A, and was associated with increased late sodium current, which is the characteristic biophysical dysfunction for sodium-channel-mediated LQTS (LQT3). These results establish an SNTA1-based nNOS complex attached to SCN5A as a key regulator of sodium current and suggest that SNTA1 be considered a rare LQTS-susceptibility gene.


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T cell uropods are enriched in specific proteins including adhesion receptors such as P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1), lipid raft-associated proteins such as flotillins and ezrin/radixin/moesin (ERM) proteins which associate with cholesterol-rich raft domains and anchor adhesion receptors to the actin cytoskeleton. Using dominant mutants and siRNA technology we have tested the interactions among these proteins and their role in shaping the T cell uropod. Expression of wild type (WT) ezrin-EGFP failed to affect the morphology of human T cells or chemokine-induced uropod recruitment of PSGL-1 and flotillin-1 and -2. In contrast, expression of constitutively active T567D ezrin-EGFP induced a motile, polarized phenotype in some of the transfected T cells, even in the absence of chemokine. These cells featured F-actin-rich ruffles in the front and uropod enrichment of PSGL-1 and flotillins. T567D ezrin-EGFP was itself strongly enriched in the rear of the polarized T cells. Uropod formation induced by T567D ezrin-EGFP was actin-dependent as it was attenuated by inhibition of Rho-kinase or myosin II, and abolished by disruption of actin filaments. While expression of constitutively active ezrin enhanced cell polarity, expression of a dominant-negative deletion mutant of ezrin, 1-310 ezrin-EGFP, markedly reduced uropod formation induced by the chemokine SDF-1, T cell front-tail polarity, and capping of PSGL-1 and flotillins. Transfection of T cells with WT or T567D ezrin did not affect chemokine-mediated chemotaxis whereas 1-310 ezrin significantly impaired spontaneous 2D migration and chemotaxis. siRNA-mediated downregulation of flotillins in murine T cells attenuated moesin capping and uropod formation, indicating that ERM proteins and flotillins cooperate in uropod formation. In summary, our results indicate that activated ERM proteins function together with flotillins to promote efficient chemotaxis of T cells by structuring the uropod of migrating T cells.


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The purpose of this study was to examine whether variability in the shape of dendritic spines affects protein movement within the plasma membrane. Using a combination of confocal microscopy and the fluorescence loss in photobleaching technique in living hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons expressing membrane-linked GFP, we observed a clear correlation between spine shape parameters and the diffusion and compartmentalization of membrane-associated proteins. The kinetics of membrane-linked GFP exchange between the dendritic shaft and the spine head compartment were slower in dendritic spines with long necks and/or large heads than in those with short necks and/or small heads. Furthermore, when the spine area was reduced by eliciting epileptiform activity, the kinetics of protein exchange between the spine compartments exhibited a concomitant decrease. As synaptic plasticity is considered to involve the dynamic flux by lateral diffusion of membrane-bound proteins into and out of the synapse, our data suggest that spine shape represents an important parameter in the susceptibility of synapses to undergo plastic change.


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We report a novel homozygous missense mutation in the ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase synthesis-like (BCS1L) gene in two consanguineous Turkish families associated with deafness, Fanconi syndrome (tubulopathy), microcephaly, mental and growth retardation. All three patients presented with transitory metabolic acidosis in the neonatal period and development of persistent renal de Toni-Debré-Fanconi-type tubulopathy, with subsequent rachitis, short stature, microcephaly, sensorineural hearing impairment, mild mental retardation and liver dysfunction. The novel missense mutation c.142A>G (p.M48V) in BCS1L is located at a highly conserved region associated with sorting to the mitochondria. Biochemical analysis revealed an isolated complex III deficiency in skeletal muscle not detected in fibroblasts. Native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) revealed normal super complex formation, but a shift in mobility of complex III most likely caused by the absence of the BCS1L-mediated insertion of Rieske Fe/S protein into complex III. These findings expand the phenotypic spectrum of BCS1L mutations, highlight the importance of biochemical analysis of different primary affected tissue and underline that neonatal lactic acidosis with multi-organ involvement may resolve after the newborn period with a relatively spared neurological outcome and survival into adulthood. CONCLUSION Mutation screening for BCS1L should be considered in the differential diagnosis of severe (proximal) tubulopathy in the newborn period. What is Known: • Mutations in BCS1L cause mitochondrial complex III deficiencies. • Phenotypic presentations of defective BCS1L range from Bjornstad to neonatal GRACILE syndrome. What is New: • Description of a novel homozygous mutation in BCS1L with transient neonatal acidosis and persistent de Toni-Debré-Fanconi-type tubulopathy. • The long survival of patients with phenotypic presentation of severe complex III deficiency is uncommon.


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We obtained mice deficient for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules encoded by the H-2K and H-2D genes. H-2 KbDb −/− mice express no detectable classical MHC class I-region associated (Ia) heavy chains, although β2-microglobulin and the nonclassical class Ib proteins examined are expressed normally. KbDb −/− mice have greatly reduced numbers of mature CD8+ T cells, indicating that selection of the vast majority (>90%) of CD8+ T cells cannot be compensated for by β2-microglobulin-associated molecules other than classical H-2K and D locus products. In accord with the greatly reduced number of CD8+ T cells, spleen cells from KbDb −/− mice do not generate cytotoxic responses in primary mixed-lymphocyte cultures against MHC-disparate (allogeneic) cells. However, in vivo priming of KbDb −/− mice with allogeneic cells resulted in strong CD8+ MHC class Ia-specific allogeneic responses. Thus, a minor population of functionally competent peripheral CD8+ T cells capable of strong cytotoxic activity arises in the complete absence of classical MHC class Ia molecules. KbDb −/− animals also have natural killer cells that retain their cytotoxic potential.


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Circulating autoantibodies to phospholipids (aPLs), such as cardiolipin (CL), are found in patients with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APS). We recently demonstrated that many aPLs bound to CL only after it had been oxidized (OxCL), but not to a reduced CL analogue that could not undergo oxidation. We now show that the neoepitopes recognized by some aPLs consist of adducts formed between breakdown products of oxidized phospholipid and associated proteins, such as β2 glycoprotein 1 (β2GP1). Addition of human β2GP1, polylysine, native low-density lipoprotein, or apolipoprotein AI to OxCL-coated wells increased the anticardiolipin antibody (aCL) binding from APS sera that first had been diluted so that no aCL binding to OxCL could be detected. No increase in aCL binding was observed when these proteins were added to wells coated with reduced CL. The ability of β2GP1, polylysine, or low-density lipoprotein to be a “cofactor” for aCL binding to OxCL was greatly reduced when the proteins were methylated. Incubation of β2GP1 with oxidized 1-palmitoyl-2-linoleyl-[1-14C]-phosphatidylcholine (PC), but not with dipalmitoyl-[1-14C]-PC, led to formation of covalent adducts with β2GP1 recognized by APS sera. These data suggest that the reactive groups of OxCL, such as aldehydes generated during the decomposition of oxidized polyunsaturated fatty acids, form covalent adducts with β2GP1 (and other proteins) and that these are epitopes for aCLs. Knowledge that the epitopes recognized by many aPLs are adducts of oxidized phospholipid and associated proteins, including β2GP1, may give new insights into the pathogenic events underlying the clinical manifestations of APS.


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In plants, cortical microtubules (MTs) occur in characteristically parallel groups maintained up to one microtubule diameter apart by fine filamentous cross-bridges. However, none of the plant microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) so far purified accounts for the observed separation between MTs in cells. We previously isolated from carrot cytoskeletons a MAP fraction including 120- and 65-kDa MAPs and have now separated the 65-kDa carrot MAP by sucrose density centrifugation. MAP65 does not induce tubulin polymerization but induces the formation of bundles of parallel MTs in a nucleotide-insensitive manner. The bundling effect is inhibited by porcine MAP2, but, unlike MAP2, MAP65 is heat-labile. In the electron microscope, MAP65 appears as filamentous cross-bridges, maintaining an intermicrotubule spacing of 25–30 nm. Microdensitometer-computer correlation analysis reveals that the cross-bridges are regularly spaced, showing a regular axial spacing that is compatible with a symmetrical helical superlattice for 13 protofilament MTs. Because MAP65 maintains in vitro the inter-MT spacing observed in plants and is shown to decorate cortical MTs, it is proposed that this MAP is important for the organization of the cortical array in vivo.


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Microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) bind to and stabilize microtubules (MTs) both in vitro and in vivo and are thought to regulate MT dynamics during the cell cycle. It is known that p220, a major MAP of Xenopus, is phosphorylated by p34cdc2 kinase as well as MAP kinase in mitotic cells, and that the phosphorylated p220 loses its MT-binding and -stabilizing abilities in vitro. We cloned a full-length cDNA encoding p220, which identified p220 as a Xenopus homologue of MAP4 (XMAP4). To examine the physiological relevance of XMAP4 phosphorylation in vivo, Xenopus A6 cells were transfected with cDNAs encoding wild-type or various XMAP4 mutants fused with a green fluorescent protein. Mutations of serine and threonine residues at p34cdc2 kinase-specific phosphorylation sites to alanine interfered with mitosis-associated reduction in MT affinity of XMAP4, and their overexpression affected chromosome movement during anaphase A. These findings indicated that phosphorylation of XMAP4 (probably by p34cdc2 kinase) is responsible for the decrease in its MT-binding and -stabilizing abilities during mitosis, which are important for chromosome movement during anaphase A.


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Integral membrane proteins are predicted to play key roles in the biogenesis and function of nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). Revealing how the transport apparatus is assembled will be critical for understanding the mechanism of nucleocytoplasmic transport. We observed that expression of the carboxyl-terminal 200 amino acids of the nucleoporin Nup116p had no effect on wild-type yeast cells, but it rendered the nup116 null strain inviable at all temperatures and coincidentally resulted in the formation of nuclear membrane herniations at 23°C. To identify factors related to NPC function, a genetic screen for high-copy suppressors of this lethal nup116-C phenotype was conducted. One gene (designated SNL1 for suppressor of nup116-C lethal) was identified whose expression was necessary and sufficient for rescuing growth. Snl1p has a predicted molecular mass of 18.3 kDa, a putative transmembrane domain, and limited sequence similarity to Pom152p, the only previously identified yeast NPC-associated integral membrane protein. By both indirect immunofluorescence microscopy and subcellular fractionation studies, Snl1p was localized to both the nuclear envelope and the endoplasmic reticulum. Membrane extraction and topology assays suggested that Snl1p was an integral membrane protein, with its carboxyl-terminal region exposed to the cytosol. With regard to genetic specificity, the nup116-C lethality was also suppressed by high-copy GLE2 and NIC96. Moreover, high-copy SNL1 suppressed the temperature sensitivity of gle2–1 and nic96-G3 mutant cells. The nic96-G3 allele was identified in a synthetic lethal genetic screen with a null allele of the closely related nucleoporin nup100. Gle2p physically associated with Nup116p in vitro, and the interaction required the N-terminal region of Nup116p. Therefore, genetic links between the role of Snl1p and at least three NPC-associated proteins were established. We suggest that Snl1p plays a stabilizing role in NPC structure and function.