989 resultados para motor deficit


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Leaf water relations responses to limited water supply were determined in 7-month-old plants of a dry inland provenance of Eucalyptus argophloia Blakely and in a humid coastal provenance (Gympie) and a dry inland provenance (Hungry Hills) of Eucalyptus cloeziana F. Muell. Each provenance of E. cloeziana exhibited a lower relative water content at the turgor loss point, a lower apoplastic water content, a smaller ratio of dry mass to turgid mass and a lower bulk modulus of elasticity than the single provenance of E. argophloia. Osmotic potential at full turgor and water potential at the turgor loss point were significantly lower in E. argophloia and the inland provenance of E. cloeziana than in the coastal provenance of E. cloeziana. There was limited osmotic adjustment in response to soil drying in E. cloeziana, but not in E. argophloia. Between-species differences in water relations parameters were larger than those between the E. cloeziana provenances. Both E. cloeziana provenances maintained turgor under moderate water stress through a combination of osmotic and elastic adjustments. Eucalyptus argophloia had more rigid cell walls and reached lower water potentials with less reduction in relative water content than either of the E. cloeziana provenances, thereby enabling it to extract water from dryer soils.


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Tennis elbow or lateral epicondylalgia (LE) is a challenging musculoskeletal condition to treat. This is largely due to the lack of research-based evidence of the clinical efficacy of the myriad of treatment approaches espoused in the literature. In view of this, successful rehabilitation of LE is based on choosing treatments that address the physical impairments found during clinical examination. The primary physical impairment in LE is a deficit in grip strength predominately due to pain and its consequences on motor function. Hence the mainstay of successful management of this condition is therapeutic exercise, providing it is not pain provocative. Adjunctive procedures such as manipulative therapy and sports taping techniques have recently been shown to provide substantial initial pain relief. Early relief of pain in the rehabilitation program helps accelerate recovery and most importantly motivates the client to persist with the therapeutic exercise program. The manipulative therapy and taping treatments presented in this masterclass warrant consideration in the clinical best practice management of LE, and serve as a model for other similar musculoskeletal conditions. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports on the motor and functional outcomes of 20 children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) aged 4-8 years consecutively referred to a pediatric physiotherapy service. Children with a Movement ABC (M-ABC) score less than the 15th percentile, and with no concurrent medical, sensory, physical, intellectual or neurological impairments, were recruited. The Motor Assessment Outcomes Model (MAOM) [Coster and Haley, Infants and Young Children 4 (1992) 11] provided the theoretical base for measurement selection, and preliminary findings at the activities and participation levels of the model are reported in this article. Children with DCD performed at the lower end of the normal range on the Pea-body Developmental Motor Scales (fine motor total score) (M = 85.65, SD = 12.23). Performance on the Visual Motor Integration Test (VMI) standard scores was within the average range (M = 96.15, SD = 10.69). Videotaped observations of the children's writing and cutting indicated that 29% were left-handed and that a large proportion of all children (31%) utilized unusual pencil grasp patterns and immature prehension of scissors. Measurement at the participation level involved use of the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance (PCSA) and Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI). Overall, these young children rated themselves towards the more competent and accepted end of the PCSA over the dimensions of physical and cognitive competence and peer and maternal acceptance. The PEDI revealed generally average performance on social (M = 49.98, SD = 16.62) and mobility function (M = 54.71, SD = 3.99), however, self-care function was below the average range for age (M = 38.01, SD = 12.19). The utility of the MAOM as a framework for comprehensive measurement of functional and motor outcomes of DCD in young children is discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Krabbe's disease (galactocerebrosidase deficiency) rarely presents in adults, usually with predominantly upper motor neurone clinical features. We report a case in whom the clinical features were similar to motor neurone disease. Nerve conduction studies and neuroimaging were important in leading to the correct diagnosis. Differences in adult-onset presentations are described. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The effect of number of samples and selection of data for analysis on the calculation of surface motor unit potential (SMUP) size in the statistical method of motor unit number estimates (MUNE) was determined in 10 normal subjects and 10 with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We recorded 500 sequential compound muscle action potentials (CMAPs) at three different stable stimulus intensities (10–50% of maximal CMAP). Estimated mean SMUP sizes were calculated using Poisson statistical assumptions from the variance of 500 sequential CMAP obtained at each stimulus intensity. The results with the 500 data points were compared with smaller subsets from the same data set. The results using a range of 50–80% of the 500 data points were compared with the full 500. The effect of restricting analysis to data between 5–20% of the CMAP and to standard deviation limits was also assessed. No differences in mean SMUP size were found with stimulus intensity or use of different ranges of data. Consistency was improved with a greater sample number. Data within 5% of CMAP size gave both increased consistency and reduced mean SMUP size in many subjects, but excluded valid responses present at that stimulus intensity. These changes were more prominent in ALS patients in whom the presence of isolated SMUP responses was a striking difference from normal subjects. Noise, spurious data, and large SMUP limited the Poisson assumptions. When these factors are considered, consistent statistical MUNE can be calculated from a continuous sequence of data points. A 2 to 2.5 SD or 10% window are reasonable methods of limiting data for analysis. Muscle Nerve 27: 320–331, 2003


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The aim of this study was to compare accumulated oxygen deficit data derived using two different exercise protocols with the aim of producing a less time-consuming test specifically for use with athletes. Six road and four track male endurance cyclists performed two series of cycle ergometer tests. The first series involved five 10 min sub-maximal cycle exercise bouts, a (V) over dotO(2peak) test and a 115% (V) over dotO(2peak) test. Data from these tests were used to estimate the accumulated oxygen deficit according to the calculations of Medbo et al. (1988). In the second series of tests, participants performed a 15 min incremental cycle ergometer test followed, 2 min later, by a 2 min variable resistance test in which they completed as much work as possible while pedalling at a constant rate. Analysis revealed that the accumulated oxygen deficit calculated from the first series of tests was higher (P< 0.02) than that calculated from the second series: 52.3 +/- 11.7 and 43.9 +/- 6.4 ml . kg(-1), respectively (mean +/- s). Other significant differences between the two protocols were observed for (V) over dot O-2peak, total work and maximal heart rate; all were higher during the modified protocol (P


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Recent studies have revealed regional variation in the density and distribution of inhibitory neurons in different cortical areas, which are thought to reflect area-specific specializations in cortical circuitry. However, there are as yet few standardized quantitative data regarding how the inhibitory circuitry in prefrontal cortex (PFC), which is thought to be involved in executive functions such as cognition, emotion and decision making, compares to that in other cortical areas. Here we used immunohistochemical techniques to determine the density and distribution of parvalbumin (PV)-, calbindin (CB)-, and calretinin (CR)-immunoreactive (ir) neurons and axon terminals in the dorsolateral and orbital PFC of the owl monkey (Aotus trivirgatus), and compared them directly with data obtained using the same techniques in 11 different visual, somatosensory and motor areas. We found marked differences in the density of PV-ir, CB-ir, and CR-ir interneurons in several cortical areas. One hundred and twenty eight of all 234 possible between-area pairwise comparisons were significantly different. The density of specific subpopulations of these cells also varied among cortical areas, as did the density of axon terminals. Comparison of PFC with other cortical areas revealed that 40 of all 66 possible statistical comparisons of the density of PV-ir, CB-ir, and CR-ir cells were significantly different. We also found evidence for heterogeneity in the pattern of labeling of PV-ir, CB-ir, and CR-ir cells and axon terminals between the dorsolateral and orbital subdivisions of PFC. These data are likely to reflect basic differences in interneuron circuitry, which are likely to influence inhibitory function in the cortex. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Esse estudo objetivou investigar, em regime de casa de vegetação, o desempenho fisiológico de duas cultivares jovens e enxertadas de seringueira (Hevea brasiliensis), submetidas à deficiência hídrica e posterior recuperação. Os parâmetros analisados foram o potêncial hídrico foliar (ψw), taxa de sobrevivência e crescimento após reidratação e a fluorescência transiente da clorofila a. Trinta dias após a aclimatação, o déficit hídrico foi iniciado pela supressão total da água até o potencial hídrico (ψw) atingir valores críticos (38 dias), seguido por 30 dias de reidratação. Os dois genótipos (RRIM600 e FX3864) apresentaram um comportamentos semelhantes de redução do ψw com o avanço da supressão hídrica. Entretanto, o genótipo FX3864 mostrou-se mais susceptível ao déficit hídrico comprovado por valores que demonstram deficiência no transporte de elétrons no etapa fotoquímica da fotossíntese e por uma menor taxa de sobrevivência após desidratação e menor crescimento e desenvolvimento após a reidratação. RRIM600 apresentou uma maior tolerância à imposição da supressão hídrica, confirmada pelos valores da maioria dos parâmetros analisados e pelo menor tempo necessário para sua recuperação.


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O professor de educação especial, guiando os seus alunos, incluindo os que têm necessidades educativas especiais, deve ser como o maestro a dirigir os músicos numa orquestra, cada qual tocando o seu instrumento. Sempre que haja diferentes estilos de aprendizagem e ritmos de trabalho, a diferenciação inclusiva deve ocorrer inevitavelmente na sala de aula. Assim, cada tarefa deve ser executada por todos os alunos, cada um trabalhando de acordo com as suas capacidades. Em conjunto, o aluno aprende a partilhar tarefas, a respeitar o outro e a si próprio, ficando mais apto para a vivência na comunidade circundante. Os jovens com défice cognitivo são cidadãos que usufruem de direitos e cumprem deveres como qualquer outro jovem. Conhecedores deste facto, interviemos junto de uma aluna de 17 anos que frequenta um Centro Educacional e reside numa Instituição. A intervenção, fundamentada nos fundamentos conceptuais e nos procedimentos da investigação-acção, que teve lugar no seio de um grupo de sete alunos com problemáticas várias, decorreu no âmbito da área do desenvolvimento vocacional e numa perspectiva de transição para a vida activa. Orientámos a intervenção numa perspectiva dinâmica e circular de acção e reflexão, de acordo com os pressupostos que referimos. Traçámos os objectivos e estabelecemos um plano de acção. Procedemos ao registo semanal de todas as tarefas realizadas durante quatro meses, para que de um modo sistemático, pudéssemos agir de forma coerente, mediar a intervenção e reformular estratégias. Podemos concluir que a intervenção decorreu com sucesso, uma vez que atingimos os objectivos traçados relacionados com o desenvolvimento de tarefas de transição para a vida activa e a promoção do trabalho de grupo.


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O presente trabalho incide sobre a problemática do ensino/aprendizagem da História e Geografia de Portugal numa turma de 5ºano com sete alunos portadores de Necessidades Educativas Especiais : dois alunos com espectro do autismo; dois com Hiperactividade e Deficit de Atenção; um com Síndrome de Prader Willi; um com atraso global do desenvolvimento e outro com uma disfunção comportamental grave. A observação , o estudo e a pesquisa foi o caminho seguido no sentido de (re)produzir uma metodologia adequada a uma turma com tal diversidade, numa perspectiva de escola aberta a todos, onde todos aprendem juntos independentemente das suas dificuldades , no respeito pelos ritmos e estilos de aprendizagem de cada um. No sentido de superar as práticas tradicionais, isto é superar o ensinar a todos como se fossem um, seguimos as orientações de Perrenoud (2000) que propõe a adopção da pedagogia diferenciada como resposta pertinente às exigências de uma escola para todos. A gestão das diferentes necessidades e características dos alunos, e a reorganização /recriação de conteúdos e/ou metodologias e /ou materiais que melhor respondessem a essa diversidade permitiram a aquisição das competências curricularmente consideradas necessárias ao cumprimento da escolaridade obrigatória. Confirmamos assim, que é possível que todos aprendam de modos diferentes, tal como prediz um antigo provérbio chinês, todos atingem o cume da montanha ainda que percorrendo caminhos muito diversos.