964 resultados para minijardim clonal
A comprehensive genetic analysis of 60 Mycoplasma sp. bovine group 7 isolates from different geographic origins and epidemiological settings is presented. Twenty-four isolates were recovered from the joints of calves during sporadic episodes of polyarthritis in geographically distinct regions of Queensland and New South Wales, Australia, including two clones of the type strain PG5O. A further three Australian isolates were also recovered from the tympanic bulla, retropharyngeal lymph node and the lung and another three isolates had unconfirmed histories. Six isolates originated from Germany, Portugal, Nigeria, and France. Twenty-four epidemiologically related isolates of Mycoplasma sp. bovine group 7 were recovered from multiple tissue sites and body fluids of infected calves with polyarthritis, mastitic milk, and from the stomach contents, lung and liver from aborted foetuses in three large, centrally managed dairy herds in New South Wales, Australia. Restriction endonuclease analysis (REA) of genomic DNA differentiated 29 Cfol profiles among these 60 isolates and grouped all 24 epidemiologically related isolates in a defined pattern showing a clonal origin. Three isolates of this clonal cluster were recovered from mastitic milk and the synovial exudate of clinically-affected calves and appeared sporadically for periods up to 18 months after the initial outbreak of polyarthritis indicating a persistent, close association of the organism with cattle in these herds. The Cfol profile representative of the clonal cluster was distinguishable from profiles of isolates recovered from multiple, unrelated cases of polyarthritis in Queensland and New South Wales and from other countries. All 24 isolates from the clonal cluster possessed a plasmid (pBG7AU) with a molecular size of 1022 bp. DNA sequence analysis of pBG7AU identified two open reading frames sharing 81 and 99% DNA sequence similarity with hypothetical replication control proteins A and B respectively, previously described in plasmid pADB201 isolated from M. mycoides subspecies mycoides. Other isolates of bovine group 7, epidemiologically unrelated to the clonal cluster, including two clones of the type strain PG5O, possessed a similar-sized plasmid. These data confirm that Mycoplasma sp. bovine group 7 is capable of migrating to, and multiplying within, different tissue sites within a single animal and among different animals within a herd.
Clonality is frequently positively correlated with plant invasiveness, but which aspects of clonality make some clonal species more invasive than others is not known. Due to their spreading growth form, clonal plants are likely to experience spatial heterogeneity in nutrient availability. Plasticity in allocation of biomass to clonal growth organs and roots may allow these plants to forage for high-nutrient patches. We investigated whether this foraging response is stronger in species that have become invasive than in species that have not. We used six confamilial pairs of native European clonal plant species differing in invasion success in the USA. We grew all species in large pots under homogeneous or heterogeneous nutrient conditions in a greenhouse, and compared their nutrient-foraging response and performance. Neither invasive nor non-invasive species showed significant foraging responses to heterogeneity in clonal growth organ biomass or in aboveground biomass of clonal offspring. Invasive species had, however, a greater positive foraging response in terms of root and belowground biomass than non-invasive species. Invasive species also produced more total biomass. Our results suggest that the ability for strong root foraging is among the characteristics promoting invasiveness in clonal plants.
Mycobacterium bovis populations in countries with persistent bovine tuberculosis usually show a prevalent spoligotype with a wide geographical distribution. This study applied mycobacterial interspersed repetitive-unit-variable-number tandem-repeat (MIRU-VNTR) typing to a random panel of 115 M. bovis isolates that are representative of the most frequent spoligotype in the Iberian Peninsula, SB0121. VNTR typing targeted nine loci: ETR-A (alias VNTR2165), ETR-B (VNTR2461), ETR-D (MIRU4, VNTR580), ETR-E (MIRU31, VNTR3192), MIRU26 (VNTR2996), QUB11a (VNTR2163a), QUB11b (VNTR2163b), QUB26 (VNTR4052), and QUB3232 (VNTR3232). We found a high degree of diversity among the studied isolates (discriminatory index [D] = 0.9856), which were split into 65 different MIRU-VNTR types. An alternative short-format MIRU-VNTR typing targeting only the four loci with the highest variability values was found to offer an equivalent discriminatory index. Minimum spanning trees using the MIRU-VNTR data showed the hypothetical evolution of an apparent clonal group. MIRU-VNTR analysis was also applied to the isolates of 176 animals from 15 farms infected by M. bovis SB0121; in 10 farms, the analysis revealed the coexistence of two to five different MIRU types differing in one to six loci, which highlights the frequency of undetected heterogeneity.
Untreated AKR mice develop spontaneous thymic lymphomas by 6-12 months of age. Lymphoma development is accelerated when young mice are injected with the carcinogen N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU). Selected molecular and cellular events were compared during the latent period preceding "spontaneous" (retrovirally-induced) and MNU-induced thymic lymphoma development in AKR mice. These studies were undertaken to test the hypothesis that thymic lymphomas induced in the same inbred mouse strain by endogenous retroviruses and by a chemical carcinogen develop by different mechanisms.^ Immunofluorescence analysis of differentiation antigens showed that most MNU-induced lymphomas express an immature CD4-8+ profile. In contrast, spontaneous lymphomas represent each of the major lymphocyte subsets. These data suggest involvement of different target populations in MNU-induced and spontaneous lymphomas. Analyses at intervals after MNU treatment revealed selective expansion of the CD4-8+ J11d+ thymocyte subset at 8-10 weeks post-MNU in 68% of the animals examined, suggesting that these cells are targets for MNU-induced lymphomagenesis. Untreated age-matched animals showed no selective expansion of thymocyte subsets.^ Previous data have shown that both spontaneous and MNU-induced lymphomas are monoclonal or oligoclonal. Distinct rearrangement patterns of the J$\sb2$ region of the T-cell receptor $\beta$-chain showed emergence of clonal thymocyte populations beginning at 6-7 weeks after MNU treatment. However, lymphocytes from untreated animals showed no evidence of clonal expansion at the time intervals investigated.^ Activation of c-myc frequently occurs during development of B- and T- cell lymphomas. Both spontaneous and MNU-induced lymphomas showed increased c-myc transcript levels. Increased c-myc transcription was first detected at 6 weeks post-MNU, and persisted throughout the latent period. However, untreated animals showed no increases in c-myc transcripts at the time intervals examined. Another nuclear oncogene, c-fos, did not display a similar change in RNA transcription during the latent period.^ These results supports the hypothesis that MNU-induced and spontaneous tumors develop by multi-step pathways which are distinct with respect to the target cell population affected. Clonal emergence and c-myc deregulation are important steps in the development of both MNU-induced and spontaneous tumors, but the onset of these events is later in spontaneous tumor development. ^
Unbalanced (major route) additional cytogenetic aberrations (ACA) at diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) indicate an increased risk of progression and shorter survival. Moreover, newly arising ACA under imatinib treatment and clonal evolution are considered features of acceleration and define failure of therapy according to the European LeukemiaNet (ELN) recommendations. On the basis of 1151 Philadelphia chromosome positive chronic phase patients of the randomized CML-study IV, we examined the incidence of newly arising ACA under imatinib treatment with regard to the p210BCR-ABL breakpoint variants b2a2 and b3a2. We found a preferential acquisition of unbalanced ACA in patients with b3a2 vs. b2a2 fusion type (ratio: 6.3 vs. 1.6, p = 0.0246) concurring with a faster progress to blast crisis for b3a2 patients (p = 0.0124). ESPL1/Separase, a cysteine endopeptidase, is a key player in chromosomal segregation during mitosis. Separase overexpression and/or hyperactivity has been reported from a wide range of cancers and cause defective mitotic spindles, chromosome missegregation and aneuploidy. We investigated the influence of p210BCR-ABL breakpoint variants and imatinib treatment on expression and proteolytic activity of Separase as measured with a specific fluorogenic assay on CML cell lines (b2a2: KCL-22, BV-173; b3a2: K562, LAMA-84). Despite a drop in Separase protein levels an up to 5.4-fold increase of Separase activity under imatinib treatment was observed exclusively in b3a2 but not in b2a2 cell lines. Mimicking the influence of imatinib on BV-173 and LAMA-84 cells by ESPL1 silencing stimulated Separase proteolytic activity in both b3a2 and b2a2 cell lines. Our data suggest the existence of a fusion type-related feedback mechanism that posttranslationally stimulates Separase proteolytic activity after therapy-induced decreases in Separase protein levels. This could render b3a2 CML cells more prone to aneuploidy and clonal evolution than b2a2 progenitors and may therefore explain the cytogenetic results of CML patients.
La mejora y conservación de recursos genéticos en especies forestales lleva siglos de retraso con respecto a las especies agrícolas. Los recursos forestales se han considerado tradicionalmente como recursos �mineros�, en los que primaba la mera extracción dejando exclusivamente a la regeneración natural la labor de sostenibilidad en los montes y dehesas o montados. Hoy en día, el necesario desarrollo del medio rural obliga a la explotación racional de los recursos como medio de garantizar su sostenibilidad. Por ello se está empezando a extender el criterio de que las especies forestales se pueden y deben �cultivar� en determinados espacios. Las características biológicas de las especies forestales las hacen, a menudo, recalcitrantes a las técnicas de mejora y conservación de recursos genéticos tradicionalmente aplicadas a especies agrícolas. En particular, la propagación vegetativa se ha utilizado ampliamente en muchos cultivos leñosos como una herramienta muy poderosa para capturar todo el potencial genético de combinaciones genéticas valiosas. En especies forestales, en particular en las mediterráneas, esta posibilidad raramente se ha podido aplicar debido a la baja capacidad morfogénica de estas especies y la fuerte influencia de la maduración o cambio de fase. En los últimos años la biotecnología forestal ha tenido un desarrollo espectacular. En particular las técnicas de regeneración clonal de plantas basadas en técnicas de cultivo in vitro, fundamentalmente vía embriogénesis somática, se están ya aplicando por muchas empresas privadas e instituciones públicas a nivel semi-operativo con diversas especies, para la conservación de material selecto y el establecimiento de ensayos clonales. Nuestros grupos de trabajo están desarrollando protocolos de regeneración por embriogénesis somática en distintas especies forestales. En esta comunicación se presenta el estado actual de los conocimientos en dos especies típicamente mediterráneas, el alcornoque (Quercus suber L.) y el pino piñonero (Pinus pinea L.), destacando los principales cuellos de botella para su aplicación a gran escala.
Quercus pyrenaica es una especie rebrotadora de raíz intensa e históricamente aprovechada en monte bajo para la obtención de leñas, carbón y pastos. Debido al éxodo rural y a la aparición de nuevas fuentes energéticas, este aprovechamiento fue abandonado en la década de 1970. Desde entonces, las bajas producciones de madera y bellota y el puntisecado de los pies evidencian el generalizado estancamiento de estas masas. Uno de los mayores retos actuales de la selvicultura en el ámbito mediterráneo es encontrar usos alternativos para estos montes abandonados, siendo la conversión a monte alto una de las alternativas preferidas. Se han realizado resalveos de conversión, sin embrago, éstos se aplican sin un conocimiento integral de las causas de la degradación. En esta tesis doctoral, estudiamos un hipotético desequilibrio entre la parte radical y la parte aérea (R:S) de las cepas de rebollo como causa subyacente de su decaimiento. En una parcela experimental, aprovechada al menos desde el siglo XII, se realizaron análisis genéticos a priori para elucidar la estructura genética del rodal, y así estudiar la influencia del tamaño clonal en el funcionamiento de las cepas. Las cepas de mayor tamaño presentaron un menor crecimiento diametral de sus pies, así como mayores tasas de respiración radical, estimadas a partir de flujos internos de CO2 a través del xilema (FT) y de los flujos de CO2 del suelo. Estos resultados sugieren que el desequilibrio R:S aumenta con el tamaño clonal, dado que la eliminación periódica de órganos aéreos, al mismo tiempo que las raíces permanecen intactas, da lugar a un gran desarrollo del sistema radical que consume gran parte de los carbohidratos no estructurales (NSC) en respiración de mantenimiento, comprometiendo así el desarrollo de órganos aéreos. Se excavaron y pesaron dos cepas compuestas por cuatro y ocho pies, las cuales mostraron ratios R:S (0.5 y 1, respectivamente) superiores a los registrados en pies de origen sexual. Al igual que en otras especies rebrotadoras de raíz, se observaron altas concentraciones de NSC en las raíces (> 20% en primavera) y una gran proporción de albura en el sistema radical (52%) que alberga una notable reserva de NSC (87 kg en la cepa de mayor tamaño). En el sistema radical de dicha cepa, estimada mediante dataciones radiocarbónicas en 550 años de edad, se contaron 248 uniones radicales. La persistencia de sistemas radicales grandes, viejos, y altamente interconectados sugiere que la gran cantidad de recursos almacenados y consumidos en las raíces compensan un pobre desarrollo aéreo con una alta resiliencia vegetativa. Para un mejor entendimiento de los balances de carbono y del agotamiento de NSC en las cepas de rebollo, se midieron los flujos internos y externos de CO2 en troncos y los flujos de CO2 del suelo, y se estimó la respiración de órganos aéreos (RS) y subterráneos (RR). Estacionalmente, RS y RR reflejaron las dinámicas de flujo de savia y de crecimiento del tronco, y estuvieron determinadas principalmente por los flujos externos de CO2, dada la escasa contribución de FT a RS y RR (< 10% y < 2%, respectivamente). En una escala circadiana, la contribución de FT a RS aumentó hasta un 25% en momentos de alta transpiración. Las bajas concentraciones de CO2 en el xilema ([CO2] hasta un 0.11%) determinaron comparativamente unos bajos FT, probablemente causados por una limitada respiración del xilema y una baja resistencia a la difusión radial del CO2 impuestos por la sequía estival. Los pulsos de [CO2] observados tras las primeras lluvias de otoño apoyan esta idea. A lo largo del periodo vegetativo, el flujo medio de CO2 procedente del suelo (39 mol CO2 day-1) fue el mayor flujo respiratorio, tres y cuatro veces superior a RS (12 mol CO2 day-1) y RR (8-9 mol CO2 day-1), respectivamente. Ratios RR/RS menores que la unidad evidencian un importante peso de la respiración aérea como sumidero de carbono adicional. Finalmente, se ensayó el zanjado de raíces y el anillamiento de troncos como tratamientos selvícolas alternativos con el objetivo de aumentar las reservas de NSC en los troncos de las cepas. Los resultados preliminares desaconsejan el zanjado de raíces por el alto coste derivado posiblemente de la cicatrización de las heridas. El anillado de troncos imposibilitó el transporte de NSC a las raíces y aumentó la concentración de almidón por encima de la zona anillada, mientras que sistema radical se mantiene por los pies no anillados de la cepa. Son necesarias más mediciones y datos adicionales para comprobar el mantenimiento de esta respuesta positiva a largo plazo. Para concluir, destacamos la necesidad de estudios multidisciplinares que permitan una comprensión integral de la degradación de los rebollares ibéricos para poder aplicar a posteriori una gestión adecuada en estos montes bajos abandonados. ABSTRACT Quercus pyrenaica is a vigorous root-resprouting species intensively and historically coppiced for firewood, charcoal and woody pastures. Due to the rural exodus and the appearance of new energy sources, coppicing was abandoned towards 1970. Since then, tree overaging has resulted in stand stagnation displayed by slow stem growth, branch dieback, and scarce acorn production. The urgent need to find new alternative uses for abandoned coppices is recognized as one of the biggest challenges which currently faces Mediterranean silviculture; conversion into high forest by thinning is one of the preferred alternatives. For this aim, thinning has been broadly applied and seldom tested, although without a comprehensive understanding of the causes of stand stagnation. In this PhD study, we test the hypothesis of an imbalance between above- and below-ground organs, result of long term coppicing, as the underlying cause of Q. pyrenaica decay. In an experimental plot coppiced since at least the 12th century, genetic analyses were performed a priori to elucidate inconspicuous clonal structure of Q. pyrenaica to evaluate how clonal size affects the functioning of these multi-stemmed trees. Clonal size negatively affected diametric stem growth, whereas root respiration rates, measured by internal fluxes of CO2 through xylem (FT) and soil CO2 efflux, increased with clonal size. These results suggest root-to-shoot (R:S) imbalance intensifying with clonal size: periodic removal of aboveground organs whilst belowground organs remain undisturbed may have led to massive root systems which consume a great proportion of non-structural carbohydrates (NSC) for maintenance respiration, thus constraining aboveground performance. Furthermore, excavation of two multi-stemmed trees, composed by four and eight stems, revealed R:S ratios (0.5 and 1, respectively) greater than those reported for sexually regenerated trees. Moreover, as similarly observed in several root-resprouting species, NSC allocation to roots was favored ([NSC] > 20% in spring): a large proportion of sapwood maintained throughout the root system (52%) stored a remarkable NSC pool of 87 kg in the case of the largest clone. In this root system of the eight-stemmed tree, 248 root connections were counted and, by radiocarbon dating, its age was estimated to be 550-years-old. Persistence of massive, old and highly interconnected root systems suggests that enhanced belowground NSC storage and consumption reflects a trade-off between vegetative resilience and aboveground development. For a better understanding of tree carbon budget and the potential role of carbon starvation in Q. pyrenaica decay, internal and external stem CO2 fluxes and soil CO2 effluxes were monitored to evaluate respiratory costs above- and below-ground. On a seasonal scale, stem and root respiration (RS and RR) mirrored sap flow and stem growth dynamics. Respiration was determined to the greatest extent by external fluxes of CO2 to the atmosphere or soil, since FT accounted for a low proportion of RS and RR (< 10% and < 2%, respectively). On a diel scale, the contribution of FT to RS increased up to 25% at high transpiration rates. Comparatively low FT was determined by the low concentration of xylem CO2 registered ([CO2] as low as 0.11%), likely as a consequence of constrained xylem respiration and reduced resistance to CO2 radial diffusion imposed by summer drought. Xylem [CO2] pulses following first autumn rains support this idea. Averaged over the growing season, soil CO2 efflux was the greatest respiratory flux (39 mol CO2 day-1), three and four times greater than RS (12 mol CO2 day-1) and RR (8-9 mol CO2 day-1), respectively. Ratios of RR/RS below one evidence an additional and important weight of aboveground respiration as a tree carbon sink. Finally, root trenching and stem girdling were tested as complimentary treatments to thinning as a means to improve carbon reserves in stems of clonal trees. Preliminary results discouraged root trenching due to the high cost likely incurred for wound closure. Stem girdling successfully blocked NSC translocation downward, increasing starch concentrations above the girdled zone whilst the root system is fed by non-girdled stems within the clone. Further measurements and ancillary data are necessary to verify that this positive effect hold over time. To conclude, the need of multidisciplinary approaches for an integrative understanding on the functioning of abandoned Q pyrenaica coppices is highlighted for an appropriate management of these stands.
Among the four subtypes of Hodgkin disease (HD), lymphocyte-predominant (LP) HD is now generally considered as a separate entity. The B cell nature of the typical Hodgkin and Reed–Sternberg (HRS) cells and their variants (L and H, lymphocytic and histiocytic cells) in LP HD has long been suspected, but the question of whether these cells represent a true tumor clone is unclear. We previously demonstrated clonal Ig gene rearrangements in one case of LP HD. In the present study, five cases of LP HD were analyzed by micromanipulation of single HRS cells from frozen tissue sections and DNA amplification of rearranged Ig heavy chain genes from those cells. Clonal V gene rearrangements harboring somatic mutations were detected in each case. In three cases ongoing somatic mutation was evident. This shows that HRS cells in LP HD are a clonal tumor population derived from germinal center B cells. The pattern of somatic mutation indicates that HRS cells in LP HD are selected for antibody expression. This, and the presence of ongoing mutation discriminates LP from classical HD.
Plasmodium falciparum, the agent of malignant malaria, is one of mankind’s most severe scourges. Efforts to develop preventive vaccines or remedial drugs are handicapped by the parasite’s rapid evolution of drug resistance and protective antigens. We examine 25 DNA sequences of the gene coding for the highly polymorphic antigenic circumsporozoite protein. We observe total absence of silent nucleotide variation in the two nonrepeated regions of the gene. We propose that this absence reflects a recent origin (within several thousand years) of the world populations of P. falciparum from a single individual; the amino acid polymorphisms observed in these nonrepeat regions would result from strong natural selection. Analysis of these polymorphisms indicates that: (i) the incidence of recombination events does not increase with nucleotide distance; (ii) the strength of linkage disequilibrium between nucleotides is also independent of distance; and (iii) haplotypes in the two nonrepeat regions are correlated with one another, but not with the central repeat region they span. We propose two hypotheses: (i) variation in the highly polymorphic central repeat region arises by mitotic intragenic recombination, and (ii) the population structure of P. falciparum is clonal—a state of affairs that persists in spite of the necessary stage of physiological sexuality that the parasite must sustain in the mosquito vector to complete its life cycle.
The yolk sac, first site of hematopoiesis during mammalian development, contains not only hematopoietic stem cells but also the earliest precursors of endothelial cells. We have previously shown that a nonadherent yolk sac cell population (WGA+, density <1.077, AA4.1+) can give rise to B cells, T cells, and myeloid cells both in vitro and in vivo. We now report on the ability of a yolk sac-derived cloned endothelial cell line (C166) to provide a suitable microenvironment for expansion of these early precursor cells. Single day 10 embryonic mouse yolk sac hematopoietic stem cells were expanded >100 fold within 8 days by coculture with irradiated C166 cells. Colony-forming ability was retained for at least three passages in vitro, with retention of the ability to differentiate into T-cell, B-cell, and myeloid lineages. Stem cell properties were maintained by a significant fraction of nonadherent cells in the third passage, although these stem cells expressed a somewhat more mature cell surface phenotype than the initial yolk sac stem cells. When reintroduced into adult allogeneic immunocompromised (scid) hosts, they were able to give rise to all of the leukocyte lineages, including T cells, B cells, and myeloid cells. We conclude that yolk sac endothelial cells can support the stable proliferation of multipotential hematopoietic stem cells, thus generating adequate numbers of cells for study of the mechanisms involved in their subsequent development and differentiation, for in vivo hematopoietic restitution, and for potential use as a vehicle for gene transfer.
Most human cancers are of monoclonal origin and display many genetic alterations. In an effort to determine whether clonal expansion itself could account for the large number of genetic alterations, we compared spontaneous transformation in cloned and uncloned populations of NIH 3T3 cells. We have reported that progressive transformation of these cells, which is driven by the stress of prolonged contact inhibition at confluence, occurs far more frequently in cultures of recent monoclonal origin than in their uncloned progenitors. In the present work we asked how coculturing six clones at early and late stages of progression would affect the dynamics of transformation in repeated rounds of confluence. When coculture started with clones in early stages of transformation, marked by light focus formation, there was a strong inhibition of the progression to the dense focus formation that occurred in separate cultures of the individual clones. In contrast, when coculture started after the individual clones had progressed to dense focus formation, there was selection of transformants from the clone producing the largest and densest foci. Mixing the cells of a single clone with a large excess of uncloned cells from a subline that was refractory to transformation markedly decreased the size of dense foci from clones in transit from light to dense focus formation, but had much less effect on foci from clones with an established capacity for dense focus formation. The major finding of protection against progression by coculturing clones in early stages of transformation suggests that the expansion of a rogue clone in vivo increasingly isolates many of its cells from genetically stabilizing interactions with surrounding clones. Such clonal isolation might account for the increase in mutation rates associated with the dysplasia in colorectal adenomas that signifies the transition between benign and malignant growth.
A comparison was made of the competence for neoplastic transformation in three different sublines of NIH 3T3 cells and multiple clonal derivatives of each. Over 90% of the neoplastic foci produced by an uncloned transformed (t-SA′) subline on a confluent background of nontransformed cells were of the dense, multilayered type, but about half of the t-SA′ clones produced only light foci in assays without background. This asymmetry apparently arose from the failure of the light focus formers to register on a background of nontransformed cells. Comparison was made of the capacity for confluence-mediated transformation between uncloned parental cultures and their clonal derivatives by using two nontransformed sublines, one of which was highly sensitive and the other relatively refractory to confluence-mediated transformation. Transformation was more frequent in the clones than in the uncloned parental cultures for both sublines. This was dramatically so in the refractory subline, where the uncloned culture showed no overt sign of transformation in serially repeated assays but increasing numbers of its clones exhibited progressive transformation. The reason for the greater susceptibility of the pure clones is apparently the suppression of transformation among the diverse membership that makes up the uncloned parental culture. Progressive selection toward increasing degrees of transformation in confluent cultures plays a major role in the development of dense focus formers, but direct induction by the constraint of confluence may contribute by heritably damaging cells. In view of our finding of increased susceptibility to transformation in clonal versus uncloned populations, expansion of some clones at the expense of others during the aging process would contribute to the marked increase of cancer with age.
A remarkable instability at simple repeated sequences characterizes gastrointestinal cancer of the microsatellite mutator phenotype (MMP). Mutations in the DNA mismatch repair gene family underlie the MMP, a landmark for hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer. These tumors define a distinctive pathway for carcinogenesis because they display a particular spectrum of mutated cancer genes containing target repeats for mismatch repair deficiency. One such gene is BAX, a proapoptotic member of the Bcl-2 family of proteins, which plays a key role in programmed cell death. More than half of colon and gastric cancers of the MMP contain BAX frameshifts in a (G)8 mononucleotide tract. However, the functional significance of these mutations in tumor progression has not been established. Here we show that inactivation of the wild-type BAX allele by de novo frameshift mutations confers a strong advantage during tumor clonal evolution. Tumor subclones with only mutant alleles frequently appeared after inoculation into nude mice of single-cell clones of colon tumor cell lines with normal alleles. In contrast, no clones of BAX-expressing cells were found after inoculation of homozygous cell clones without wild-type BAX. These results support the interpretation that BAX inactivation contributes to tumor progression by providing a survival advantage. In this context, survival analyses show that BAX mutations are indicators of poor prognosis for both colon and gastric cancer of the MMP.