895 resultados para low-phonon-energy glasses
Ion flows from the ionosphere into the magnetosphere fall into two main categories: cold (<1eV), “classical” polar wind and heated (>1eV), suprathermal ion outflows. A wealth of new understanding of these outflows has resulted from the Dynamics Explorer Mission. This review describes both the confirmation of the predicted classical polar wind as well as the revelation of a great variety of low-energy suprathermal outflows: the cleft ion fountain, the nightside auroral fountaion (X-events, toroids and field-aligned flows) and polar cap outflows. The main emphasis is placed on flows at energies below about 50eV, observed by the Retarding Ion Mass Spectrometer (RIMS) on board the Dynamics Explorer 1 satellite; limited comparisons are made with results from other instruments which sample different energy ranges.
This paper assesses the impact of the location and configuration of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) on Low-Voltage (LV) feeders. BESS are now being deployed on LV networks by Distribution Network Operators (DNOs) as an alternative to conventional reinforcement (e.g. upgrading cables and transformers) in response to increased electricity demand from new technologies such as electric vehicles. By storing energy during periods of low demand and then releasing that energy at times of high demand, the peak demand of a given LV substation on the grid can be reduced therefore mitigating or at least delaying the need for replacement and upgrade. However, existing research into this application of BESS tends to evaluate the aggregated impact of such systems at the substation level and does not systematically consider the impact of the location and configuration of BESS on the voltage profiles, losses and utilisation within a given feeder. In this paper, four configurations of BESS are considered: single-phase, unlinked three-phase, linked three-phase without storage for phase-balancing only, and linked three-phase with storage. These four configurations are then assessed based on models of two real LV networks. In each case, the impact of the BESS is systematically evaluated at every node in the LV network using Matlab linked with OpenDSS. The location and configuration of a BESS is shown to be critical when seeking the best overall network impact or when considering specific impacts on voltage, losses, or utilisation separately. Furthermore, the paper also demonstrates that phase-balancing without energy storage can provide much of the gains on unbalanced networks compared to systems with energy storage.
The authors present here a summary of their investigations of ultrathin films formed by gold nanoclusters embedded in polymethylmethacrylate polymer. The clusters are formed from the self-organization of subplantated gold ions in the polymer. The source of the low energy ion stream used for the subplantation is a unidirectionally drifting gold plasma created by a magnetically filtered vacuum arc plasma gun. The material properties change according to subplantation dose, including nanocluster sizes and agglomeration state and, consequently also the material electrical behavior and optical activity. They have investigated the composite experimentally and by computer simulation in order to better understand the self-organization and the properties of the material. They present here the results of conductivity measurements and percolation behavior, dynamic TRIM simulations, surface plasmon resonance activity, transmission electron microscopy, small angle x-ray scattering, atomic force microscopy, and scanning tunneling microscopy. (C) 2010 American Vacuum Society [DOI: 10.1116/1.3357287]
The University of Notre Dame, USA (Becchetti et al, Nucl. Instrum. Metho ds Res. A505, 377 (2003)) and later the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil (Lichtenthaler et al, Eur. Phys. J. A25, S-01, 733 (2005)) adopted a system based on superconducting solenoids to produce low-energy radioactive nuclear beams. In these systems the solenoids act as thick lenses to collect, select, and focus the secondary beam into a scattering chamb er. Many experiments with radioactive light particle beams (RNB) such as (6)He, (7)Be, (8)Li, (8)B have been performed at these two facilities. These low-energy RNB have been used to investigate low-energy reactions such as elastic scattering, transfer and breakup, providing useful information on the structure of light nuclei near the drip line and on astrophysics. Total reaction cross-sections, derived from elastic scattering analysis, have also been investigated for light system as a function of energy and the role of breakup of weakly bound or exotic nuclei is discussed.
The bare nucleus S(E) factors for the (2)H(d, p)(3)H and (2)H(d.n)(3)He reactions have been measured for the first time via the Trojan Horse Method off the proton in (3)He from 1.5 MeV down to 2 key. This range overlaps with the relevant region for Standard Big Bang Nucleosynthesis as well as with the thermal energies of future fusion reactors and deuterium burning in the Pre-Main-Sequence phase of stellar evolution. This is the first pioneering experiment in quasi free regime where the charged spectator is detected. Both the energy dependence and the absolute value of the S(E) factors deviate by more than 15% from available direct data with new S(0) values of 57.4 +/- 1.8 MeVb for (3)H + p and 60.1 +/- 1.9 MeV b for (3)He + n. None of the existing fitting curves is able to provide the correct slope of the new data in the full range, thus calling for a revision of the theoretical description. This has consequences in the calculation of the reaction rates with more than a 25% increase at the temperatures of future fusion reactors. (C) 2011 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.
Dye-sensitized solar cells, named by us Dye-Cells, are one of the most promising devices for solar energy conversion due to their reduced production cost and low environmental impact, especially those sensitized by natural dyes. The efficiency and stability of devices based on natural sensitizers such as mulberry (Morus alba Lam), blueberry (Vaccinium myrtillus Lam), and jaboticaba`s skin (Mirtus cauliflora Mart) were investigated. Dye-Cells prepared with aqueous mulberry extract presented the highest P(max) value (1.6 mW cm(-2)) with J(sc) = 6.14 mA cm(-2) and V(oc) = 0.49 V, Photoelectrochemical parameters of 16 cm(2) active area devices sensitized by mulberry dye were constant for 14 weeks of continuous evaluation. Moreover, the cell remained stable even after 36 weeks with a fairly good efficiency. Therefore, mulberry dye opens up a perspective of commercial feasibility for inexpensive and environmentally friendly Dye-Cells. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
With the building sector accounting for around 40% of the total energy consumption in the EU, energy efficiency in buildings is and continues to be an important issue. Great progress has been made in reducing the energy consumption in new buildings, but the large stock of existing buildings with poor energy performance is probably an even more crucial area of focus. This thesis deals with energy efficiency measures that can be suitable for renovation of existing houses, particularly low-temperature heating systems and ventilation systems with heat recovery. The energy performance, environmental impact and costs are evaluated for a range of system combinations, for small and large houses with various heating demands and for different climates in Europe. The results were derived through simulation with energy calculation tools. Low-temperature heating and air heat recovery were both found to be promising with regard to increasing energy efficiency in European houses. These solutions proved particularly effective in Northern Europe as low-temperature heating and air heat recovery have a greater impact in cold climates and on houses with high heating demands. The performance of heat pumps, both with outdoor air and exhaust air, was seen to improve with low-temperature heating. The choice between an exhaust air heat pump and a ventilation system with heat recovery is likely to depend on case specific conditions, but both choices are more cost-effective and have a lower environmental impact than systems without heat recovery. The advantage of the heat pump is that it can be used all year round, given that it produces DHW. Economic and environmental aspects of energy efficiency measures do not always harmonize. On the one hand, lower costs can sometimes mean larger environmental impact; on the other hand there can be divergence between different environmental aspects. This makes it difficult to define financial subsidies to promote energy efficiency measures.
This thesis presents a low cost non-intrusive home energy monitor built on top of Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) concepts and techniques. NILM solutions are already considered low cost alternatives to the big majority of existing commercial energy monitors but the goal here is to make its cost even lower by using a mini netbook as a whole in one solution. The mini netbook is installed in the homes main circuit breaker and computes power consumption by reading current and voltage from the built-in sound card. At the same time, feedback to the users is provided using the 11’’ LCD screen as well as other built-in I/O modules. Our meter is also capable of detecting changes in power and tries to find out which appliance lead to that change and it is being used as part of an eco-feedback platform that was build to study the long terms of energy eco-feedback in individuals. In this thesis the steps that were taken to come up with such a system are presented, from the basics of AC power measurements to the implementation of an event detector and classifier that was used to disaggregate the power load. In the last chapter results from some validation tests that have been performed are presented in order to validate the experiment. It is believed that such a system will not only be important as an energy monitor, but also as an open system than can be easily changed to accommodate and test new or existing nonintrusive load monitoring techniques.
We identify and analyze quasiperiodic and chaotic motion patterns in the time evolution of a classical, non-Abelian Bogomol'nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield (BPS) dyon pair at low energies. This system is amenable to the geodesic approximation which restricts the underlying SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs dynamics to an eight-dimensional phase space. We numerically calculate a representative set of long-time solutions to the corresponding Hamilton equations and analyze quasiperiodic and chaotic phase space regions by means of Poincare surfaces of section, high-resolution power spectra and Lyapunov exponents. Our results provide clear evidence for both quasiperiodic and chaotic behavior and characterize it quantitatively. Indications for intermittency are also discussed.
Direct muon transfer in low-energy collisions of the muonic hydrogen H-mu and helium (He++) is considered in a three-body quantum-mechanical framework of coordinate-space integro-differential Faddeev-Hahn-type equations within two- and six-state close coupling approximations. The final-state Coulomb interaction is treated without any approximation employing appropriate Coulomb waves in the final state. This procedure of treating Coulomb interaction leads to much improved results for low-energy transfer rates. The present results agree reasonably well with previous semiclassical calculations. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Three-body charge transfer reactions with Coulomb interaction in the final state are considered within the framework of coordinate-space integro-differential Faddeev-Hahn-type equations within two- and six-state close-coupling approximations. The method is employed to study direct muon transfer in low-energy collisions of the muonic hydrogen H-mu by helium (He2+) and lithium (Li3+) nuclei. The experimentally observed isotopic dependence is reproduced.
We discuss the Gupta-Bleuler quantization of the free electromagnetic field outside static black holes in the Boulware vacuum. We use a gauge which reduces to the Feynman gauge in Minkowski spacetime. We also discuss its relation with gauges used previously. Then we apply the low-energy sector of this held theory to investigate some low-energy phenomena. First, we discuss the response rate of a static charge outside the Schwarzschild black hole in four dimensions. Next, motivated by string physics, we compute the absorption cross sections of low-energy plane waves for the Schwarzschild and extreme Reissner-Nordstrom black holes in arbitrary dimensions higher than three.