978 resultados para molecular approach


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Geographical isolation and polyploidization are central concepts in plant evolution. The hierarchical organization of archipelagos in this study provides a framework for testing the evolutionary consequences for polyploid taxa and populations occurring in isolation. Using amplified fragment length polymorphism and simple sequence repeat markers, we determined the genetic diversity and differentiation patterns at three levels of geographical isolation in Olea europaea: mainland-archipelagos, islands within an archipelago, and populations within an island. At the subspecies scale, the hexaploid ssp. maroccana (southwest Morocco) exhibited higher genetic diversity than the insular counterparts. In contrast, the tetraploid ssp. cerasiformis (Madeira) displayed values similar to those obtained for the diploid ssp. guanchica (Canary Islands). Geographical isolation was associated with a high genetic differentiation at this scale. In the Canarian archipelago, the stepping-stone model of differentiation suggested in a previous study was partially supported. Within the western lineage, an east-to-west differentiation pattern was confirmed. Conversely, the easternmost populations were more related to the mainland ssp. europaea than to the western guanchica lineage. Genetic diversity across the Canarian archipelago was significantly correlated with the date of the last volcanic activity in the area/island where each population occurs. At the island scale, this pattern was not confirmed in older islands (Tenerife and Madeira), where populations were genetically homogeneous. In contrast, founder effects resulted in low genetic diversity and marked genetic differentiation among populations of the youngest island, La Palma.


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The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation produces most of the yellow fever (YF) vaccine prepared world wide. As part of a broader approach to determine the genetic variability in YF l7D seeds and vaccines and its relevance to viral attenuation the 17DD virus was purifed directly from chick embryo homogenates which is the source of virus used for vaccination of millions of people in Brazil and other countries for half a century. Neutralization and hemagglutination tests showed that the purified virus is similar to the original stock. Furthermore, radioimmune precipitation of 35S-methionine-labeled viral proteins using mouse hyperimmune ascitic fluid revealed identical patterns for the purified 17DD virus and the YF l7D-204 strain except for the 17DD E protein which migrated slower on SDS-PAGE. This difference is likely to be due to N-linked glycosylation. Finally, comparison by northern blot nybridization of virion RNAs of purified 17DD with two other strains of YF virus only fenome-sized molecules for all three viruses. These observations suggest that vaccine phenotype is primarily associated with the accumulation of mutations.


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To a large extent, control of malaria vectors relies on the elimination of breeding sites and the application of chemical agents. There are increasing problems associated with the use of synthetic insecticides for vector control, including the evolution of resistance, the high cost of developing and registering new insecticides and an awareness of pollution from insecticide residues. These factors have stimulated interest in the application of molecular biology to the study of mosquito vectors of malaria; focussing primarily on two aspects. First, the improvement of existing control measures through the development of simplified DNA probe systems suitable for identification of vectors of malaria. The development of synthetic, non-radioactive DNA probes suitable for identification of species in the Anopheles gambiae complex is described with the aim of defining a simplified methodology wich is suitable for entomologist in the field. The second aspect to be considered is the development of completely novel strategies through the development of completely novel strategies through the genetic manipulation of insect vectors of malaria in order to alter their ability to transmit the disease. The major requirements for producing transgenic mosquitoes are outlined together with the progress wich has been made to date and discussed in relation to the prospects which this type of approach has for the future control of malaria.


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The development of additional methods for detecting and identifuing Babesia and Plasmodium infections may be useful in disease monitoring, management and control efforts. To preliminarily evaluate sunthetic peptide-based serodiagnosis, a hydrophilic sequence (DDESEFDKEK)was selected from published BabR gene of B. bovis. Immunization of rabbits and cattle with the hemocyanin-conjugated peptide elicited antibody responses that specifically detected both P. falciparum and B. bovis antigens by immunofluorescence and Western blots. Using a dot-ELISA with this peptide, antisera from immunized and naturally-infected cattle, and immunized rodents, were specifically detected. Reactivity was weak and correlated with peptide immunization or infection. DNA-based detection using repetitive DNA was species-specific in dot-blot formats for B. bovis DNA, and in both dot-blot and in situ formats for P. falciparum; a streamlined enzymelinked synthetic DNA assay for P. falciparum detected 30 parasites/mm(cúbicos) from patient blood using either colorimetric (2-15 h color development) or chemiluminescent detection (0.5-6-min. exposures). Serodiagnostic and DNA hybridization methods may be complementary in the respective detection of both chronic and acute infections. However, recent improvements in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) make feasible a more sensitive and uniform approach to the diagnosis of these and other infectious disease complexes, with appropriate primers and processing methods. An analysis of ribosomal DNA genes of Plasmodium and Toxoplasma identified Apicomplexa-conserved sequence regions. Specific and distinctive PCR profiles were obtained for primers spanning the internal transcribed spacer locus for each of several Plasmodium and Babesia species.


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Aquest treball es basa en l’estudi de dues malalties lisosòmiques: la malaltia de Niemann-Pick A/B (NPAB) i la malaltia de Niemann-Pick tipus C (NPC). En relació a la malaltia de NPAB, s’ha realitzat l’expressió in vitro d’algunes de les mutacions de canvi d’aminoàcid trobades en pacients espanyols per tal de detectar les activitats enzimàtiques residuals. Totes les mutacions presenten una activitat molt baixa, gairebé nul•la, excepte la p.L225P i la R608del que tenen un 11% i 20% d’activitat respectivament. Els resultats obtinguts són coherents amb la severitat del fenotip que presenten els pacients. D’altra banda, s’ha caracteritzat un al•lel amb una mutació que afecta a una posició poc conservada d’un donador de splicing i que produeix la generació de trànscrits aberrants corresponents a trànscrits minoritaris de SMPD1, prèviament descrits, que no codifiquen per proteïna funcional. Respecte a malaltia de NPC, s’ha realitzat una anàlisi molecular de pacients espanyols prèviament estudiats identificant, en la majoria dels casos, la segona mutació responsable de la patologia. S’ha descrit per primer cop per aquesta malaltia una gran deleció que inclou el gen NPC1 i altres gens flanquejants i s’ha estudiat l’efecte que tenen les mutacions de splicing trobades a nivell de RNA. Per una d’aquestes mutacions, c.1554-1009G&A, s’ha assajat amb èxit una estratègia terapèutica basada en la utilització d’oligonuclèotids antisentit. D’altra banda, s’està desenvolupant un model cel•lular neuronal de la malaltia de Niemann-Pick tipus C, basat en la utilització de RNAs d’interferència, sobre el qual es podran assajar possibles estratègies terapèutiques en un futur.


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Development of Schistosoma mansoni in the intermediate host Biomphalaria glabrata is influenced by a number of parasite and snail genes. Understanding the genetics involved in this complex host/parasite relationship may lead to an often discussed approach of introducing resistant B. glabrata into the field as a means of biological control for the parasite. For the snail, juvenile susceptibility to the parasite is controlled by at least four genes, whereas one gene seems to be responsible for adult nonsusceptibility. Obtaining DNA from F2 progeny snails from crosses between parasite-resistant and-susceptible snails, we have searched for molecular markers that show linkage to either the resistant or susceptible phenotype. Both restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) approaches have been used. To date, using a variety of snail and heterologous species probes, no RFLP marker has been found that segregates with either the resistant or susceptible phenotype in F2 progeny snails. More promising results however have been found with the RAPD approach, where a 1.3 kb marker appears in nearly all resistant progeny, and a 1.1 kb marker appears in all susceptible progeny


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Objectives: Imatinib has been increasingly proposed for therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM), as trough concentrations (Cmin) correlate with response rates in CML patients. This analysis aimed to evaluate the impact of imatinib exposure on optimal molecular response rates in a large European cohort of patients followed by centralized TDM.¦Methods: Sequential PK/PD analysis was performed in NONMEM 7 on 2230 plasma (PK) samples obtained along with molecular response (PD) data from 1299 CML patients. Model-based individual Bayesian estimates of exposure, parameterized as to initial dose adjusted and log-normalized Cmin (log-Cmin) or clearance (CL), were investigated as potential predictors of optimal molecular response, while accounting for time under treatment (stratified at 3 years), gender, CML phase, age, potentially interacting comedication, and TDM frequency. PK/PD analysis used mixed-effect logistic regression (iterative two-stage method) to account for intra-patient correlation.¦Results: In univariate analyses, CL, log-Cmin, time under treatment, TDM frequency, gender (all p<0.01) and CML phase (p=0.02) were significant predictors of the outcome. In multivariate analyses, all but log-Cmin remained significant (p<0.05). Our model estimates a 54.1% probability of optimal molecular response in a female patient with a median CL of 14.4 L/h, increasing by 4.7% with a 35% decrease in CL (percentile 10 of CL distribution), and decreasing by 6% with a 45% increased CL (percentile 90), respectively. Male patients were less likely than female to be in optimal response (odds ratio: 0.62, p<0.001), with an estimated probability of 42.3%.¦Conclusions: Beyond CML phase and time on treatment, expectedly correlated to the outcome, an effect of initial imatinib exposure on the probability of achieving optimal molecular response was confirmed in field-conditions by this multivariate analysis. Interestingly, male patients had a higher risk of suboptimal response, which might not exclusively derive from their 18.5% higher CL, but also from reported lower adherence to the treatment. A prospective longitudinal study would be desirable to confirm the clinical importance of identified covariates and to exclude biases possibly affecting this observational survey.


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The relationship between schistosomes and their intermediate hosts is an extremely intricate one with strains and species of the parasite depending on particular species of snail, which in turn may vary in their susceptibility to the parasites. In order to gain a better understanding of the epidemiology of the disease we have been investigating the use of molecular markers for snail identification and for studying host-parasite relationships. In this paper we will draw on examples concerning schistosomiasis in West and East Africa to illustrate how a molecular analysis can be used as part of a "total evidence" approach to characterisation of Bulinus species and provide insights into parasite transmission. Particular emphasis is given to ribosomal RNA genes (rRNA), random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPDs) and the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase I (COI). Snails resistant to infection occur naturally and there is a genetic basis for this resistance. In Biomphalaria glabrata resistance to Schistosoma mansoni is known to be a polygenic trait and we have initiated a preliminary search for snail genomic regions linked to, or involved in, resistance by using a RAPD based approach in conjunction with progeny pooling methods. We are currently characterising a variety of STSs (sequence tagged sites) associated with resistance. These can be used for local linkage and interval mapping to define genomic regions associated with the resistance trait. The development of such markers into simple dot-blot or specific PCR-based assays may have a direct and practical application for the identification of resistant snails in natural populations.


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The epidemiology of animal trypanosomosis around Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso, West Africa) benefited a lot in the last years from the progress of molecular tools. The two most used molecular techniques were the polymerase chain reaction for the diagnosis of the disease in cattle and the characterization of the trypanosomes in the host and the vector on one hand, and the microsatellite DNA polymorphism in tsetse flies to study the intraspecific genetic variability of the vector on the other hand. The results obtained in the Sideradougou area during a recent two year survey with these techniques, associated with many other georeferenced informations concerning vector and cattle distribution, natural environment, landuse, ground occupation, livestock management, were combined in a Geographical Information System. This new approach of a complex pathogenic system led to a better evaluation of the risk of trypanosome transmission.


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The epithelial amiloride-sensitive sodium channel (ENaC) controls transepithelial Na+ movement in Na(+)-transporting epithelia and is associated with Liddle syndrome, an autosomal dominant form of salt-sensitive hypertension. Detailed analysis of ENaC channel properties and the functional consequences of mutations causing Liddle syndrome has been, so far, limited by lack of a method allowing specific and quantitative detection of cell-surface-expressed ENaC. We have developed a quantitative assay based on the binding of 125I-labeled M2 anti-FLAG monoclonal antibody (M2Ab*) directed against a FLAG reporter epitope introduced in the extracellular loop of each of the alpha, beta, and gamma ENaC subunits. Insertion of the FLAG epitope into ENaC sequences did not change its functional and pharmacological properties. The binding specificity and affinity (Kd = 3 nM) allowed us to correlate in individual Xenopus oocytes the macroscopic amiloride-sensitive sodium current (INa) with the number of ENaC wild-type and mutant subunits expressed at the cell surface. These experiments demonstrate that: (i) only heteromultimeric channels made of alpha, beta, and gamma ENaC subunits are maximally and efficiently expressed at the cell surface; (ii) the overall ENaC open probability is one order of magnitude lower than previously observed in single-channel recordings; (iii) the mutation causing Liddle syndrome (beta R564stop) enhances channel activity by two mechanisms, i.e., by increasing ENaC cell surface expression and by changing channel open probability. This quantitative approach provides new insights on the molecular mechanisms underlying one form of salt-sensitive hypertension.


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RESUME : La douleur neuropathique est le résultat d'une lésion ou d'un dysfonctionnement du système nerveux. Les symptômes qui suivent la douleur neuropathique sont sévères et leur traitement inefficace. Une meilleure approche thérapeutique peut être proposée en se basant sur les mécanismes pathologiques de la douleur neuropathique. Lors d'une lésion périphérique une douleur neuropathique peut se développer et affecter le territoire des nerfs lésés mais aussi les territoires adjacents des nerfs non-lésés. Une hyperexcitabilité des neurones apparaît au niveau des ganglions spinaux (DRG) et de la corne dorsale (DH) de la moelle épinière. Le but de ce travail consiste à mettre en évidence les modifications moléculaires associées aux nocicepteurs lésés et non-lésés au niveau des DRG et des laminae I et II de la corne dorsale, là où l'information nociceptive est intégrée. Pour étudier les changements moléculaires liés à la douleur neuropathique nous utilisons le modèle animal d'épargne du nerf sural (spared nerve injury model, SNI) une semaine après la lésion. Pour la sélection du tissu d'intérêt nous avons employé la technique de la microdissection au laser, afin de sélectionner une sous-population spécifique de cellules (notamment les nocicepteurs lésés ou non-lésés) mais également de prélever le tissu correspondant dans les laminae superficielles. Ce travail est couplé à l'analyse à large spectre du transcriptome par puce ADN (microarray). Par ailleurs, nous avons étudié les courants électriques et les propriétés biophysiques des canaux sodiques (Na,,ls) dans les neurones lésés et non-lésés des DRG. Aussi bien dans le système nerveux périphérique, entre les neurones lésés et non-lésés, qu'au niveau central avec les aires recevant les projections des nocicepteurs lésés ou non-lésés, l'analyse du transcriptome montre des différences de profil d'expression. En effet, nous avons constaté des changements transcriptionnels importants dans les nocicepteurs lésés (1561 gènes, > 1.5x et pairwise comparaison > 77%) ainsi que dans les laminae correspondantes (618 gènes), alors que ces modifications transcriptionelles sont mineures au niveau des nocicepteurs non-lésés (60 gènes), mais important dans leurs laminae de projection (459 gènes). Au niveau des nocicepteurs, en utilisant la classification par groupes fonctionnels (Gene Ontology), nous avons observé que plusieurs processus biologiques sont modifiés. Ainsi des fonctions telles que la traduction des signaux cellulaires, l'organisation du cytosquelette ainsi que les mécanismes de réponse au stress sont affectés. Par contre dans les neurones non-lésés seuls les processus biologiques liés au métabolisme et au développement sont modifiés. Au niveau de la corne dorsale de la moelle, nous avons observé des modifications importantes des processus immuno-inflammatoires dans l'aire affectée par les nerfs lésés et des changements associés à l'organisation et la transmission synaptique au niveau de l'aire des nerfs non-lésés. L'analyse approfondie des canaux sodiques a démontré plusieurs changements d'expression, principalement dans les neurones lésés. Les analyses fonctionnelles n'indiquent aucune différence entre les densités de courant tétrodotoxine-sensible (TTX-S) dans les neurones lésés et non-lésés même si les niveaux d'expression des ARNm des sous-unités TTX-S sont modifiés dans les neurones lésés. L'inactivation basale dépendante du voltage des canaux tétrodotoxine-insensible (TTX-R) est déplacée vers des potentiels positifs dans les cellules lésées et non-lésées. En revanche la vitesse de récupération des courants TTX-S et TTX-R après inactivation est accélérée dans les neurones lésés. Ces changements pourraient être à l'origine de l'altération de l'activité électrique des neurones sensoriels dans le contexte des douleurs neuropathiques. En résumé, ces résultats suggèrent l'existence de mécanismes différenciés affectant les neurones lésés et les neurones adjacents non-lésés lors de la mise en place la douleur neuropathique. De plus, les changements centraux au niveau de la moelle épinière qui surviennent après lésion sont probablement intégrés différemment selon la perception de signaux des neurones périphériques lésés ou non-lésés. En conclusion, ces modulations complexes et distinctes sont probablement des acteurs essentiels impliqués dans la genèse et la persistance des douleurs neuropathiques. ABSTRACT : Neuropathic pain (NP) results from damage or dysfunction of the peripheral or central nervous system. Symptoms associated with NP are severe and difficult to treat. Targeting NP mechanisms and their translation into symptoms may offer a better therapeutic approach.Hyperexcitability of the peripheral and central nervous system occurs in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) and the dorsal horn (DH) of the spinal cord. We aimed to identify transcriptional variations in injured and in adjacent non-injured nociceptors as well as in corresponding laminae I and II of DH receiving their inputs.We investigated changes one week after the injury induced by the spared nerve injury model of NP. We employed the laser capture microdissection (LCM) for the procurement of specific cell-types (enrichment in nociceptors of injured/non-injured neurons) and laminae in combination with transcriptional analysis by microarray. In addition, we studied functionál properties and currents of sodium channels (Nav1s) in injured and neighboring non-injured DRG neurons.Microarray analysis at the periphery between injured and non-injured DRG neurons and centrally between the area of central projections from injured and non-injured neurons show significant and differential expression patterns. We reported changes in injured nociceptors (1561 genes, > 1.5 fold, >77% pairwise comparison) and in corresponding DH laminae (618 genes), while less modifications occurred in non-injured nociceptors (60 genes) and in corresponding DH laminae (459 genes). At the periphery, we observed by Gene Ontology the involvement of multiple biological processes in injured neurons such as signal transduction, cytoskeleton organization or stress responses. On contrast, functional overrepresentations in non-injured neurons were noted only in metabolic or developmentally related mechanisms. At the level of superficial laminae of the dorsal horn, we reported changes of immune and inflammatory processes in injured-related DH and changes associated with synaptic organization and transmission in DH corresponding to non-injured neurons. Further transcriptional analysis of Nav1s indicated several changes in injured neurons. Functional analyses of Nav1s have established no difference in tetrodotoxin-sensitive (TTX-S) current densities in both injured and non-injured neurons, despite changes in TTX-S Nav1s subunit mRNA levels. The tetrodotoxin-resistant (TTX-R) voltage dependence of steady state inactivation was shifted to more positive potentials in both injured and non-injured neurons, and the rate of recovery from inactivation of TTX-S and TTX-R currents was accelerated in injured neurons. These changes may lead to alterations in neuronal electrogenesis. Taken together, these findings suggest different mechanisms occurring in the injured neurons and the adjacent non-injured ones. Moreover, central changes after injury are probably driven in a different manner if they receive inputs from injured or non-injured neurons. Together, these distinct and complex modulations may contribute to NP.


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Recent progress in the experimental determination of protein structures allow to understand, at a very detailed level, the molecular recognition mechanisms that are at the basis of the living matter. This level of understanding makes it possible to design rational therapeutic approaches, in which effectors molecules are adapted or created de novo to perform a given function. An example of such an approach is drug design, were small inhibitory molecules are designed using in silico simulations and tested in vitro. In this article, we present a similar approach to rationally optimize the sequence of killer T lymphocytes receptors to make them more efficient against melanoma cells. The architecture of this translational research project is presented together with its implications both at the level of basic research as well as in the clinics.


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The nematode parasite Ascaris lumbricoides infects the digestive tracts of over 1.4 billion people worldwide, and its sister species, Ascaris suum, has infected a countless number of domesticated and feral pigs. It is generally thought that the putative ancestor to these worms infected either humans or pigs, but with the advent of domestication, they had ample opportunity to jump to a new host and subsequently specialize and evolve into a new species. While nuclear DNA markers decisively separate the two populations, mitochondrial sequences reveal that three major haplotypes are found in A. suum and in A. lumbricoides, indicating either occasional hybridization, causing introgression of gene trees, or retention of polymorphism dating back to the original ancestral species. This article provides an illustration of the combined contribution of parasitology, archaeoparasitology, genetics and paleogenetics to the history of ascariasis. We specifically investigate the molecular history of ascariasis in humans by sequencing DNA from the eggs of Ascaris found among ancient archeological remains. The findings of this paleogenetic survey will explain whether the three mitochondrial haplotypes result from recent hybridization and introgression, due to intensive human-pig interaction, or whether their co-occurrence predates pig husbandry, perhaps dating back to the common ancestor. We hope to show how human-pig interaction has shaped the recent evolutionary history of this disease, perhaps revealing the identity of the ancestral host.


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The aim of this work was to determine approaches that would improve the quality of ancient DNA (aDNA) present in coprolites to enhance the possibility of success in retrieving specific sequence targets. We worked with coprolites from South American archaeological sites in Brazil and Chile dating up to 7,000 years ago. Using established protocols for aDNA extraction we obtained samples showing high degradation as usually happens with this kind of material. The reconstructive polymerization pretreatment was essential to overcome the DNA degradation and the serial dilutions helped with to prevent polymerase chain reaction (PCR) inhibitors. Moreover, the random amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR has been shown to be a reliable technique for further experiments to recover specific aDNA sequences.


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The modern approach to the development of new chemical entities against complex diseases, especially the neglected endemic diseases such as tuberculosis and malaria, is based on the use of defined molecular targets. Among the advantages, this approach allows (i) the search and identification of lead compounds with defined molecular mechanisms against a defined target (e.g. enzymes from defined pathways), (ii) the analysis of a great number of compounds with a favorable cost/benefit ratio, (iii) the development even in the initial stages of compounds with selective toxicity (the fundamental principle of chemotherapy), (iv) the evaluation of plant extracts as well as of pure substances. The current use of such technology, unfortunately, is concentrated in developed countries, especially in the big pharma. This fact contributes in a significant way to hamper the development of innovative new compounds to treat neglected diseases. The large biodiversity within the territory of Brazil puts the country in a strategic position to develop the rational and sustained exploration of new metabolites of therapeutic value. The extension of the country covers a wide range of climates, soil types, and altitudes, providing a unique set of selective pressures for the adaptation of plant life in these scenarios. Chemical diversity is also driven by these forces, in an attempt to best fit the plant communities to the particular abiotic stresses, fauna, and microbes that co-exist with them. Certain areas of vegetation (Amazonian Forest, Atlantic Forest, Araucaria Forest, Cerrado-Brazilian Savanna, and Caatinga) are rich in species and types of environments to be used to search for natural compounds active against tuberculosis, malaria, and chronic-degenerative diseases. The present review describes some strategies to search for natural compounds, whose choice can be based on ethnobotanical and chemotaxonomical studies, and screen for their ability to bind to immobilized drug targets and to inhibit their activities. Molecular cloning, gene knockout, protein expression and purification, N-terminal sequencing, and mass spectrometry are the methods of choice to provide homogeneous drug targets for immobilization by optimized chemical reactions. Plant extract preparations, fractionation of promising plant extracts, propagation protocols and definition of in planta studies to maximize product yield of plant species producing active compounds have to be performed to provide a continuing supply of bioactive materials. Chemical characterization of natural compounds, determination of mode of action by kinetics and other spectroscopic methods (MS, X-ray, NMR), as well as in vitro and in vivo biological assays, chemical derivatization, and structure-activity relationships have to be carried out to provide a thorough knowledge on which to base the search for natural compounds or their derivatives with biological activity.