702 resultados para nonmarital births


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BACKGROUND: The epidemiology of congenital small intestinal atresia (SIA) has not been well studied. This study describes the presence of additional anomalies, pregnancy outcomes, total prevalence and association with maternal age in SIA cases in Europe. METHODS: Cases of SIA delivered during January 1990 to December 2006 notified to 20 EUROCAT registers formed the population-based case series. Prevalence over time was estimated using multilevel Poisson regression, and heterogeneity between registers was evaluated from the random component of the intercept. RESULTS: In total 1133 SIA cases were reported among 5126, 164 registered births. Of 1044 singleton cases, 215 (20.6%) cases were associated with a chromosomal anomaly. Of 829 singleton SIA cases with normal karyotype, 221 (26.7%) were associated with other structural anomalies. Considering cases with normal karyotype, the total prevalence per 10 000 births was 1.6 (95% CI 1.5 to 1.7) for SIA, 0.9 (95% CI 0.8 to 1.0) for duodenal atresia and 0.7 (95% CI 0.7 to 0.8) for jejunoileal atresia (JIA). There was no significant trend in SIA, duodenal atresia or JIA prevalence over time (RR=1.0, 95% credible interval (CrI): 1.0 to 1.0 for each), but SIA and duodenal atresia prevalence varied by geographical location (p=0.03 and p=0.04, respectively). There was weak evidence of an increased risk of SIA in mothers aged less than 20 years compared with mothers aged 20 to 29 years (RR=1.3, 95% CrI: 1.0 to 1.8). CONCLUSION: This study found no evidence of a temporal trend in the prevalence of SIA, duodenal atresia or JIA, although SIA and duodenal atresia prevalence varied significantly between registers.


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The European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies (EUROCAT) network of population-based congenital anomaly registries is an important source of epidemiologic information on congenital anomalies in Europe covering live births, fetal deaths from 20 weeks gestation, and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly. EUROCAT's policy is to strive for high-quality data, while ensuring consistency and transparency across all member registries. A set of 30 data quality indicators (DQIs) was developed to assess five key elements of data quality: completeness of case ascertainment, accuracy of diagnosis, completeness of information on EUROCAT variables, timeliness of data transmission, and availability of population denominator information. This article describes each of the individual DQIs and presents the output for each registry as well as the EUROCAT (unweighted) average, for 29 full member registries for 2004-2008. This information is also available on the EUROCAT website for previous years. The EUROCAT DQIs allow registries to evaluate their performance in relation to other registries and allows appropriate interpretations to be made of the data collected. The DQIs provide direction for improving data collection and ascertainment, and they allow annual assessment for monitoring continuous improvement. The DQI are constantly reviewed and refined to best document registry procedures and processes regarding data collection, to ensure appropriateness of DQI, and to ensure transparency so that the data collected can make a substantial and useful contribution to epidemiologic research on congenital anomalies.


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Despite some relative improvements, there is a continuing health gap between the most deprived areas and NI overall. This is most evident in the potential years of life lost, infant mortality rates, teenage births, standardised admission rates to hospitals and cancer incidence rates indicators. The suicide rate within deprived areas, although still considerably higher (almost 50% higher), is now closer to the overall NI rate. Despite the reduction in the inequality gap, there was a recent increase in the number of deaths attributed to suicide across all areas. The extent to which this increase in suicides actually indicates an increase in the problem or it is due to recording/reporting practices changing over time has not been established. Life expectancy has been increasing in recent years for both males and females in both deprived areas and NI overall and there is no evidence of a narrowing of the inequality gap. The gap between deprived areas and Northern Ireland was maintained for circulatory and respiratory standardised death rates. The gap between the proportion of the deprived population suffering from a mood or anxiety disorder and that in NI overall has also remained fairly steady. Deprived areas actually fared better than NI generally for relative hospital waiting times and ambulance response times (although this may be an urban issue). åÊ


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Introduction: Mirtazapine is a noradrenergic and serotonergic antidepressant mainly acting through blockade of presynaptic alpha-2 receptors. Published data on pregnancy outcome after exposure to mirtazapine are scarce. This study addresses the risk associated with exposure to mirtazapine during pregnancy. Patients (or Materials) and Methods: Multicenter (n = 11), observational prospective cohort study comparing pregnancy outcomes after exposure to mirtazapine with 2 matched control groups: exposure to any selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) as a diseasematched control group, and general controls with no exposure to medication known to be teratogenic or to any antidepressant. Data were collected by members of the European Network of Teratology Information Services (ENTIS) during individual risk counseling between 1995 and 2011. Standardized procedures for data collection were used in each center. Results: A total of 357 pregnant women exposed to mirtazapine at any time during pregnancy were included in the study and compared with 357 pregnancies from each control group. The rate of major birth defects between the mirtazapine and the SSRI group did not differ significantly (4.5% vs 4.2%; unadjusted odds ratio, 1.1; 95% confidence interval, 0.5-2.3, P = 0.9). A trend toward a higher rate of birth defects in the mirtazapine group compared with general controls did not reach statistical significance (4.2% vs 1.9%; OR, 2.4; 95% CI, 0.9-6.3; P = 0.08). The crude rate of spontaneous abortions did not differ significantly between the mirtazapine, the SSRI, and the general control groups (9.5% vs 10.4% vs 8.4%; P = 0.67), neither did the rate of deliveries resulting in live births (79.6% vs 84.3% in both control groups; P = 0.15). However, a higher rate of elective pregnancy-termination was observed in the mirtazapine group compared with SSRI and general controls (7.8% vs 3.4% vs 5.6%; P = 0.03). Premature birth (< 37 weeks) (10.6% vs 10.1% vs 7.5%; P = 0.38), gestational age at birth (median, 39 weeks; interquartile range (IQR), 38-40 in all groups; P = 0.29), and birth weight (median, 3320 g; IQR, 2979-3636 vs 3230 g; IQR, 2910-3629 vs 3338 g; IQR, 2967-3650; P = 0.34) did not differ significantly between the groups. Conclusion: This study did not observe a statistically significant difference in the rate of major birth defects between mirtazapine, SSRI-exposed, and nonexposed pregnancies. A slightly higher rate of birth defects was, however, observed in the mirtazapine and SSRI groups compared with the low rate of birth defects in our general controls. Overall, the pregnancy outcome after mirtazapine exposure in this study is very similar to that of the SSRI-exposed control group.


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This study examines trends and geographical differences in total and live birth prevalence of trisomies 21, 18 and 13 with regard to increasing maternal age and prenatal diagnosis in Europe. Twenty-one population-based EUROCAT registries covering 6.1 million births between 1990 and 2009 participated. Trisomy cases included live births, fetal deaths from 20 weeks gestational age and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly. We present correction to 20 weeks gestational age (ie, correcting early terminations for the probability of fetal survival to 20 weeks) to allow for artefactual screening-related differences in total prevalence. Poisson regression was used. The proportion of births in the population to mothers aged 35+ years in the participating registries increased from 13% in 1990 to 19% in 2009. Total prevalence per 10 000 births was 22.0 (95% CI 21.7-22.4) for trisomy 21, 5.0 (95% CI 4.8-5.1) for trisomy 18 and 2.0 (95% CI 1.9-2.2) for trisomy 13; live birth prevalence was 11.2 (95% CI 10.9-11.5) for trisomy 21, 1.04 (95% CI 0.96-1.12) for trisomy 18 and 0.48 (95% CI 0.43-0.54) for trisomy 13. There was an increase in total and total corrected prevalence of all three trisomies over time, mainly explained by increasing maternal age. Live birth prevalence remained stable over time. For trisomy 21, there was a three-fold variation in live birth prevalence between countries. The rise in maternal age has led to an increase in the number of trisomy-affected pregnancies in Europe. Live birth prevalence has remained stable overall. Differences in prenatal screening and termination between countries lead to wide variation in live birth prevalence.


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A regression analysis using a linked file of all Swiss births und perinatal deaths 1979-1981 showed a significant relation between birthweight and canton. Sex of infant and multiplicity of birth were significant, too. For live births, marital and socio-economic status of mother and father relate to birthweight. Logistic regressions brought out relationships between the risk of stillbirth and occupation of father, nationality and marital status of mother, apart from birthweight. For live births, only sex and (weakly) marital status and rank of the child were influencial after correction for birthweight.


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The male-to-female sex ratio at birth is constant across world populations with an average of 1.06 (106 male to 100 female live births) for populations of European descent. The sex ratio is considered to be affected by numerous biological and environmental factors and to have a heritable component. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of common allele modest effects at autosomal and chromosome X variants that could explain the observed sex ratio at birth. We conducted a large-scale genome-wide association scan (GWAS) meta-analysis across 51 studies, comprising overall 114 863 individuals (61 094 women and 53 769 men) of European ancestry and 2 623 828 common (minor allele frequency >0.05) single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Allele frequencies were compared between men and women for directly-typed and imputed variants within each study. Forward-time simulations for unlinked, neutral, autosomal, common loci were performed under the demographic model for European populations with a fixed sex ratio and a random mating scheme to assess the probability of detecting significant allele frequency differences. We do not detect any genome-wide significant (P < 5 × 10(-8)) common SNP differences between men and women in this well-powered meta-analysis. The simulated data provided results entirely consistent with these findings. This large-scale investigation across ~115 000 individuals shows no detectable contribution from common genetic variants to the observed skew in the sex ratio. The absence of sex-specific differences is useful in guiding genetic association study design, for example when using mixed controls for sex-biased traits.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate whether first trimester exposure to lamotrigine (LTG) monotherapy is specifically associated with an increased risk of orofacial clefts (OCs) relative to other malformations, in response to a signal regarding increased OC risk. METHODS: Population-based case-control study with malformed controls based on EUROCAT congenital anomaly registers. The study population covered 3.9 million births from 19 registries 1995-2005. Registrations included congenital anomaly among livebirths, stillbirths, and terminations of pregnancy following prenatal diagnosis. Cases were 5,511 nonsyndromic OC registrations, of whom 4,571 were isolated, 1,969 were cleft palate (CP), and 1,532 were isolated CP. Controls were 80,052 nonchromosomal, non-OC registrations. We compared first trimester LTG and antiepileptic drug (AED) use vs nonepileptic non-AED use, for mono and polytherapy, adjusting for maternal age. An additional exploratory analysis compared the observed and expected distribution of malformation types associated with LTG use. RESULTS: There were 72 LTG exposed (40 mono- and 32 polytherapy) registrations. The ORs for LTG monotherapy vs no AED use were 0.67 (95% CI 0.10-2.34) for OC relative to other malformations, 0.80 (95% CI 0.11-2.85) for isolated OC, 0.79 (95% CI 0.03-4.35) for CP, and 1.01 (95% CI 0.03-5.57) for isolated CP. ORs for any AED use vs no AED use were 1.43 (95% CI 1.03-1.93) for OC, 1.21 (95% CI 0.82-1.72) for isolated OC, 2.37 (95% CI 1.54-3.43) for CP, and 1.86 (95% CI 1.07-2.94) for isolated CP. The distribution of other nonchromosomal malformation types with LTG exposure was similar to non-AED exposed. CONCLUSION: We find no evidence of a specific increased risk of isolated orofacial clefts relative to other malformations due to lamotrigine (LTG) monotherapy. Our study is not designed to assess whether there is a generalized increased risk of malformations with LTG exposure.


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Fraser syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by cryptophthalmos, cutaneous syndactyly, laryngeal, and urogenital malformations. We present a population-based epidemiological study using data provided by the European Surveillance of Congenital Anomalies (EUROCAT) network of birth defect registries. Between January 1990 and December 2008, we identified 26 cases of Fraser syndrome in the monitored population of 12,886,464 births (minimal estimated prevalence of 0.20 per 100,000 or 1:495,633 births). Most cases (18/26; 69%) were registered in the western part of Europe, where the mean prevalence is 1 in 230,695 births, compared to the prevalence 1 in 1,091,175 for the rest of Europe (P = 0.0003). Consanguinity was present in 7/26 (27%) families. Ten (38%) cases were liveborn, 14 (54%) pregnancies were terminated following prenatal detection of a serious anomaly, and 2 (8%) were stillborn. Eye anomalies were found in 20/24 (83%), syndactyly in 14/24 (58%), and laryngeal anomalies in 5/24 (21%) patients. Ambiguous genitalia were observed in 3/24 (13%) cases. Bilateral renal agenesis was present in 12/24 (50%) and unilateral in 4/24 (17%) cases. The frequency of anorectal anomalies was particularly high (42%). Most cases of Fraser syndrome (85%) are suspected prenatally, often due to the presence of the association of renal agenesis and cryptophthalmos. In the European population, a high proportion (82%) of pregnancies is terminated, thus reducing the live birth prevalence to a third of the total prevalence rate.


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An overview of infant health in the East of England. Includes: infant mortality - distribution by deprivation, geographical variation, inequality in social class; breastfeeding; perinatal mortality - effects of education ; causes of death in infancy; vital statistics - births and deaths in infancy.


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The incidence, prevalence, and mortality of many diseases are known to vary by ethnic group.There are well documented inequities in access to prevention, treatment, and palliative health and social care services based on ethnic group. There are, too, reported differences in the quality of services received by different ethnic groups and of outcomes of treatment and care. Many of these inequities are amenable to change. However, in order to address them they must, first of all, be comprehensively defined and documented. Mainstreaming ethnic monitoring/data collection is a vital step in the process. The history of such data collection in the NHS is poor, whichever of the key datasets is examined: hospital episode statistics, general practitioner data, cancer registrations, and disease registers. While steps are now being taken to remedy some of these deficiencies, the continued non-availability of ethnic monitoring data and in some cases of compatible ethnically-coded denominator data remains a problem. In particular the lack of ethnic group in births and deaths data has been the subject of widespread comment by specialists in demography and public health and is probably the single action that could most improve the evidence based for addressing ethnic/racial inequalities in health and health care.


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The CMACE report Perinatal Mortality 2009 completes a decade of reports from CMACE and its predecessor organizations CESDI and CEMACH. As in previous years, the findings are both heartening and challenging.During the last decade the United Kingdom has seen a dramatic 16%increase in the number of births to just over 790,000 in 2009. Despite promising improvements, there were still 6,600 babies who died during pregnancy or in the first 4 weeks of life in 2009. The impact on mothers and families from such tragedies cannot be overestimated.�


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The findings in this report are based on stillbirths and neonatal deaths with a date of birth between 1 January 2008 and 31 December 2008 notified to AWPS/CMACE and reported to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). For maternity provider rates, denominators are based on live births reported to AWPS/CMACE by hospitals. For country rates, denominators are based on live births reported to ONS and NISRA-GRO.Perinatal mortality rates for 2008 are assigned to a geographical area. Country specific findings are derived using maternal postcode of residence. Findings for maternity providers within Northern Ireland are derived using the place of death, and any deaths at home are allocated to the maternity provider that provided the care at the time of death.


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The findings in this report are based on stillbirths and neonatal deaths with a date of birth between 1 January 2009 and 31 December 2009 notified to CMACE and reported to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). For Trust rates, denominators are based on live births reported to CMACE by hospitals. For Strategic Health Authority (SHA) and country rates, denominators are based on live births reported to ONS and Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA).Perinatal mortality rates for 2009 are assigned to a geographical area and are derived using maternal postcode of residence. Findings for Trusts are derived using the place of death, and any deaths at home are allocated to the Trusts that provided the care at the time of death.


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Too many children and young people are living in circumstances that make it difficult for them to thrive. That is the key message from the third Annual Report of the Director of Public Health (DPH) for Northern Ireland, which was published on 14th June 2012. This significant report highlights the many public health challenges that affect people in Northern Ireland.As Director of Public Health, Dr Carolyn Harper's report describes the main public health challenges across Northern Ireland, and details work being undertaken by the Public Health Agency (PHA) and its partners over the past year to improve the health and wellbeing of people here.A Core Tables report for 2010, available below, produced by the PHA in support of the Director of Public Health's Annual Report for 2011-2012, including information such as estimated home population figures and projections, births information, fertility rates, death rates, information on mortality, life expectancy, immunisation rates and screening uptake rates.