978 resultados para main characters
A presente pesquisa aborda o estudo dos movimentos do pensamento nas redes formação com professores no Ensino Fundamental. Procura problematizar a constituição de processos formativos não dogmáticos nos cotidianos escolares, pela articulação de imagens cinema e imagens escola, exibidas, compartilhadas e criadas nas redes de conversações em uma escola municipal de Vitória/ES, entre os anos de 2013 a 2014. Apresenta um campo problemático que se dedica a compreender que movimentos do pensamento são produzidos a partir do uso de imagens cinema nas redes de conversações com professores em formação continuada, a partir de uma cartografia de pesquisa que articula o mapeamento de virtualidades presentes no banco de teses da CAPES e as cinecartografias do cotidiano escolar em duas dobras do tempo. Tece um debate teórico que se compõe pelas linhas de pensamento, principalmente, de Bergson (2006a; 2006b), Carvalho (2008; 2009; 2010; 2012) Deleuze (1988; 1991; 1992; 1995; 1996; 2003; 2006; 2007; 2010; 2011), Foucault (1979; 1999. 2006a; 2006b; 2008), Guéron (2010; 2011), Pelbart (2011), Sauvagnargues (2009), dentre outros. As opções teórico-metodológicas estabelecem uma pesquisa de campo na intercessão entre os estudos com o cotidiano escolar e os da pesquisa cartográfica, tomando o plano de imanência como mundo material para a ocorrência de acontecimentos. Utiliza, para a produção de dados a observação participante, os registros em diário de campo, considerados como uma descrição cristalina, assim como, as narrativas cristalinas que emergiam nas redes de conversações com as personagens-escolas (docentes), que se configuram como imagensnarrativas de pesquisa. Organiza o debate dos dados produzidos em sete capítulos. Apresenta como considerações três principais agrupamentos do movimento do pensamento nas redes de conversações com professores provocados pelas imagens cinema: cinescola-clichês, imagensformação docente e cristaisescolas. Destaca que não há uma realidade que comporte uma só verdade sobre a formação com professores, mas o que existe são cortes, percepções, afecções e produções de verdades que entrelaçam os diferentes modos de existir e reexistir na educação brasileira. As telasescolas, assim como as telas do cinema, apresentam e nos cercam com um mundo que articula um cinescola-clichê, imagensformação docente e cristaisescolas, que para além do pensamento reto e dogmático, exibem entre imagens cinema e imagens escolas, outros movimentos do pensamento com a formação de professores, sendo capazes de potencializar as pesquisas educacionais a não ir em ‘busca de um tempo perdido, mas de um tempo a ser redescoberto’, fazendo crer ainda mais nesse mundo e na educação.
The purpose of this study is to characterize how Portuguese Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) view the Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMSs) certification process, after receiving the Quality Management System (QMS) certification. References were based on the ISO 9001 standard for a QMS and OHSAS 18001 for OHSMS. The method used to evaluate the implemented systems, was by form of questionnaire. Those questioned had to have a certified quality management system, an implemented OHSMS and be a SME. The questionnaire was sent to 300 SMEs; 46 responses were received and validated. Of them, only 12 SMEs had the OHSMS certificate according to OHSAS 18001. Within those 12 companies that participated: 7 SMEs are from the industrial sector; 3 belong to the electricity/telecommunications sector and 2 SMEs are from the trade/services activity sector. The size of the sample was small, but corresponds to Portuguese reality. Moreover, 34 SMEs did not have the OHSMS certificate. The questionnaire requested the main reasons for SMEs to opt for non-certification and it was related with high costs, while the main reasons to certificate were, among others, needed to eliminate or minimize risks to workers. The main benefits that Portuguese SMEs have gained from the referred certifications have been, improved working conditions, ensuring compliance with legislation and better internal communication about risks and hazards. Also presented are the main difficulties in achieving an OHSMS certification including high certification costs, difficulties motivating personnel, difficulties in changing the company’s culture and increased bureaucracy.
This paper explores the main determinants of the use of the cost accounting system (CAS) in Portuguese local government (PLG). Regression analysis is used to study the fit of a model of accounting changes in PLG, focused on cost accounting systems oriented to activities and outputs. Based on survey data gathered from PLG, we have found that the use of information in decision-making and external reporting is still a mirage. We obtain evidence about the influence of the internal organizational context (especially the lack of support and difficulties in the CAS implementation) in the use for internal purposes, while the institutional environment (like external pressures to implement the CAS) appears to be more deterministic of the external use. Results strengthen the function of external reporting to legitimate the organization’s activities to external stakeholders. On the other hand, some control variables (like political competition, usefulness and experience) also evidence some explanatory power in the model. Some mixed results were found that appeal to further research in the future. Our empirical results contribute to understand the importance of interconnecting the contingency and institutional approaches to gain a clear picture of cost accounting changes in the public sector.
This paper presents Palco, a prototype system specifically designed for the production of 3D cartoon animations. The system addresses the specific problems of producing cartoon animations, where the main obj ective is not to reproduce realistic movements, but rather animate cartoon characters with predefined and characteristic body movements and facial expressions. The techniques employed in Palco are simple and easy to use, not requiring any invasive or complicated motion capture system, as both body motion and facial expression of actors are captured simultaneously, using an infrared motion detection sensor, a regular camera and a pair of electronically instrumented gloves. The animation process is completely actor-driven, with the actor controlling the character movements, gestures, facial expression and voice, all in realtime. The actor controlled cartoonification of the captured facial and body motion is a key functionality of Palco, and one that makes it specifically suited for the production of cartoon animations.
RESUMO:A pretensão deste trabalho reside na indagação sobre a eventual existência de um acervo de motivações ajurídicas que fundamentem as decisões judicias, erigindo como actor principal o Aplicador da Lei. Para tanto – recorreu-se à utilização de um instrumento construído pela autora, em 2005 – a Grelha de Observação das Motivações Ajurídicas do Sentenciar – destinado a captar aspectos considerados principais na comunicação dos protagonistas do processo de criminalização secundária, quer ao nível da comunicação verbal (C.V.) quer no concerne à comunicação não verbal (C.N.V.), verificando, depois, em presença das decisões, as razões justificativas evidenciadas. E que constituíram o suporte ajurídico de cada sentença. Assim, realizou-se um trabalho de observação, tendo a Grelha de Observação sido aplicada por licenciados em Psicologia, estudantes do 2º ciclo de Psicologia Forense e da Exclusão Social (Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias), e alunos da Faculdade de Direito (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), que operaram em três tribunais criminais de Lisboa A amostra é constituída por 25 julgamentos, com um total de 64 personagens judiciais. Os resultados, ainda que meramente indicativos, demonstram uma tendência para a validade e consistência interna da grelha, indiciando também a verificação de motivações ajurídicas nas decisões judiciais. ABSTRACT: The intention of this work resides in the investigation of the eventual existence of an amount of non judicial motivations which support judicial decisions, where the law applicator arises as the main actor. For such - the use of an instrument built by the author in 2005 was resorted to - the Observation grid of the non judicial motivations of the sentencing - destined to capture aspects considered primary in the communication of the key players of the secondary criminalization process, in both the verbal communication level and in what concerns non verbal communication, later verifying, in the presence of the decisions, the evidenced justifiable reasons, which established the non judicial support of each sentence. Thus, an observational work was performed, having been applied the observation grid by Psychology graduates, students of the masters in Forensic Psychology and of Social Exclusion (Lusófona University of Humanities and Technology), as well as students of the Faculty of Law (New University of Lisbon), which operated in three criminal courts in Lisbon. The sample consists of 25 trials, with a total of 64 judicial characters. The results, even if only indicative, show a trend towards internal consistency and validity of the grid, also indicating the verification of non judicial motivations in judicial decisions.
Benchmarking is an important tool to organisations to improve their productivity, product quality, process efficiency or services. From Benchmarking the organisations could compare their performance with competitors and identify their strengths and weaknesses. This study intends to do a benchmarking analysis on the main Iberian Sea ports with a special focus on their container terminals efficiency. To attain this, the DEA (data envelopment analysis) is used since it is considered by several researchers as the most effective method to quantify a set of key performance indicators. In order to reach a more reliable diagnosis tool the DEA is used together with the data mining in comparing the sea ports operational data of container terminals during 2007.Taking into account that sea ports are global logistics networks the performance evaluation is essential to an effective decision making in order to improve their efficiency and, therefore, their competitiveness.
Mestrado (PES II), Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, 3 de Julho de 2014, Universidade dos Açores.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialização em Educação Especial
This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
For a long time the allegorical activity was considered dogmatic and equated with artistic fossilization, archaic religious propensity and lack of creativity. However, Walter Benjamin (1928) and Paul De Man (1969), among other illustrious thinkers, came to its defense, exalting, instead, its cryptic, hybrid and abstract nature, which, incidentally, are the main characteristics of modern art. “Twin Peaks – Fire Walk with Me” (David Lynch, 1992) is a wonderful object of analysis, despite being one of the most misunderstood films in the history of cinema. The fact that its narrative is a prequel to the cult television series “Twin Peaks” and incorporates many of the characters of that show, explicitly denigrating the moral image of the protagonist, Laura Palmer, brought about an intense rejection by the fans of the series, as well as the indifference of the cinephilic community in general. However, one must go deeper, in order to understand Lynch’s brave accomplishment and its artfulness. Indeed, the opus is a powerful cinematic allegory because it contains a double layer of metaphorical meaning, one of them being explicitly metacinematic. Thus, besides assuming itself as a filmic daimonic allegory, occurring in a spiritual universe of Good versus Evil, the film is also an authorial discourse on cinema itself. More specifically, it is an allegory of spectatorship, according to Robert Stam’s definition, where the existence and crossing over to “another side” duplicates the architecture of movie theatres and the psychic processes involved in film viewing.
O principal objectivo da animação de personagens virtuais é o de contar uma história através da utilização de personagens virtuais emocionalmente expressivos. Os personagens têm personalidades distintas, e transmitem as suas emoções e processos de pensamento através dos seus comportamentos (comunicação não verbal). As suas acções muitas das vezes constituem a geração de movimentos corporais complexos. Existem diversas questões a considerar quando se anima uma entidade complexa, tais como, a posição das zonas móveis e as suas velocidades. Os personagens virtuais são um exemplo de entidades complexas e estão entre os elementos mais utilizados em animação computacional. O foco desta dissertação consistiu na criação de uma proposta de sistema de animação de personagens virtuais, cujos movimentos e expressões faciais são capazes de transmitir emoções e estados de espírito. Os movimentos primários, ou seja os movimentos que definem o comportamento dos personagens, são provenientes da captura de movimentos humanos (Motion Capture). As animações secundárias, tais como as expressões faciais, são criadas em Autodesk Maya recorrendo à técnica BlendShapes. Os dados obtidos pela captura de movimentos, são organizados numa biblioteca de comportamentos através de um grafo de movimentos, conhecido por Move Tree. Esta estrutura permite o controlo em tempo real dos personagens através da gestão do estado dos personagens. O sistema possibilita também a transição eficaz entre movimentos semelhantes e entre diferentes velocidades de locomoção, minimizando o efeito de arrastamento de pés conhecido como footskate. Torna-se assim possível definir um trajecto que o personagem poderá seguir com movimentos suaves. Estão também disponíveis os resultados obtidos nas sessões de avaliação realizadas, que visaram a determinação da qualidade das transições entre animações. Propõem-se ainda o melhoramento do sistema através da implementação da construção automática do grafo de movimentos.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.
In this working paper is presented information on the Portuguese labour market developed with the support of the European project WORKS-“Work organisation and restructuring in the knowledge society”. Is still a on the process article and thus commentaries are welcome. The structure is based on the following topics: a) The employment policy (Time regimes - time use, flexibility, part-time work, work-life balance -, and the work contracts regimes – wages, contract types, diversity); b) Education and training (skilling outcomes, rules on retraining and further training, employability schemes, transferability of skills); c) Equal opportunities (relevance of equal opportunity regulation for restructuring outcomes, the role of gender and age regulation); d) Restructuring effects (policy on transfer of personnel, policy on redundancies, and participation or voice in restructuring).
Aims: The main aims of this work were the study of cork slabs moulds colonization and the evaluation of the moulds diversity during cork processing steps, in different cork stoppers factories. Simultaneously, it was envisaged to perform an evaluation of the air quality. Methods and Results: Moulds were isolated and identified from cork slabs and cork samples in four cork stoppers factories. The identification was based on morphological characters and microscopic observation of the reproductive structures. Airborne spore dispersion was assessed using a two stage Andersen sampler. It was observed that Chrysonilia sitophila was always present on cork slabs during the maturing period, but mould diversity appeared to be associated to the different factory configurations and processing steps. Conclusions: Spatial separation of the different steps of the process, including physical separation of the maturation step, is essential to guarantee high air quality and appropriate cork slabs colonization, i.e. C. sitophila dominance. The sorting and cutting of the edges of cork slabs after boiling and before the maturing step is also recommended. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study is very important for the cork stopper industry as it gives clear indications on how to keep high quality manufacturing standards and how to avoid occupational health problems.