995 resultados para neotropical savannas
Mallodon vermiculatus sp. nov. (from Panama) and Nothopleurus santacruzensis sp. nov. (from Bolivia) are described and illustrated. Mallodon dasystomus dasystomus (Say, 1824) = M. mandibularis Lackerbeck, 1998 syn. nov.
Novos táxons descritos em Apomecynini: Eyiaba gen. nov., com duas espécies novas, E. picta sp. nov. (Brasil: São Paulo) e E. itapetinga sp. nov. (Brasil: Bahia); Adetus jacareacanga sp. nov. (Brasil: Pará) e Parmenonta dominicana sp. nov. (República Dominicana). Chave para identificação das espécies de Eyiaba é fornecida.
In order to investigate the affinities of the hitherto considered Neotropical Cleomenini genera, a detailed morphological comparative study was carried out based on representatives of their type species and other congeneric species. The results, when compared with representatives of Cleomenes Thomson and other non Neotropical Cleomenini genera together with representatives of Rhopalophorini Blanchard and Rhinotragini Thomson, show that: 1) Listroptera Audinet-Serville, 1834, Dihammaphora Chevrolat, 1859, Haenkea Tippmann, 1953, Aguassay Napp & Mermudes, 2001 and Timabiara Napp & Mermudes, 2001 form a very homogeneous group, not related to other Cleomenini, but sharing several synapomorphies with the Rhopalophorini; therefore they are herein transferred to this tribe; 2) the affinities of Dihammaphoroides Zajciw, 1967, were not clearly defined, needing further investigations; nevertheless, the genus is tentatively included in Rhopalophorini due to its morphological similarity with Dihammaphora and allied genera; 3) Pandrosos Bates, 1867 is brought back to Rhinotragini, in which it was originally placed. Therefore, the tribe Cleomenini Lacordaire is no longer represented in the New World.
O gênero Kroeberia e a espécie K. fuliginosa Lindner, 1930, são redescritos. Uma espécie nova, K. minor, é descrita do Brasil (Pará e Amazonas). As duas espécies são ilustradas e uma chave de identificação é fornecida.
The following new taxa of South American Cercopidae are described: Ferorhinella gen. nov., with type species Sphenorhina brevis Walker, 1851; Deois (Deois) knighti sp. nov. (Brazil), Deois (Deois) sexpunctata sp. nov. (Brazil), Deois (Pandysia) constricta sp. nov. (Brazil), Mahanarva (Ipiranga) bahiaensis sp. nov. (Brazil), Maxantonia bifurcata sp. nov. (Brazil), Neosphenorhina curvipenis sp. nov. (Brazil), Sphenorhina brevispina sp. nov. (Ecuador), Sphenorhina nigricephala sp. nov. (Ecuador), Sphenorhina minuta sp. nov. (Brazil), Tropidorhinella onorei sp. nov. (Colombia), Zuata luteofascia sp. nov. (Colombia). Ferorhinella brevis (Walker, 1851) comb. nov. In addition, descriptions are given for a new colour form of Mahanarva (M.) phantastica (Breddin, 1904) and a newly found variation in the male genitalia of Deoisella fasciata Costa & Sakakibara, 2002.
The following new species of South American Cercopidae, are described: Ischnorhina quadrimelasma sp. nov. (Bolivia), Laccogrypota quadrilineata sp. nov. (Bolivia), (Neolaccogrypota youngi sp. nov. (Peru), and Neosphenorhina schombergi sp. nov. (Brazil).
Novos registros e novas espécies de Hemilophini (Cerambycidae) coletados por pulverização de inseticida nas copas das árvores no Equador: Olivensa megacephala (Bates, 1866); Icupima laevipennis (Gahan, 1892); Hemilomecopterus alienus Galileo & Martins, 2004; Acapiata gen. nov., espécie-tipo A. dilatata sp. nov.; Acaiu gen. nov., espécie-tipo A. spinosus sp. nov.; Okamira gen. nov., espécie-tipo O. pulchra sp. nov. Duas espécies novas de Erana Bates, 1866 também são descritas: E. costaricensis sp. nov. da Costa Rica (Heredia) e E. flaviventris sp. nov. de Honduras (Yoro).
O gênero Willistoniella e a espécie-tipo W. pleuropunctata (Wiedemann, 1824), são redescritos. Três espécies novas, W. latiforceps sp. nov., W. spatulata sp. nov. e W. ulyssesi sp. nov., são descritas do Brasil (Amazonas). As quatro espécies são ilustradas e uma chave para espécies de Willistoniella é fornecida.
O gênero Apophorhynchus e as espécies A. flavidus Williston, 1895 e A. amazonensis Prado, 1966 são redescritos. Uma espécie nova, A. brevipenis sp. nov. é descrita do Brasil (Amazonas). As três espécies são ilustradas e uma chave para espécies é fornecida.
The flowering phenologies of Sessea brasiliensis and three species of Cestrum (C. amictum, C. schlechtendalii and C. sendtnerianum), all belonging to the Solanaceae, were monitored in a fragment of the montane Atlantic rain forest within São Paulo city from July 1993 through June 1995. A total of 11,021 flies belonging to five species of the flavopilosa group of Drosophila (D. cestri, D. cordeiroi, D. hollisae, D. incompta and D. mariaehelenae), plus 1,244 flies belonging to four species of Zygothrica (Z. dispar, Z. vittimaculosa, Z. vittinubila and Z. aff. vittipunctata) emerged from 33,955 sampled flowers. Cestrum amictum, C. sendtnerianum and Sessea brasiliensis are recorded for the first time as host plants for the species of the Neotropical flavopilosa group ofDrosophila. Additionally, at least ten less abundant taxa belonging also to the Drosophilidae, plus 1,073 microhymenopteran parasitoids (Braconidae, Eucoilidae, and Pteromalidae), emerged from the sampled flowers of S. brasiliensis e Cestrum spp. The present study raised from nine to eleven the number of species of Cestrum previously recorded as breeding sites for these flies. A comprehensive list of species of Solanaceae known to host six species of Drosophila and four species of Zygothrica in southeastern and southern Brazil is included.
A comprehensive catalog of the Neotropical Masarinae is presented. The lectotype of Trimeria howardi Bertoni, 1911, is designated.
Drosophila pauliceia sp. nov., a spot-thoraxed species closely related to Drosophila boraceia Vilela & Val, 2004, is described from flies collected in an urban remnant of the montane Atlantic Forest located at the Cidade Universitária "Armando de Salles Oliveira", São Paulo city, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The two forest-dwelling species can be externally distinguished mainly by having a different pattern of thoracic spots. A new group of spotted flies (peruensis group) is proposed to include them, in addition to Drosophila peruensis Wheeler, 1959, from Urubamba River, Peru, and Drosophila atalaia Vilela & Sene, 1982, from Brazil and Argentina. To facilitate comparisons, illustrations of the male and female terminalia of the new species and of some unpublished views of those of D. atalaia are included. Additionally, a new group of unspotted species (named caponei group) is proposed to include Drosophila caponei Pavan & Cunha, 1947 and D. neochracea Wheeler, 1959, both previously considered to be related to D. atalaia.
The present study was carried out in three localities of the state of São Paulo, Brazil: Araras (Dec/03-Dec/06), São Carlos (Nov/04-Nov/06) and Rifaina (Jul/04-Dec/06). Trap-nests were distributed among sites in the sampling areas and were collected every 35 days. Data from 295 nests indicate that T. aurifrons is a multivoltine species, with higher rates of nest building and cell production in the warm, rainy season. The trap-nests used by the females ranged from 117 to 467 mm in length and 3.1 to 16.6 mm in diameter. All nests showed deep plugs and a vestibular cell was found in 37% of the complete nests. The number of cells per nest ranged from one to 12. Females were larger than males, emerged from longer cells and their cocoons were significantly larger. A secondary 1:1 sex ratio was found in Araras and Rifaina. No correlation was observed between the diameter of the trap-nest and sex ratio. Males were usually oviposited in the first brood cells. Male and female developmental time from egg to adult was longer in the cold, dry season. Trypoxylon aurifrons provisioned their nests mainly with orb-spiders from the family Araneidae. The most important mortality factor was the death of immature forms, probably due to development failure. The most important parasitoid was Melittobia sp.
Oropezella abdominalis Collin, 1933 (Diptera, Hybotidae) is redescribed and the male is described for the first time. An identification key to the Neotropical genera of Ocydromiinae is also provided.
As seguintes novas espécies são descritas em Callini: Drycothaea gaucha sp. nov. do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil; Callia metallica sp. nov. de Sucumbios, Equador; em Falsamblesthiini: Nyctonympha boyacana sp. nov. da Colômbia; Bactriola achira sp. nov. e Bactriola antennata sp. nov. ambas de Santa Cruz, Bolívia.