971 resultados para nerve degeneration
Introduction: Sciatic nerve variations are relatively common. These variations are often very significant in several fields of Medicine. The purpose of this paper is to present two such variants and discuss their clinical implications. Material and Methods: Three Caucasian cadavers with no prior history of lower limb trauma or surgery were dissected and found to present anatomical variants of the sciatic nerve. Results: In all cases the sciatic nerve divided above the popliteal fossa. In two cases (cadavers 1 and 2) it divided on both sides in the inferior portion of the gluteal region in its two terminal branches: the common fibular and the tibial nerves. In another case (cadaver 3) the sciatic nerve was found to divide inside the pelvis just before coursing the greater sciatic notch. The common fibular nerve exited the pelvis above the pyriformis muscle and then passed along its posterior aspect, while the tibial nerve coursed deep to the pyriformis muscle. Discussion: According to the literature, the anatomical variant described in cadaver 3 is considered relatively rare. This variant can predispose to nerve entrapment and thus to the pyriformis syndrome, sciatica and coccygodynia. The high division of the sciatic nerve, as presented in cadavers 1 and 2, can make popliteal nerve blocks partially ineffective. Conclusion: The anatomical variants associated with a high division of the sciatic nerve, must always be born in mind, as they are relatively prevalent, and have important clinical implications, namely in Anesthesiology, Neurology, Sports Medicine and Surgery.
Introdução: Os drusens do disco ótico são anomalias congénitas do desenvolvimento da cabeça do nervo ótico, correspondendo a depósitos hialinos calcificados, localizados anteriormente à lâmina crivosa. O seu diagnóstico é maioritariamente acidental, em doentes normalmente assintomáticos. Material e Métodos: Os autores apresentam 5 casos clínicos de doentes com idades de apresentação compreendidas entre 6 e 12 anos, observados na Consulta de Oftalmologia Pediátrica e Estrabismo, à qual foram referenciados por diferentes motivos. Resultados: Nos casos clínicos apresentados os motivos de consulta foram diminuição da acuidade visual, estrabismo divergente, cefaleias com suspeita de papiledema e rotina. O exame oftalmológico e os meios complementares de diagnóstico realizados, nomeadamente retinografia, ecografia ocular, tomografia de coerência ótica e campos visuais, contribuíram para o diagnóstico de drusens do nervo ótico. Foram ainda encontrados erros refractivos em 4 dos casos descritos. Conclusão: Salienta-se a importância de uma história clínica e observação detalhadas para o diagnóstico diferencial e despiste de patologias oftalmológicas concomitantes, em doentes com drusens do disco ótico e seus familiares.
The hypoglossal nerve is a pure motor nerve. It provides motor control to the intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles thus being essential for normal tongue movement and coordination. In order to design a useful imaging approach and a working differential diagnosis in cases of hypoglossal nerve damage one has to have a good knowledge of the normal anatomy of the nerve trunk and its main branches. A successful imaging evaluation to hypoglossal diseases always requires high resolution studies due to the small size of the structures being studied. MRI is the preferred modality to directly visualize the nerve, while CT is superior in displaying the bony anatomy of the neurovascular foramina of the skull base. Also, while CT is only able to detect nerve pathology by indirect signs, such as bony expansion of the hypoglossal canal, MRI is able to visualize directly the causative pathological process as in the case of small tumors, or infectious/inflammatory processes affecting the nerve. The easiest way to approach the study of the hypoglossal nerve is to divide it in its main segments: intra-axial, cisternal, skull base and extracranial segment, tailoring the imaging technique to each anatomical area while bearing in mind the main disease entities affecting each segment.
This case report describes the findings of a 27-year-old black male from Bahia, Brazil, who developed facial palsy during the convalescence phase of leptospirosis. The patient recovered without neurological sequel. This work calls attention to a possible association between leptospirosis and facial palsy.
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Genética Molecular e Biomedicina
Unlike injury to the peripheral nervous system (PNS), where injured neurons can trigger a regenerative program that leads to axonal elongation and in some cases proper reinnervation, after injury to the central nervous system (CNS) neurons fail to produce the same response. The regenerative program includes the activation of several injury signals that will lead to the expression of genes associated with axonal regeneration. As a consequence, the spawned somatic response will ensure the supply of molecular components required for axonal elongation. The capacity of some neurons to trigger a regenerative response has led to investigate the mechanisms underlying neuronal regeneration. Thus, non-regenerative models (like injury to the CNS) and regenerative models (such as injury to the PNS) were used to understand the differences underlying those two responses to injury. To do so, the regenerative properties of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons were addressed. This particular type of neurons possesses two branches, a central axon, that has a limited capacity to regenerate; and a peripheral axon, where regeneration can occur over long distances. In the first paradigm used to understand the neuronal regeneration mechanisms, we evaluated the activation of injury signals in a non-regenerative model. Injury signals include the positive injury signals, which are described as being enhancers of axonal regeneration by activating several transcription factors. The currently known positive injury signals are ERK, JNK and STAT3. To evaluate whether the lack of regeneration following injury to the central branch of DRG neurons was due to inactivation of these signals, activation of the transcription factors pELK-1, p-c-jun (downstream targets of ERK and JNK, respectively) and pSTAT3 were examined. Results have shown no impairment in the activation of these signals. As a consequence, we further proceed with evaluation of other candidates that could participate in axonal regeneration failure. By comparing the protein profiles that were triggered following either injury to the central branch of DRG neurons or injury to their peripheral branch, we were able to identify high levels of GSK3-β, ROCKII and HSP-40 after injury to the central branch of DRG neurons. While in vitro knockdown of HSP-40 in DRG neurons showed to be toxic for the cells, evaluation of pCRMP2 (a GSK3-β downstream target) and pMLC (a ROCKII downstream target), which are known to impair axonal regeneration, revealed high levels of both proteins following injury to the central branch when comparing with injury to their peripheral one. Altogether, these results suggest that activation of positive injury signals is not sufficient to elicit axonal regeneration; HSP-40 is likely to participate in the cell survival program; whereas GSK3-β and ROCKII activity may condition the regenerative capacity following injury to the nervous system.(...)
INTRODUCTION: This study evaluated the degree of disability, pain levels, muscle strength, and electromyographic function (RMS) in individuals with leprosy. METHODS: We assessed 29 individuals with leprosy showing common peroneal nerve damage and grade 1 or 2 disability who were referred for physiotherapeutic treatment, as well as a control group of 19 healthy participants without leprosy. All subjects underwent analyses of degree of disability, electromyographic tests, voluntary muscle force, and the Visual Analog Pain Scale. RESULTS: McNemar's test found higher levels of grade 2 of disability (Δ = 75.9%; p = 0.0001) among individuals with leprosy. The Mann-Whitney test showed greater pain levels (Δ = 5.0; p = 0.0001) in patients with leprosy who had less extension strength in the right and left extensor hallucis longus muscles (Δ = 1.28, p = 0.0001; Δ = 1.55, p = 0.0001, respectively) and dorsiflexion of the right and left feet (Δ = 1.24, p = 0.0001; Δ = 1.45, p = 0.0001, respectively) than control subjects. The Kruskal-Wallis test showed that the RMS score for dorsiflexion of the right (Δ = 181.66 m·s-2, p = 0.001) and left (Δ = 102.57m·s-2, p = 0.002) feet was lower in patients with leprosy than in control subjects, but intragroup comparisons showed no difference. CONCLUSIONS: Leprosy had a negative influence on all of the study variables, indicating the need for immediate physiotherapeutic intervention in individuals with leprosy. This investigation opens perspectives for future studies that analyze leprosy treatment with physical therapeutic intervention.
The anatomical relationship between the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) and the inferior thyroid artery (ITA) was studied in 76 embalmed corpses, 8 females and 68 males. In both sexes, the RLN lay more frequently between branches of the ITA.; it was found in this position in 47.3% of male corpses and 42.8% of female ones. On the right, RLN was found between branches of the ITA in 49.3% of the cases, anterior to it in 38.04%, and posterior in 11.26%. On the left, the RLN lay between branches of the ITA in 44.45%, posterior to the ITA in 37.05%, and anterior to it in 18.05% of the cases. In 62.68% of the cases, the relationship found on one side did not occur again on the opposite side. There was a significant difference (p<0.05) in the distribution of the 3 types of relationships between the RLN and the ITA, on the right and on the left. Racial variations could contribute to an explanation of the differences observed by authors of different countries in the relationship between the RLN and the ITA.
The Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) is a signaling pathway that is activated by an accumulation of unfolded or misfolded proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) that causes ER stress. The activation of the UPR aims to restore ER homeostasis by attenuation of ER client protein translation, increased transcription of ER chaperones and ER associated degradation (ERAD) factors. If ER stress is too long or too strong, cells may die. The main signaling branch of the UPR is mediated by the ER transmembrane protein IRE1 and the transcription factor Xbp1. The active, spliced form of Xbp1 (Xbp1spliced) acts as a transcription factor with protective function against toxic protein aggregation. However, overexpression of Xbp1spliced in the developing Drosophila eye causes degeneration of the eye (“glossy” eye phenotype).(...)
Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Química e Biológica.
OBJECTIVE - To analyze the immediate and late results of mitral valve repair with quadrangular resection of the posterior leaflet without the use of a prosthetic ring annuloplasty. METHODS - Using this technique, 118 patients with mitral valve prolapse who underwent mitral repair from January '84 through December '96 were studied. Age ranged from 30 to 86 (mean = 59.1±11.8) years and 62.7% were males. An associated surgery was performed in 22% of the patients, and coronary artery bypass graft was the most frequently performed surgery (15 patients - 12.7%). In 20 (16.9%) patients other associated techniques of mitral valve repair were used and shortening of elongated chordae tendineae was the most frequent one (6 patients). RESULTS - Immediate mortality was 0.9% (one patient). Long-term rates for thromboembolism, endocarditis, re-operation and death in the late postoperative period were 0.4%, 0.4%, 1.7% and 2.2% patients/year, respectively. The actuarial curve of survival was 83.8±8.6% over 12 years; survival free from re-operation was 91.8±4.3%, free from endocarditis was 99.2±0.8% and free from thromboembolism was 99.2±0.8%. In the late postoperative period, 93.8% of the patients were in functional class 1 (NYHA), with a complete follow-up in 89.7% of the patients. CONCLUSION - Patients with mitral valve prolapse who undergo mitral valve repair using this technique have a satisfactory prognosis over 12 years.
PURPOSE: Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) tear is an extremely rare complication in patients with classic neovascular membranes without RPE detachment. We evaluate their incidence and functional outcome following treatment with intravitreal ranibizumab. METHODS: Observational study of 72 consecutive patients (74 eyes) treated at Jules Gonin University Eye Hospital, Lausanne, with intravitreal ranibizumab 0.5 mg for classic choroidal neovascularization (CNV) between March 2006 and February 2008. Best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA), fundus examination and optical coherence tomography were recorded monthly; fluorescein angiography was performed at baseline and repeated at least every 3 months. RESULTS: RPE tears occurred in four (5.4%) eyes temporal to the fovea, after a mean of four injections (range 3-6). Mean baseline BCVA was 0.25 decimal equivalent (logMAR 0.67) and improved despite the RPE tear to 0.6 decimal equivalent (logMAR 0.22). CONCLUSION: RPE tears following intravitreal ranibizumab injections for classic CNV can occur in about 5% of patients, even in the absence of baseline RPE detachment. Nevertheless, vision may improve provided the fovea is not involved.
NR2E3, also called photoreceptor-specific nuclear receptor (PNR), is a transcription factor of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily whose expression is uniquely restricted to photoreceptors. There, its physiological activity is essential for proper rod and cone photoreceptor development and maintenance. Thirty-two different mutations in NR2E3 have been identified in either homozygous or compound heterozygous state in the recessively inherited enhanced S-cone sensitivity syndrome (ESCS), Goldmann-Favre syndrome (GFS), and clumped pigmentary retinal degeneration (CPRD). The clinical phenotype common to all these patients is night blindness, rudimental or absent rod function, and hyperfunction of the "blue" S-cones. A single p.G56R mutation is inherited in a dominant manner and causes retinitis pigmentosa (RP). We have established a new locus-specific database for NR2E3 (www.LOVD.nl/eye), containing all reported mutations, polymorphisms, and unclassified sequence variants, including novel ones. A high proportion of mutations are located in the evolutionarily-conserved DNA-binding domains (DBDs) and ligand-binding domains (LBDs) of NR2E3. Based on homology modeling of these NR2E3 domains, we propose a structural localization of mutated residues. The high variability of clinical phenotypes observed in patients affected by NR2E3-linked retinal degenerations may be caused by different disease mechanisms, including absence of DNA-binding, altered interactions with transcriptional coregulators, and differential activity of modifier genes.
BACKGROUND: In patients with outer retinal degeneration, a differential pupil response to long wavelength (red) versus short wavelength (blue) light stimulation has been previously observed. The goal of this study was to quantify differences in the pupillary re-dilation following exposure to red versus blue light in patients with outer retinal disease and compare them with patients with optic neuropathy and with healthy subjects. DESIGN: Prospective comparative cohort study. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-three patients with outer retinal disease, 13 patients with optic neuropathy and 14 normal subjects. METHODS: Subjects were tested using continuous red and blue light stimulation at three intensities (1, 10 and 100 cd/m2) for 13 s per intensity. Pupillary re-dilation dynamics following the brightest intensity was analysed and compared between the three groups. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The parameters of pupil re-dilation used in this study were: time to recover 90% of baseline size; mean pupil size at early and late phases of re-dilation; and differential re-dilation time for blue versus red light. RESULTS: Patients with outer retinal disease showed a pupil that tended to stay smaller after light termination and thus had a longer time to recovery. The differential re-dilation time was significantly greater in patients with outer retinal disease (median = 28.0 s, P < 0.0001) compared with controls and patients with optic neuropathy. CONCLUSIONS: A differential response of pupil re-dilation following red versus blue light stimulation is present in patients with outer retinal disease but is not found in normal eyes or among patients with visual loss from optic neuropathy.