999 resultados para mitigation plan


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Advocacy Action Plan


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The Bamford Review of Mental Health and Learning Disability, an independent and comprehensive review of legislation, policy and service provision, concluded in August 2007.


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DHSSPS Savings Delivery Plan 2011-12


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A strategy to improve outcomes, services and support for people in Northern Ireland who have a physical, communication or sensory disability.


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On 27 January 2011 the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (DHSSPS) launched a three month public consultation for a new draft Physical and Sensory Disability Strategy and Action Plan (2011-2015). åÊ The aim of the consultation was to provide the opportunity for a range of different stakeholders (public authorities and organisations, individuals including persons with disabilities and community and voluntary organisations) from across Northern Ireland to give feedback on the suggested priorities and challenges detailed in the document. The Department recognised the need for a new Disability Strategy and Action Plan not least to address new and developing challenges and opportunities. These include: åÊ • Obligations taken by the UK and NI in signing and ratifying the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; åÊ • New innovations and models of care, support and treatment available within health and social care; åÊ • The current demographic trends and financial constraints being faced by everyone. åÊ åÊ åÊ


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Pandemic Flu


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Northern Ireland may not enjoy the sunniest climate in the world, or even in the UK, however, in spite of this we have witnessed a significant rise in the incidence of melanoma skin cancer cases in recent years - from 80 cases in 1984 to 282 in 2009 (the latest year for which published figures are available). In relation to non-melanoma skin cancers, there are approximately 2,850 new cases here each year, making it the most common type of cancer diagnosed in Northern Ireland. åÊ The rise in the number of skin cancer cases is alarming. We know that the increase in this particular type of cancer is global and not just confined to our part of the world. We also know there are many factors involved: the significant rise in people travelling on foreign sun holidays; more leisure time being spent out of doors; and damage caused to the ozone layer to name but a few. åÊ Substantial progress in the area of skin cancer awareness raising and prevention has been made through the previous “Melanoma Strategy” which was developed in 1997. However, the unfortunate reality is that we will continue to see rising rates of skin cancer for some time to come as a result of many years of overexposure to the sun before skin cancer prevention programmes were developed. Until we can reverse this trend through effective campaigning and awareness raising, early detection will be key to bringing down mortality rates. While the 1997 strategy was right for its time, there have been many developments since then, necessitating a new strategy to reflect today’s position. åÊ For example, recent studies about the importance of vitamin D have highlighted the need for balance in sun safety messages. This new strategy is not about stopping people from enjoying the sun and its many benefits. Rather, it is about encouraging people to take proportionate measures to prevent overexposure. åÊ åÊ


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Report on the Review of the Home Accident Prevention Strategy & Action Plan 2004-09


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Easy Read version of Speech, Language and Communication Therapy Action Plan (2011/12 - 2012/13)


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Making life better for people with a learning disability and people with menal health prblems who live in Northern ireland