876 resultados para moral inference
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Podeu consultar les jornades completes a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/46286
Etude critique de Charles Larmore, Modernité et morale (Paris, PUF, 1993). Cet article présente et discute le projet de son auteur de défendre l'idée d'une morale « pragmatiste » et « intuitionniste ». Restituant la position de l'auteur, il expose les arguments en faveur d'une conception pragmatiste de la vérité morale et ceux en faveur du recours à l'intuition pour découvrir le contenu de nos obligations morales. Dans une brève note critique finale, il suggère que le pragmatisme semble peu à même d'échapper tout à fait au reproche de relativisme.
El seu article parteix de l'afirmació que el destí de les dones al segle XIX està marcat, en la ficció, pel "bovarysme", malaltia que proposa que les dones s'emmalalteixen i moren perquè llegeixen malament. El treball analitza aquest problema de la "mala lectura" traçant un recorregut que va des de Fernán Caballero fins a Freud i es comenten alguns episodis de lectura que apareixen en la "Autobiografía" de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, Clemencia, Amalia, Madame Bovary, María, La regenta i El caso Dora. Her article departs from the statement that the destiny of women in the 19th century is determined, in fiction, by "bovarysm", an illness which proposes that women get sick and die because they read incorrectly. The work analyzes this problem of "bad reading" tracing a journey from Fernán Caballero to Freud, and comments on several episodes about the act of reading, from Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda's "Autobiography", Clemencia, Amalia, Madame Bovary, María, La Regenta and Dora's Case.
Ce volume explore et questionne les liens entre la constitution du sujet moral et son appartenance à une communauté, termes qui s'articulent eux-mêmes de manière différenciée par rapport aux notions théologiques, philosophiques et politiques. Les auteurs étudient la place de la communauté dans la constitution du sujet moral. Une question centrale est de savoir si le sujet moral préexiste à la communauté ou s'il lui est postérieur, au sens où seul l'existence d'une communauté le rend possible comme tel. Ce volume traite cette question en faisant appel aux thèmes suivants : Communauté et société civile, églises et état laïque, fondement des valeurs morales et responsabilité, vertus et développement morale, identité personnelle et vie politique.
Collection : Archives et documents
With the increasing availability of various 'omics data, high-quality orthology assignment is crucial for evolutionary and functional genomics studies. We here present the fourth version of the eggNOG database (available at http://eggnog.embl.de) that derives nonsupervised orthologous groups (NOGs) from complete genomes, and then applies a comprehensive characterization and analysis pipeline to the resulting gene families. Compared with the previous version, we have more than tripled the underlying species set to cover 3686 organisms, keeping track with genome project completions while prioritizing the inclusion of high-quality genomes to minimize error propagation from incomplete proteome sets. Major technological advances include (i) a robust and scalable procedure for the identification and inclusion of high-quality genomes, (ii) provision of orthologous groups for 107 different taxonomic levels compared with 41 in eggNOGv3, (iii) identification and annotation of particularly closely related orthologous groups, facilitating analysis of related gene families, (iv) improvements of the clustering and functional annotation approach, (v) adoption of a revised tree building procedure based on the multiple alignments generated during the process and (vi) implementation of quality control procedures throughout the entire pipeline. As in previous versions, eggNOGv4 provides multiple sequence alignments and maximum-likelihood trees, as well as broad functional annotation. Users can access the complete database of orthologous groups via a web interface, as well as through bulk download.
Isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) has recently made its appearance in the forensic community. This high-precision technology has already been applied to a broad range of forensic fields such as illicit drugs, explosives and flammable liquids, where current, routinely used techniques have limited powers of discrimination. The conclusions drawn from the majority of these IRMS studies appear to be very promising. Used in a comparative process, as in food or drug authentication, the measurement of stable isotope ratios is a new and remarkable analytical tool for the discrimination or the identification of a substance with a definite source or origin. However, the research consists mostly of preliminary studies. The significance of this 'new' piece of information needs to be evaluated in light of a forensic framework to assess the actual potential and validity of IRMS, considering the characteristics of each field. Through the isotopic study of black powder, this paper aims at illustrating the potential of the method and the limitations of current knowledge in stable isotopes when facing forensic problems.
Collection : Nouvelle encyclopédie théologique ; 26