294 resultados para mussel


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This work examined the possibility of using mussel Mytella falcata as bioindicator sample to detect metal ions in several estuaries potiguares, since species substances that accumulate in their tissues due to its characteristics filter feeders have been used for environmental monitoring. The chemometrics by principal components analysis was used to reduce the size of the original data in order to establish a pattern of distribution of metal ion. Samples were collected at three different points in the estuaries Curimataú, Guaraíra-Papeba, Potengi, Galinhos-Guamaré and Piranhas-Assu having been marked with the location using GPS (Global Positioning System). The determination of humidity content and digestion of the samples were performed using methods described in the Compendium of analytical standards of the Institute Adofo Lutz (2005) and the determination of metal ions of the elements Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sn and Zn were performed by optical emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma as described by USEPA method 6010C. The results show that it is possible to use this molluscum Mytella falcata in the estuaries of Rio Grande do Norte for the determination of metal ions. The data were subjected to principal components analysis (PCA) which enabled us to verify the distribution pattern of the metal ions studied in several estuaries potiguares and group them according to the metal ions in common with and relate them to the activities in each region


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OBJETIVO: desenvolver uma nova classificação pré-operatória dos miomas submucosos para avaliação da viabilidade e do grau de dificuldade da miomectomia histeroscópica. MÉTODOS: conduzimos um estudo onde quarenta e quatro pacientes foram submetidas a ressecção histeroscópica de 51 miomas submucosos. Foram considerados a possibilidade da ressecção total do mioma, o tempo cirúrgico, o balanço hídrico e a incidência de complicações. Os miomas foram classificados pela classificação da sociedade Européia de Cirurgia Endoscópica (CSECE) e pela Classificação Proposta (CP) pelo nosso grupo, que, além do grau de penetração do mioma no miométrio, adiciona como parâmetros a extensão da base do mioma em relação à parede do útero, o tamanho do nódulo em centímetros e a topografia na cavidade uterina. Para análise estatística foram usados o teste de Fisher, o teste t de Student e a análise de variância. Foi considerado estatisticamente significativo quando o valor de p-valor foi menor que 0,05 no teste bicaudal. RESULTADOS: em 47 miomas a cirurgia histeroscópica foi considerada completa. Não houve diferença significativa entre os três níveis (0, 1 e 2) da CSECE. Pela CP, a diferença quanto ao número de cirurgias completas foi significativa (p=0,001) entre os dois níveis (grupos I e II). A diferença da duração da cirurgia quando se compara as duas classificações foi significativa. em relação ao balanço hídrico, apenas a CP mostrou diferenças entre os níveis (p=0,02). CONCLUSÕES: a CP inclui mais dados sinalizadores das dificuldades da miomectomia histeroscópica do que a CSECE, atualmente em uso. Deve ser enfatizado que o número de miomectomias histeroscópicas usado para essa análise foi modesto, sendo interessante a avaliação do desempenho dessa classificação em séries maiores de casos.


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Objective: To describe the prevalence of hysteroscopic findings and histologic diagnoses inpatients with abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB).Design: Retrospective series of consecutive patients.Setting: Tertiary care University hospital and private office.Patient(s): Four thousand fifty-four hysteroscopies with biopsy in patients with AUB evaluated between June 1993 and December 2004.Intervention(S): Hysteroscopies were performed using 2.9-mm or 4-mm telescopes with CO2 or saline as the distension media. Biopsies were (lone with a 5-mm grasper or with a Novak's curette.Main Outcome Measure(s): Prevalence of hysteroscopic findings and histologic analysis of biopsies.Result(S): Endometrial polyp was the most frequent hysteroscopic finding, accounting for 1,374 (33.9%) cases. Normal uterine cavity and cervical canal were found in 814 (20.1%) patients. Submucous fibroids were diagnosed in 302 (7.5%) women. Normal endometrium was the most frequent histologic diagnosis, accounting for 1,888 (46.6%) cases. Endometrial polyp was found in 1, 115 (27.5%) patients. Endometrial hyperplasia was diagnosed in 613 (15.1%) and endometrial cancer in 105 (2.6%) women.Conclusion(s): Endometrial polyps are the most frequent hysteroscopic findings in patients with AUB, whereas normal endometrium is the most frequent histologic diagnosis.


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The mottled shore crab P. transversus is probably the most common brachyuran crab living in the marine rocky intertidal of southeastern Brazil. However, its biology is largely unknown. In this study, some aspects of the population biology of this species are investigated. Distribution of individuals in the intertidal range is heterogeneous. Sabellariid worm reefs and mytilid mussel beds can be considered as nursery grounds retaining most part of juveniles, while the rocky surface is mostly inhabited by adults, which find safety shelters in rock crevices. Annual size frequency distributions revealed clues of population stability and indicated that young individuals reach the adult habitat in a gradual process. Sex-ratio follows the 1:1 proportion in smaller size classes but is biased towards males in larger ones. Higher mortality in larger females is indicated as a possible cause of this pattern. Ovigerous ratio shows a remarkable seasonality in which highest percentages of ovigerous females occur during summer months, while recruitment of young is more intense from April to July, suggesting a very extensive larval development. Once established in the intertidal zone, young recruits will develop to mature individuals in late spring, when molting crabs become scarce and proportion of breeding females increases. Therefore, growth and reproduction are in a great part temporally separated, allowing an annual life cycle in which settlement, growth and breeding may take place within a I-yr period.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Bivalve filter feeders are sessile animals that live in constant contact with water and its pollutants. Their gill is an organ highly exposed to these conditions due to its large surface and its involvement in gas exchanges and feeding. The bivalve Mytella falcata is found in estuaries of Latin America, on the Atlantic as well as the Pacific Coast. It is commonly consumed, and sometimes is the only source of protein of low-income communities. In this study, gill filaments of M. falcata were characterized using histology, histochemistry and transmission electron microscopy for future comparative studies among animals exposed to environmental pollutants. Gill filaments may be divided into abfrontal, intermediate and frontal zones. Filaments are interconnected by ciliary discs. In the center of filaments, haemocytes circulate through a haemolymph vessel internally lined by an endothelium and supported by an acellular connective tissue rich in polysaccharides and collagen. The abfrontal zone contains cuboidal cells, while the intermediate zone consists of a simple squamous epithelium. The frontal zone is composed of five columnar cell types: one absorptive, mainly characterized by the presence of pinocytic vesicles in the apical region of the cell; one secretory, rarely observed and three ciliated with abundant mitochondria. All cells lining the filament exhibit numerous microvilli and seem to absorb substances from the environment. PAS staining was observed in mucous cells in the frontal and abfrontal zones. Bromophenol blue allowed the distinction of haemocytes and detection of a glycoprotein secretion in the secretory cells of the frontal region. The characteristics of M. falcata gill filaments observed in this study were very similar to those of other bivalves, especially other Mytilidae, and are suitable for histopathological studies on the effect of water-soluble pollutants. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim of the present study was to investigate the presence of contaminants in the mussel Perna perna from Sao Sebastiao Channel, São Paulo, Brazil, and to evaluate the effects of these contaminants on these organisms at biochemical (catalase [CAT], glutathione-S-transferase [GST], and cholinesterase [ChE]), cellular (neutral red retention time [NRRT] assay), and physiological (cardiac monitoring) levels. Two sampling surveys were performed (winter of 2001 and summer of 2002) at six stations along the channel: Cigarras, station 1; late Clube de Ilhabela, station 2; Oil Terminal, station 3; Toque Toque, station 4; Ponta da Sela, station 5 (reference station); and Taubate, station 6. Differences in CAT activity were observed between mussels from stations 3 and 5 during the winter, but no differences were detected in the summer. No differences in GST activity were found among stations during the winter, although animals from station 3 showed higher activity during the summer. The ChE activity was significantly higher in the mussels from stations I and 2 during the winter and from stations I and 3 during the summer. Organisms from stations I through 4 showed statistically lower NRRT in both seasons. Similar heart rates were observed in the mussels from all stations. Hydrocarbons were detected in organisms from all the stations in both seasons. During the winter, higher polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) levels were observed in organisms from station 3, whereas during the summer, higher levels of metals were found in organisms from stations 1, 3, and 4. The multivariate analyses showed a strong influence of PAHs on the winter biological results, but metals showed higher influence on these responses in the summer, indicating multiple contaminant sources.


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STUDY OBJECTIVE: To validate hysteroscopic view with histology in cases of endometrial hyperplasia and cancer in patients with abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB)DESIGN: Retrospective study.(Canadian Task Force classification II-3).SETTING: University teaching hospitals in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, and private office in Rio de Janeiro.PATIENTS: Four thousand and fifty-four patients with AUB in whom hysteroscopic views were complete and the histologic result was conclusive.INTERVENTION: Four thousand and fifty-four office hysteroscopies with complete views and conclusive histologic results. The material for histologic examination was obtained through biopsy of the lesion in an outpatient unit or through the resection of the entire lesion in patients who underwent surgery. Histology was considered the gold standard and compared with the hysteroscopic view.MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: In the histology of the 4054 examinations, 613 (15.2%) were endometrial hyperplasia, and 105 (2.6%) were endometrial cancer. The most frequent hysteroscopic finding was endometrial polyps (31.2%). In endometrial hyperplasia, the sensitivity of the hysteroscopic view was 56.3% (95% CI 52.21-60.2%), specificity was 89.1% (95% CI 88.0%-90.1%), positive predictive value (PPV) was 48.0% (95% CI 44.3%-51.7%), negative predictive value (NPV) was 92.0% (95% Cl 90.1%-92.9%), and accuracy was 72.7% (95% CI 70.7%-74.7%). Accuracy was defined as the proportion of correct results among the hysteroscopic examinations. In endometrial cancer, the sensitivity of the hysteroscopic view was 80.0% (95% Cl 71.1%-87.2%), specificity was 99.5% (95% CI 99.2%-99.7%), PPV was 81.5% (95% Cl 72.7%-88.5%), NPV was 99.5% (95% CI 99.2%-99.7%), and accuracy was 89.8% (95% CI, 85.9%-93.6%). In the 814 patients (20.0%) in whom the hysteroscopic view was normal, there were no false negatives for endometrial cancer; however, there were 37 (4.5%) false negatives for endometrial hyperplasia. In the histologic cases of endometrial cancer, 101 (96.2%) hysteroscopic views were compatible with cancer or hyperplasia (80.0% and 16.2%, respectively). Ninety-seven out of 103 hysteroscopic views with cancer findings (94.2%) had histologic diagnosis of cancer or hyperplasia (81.5% and 12.6%, respectively).CONCLUSION: It seems that even in face of good validity of hysteroscopic view for endometrial hyperplasia and cancer, histologic study is mandatory in the presence of any lesion as the hysteroscopic view cannot completely replace the histologic study in patients with AUB. (C) 2006 AAGL. All rights reserved.


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This is a case report of a 39-year-old black woman, nulliparous, married who presented a heavy menstrual flow with clots and dysmenorrhea. Gynaecological examination of the uterus revealed RVF, mobility, no pain, slight enlargement, and right displacement. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the pelvis showed a 40 mm submucous fibroid with intramural component less than 50%, type 1, with a 3 mm distance from serosa. In an office hysteroscopy, it was noted a 40 mm submucous fibroid with an intramural component with less than 50%, type 1, classified in STEP-W submucous fibroids classification as a Score 6, Group II. The patient was submitted to partial hysteroscopic myomectomy, removing 60% of the fibroid volume in a 48.75-minute surgery. GnRH analogue was indicated for 3 months before another intervention. In the second evaluation MRI revealed a 22 mm-fibroid with intramural component more than 50%, type 2, with a 7 mm distance from serosa. Hysteroscopy found a 20 mm submucous fibroid, with intramural component more than 50%, type 2, Score 4, Group I on STEP-W classification. The patient was submitted to a second hysteroscopic myomectomy with complete removal and 10.5 minutes operating time, without complications. © 2006 Springer-Verlag.