979 resultados para minutes 25.4
Plasma sprayable powders were prepared from ZrO2-CaO-CeO2 system using an organic binder and coated onto stainless steel substrates previously coated by a bond coat (Ni 22Cr 20Al 1.0Y) using plasma spraying. The coatings exhibited good thermal barrier characteristics and excellent resistance to thermal shock at 1000 degrees C under simulated laboratory conditions (90 half hour cycles without failure) and at 1200 degrees C under accelerated burner rig test conditions (500 2 min cycles without failure). No destabilization of cubic/tetragonal ZrO2 phase fraction occured either during the long hours (45 h cumulative) or the large number of thermal shock tests. Growth of a distinct SiO2 rich region within the ceramic was observed in the specimens thermal shock cycled at 1000 degrees C apart from mild oxidation of the bond coat. The specimens tested at 1200 degrees C had a glassy appearance on the top surface and exhibited severe oxidation of the bond coat at the ceramic-bond coat interface. The glassy appearance of the surface is due to the formation of a liquid silicate layer attributable to the impurity phase present in commercial grade ZrO2 powder. These observations are supported by SEM analysis and quantitative EDAX data.
Formulation of quantum first passage problem is attempted in terms of a restricted Feynman path integral that simulates an absorbing barrier as in the corresponding classical case. The positivity of the resulting probability density, however, remains to be demonstrated.
Underground tunnels are vulnerable to terrorist attacks which can cause collapse of the tunnel structures or at least extensive damage, requiring lengthy repairs. This paper treats the blast impact on a reinforced concrete segmental tunnel buried in soil under a number of parametric conditions; soil properties, soil cover, distance of explosive from the tunnel centreline and explosive weight and analyses the possible failure patterns. A fully coupled Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) technique incorporating the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method is used in this study. Results indicate that the tunnel in saturated soil is more vulnerable to severe damage than that buried in either partially saturated soil or dry soil. The tunnel is also more vulnerable to surface explosions which occur directly above the centre of the tunnel than those that occur at any equivalent distances in the ground away from the tunnel centre. The research findings provide useful information on modeling, analysis, overall tunnel response and failure patterns of segmented tunnels subjected to blast loads. This information will guide future development and application of research in this field.
A Burnett apparatus deslgned and fabrlcated was used to collect volumetric data for ethylene and ethylene-hydrogen mixtures. Measurements were made In the temperature range 298.15-423.15 K at Intervals of 25 K and In the pressure range 0.3-7.0 MPa. Vlrlal coefflclents derlved from the compresslblllty data are tabulated. The data are fltted to different equations of state.
The Fraunhoffer diffraction analysis of cloud-covered satellite imagery has shown that the diffraction pattern follows approximately cosine squared distribution. The overshooting tops of clouds and the shadows cast by them contribute much to the diffraction of light, particularly in the high-frequency range. Indeed, cloud-covered imagery can be distinguished from cloud-free imagery on the basis of rate of decay of the diffracted light power in the high-frequency band.
The flow of a micropolar fluid in an orthogonal rheometer is considered. It is shown that an infinite number of exact solutions characterizing asymmetric motions are possible. The expressions for pressure in the fluid, the components of the forces and couples acting on the plates are obtained. The effect of microrotation on the flow is brought out by considering numerical results for the case of coaxially rotating disks.
Ursula Schlosstein born Gottschalk in her nursery school, Allens Lane Art Center.
Acoustic surface waves can be generated along the plasma column in pressure equilibrium with a gas blanket in the presence of the uniform axial magnetic field. Unlike the case of volume-acoustic-wave generation in the magnetoplasma reported recently, the threshold magnetic field required for the generation of acoustic surface waves increases with increasing gas pressure.
Ursula Schlosstein born Gottschalk in her nursery school, Allens Lane Art Center.
To evaluate the role of using forage, shade and shelterbelts in attracting birds into the range, three trials were undertaken with free range layers both on a research facility and on commercial farms. Each of the trials on the free range research facility in South Australia used a total of 120 laying hens (Hyline Brown). Birds were housed in an eco-shelter which had 6 internal pens of equal size with a free range area adjoining the shelter. The on-farm trials were undertaken on commercial free range layer farms in the Darling Downs in Southeast Queensland with bird numbers on farms ranging from 2,000-6,800 hens. The first research trial examined the role of shaded areas in the range; the second trial examined the role of forage and the third trial examined the influence of shelterbelts in the range. These treatments were compared to a free range area with no enrichment. Aggressive feather pecking was only observed on a few occasions in all of the trials due to the low bird numbers housed. Enriching the free range environment attracted more birds into the range. Shaded areas were used by 18% of the hens with a tendency (p = 0.07) for more hens to be in the paddock. When forage was provided in paddocks more control birds (55%) were observed in the range in morning than in the afternoon (30%) while for the forage treatments 45% of the birds were in the range both during the morning and afternoon. When shelterbelts were provided there was a significantly (p<0.05) higher % of birds in the range (43% vs. 24%) and greater numbers of birds were observed in areas further away from the poultry house. The results from the on-farm trials mirrored the research trials. Overall 3 times more hens used the shaded areas than the non shaded areas, with slightly more using the shade in the morning than in the afternoon. As the environmental temperature increased the number of birds using the outdoor shade also increased. Overall 17 times more hens used the shelterbelt areas than the control areas, with slightly more using the shelterbelts in the afternoon than in the morning. Approximately 17 times more birds used the forage areas compared to the control area in the corresponding range. There were 8 times more birds using a hay bale enriched area compared to the area with no hay bales. The use of forage sources (including hay bales) were the most successful method on-farm to attract birds into the range followed by shelterbelts and artificial shade. Free range egg farmers are encouraged to provide pasture, shaded areas and shelterbelts to attract birds into the free range.
The aim of this thesis was to study the basic relationships between thinning and fertilisation, tree growth rate and wood properties of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) throughout a stand rotation. The material consisted of a total of 109 trees from both long-term thinning (Heinola, 61°10'N, 26°01'E; Punkaharju, 61°49'N, 29°19'E) and fertilisation-thinning experiments (Parikkala, 61°36'N, 29°22'E; Suonenjoki, 62°45'N, 27°00'E) in Finland. Wood properties, i.e., radial increment, wood density, latewood proportion, tracheid length, cell wall thickness and lumen diameter, as well as relative lignin content, were measured in detail from the pith to the bark, as well as from the stem base towards the stem apex. Intensive thinning and fertilisation treatments of Norway spruce stands increased (8% 64%) the radial increment of studied trees at breast height (1.3 m). At the same time, a faster growth rate slightly decreased average wood density (2% 7%), tracheid length (0% 9%) and cell wall thickness (1% 17%). The faster growth resulted in only small changes (0% 9%) in lumen diameter and relative lignin content (1% 2%; lignin content was 25.4% 26%). However, the random variation in wood properties was large both between and within trees and annual rings. The results of this thesis indicate that the prevailing thinning and fertilisation treatments of Norway spruce stands in Fennoscandia may significantly enhance the radial increment of individual trees, and cause only small or no detrimental changes in wood and tracheid properties.
Since 1992, wild dolphin provisioning has occurred on a nightly basis at Tangalooma, a resort located on Moreton Island, Australia. Each evening at dusk up to 12 bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) are provided with fish in a regulated provisioning program. Since July 1998, biologists managing the program have documented 23 occurrences of "gift giving," when several of the provisioned dolphins have offered wild-caught cephalopod or fin fish species to staff members. The characteristics of each of these events are presented, and we explore the relationships between these events and their temporal patterns, and the age and sex of the dolphins involved. We also consider the behavioral explanations for the "gift giving," including prey sharing, play, and teaching behaviors, which have previously been described for cetaceans and other higher mammals. Gift giving may occur either as a discreet behavior (that may be a sequel to one or more other behaviors such as play or food preparation), or as a part of other behaviors, such as play and/or food sharing. It is most likely a manifestation of the particular relationship between the provisioned dolphins and the human participants in the provisioning. Gift giving has become an established but infrequent part of the culture of the provisioned dolphins at Tangalooma. © ISAZ 2012 Printed in the UK.
Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää väkirehumäärän vaikutuksia lypsylehmien säilörehun syöntiin ja syöntikäyttäytymiseen sekä tuotokseen lypsykauden alussa. Väkirehun määrän vaikutuksia on tutkittu paljon niukemmalla väkirehustuksella. Tilojen väkirehun osuus rehustuksessa saattaa ylittää jopa 60 %, joten on tärkeää selvittää väkevän rehustuksen vaikutusta lehmiin. Tutkimustietoa väkirehun määrän vaikutuksista säilörehupohjaisella ruokinnalla lypsykauden alussa on myös suhteellisen vähän. Koe suoritettiin Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskuksessa (MTT) Jokioisissa Minkiön koenavetassa 20.9.2005 - 25.4.2006 välisenä aikana. Koe tehtiin pihaton osastossa, jossa oli säilörehun syöntiä mittaavat vaakakupit. Koe tehtiin jatkuvana ryhmäkokeena satunnaistetun koemallin mukaisesti. Koe-eläiminä oli 30 Ayshire-lehmää, joista 12 oli ensikoita ja 18 vanhempaa lehmää. Eläimet otettiin kokeeseen poikimisen jälkeen ja ne olivat mukana kokeessa 100 ensimmäisen lypsypäivän ajan. Kokeessa oli kaksi ryhmää eli matalan väkirehutason eläimet (MVR) sekä korkean väkirehutason eläimet (KVR). Vähemmän väkirehua saaneet eläimet saivat väkirehua 10 kg (ensikot) tai 13 kg (vanhemmat lehmät) päivässä. Väkevämmän ruokinnan ryhmässä vastaavat väkirehumäärät olivat 15 kg (ensikot) ja 18 kg (vanhemmat lehmät). Herutuksen kesto oli MVR-ryhmässä 11 vuorokautta ja KVR-ryhmässä 17 vuorokautta. Väkirehun määrän lisääminen vähensi säilörehun syöntiä, mutta lisäsi syönnin kokonaismäärää. Toteutuneet väkirehun osuudet kuiva-aineen syönnin kokonaismäärästä olivat 64 % (KVR) ja 52 % (MVR). Syönnin kokonaismäärä oli KVR-ryhmässä keskimäärin 2,1 kg kuiva-ainetta suurempi kuin MVR-ryhmässä. Säilörehun syönti oli MVR-ryhmässä keskimäärin 9,4 kg ka ja KVR-ryhmässä 7,9 kg ka. Korvaussuhde oli 0,41 kg ka säilörehua / kg ka väkirehua. Säilörehun syönnissä oli havaittavissa neljä syöntihuippua, eikä syönnin rytmittyminen poikennut juuri ryhmien välillä. Syöntihuiput tapahtuivat rehunjaon ja lypsyn jälkeen. Lisäksi keskiyöllä oli havaittavissa pienempi syöntihuippu. Enemmän väkirehua saaneet lehmät söivät säilörehua yhtä monta kertaa päivässä, mutta söivät numeerisesti nopeammin. Niiden yksittäinen syöntikerta oli lyhyempi ja sen aikana syöntimäärä oli pienempi kuin MVR-ryhmän eläimillä. Säilörehun syöntimäärä lisääntyi poikimisen jälkeen molemmissa ryhmissä, mutta määrän lisääntyminen tapahtui nopeammin vähemmän väkirehua saaneiden ryhmässä. Syöntimäärän lisääntyminen on selitettävissä kokonaissyöntiajan lisääntymisellä, sekä syöntiajan lisääntymisellä syöntikertaa kohden. Sitävastoin syöntinopeus hidastui lypsykauden edetessä. Tässä kokeessa ei saavutettu tuotosvastetta väkirehun määrää lisäämällä, vaikka rehun kokonaissyönti lisääntyi selvästi. Tuotosvaste oli vain 0,027 kg/kg ka väkirehua. Energiakorjattuna maitona ilmaistuna tuotosvaste oli negatiivinen eli - 0,22 EKM/kg ka. Huono tuotosvaste voi johtua tässä kokeessa väkirehun suuresta määrästä ja koostumuksesta. Suurempi kuiva-aineen syönti näytti kerryttävän KVR-ryhmän eläinten elopainoa maidontuotannon sijaan. Maidon rasva- ja valkuaispitoisuuksissa ei havaittu merkitseviä eroja ryhmien välillä, mutta pitoisuudet olivat pienempiä KVR-ryhmässä MVR-ryhmään verrattuna.