875 resultados para multimedia content management


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Virtual learning environments (VLEs) are computer-based online learning environments, which provide opportunities for online learners to learn at the time and location of their choosing, whilst allowing interactions and encounters with other online learners, as well as affording access to a wide range of resources. They have the capability of reaching learners in remote areas around the country or across country boundaries at very low cost. Personalized VLEs are those VLEs that provide a set of personalization functionalities, such as personalizing learning plans, learning materials, tests, and are capable of initializing the interaction with learners by providing advice, necessary instant messages, etc., to online learners. One of the major challenges involved in developing personalized VLEs is to achieve effective personalization functionalities, such as personalized content management, learner model, learner plan and adaptive instant interaction. Autonomous intelligent agents provide an important technology for accomplishing personalization in VLEs. A number of agents work collaboratively to enable personalization by recognizing an individual's eLeaming pace and reacting correspondingly. In this research, a personalization model has been developed that demonstrates dynamic eLearning processes; secondly, this study proposes an architecture for PVLE by using intelligent decision-making agents' autonomous, pre-active and proactive behaviors. A prototype system has been developed to demonstrate the implementation of this architecture. Furthemore, a field experiment has been conducted to investigate the performance of the prototype by comparing PVLE eLearning effectiveness with a non-personalized VLE. Data regarding participants' final exam scores were collected and analyzed. The results indicate that intelligent agent technology can be employed to achieve personalization in VLEs, and as a consequence to improve eLeaming effectiveness dramatically.


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Digital Songlines is an Australasian CRC for Interaction Design (ACID) project that is developing protocols, methodologies and toolkits to facilitate the collection, education and sharing of indigenous cultural heritage knowledge. The project explores the areas of effective recording, content management and virtual reality delivery capabilities that are culturally sensitive and involve the indigenous custodians, leaders and communities in remote areas of the Australian ‘outback’. It investigates how players in a serious gaming sense can experience Indigenous virtual heritage in a high fidelity fashion with culturally appropriate interface tools. This paper describes a 3D ambient audio quilt designed and implemented specifically for the Digital Songlines software, which is built using the Torque Game Engine. The audio quilt developed provides dynamic ambient fauna and flora sound effects to represent the varying audio environment of the landscape. This provides an authentic contextualised interesting aural experience that can be different each time a location is entered. This paper reports on completed and ongoing research in this area.


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East-Christian icon art is recognised as one of the most significant areas of the art of painting. Regrettably, it is still being neglected in the digital documentation and the registry of the art of painting. The accessibility to that large part of mankind's cultural and historical ancestry would be enhanced greatly if icons of all possible kinds and origins were digitised, classified, and „exhibited“ in the Internet. That would allow the preservation and even the future digital restoration of a large number of rare specimens of the East-Christian art of painting. This article aims to introduce how modern techniques from the area of digital libraries can be used for implementing the demonstrative multimedia library “Virtual encyclopaedia of the Bulgarian iconography ” 4, containing a large number of Bulgarian iconic art masterpieces and iconography of various authors, periods and schools.


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The conservation, spread, comprehension and recreation of traditional culture heritages is one of the main purpose of the National Ethnographic Museum in Bulgaria. As other cultural and scientific heritage institutions, it begins to use new information technologies and strategies for providing access to its cultural heritage treasures. This paper aims to present digital libraries with multimedia content as a modern technological solution for innovative presentation of Bulgarian ethnographical heritage. It includes some basic concepts of digital libraries with multimedia content and a description of three types of architecture. The paper also describes the ideas, conceptual decisions and strategies in the project Experimental Digital Library “Bulgarian Ethnographic Treasury”.


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Due to the rapid growth of the number of digital media elements like image, video, audio, graphics on Internet, there is an increasing demand for effective search and retrieval techniques. Recently, many search engines have made image search as an option like Google, AlltheWeb, AltaVista, Freenet. In addition to this, Ditto, Picsearch, can search only the images on Internet. There are also other domain specific search engines available for graphics and clip art, audio, video, educational images, artwork, stock photos, science and nature [www.faganfinder.com/img]. These entire search engines are directory based. They crawls the entire Internet and index all the images in certain categories. They do not display the images in any particular order with respect to the time and context. With the availability of MPEG-7, a standard for describing multimedia content, it is now possible to store the images with its metadata in a structured format. This helps in searching and retrieving the images. The MPEG-7 standard uses XML to describe the content of multimedia information objects. These objects will have metadata information in the form of MPEG-7 or any other similar format associated with them. It can be used in different ways to search the objects. In this paper we propose a system, which can do content based image retrieval on the World Wide Web. It displays the result in user-defined order.


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The key to prosperity in today's world is access to digital content and skills to create new content. Investigations of folklore artifacts is the topic of this article, presenting research related to the national program „Knowledge Technologies for Creation of Digital Presentation and Significant Repositories of Folklore Heritage” (FolkKnow). FolkKnow aims to build a digital multimedia archive "Bulgarian Folklore Heritage” (BFH) and virtual information portal with folk media library of digitized multimedia objects from a selected collection of the fund of Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum (IEFSEM) of the Bulgarian Academy of Science (BAS). The realization of the project FolkKnow gives opportunity for wide social applications of the multimedia collections, for the purposes of Interactive distance learning/self-learning, research activities in the field of Bulgarian traditional culture and for the cultural and ethno-tourism. We study, analyze and implement techniques and methods for digitization of multimedia objects and their annotation. In the paper are discussed specifics approaches used to building and protect a digital archive with multimedia content. Tasks can be systematized in the following guidelines: * Digitization of the selected samples * Analysis of the objects in order to determine the metadata of selected artifacts from selected collections and problem areas * Digital multimedia archive * Socially-oriented applications and virtual exhibitions artery * Frequency dictionary tool for texts with folklore themes * A method of modern technologies of protecting intellectual property and copyrights on digital content developed for use in digital exposures.


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Information and communication technologies (ICT) offer an easier access to and a multi-perspective view of cultural heritage artifacts and may also enrich and improve cultural heritage education through the adoption of innovative learning/teaching methods. This paper examines the different practices and opportunities for digitization of cultural artifacts with historical significance and describes the work on a pilot project concerning the development of e-learning materials in the Thracian cultural and historical heritage. The proposed method presents an approach based on a combination of 2D and 3D technologies to facilitate the overall process of digitization of individual objects. This approach not only provides greater opportunities for presenting the Thracian heritage but also new perspectives for studying it - students, scientists, PhD students will have the opportunity to work with the materials without having access to them.


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MARC 21 (‘Machine-Readable Cataloguing’) is a US library standard established worldwide and recently translated also in Bulgarian (those parts used most by librarians in their everyday work). The Bulgarian translations are freely available on the NALIS website (http://www.nalis.bg/) under the Library Standards Section, where also an Online Multilingual Dictionary of MARC 21 Terms can be found. All these works are approved by the US Library of Congress and published on its MARC 21 website under Translations (http://www.loc.gov/marc/translations.html#bulgarian).


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Welcome to the Second International Workshop on Multimedia Communications and Networking held in conjunction with IUCC-2012 during 25 June – 27 June 2012 in Liverpool, UK. MultiCom-2012 is dedicated to address the challenges in the areas of elivering multimedia content using modern communication and networking techniques. The multimedia & networking computing domain emerges from the integration of multimedia content such as audio and video with content distribution technologies. This workshop aims to cover contributions in both design and analysis aspects in the context of multimedia, wired/wireless/heterogeneous networks, and quality evaluation. It also intends to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to share their latest achievements in this field with others and establish new collaborations for future developments. All papers received are peer reviewed by three members of the Technical Programme Committee. The papers are assessed by their originality, technical quality, presentation and relevance to the theme of the workshop. Based on the criteria set, four papers have been accepted for presentation at the workshop and will appear in the IUCC conference proceedings. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the IUCC-2012 Organizing Committee, the TPC members of MultiCom-2012 and the authors for their s upport, dedicated work and contributions. Finally, we look forward to meeting you at the workshop in Liverpool.


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A vendéglátóipari egységek kommunikációjában fontos szerepe van a közösségi médiában való jelenlétnek. Hazánkban a leggyakrabban használt felület a Facebook, amely sok ilyen vállalkozás esetében kiemelt fontosságú, vagy akár az egyetlen reálisan elérhető marketingkommunikációs felület. Kutatásunkban azt vizsgáljuk, hogy a felhasználók hogyan érzékelik a feléjük továbbított üzleti célú információkat a közösségi felületen, illetve hogy a fogyasztókra milyen mértékű aktivitás jellemző kedvenc vendéglátóipari egységük oldalán. Ennek céljából szubjektív fogyasztói narratívákat (n=151) elemzünk a kvalitatív tartalomelemzés módszertanával. A válaszadókat arra kértük, hogy írjanak kedvenc vendéglátóhelyükkel való kapcsolatukról az online térben. A "belájkolt" vendéglátóipari egységek felületeinek fogyasztók által észlelt aktivitása segítheti a vállalkozásokat abban, hogy alaptevékenységük elemeinek kommunikálásával, vagy akár ettől teljesen eltérő közösségi stratégiát használva pozicionálják márkájukat. A márkák tudatos tartalommenedzselése hozzájárulhat továbbá a felhasználók virtuális térben való hatékonyabb eléréséhez és bevonásához. ____ Presence in social media is an important element in the communication of catering establishments. The most frequently used platform in Hungary – that is extraordinarily important, or even the only reasonably accessible marketing communications platform for many catering companies – is Facebook. In our research, we analyse how users perceive the business-purposed information forwarded to them on the social media platform, and how intensive are the consumers’ activities on their most preferred catering establishment's site. For this purpose we analyse subjective consumer narratives (N=151) with the methodology of qualitative content analysis. We asked the respondents to write about the relationship with their most preferred catering establishment in the online sphere. Perceived activity of the "liked" catering establishment's platform could help enterprises to position themselves by communicating their core activities, or by using a totally different social strategy. Moreover, conscious content management of brands could contribute to reach and to engage users in the virtual sphere more efficiently.


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O principal objectivo deste relatório é documentar a experiência como estagiário na empresa The Silver Factory – Marketing, Design e Gestão Comercial, Lda, no âmbito da unidade curricular de Estágio do Mestrado em Engenharia-Informática – Computação Móvel (MEI-CM). Sendo este estágio uma parte integrante para a obtenção do grau de Mestre, foram postos em prática conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo do meu percurso universitário (Licenciatura e 1º ano de Mestrado) de modo a concluir com sucesso todos os projetos que me foram propostos. Durante este estágio trabalhei na área da comunicação online, através do desenvolvimento de websites e auxiliando na gestão do alojamento dos clientes. O principal objetivo foi desenvolver um backoffice e os seus respetivos componentes. Dos vários componentes desenvolvidos os mais importantes foram o Content Management System que permite fazer a gestão do conteúdo apresentado em frontend, e o Projetct Management Tool, que permite a uma empresa gerir os seus clientes, e os projetos que desenvolve para os mesmos, com a possibilidade de visualização do progresso de desenvolvimento desses projetos utilizando um gráfico de Gantt interativo.


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During the summer of 2016, Duke University Libraries staff began a project to update the way that research databases are displayed on the library website. The new research databases page is a customized version of the default A-Z list that Springshare provides for its LibGuides content management system. Duke Libraries staff made adjustments to the content and interface of the page. In order to see how Duke users navigated the new interface, usability testing was conducted on August 9th, 2016.


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El propósito de esta investigación es el desarrollo de una aplicación que pueda instalarse y utilizarse en dispositivos móviles, tales como celulares o tablets, mediante la cual los usuarios tendrán acceso inmediato a contenidos multimedia que brindarán información complementaria a los materiales de estudio presentados en carreras de grado, tecnicaturas, diplomaturas y cursos. Dicho programa tendrá la capacidad de escanear e interpretar un patrón de Realidad Aumentada ubicado en materiales impresos permitiendo la reproducción de vídeos, archivos de audio y gráficos en 3D, entre otros usos. Este desarrollo, utilizado como recurso didáctico para la enseñanza, enriquecerá la experiencia del alumno durante el momento de estudio ya que le permitirá integrar realidad y virtualidad de manera inmediata generando una interactividad con los contenidos que lo llevará a ser un participante activo del proceso de aprendizaje, lo que redundará en un aumento de la motivación y la eficacia de los materiales de estudio. The purpose of this research is to develop an application that can be installed and used on mobile devices such as phones or tablets, through which users will have immediate access to multimedia content that will provide additional information to study materials presented in racing degree, technical programs and courses. This program will have the ability to scan and interpret a pattern of augmented reality located in printed materials allowing playback of video, audio and 3D graphics, among other uses. This development, which is used as a teaching resource for teaching, enrich the student""s experience during the time of study as it will enable to integrate reality and virtuality immediately generate interactivity with the content that will be an active participant in the learning process, which will result in increased motivation and the effectiveness of the study materials.


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This book examines an emerging and fast evolving phenomena: that a growing number of people engage with two screens whilst watching television. It seems a simple concept – until we discover the important implications. In doing this, this book will move way beyond the study of online and multimedia content. It will go past the impact of mobile and multi-platform technology on the media. Instead it will examine how this new concept of second screen interactivity changes the way we watch, produce, commission and monetise television programmes in the UK.


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El proceso de desarrollo de software define una secuencia de actividades que se aplican en la creación de un producto o aplicación de tipo software.Entre las actividades que se pueden realizar dentro del ciclo de vida del desarrollo software destacamos algunas como pueden ser la captura de requisitos, el análisis, el diseño, la implementación, las pruebas, la documentación, el despliegue o el mantenimiento. En este trabajo fin de grado se propone desarrollar una aplicación web desde sus primeras etapas hasta las últimas, indicando como aplica cada una de ellas al ejemplo de un proyecto real. Para nuestro caso,el desarrollo de software consistirá en la creación de una aplicación web para una clínica podológica, en la que vamos a tener un cliente, en este caso el propietario de la clínica, que demanda funcionalidades y que necesita que el software cumpla con sus necesidades. Dicha página Web servirá para promocionar los servicios de la clínica, mostrar una galería de fotos, tendrá un formulario de contacto, gran cantidad de páginas de información, un mapa de geo-­ localización para mostrar la ubicación, menús de navegación, mapa web, buscador y otras funcionalidades más típicas de cualquier página Web. Además, la aplicación deberá cumplir ciertos requisitos de usabilidad así como ser navegable en dispositivos móviles, responsivo. La creación de la aplicación se hará con el sistema gestor de contenidos Drupal, una herramienta muy utilizada actualmente para crear y gestionar aplicaciones Web y con la que podremos implementar todas las funcionalidades demandadas por nuestro cliente.