1000 resultados para manejos do solo
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Os experimentos foram desenvolvidos no ano agrícola 1999-2000, em casa de vegetação, no Departamento de Engenharia Rural da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas - UNESP, campus de Botucatu, SP. O objetivo foi estudar o efeito de diferentes manejos da água de irrigação e de cobertura de polietileno na superfície do solo sobre o comportamento de características morfológicas das plantas de pimentão. O pimentão híbrido Elisa foi cultivado por um período de 230 dias após o transplante das mudas (DAT). O trabalho foi composto por dois experimentos: I) manejos da irrigação nas tensões de água no solo de 50 kPa e 1500 kPa, com e sem a presença de cobertura de polietileno preto sobre a superfície do solo, para o período de 29 a 168 DAT. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com seis repetições, e II) aplicação de deficiência hídrica severa no solo, através da suspensão das irrigações e retirada da cobertura de polietileno do solo, no período de 169 a 230 DAT. Verificou-se que a ocorrência de deficiência hídrica severa ocasiona elevada senescência e abscisão de folhas nas plantas; o manejo da irrigação afeta as características morfológicas das plantas, entretanto, quando submetidas a ciclos consecutivos de secamento do solo, estas plantas desenvolvem características de ‘endurecimento’ aos efeitos da deficiência hídrica. A presença de cobertura polietileno na superfície do solo está associada com alterações nas relações hídricas e na morfologia das plantas.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
The soil is one of the main C pools in terrestrial ecosystem, capable of storing significant C amounts. Therefore, understanding the factors that contribute to the loss of CO2 from agricultural soils is critical to determine strategies reducing emissions of this gas and help mitigate the greenhouse effect. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of soil tillage and sugarcane trash on CO2 emissions, temperature and soil moisture during sugarcane (re)planting, over a study period of 15 days. The following managements were evaluated: no-tillage with crop residues left on the soil surface (NTR); without tillage and without residue (NTNR) and tillage with no residue (TNR). The average soil CO2 emission (FCO2) was lowest in NTR (2.16 µmol m-2 s-1), compared to the managements NTNR (2.90 µmol m-2 s-1) and TNR (3.22 µmol m-2 s-1), indicating that the higher moisture and lower soil temperature variations observed in NTR were responsible for this decrease. During the study period, the lowest daily average FCO2 was recorded in NTR (1.28 µmol m-2 s-1), and the highest in TNR (6.08 µmol m-2 s-1), after rainfall. A loss of soil CO2 was lowest from the management NTR (367 kg ha-1 of CO2-C) and differing significantly (p<0.05) from the managements NTNR (502 kg ha-1 of CO2-C) and TNR (535 kg ha-1 of CO2-C). Soil moisture was the variable that differed most managements and was positively correlated (r = 0.55, p<0.05) with the temporal variations of CO2 emission from NTR and TNR. In addition, the soil temperature differed (p<0.05) only in management NTR (24 °C) compared to NTNR (26 °C) and TNR (26.5 °C), suggesting that under the conditions of this study, sugarcane trash left on the surface induced an average rise in the of soil temperature of 2 ºC.
The excess of salts in the soil can directly affect the development and yield of the plants, therefore, studies on water relationships of crops in such conditions are necessary to prevent or solve the problem. The study was conducted in a greenhouse at Universidade Estadual Paulista, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Botucatu, Brazil. The statistical design used was randomized blocks with four replications, consisting of five levels of soil salinity (1.0, 3.0, 6.0, 9.0, 12.0 dS m-1), two cultivars of sugar beet (Early Wonder and Itapuã) and two types of management of fertigation, totaling in all 80 plots. Measurements of water content of the leaves, diffuse resistance to water vapor, transpiration, leaf area and the water consumption of crop were determined. There was a decrease according to increasing salinity for the analysed physiological parameters in the Early Wonder variety while for the Itapuã variety a gradual increase was observed up to a salinity of 6 dS m-1. The water consumption by plants showed a reduction with increase of soil salinity for the two varieties.
The State of Mato Grosso do Sul is in full growth of this sector, thus the concern about harvesting systems are being studied, and these systems may influence the weed community interference of weeds in the cane sugar. The integrated management tool attached to geostatistics is to avoid productivity losses due to weed interference. The objective of this work was to study the spatial variability of the seed bank of weeds depending on the system for collecting cane sugar (raw and burning). The experiment was conducted in the area of commercial cultivation of the plant ETH Bioenergy S/A Eldorado Unity. Soil samples were taken with auger layer from 0.00 to 0.40 m depth in both cropping systems. The experimental plot was composed by a mesh consisting of 50 points georeferenced with irregular distances. Soil samples were taken to the greenhouse for germination. The number of weed species was analyzed using descriptive statistics and geostatistical techniques. The seeds of B. pilosa, dicots, bitter grass, nutsedge, dayflower monocots and spatial dependence of the seed bank in the collection system with burning of cane sugar. For the system of harvest only the raw sedge species present spatial dependence of distribution in the seed bank. In the harvest green cane enable the mapping of these species through the kriging maps produced, spot applications of herbicides in integrated management of Cyperus rotundus.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Corn cultivation is part of crop rotation used by irrigation farmers from the southwestern region of São Paulo state, Brazil, who use no-tillage soil management as a kind of sustainable use of soil. The effect of this conservative practice on physical and hydrical properties of the soil, root development and corn crop yield compared to the conventional management was the objective of this work. The experiment was held at the Buriti-Mirim Farm, Angatuba, SP, Brazil, using an irrigated area with a center pivot system and two types of soil management: conventional and no-tillage systems. Although the no-tillage management had higher soil density and less water availability, no significant difference was found for both management systems concerning soil resistance to penetration, root development and crop yield. In both systems of soil management, 90% of roots were concentrated in the first 0-20cm of soil layer.
Knowledge of the amount of nutrients accumulated in the plant provides important information that can assist in the fertilization of crops program. To study the salt effect caused by high amounts of fertilizers applied by fertigation, an experiment was conducted in a greenhouse at the FCA/UNESP, Botucatu, SP. The experiment lasted 90 days (01/11/11 to 29/01/12) constituting five levels of electrical conductivity (1.0, 3.0, 6.0, 9.0, and 12.0 dS m-1), fertigation two management (M1: traditional management, M2: management by controlling the ionic concentration of the soil solution) and two varieties of beets (Early Wonder and Itapuã) blocks with 4 repeats forming a 5x2x2 factorial. From the dry weight of shoots and roots was determined the levels of micronutrients (B, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn mg kg-1), and by multiplying the dry matter accumulation was determined in these plant . The accumulation of micronutrients in different parts of the plant followed the order: Fe> Mn> Zn> B> Cu for the different management fertigation studied. The Cu, Fe, Mn element present responses to increased soil salinity leading to greater absorption.
Soil bulk density is an attribute often used to characterize soil physical structure, being an indicator of soil compaction. The objective of this study was to compare the values of bulk density measured by the paraffin sealed clod and volumetric ring methods in conventional, no-tillage and minimum tillage systems on a Dystroferric Red Nitosol, clayey, in Botucatu, SP. The experiment design was a 3x2 factorial arrangement in randomized block with four replications. The density values obtained by the paraffin sealed clod method were statistically higher than those obtained by the volumetric ring method. There was no difference between the managements when comparing the values of soil density obtained by the paraffin sealed clod method. The soil under conventional management showed lower density when comparing the values of soil density obtained by the volumetric ring. The volumetric ring method was more sensitive to show differences between the management systems than the paraffin sealed clod method.
Crescimento e produtividade do girassol na segunda aplicação de lodo de esgoto em diferentes manejos
Sewage sludge, as a soil fertilizer for crop production, has become a very important agricultural input since it is rich in nutrients, adds carbon to the soil and improves its chemical, physical, and biological characteristics. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of sewage sludge applied as a fertilizer for two consecutive years on sunflower plant growth and productivity. The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm of the College of Agriculture, a unit of the São Paulo State University (UNESP), in São Manuel, state of São Paulo, Brazil. The soil where the experiment was set is a Red Oxissol. The experiment consisted of 6 treatments with 5 replications. The experimental units were distributed in the field according to a randomized complete block design. ‘HELIO 251’ was the sunflower cultivar used in the experiment. The treatments were as follows: T0: check (no nitrogen applied); T1: conventional chemical fertilization; T2: 50% of the N dose from sewage sludge and 50% from a chemical fertilizer in side dress application; T3: 100% of the N dose from sewage sludge; T4: 150% of the N dose from sewage sludge; T5: 200% of the N dose from sewage sludge. The 150% of the N dose from sewage sludge treatment caused the plants to increase in height, in stem diameter, and in number of leaves per plant. The mixture in equal proportion of sewage sludge and a chemical fertilizer (treatment T2) resulted in an achene yield higher than that of the chemical fertilizer alone (treatment T1).