962 resultados para living cells


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Die Entstehung und Evolution des genetischen Codes, der die Nukleotidsequenz der mRNA in die Aminosäuresequenz der Proteine übersetzt, zählen zu den größten Rätseln der Biologie. Die ersten Organismen, die vor etwa 3,8 Milliarden Jahren auf der Erde auftraten, nutzten einen ursprünglichen genetischen Code, der vermutlich ausschließlich abiotisch verfügbare Aminosäuren terrestrischer oder extraterrestrischer Herkunft umfasste. Neue Aminosäuren wurden sukzessive biosynthetisiert und selektiv in den Code aufgenommen, welcher in der modernen Form aus bis zu 22 Aminosäuren besteht. Die Ursachen für die Selektion und die Chronologie ihrer Aufnahme sind bis heute unbekannt und sollten im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit erforscht werden. Auf Grundlage quanten-chemischer Berechnungen konnte in dieser Arbeit zunächst ein Zusammenhang zwischen der HOMO-LUMO-Energiedifferenz (H-L-Distanz), die ein inverses quanten-chemisches Korrelat für allgemeine chemische Reaktivität darstellt, und der chronologischen Aufnahme der Aminosäuren in den genetischen Code aufgezeigt werden. Demnach sind ursprüngliche Aminosäuren durch große H-L-Distanzen und neue Aminosäuren durch kleine H-L-Distanzen gekennzeichnet. Bei einer Analyse des Metabolismus von Tyrosin und Tryptophan, bei denen es sich um die beiden jüngsten Standard-Aminosäuren handelt, wurde ihre Bedeutung als Vorläufer von Strukturen ersichtlich, die sich durch eine hohe Redox-Aktivität auszeichnen und deren Synthese gleichzeitig molekularen Sauerstoff erfordert. Aus diesem Grund wurden die Redox-Aktivitäten der 20 Standard-Aminosäuren gegenüber Peroxylradikalen und weiteren Radikalen getestet. Die Untersuchungen ergaben eine Korrelation zwischen evolutionärem Auftreten und chemischer Reaktivität der jeweiligen Aminosäure, die sich insbesondere in der effizienten Reaktion zwischen Tryptophan bzw. Tyrosin und Peroxylradikalen widerspiegelte. Dies indizierte eine potentielle Bedeutung reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) bei der Konstituierung des genetischen Codes. Signifikante Mengen an ROS wurden erst zu Beginn der Oxygenierung der Geobiosphäre, die als Great Oxidation Event (GOE) bezeichnet wird und vor circa 2,3 Milliarden Jahren begann, gebildet und müssen zur oxidativen Schädigung vulnerabler, zellulärer Strukturen geführt haben. Aus diesem Grund wurde das antioxidative Potential von Aminosäuren beim Prozess der Lipidperoxidation untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass lipophile Derivate von Tryptophan und Tyrosin befähigt sind, die Peroxidation von Rattenhirnmembranen zu verhindern und humane Fibroblasten vor oxidativem Zelltod zu schützen. Daraus gründete sich das in dieser Arbeit aufgestellte Postulat eines Selektionsvorteils primordialer Organismen während des GOEs, die Tryptophan und Tyrosin als redox-aktive Aminosäuren in Membranproteine einbauen konnten und somit vor Oxidationsprozessen geschützt waren. Demzufolge wurde die biochemische Reaktivität als Selektionsparameter sowie oxidativer Stress als prägender Faktor der Evolution des genetischen Codes identifiziert.


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Die Proteinhomöostase wird in der Zelle von drei Stoffwechselwegen reguliert: den molekularen Chaperonen, dem Ubiquitin-Proteasom-System und dem autophagosomalen Abbauweg. Die (Makro)Autophagie verpackt und transportiert zytosolische Komponenten in Autophagosomen zu den Lysosomen, wo sie abgebaut werden. Eine Störung dieses Abbauwegs wirkt auf die Proteostase.rnIn dieser Dissertation wurde C. elegans als Modellorganismus zur Erforschung von Proteinstabilität genutzt. In einer RNAi-vermittelten Proteostase-Analyse von Chromosom I und ausgewählter zusätzlicher Gene wurde ein Wurmstamm, der ein Luc::GFP-Konstrukt im Muskel exprimiert, genutzt. Dieses Reporterprotein aggregiert unter Hitzestressbedingungen und diese Aggregation kann durch Modulatoren der Proteostase beeinflusst werden. Dabei wurden mögliche neue Faktoren der Proteinhomöostase entdeckt. Durch weitere Experimente bei denen die Aggregation von PolyQ35::YFP im AM140-System, der Paralyse-Phänotyp und die Akkumulation Thioflavin S-gefärbter Aggregate von Aβ42 im CL2006-Wurmstamm und die Effekte auf die Autophagie mittels eines GFP::LGG1-Konstrukt analysiert wurden, konnten rbg-1 und rbg-2 als neue Modulatoren der Proteinhomöostase, insbesondere der Autophagie, identifiziert werden.rnIm Säuger bilden beide Orthologe dieser Gene, RAB3GAP1 und RAB3GAP2 den heterodimeren RAB3GAP-Komplex, der bisher nur bekannt war für die Stimulation der Umwandlung der GTP-gebundenen aktiven Form zur GDP-gebundenen inaktiven Form der RAB GTPase RAB3. In Immunoblot-Analysen und mikroskopischen Darstellungen im Säugersystem konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Effekte auf die Proteostase über den autophagosomalen Abbauweg wirken. RAB3GAP1/2 wirken als positive Stimulatoren, wenn die Lipidierung von LC3-I und der autophagische Flux von LC3-II und p62/SQSTM1 betrachtet werden. Diese Effekte werden aber nicht über die RAB GTPase RAB3 vermittelt. Die Proteine FEZ1 und FEZ2 haben einen antagonistischen Effekt auf die Autophagie und wenn alle vier Komponenten RAB3GAP1, RAB3GAP2, FEZ1 und FEZ2 zusammen herunter- oder hochreguliert werden, heben sich diese Effekte auf. In Co-Immunopräzipitationen und proteomischen Analysen konnte keine direkte Interaktion zwischen dem RAB3GAP-Komplex und FEZ1/2 oder zu anderen Autophagie-Genen nachgewiesen werden.rnHier konnte der RAB3GAP-Komplex funktionell mit Proteostase und Autophagie in C. elegans und Säugerzellen assoziiert werden. Dieser Komplex zeigt Einflüsse auf die autophagosomale Biogenese indem sie die Proteostase und die Bildung von (prä)autophagosomalen Strukturen in C. elegans und die Lipidierung von LC3 und damit den autophagischen Flux der Autophagiesubstrate LC3-II und p62/SQSTM1 in Säugerzellen beeinflusst. Darüber hinaus wirkt RAB3GAP der komplexen Autophagie-Unterdrückung durch FEZ1 und FEZ2 entgegen. Somit konnte gezeigt werden, dass RAB3GAP als neuartiger Faktor auf die autophagosomale Biogenese und somit auf die Proteostase wirkt.rn


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Krebs stellt eine der häufigsten Todesursachen in Europa dar. Grundlage für eine langfristige Verbesserung des Behandlungserfolgs ist ein molekulares Verständnis der Mechanismen, welche zur Krankheitsentstehung beitragen. In diesem Zusammenhang spielen Proteasen nicht nur eine wichtige Rolle, sondern stellen auch bei vielerlei Erkrankungen bereits anerkannte Zielstrukturen derzeitiger Behandlungsstrategien dar. Die Protease Threonin Aspartase 1 (Taspase1) spielt eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Aktivierung von Mixed Lineage Leukemia (MLL)-Fusionsproteinen und somit bei der Entstehung aggressiver Leukämien. Aktuelle Arbeiten unterstreichen zudem die onkologische Relevanz von Taspase1 auch für solide Tumore. Die Kenntnisse über die molekularen Mechanismen und Signalnetzwerke, welche für die (patho)biologischen Funktionen von Taspase1 verantwortlich sind, stellen sich allerdings noch immer als bruchstückhaft dar. Um diese bestehenden Wissenslücken zu schließen, sollten im Rahmen der Arbeit neue Strategien zur Inhibition von Taspase1 erarbeitet und bewertet werden. Zusätzlich sollten neue Einsichten in evolutionären Funktionsmechanismen sowie eine weitergehende Feinregulation von Taspase1 erlangt werden. Zum einen erlaubte die Etablierung und Anwendung eines zellbasierten Taspase1-Testsystem, chemische Verbindungen auf deren inhibitorische Aktivität zu testen. Überraschenderweise belegten solch zelluläre Analysen in Kombination mit in silico-Modellierungen eindeutig, dass ein in der Literatur postulierter Inhibitor in lebenden Tumorzellen keine spezifische Wirksamkeit gegenüber Taspase1 zeigte. Als mögliche Alternative wurden darüber hinaus Ansätze zur genetischen Inhibition evaluiert. Obwohl publizierte Studien Taspase1 als ααββ-Heterodimer beschreiben, konnte durch Überexpression katalytisch inaktiver Mutanten kein trans-dominant negativer Effekt und damit auch keine Inhibition des wildtypischen Enzyms beobachtet werden. Weiterführende zellbiologische und biochemische Analysen belegten erstmalig, dass Taspase1 in lebenden Zellen in der Tat hauptsächlich als Monomer und nicht als Dimer vorliegt. Die Identifizierung evolutionär konservierter bzw. divergenter Funktionsmechanismen lieferte bereits in der Vergangenheit wichtige Hinweise zur Inhibition verschiedenster krebsrelevanter Proteine. Da in Drosophila melanogaster die Existenz und funktionelle Konservierung eines Taspase1-Homologs postuliert wurde, wurde in einem weiteren Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit die evolutionäre Entwicklung der Drosophila Taspase1 (dTaspase1) untersucht. Obwohl Taspase1 als eine evolutionär stark konservierte Protease gilt, konnten wichtige Unterschiede zwischen beiden Orthologen festgestellt werden. Neben einem konservierten autokatalytischen Aktivierungsmechanismus besitzt dTaspase1 verglichen mit dem humanen Enzym eine flexiblere Substraterkennungs-sequenz, was zu einer Vergrößerung des Drosophila-spezifischen Degradoms führt. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen des Weiteren, dass zur Definition und Vorhersage des Degradoms nicht nur proteomische sondern auch zellbiologische und bioinformatische Untersuchungen geeignet und notwendig sind. Interessanterweise ist die differentielle Regulation der dTaspase1-Aktivität zudem auf eine veränderte intrazelluläre Lokalisation zurückzuführen. Das Fehlen von in Vertebraten hochkonservierten aktiven Kernimport- und nukleolären Lokalisationssignalen erklärt, weshalb dTaspase1 weniger effizient nukleäre Substrate prozessiert. Somit scheint die für die humane Taspase1 beschriebene Regulation von Lokalisation und Aktivität über eine Importin-α/NPM1-Achse erst im Laufe der Entwicklung der Vertebraten entstanden zu sein. Es konnte also ein bislang unbekanntes evolutionäres Prinzip identifiziert werden, über welches eine Protease einen Transport- bzw. Lokalisations-basierten Mechanismus zur Feinregulation ihrer Aktivität „von der Fliege zum Menschen“ nutzt. Eine weitere Möglichkeit zur dynamischen Funktionsmodulation bieten post-translationale Modifikationen (PTMs) der Proteinsequenz, zu welcher Phosphorylierung und Acetylierung zählen. Interessanterweise konnte für die humane Taspase1 über den Einsatz unabhängiger Methoden einschließlich massenspektrometrischer Analysen eine Acetylierung durch verschiedene Histon-Acetyltransferasen (HATs) nachgewiesen werden. Diese Modifikation erfolgt reversibel, wobei vor allem die Histon-Deacetylase HDAC1 durch Interaktion mit Taspase1 die Deacetylierung der Protease katalysiert. Während Taspase1 in ihrer aktiven Konformation acetyliert vorliegt, kommt es nach Deacetylierung zu einer Reduktion ihrer enzymatischen Aktivität. Somit scheint die Modulation der Taspase1-Aktivität nicht allein über intra-proteolytische Autoaktivierung, Transport- und Interaktionsmechanismen, sondern zudem durch post-translationale Modifikationen gesteuert zu werden. Zusammenfassend konnten im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entscheidende neue Einblicke in die (patho)biologische Funktion und Feinregulation der Taspase1 gewonnen werden. Diese Ergebnisse stellen nicht nur einen wichtigen Schritt in Richtung eines verbesserten Verständnis der „Taspase1-Biologie“, sondern auch zur erfolgreichen Inhibition und Bewertung der krebsrelevanten Funktion dieser Protease dar.


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Plasmons in metal nanoparticles respond to changes in their local environment by a spectral shift in resonance. Here, the potential of plasmonic metal nanoparticles for label-free detection and observation of biological systems is presented. Comparing the material silver and gold concerning plasmonic sensitivity, silver nanoparticles exhibit a higher sensitivity but their chemical instability under light exposure limits general usage. A new approach combining results from optical dark-field microscopy and transmission electron microscopy allows localization and quantification of gold nanoparticles internalized into living cells. Nanorods exposing a negatively charged biocompatible polymer seem to be promising candidates to sense membrane fluctuations of adherent cells. Many small nanoparticles being specific sensing elements can build up a sensor for parallel analyte detection without need of labeling, which is easy to fabricate, re-usable, and has sensitivity down to nanomolar concentrations. Besides analyte detection, binding kinetics of various partner proteins interacting with one protein of interest are accessible in parallel. Gold nanoparticles are able to sense local oscillations in the surface density of proteins on a lipid bilayer, which could not be resolved so far. Studies on the fluorescently labeled system and the unlabeled system identify an influence of the label on the kinetics.


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Apis mellifera L., the European honeybee, is a crucial pollinator of many important agricultural crops in the United States. Recently, honeybee colonies have been affected by Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), a disorder in which the colony fails due to the disappearance of a key functional group of worker bees. Though no direct causalrelationship has been confirmed, hives that experience CCD have been shown to have a high incidence of Deformed Wing Virus (DWV), a common honeybee virus. While the genome sequence and gene-order of DWV has been analyzed fairly recently, few other studies have been performed to understand the molecular characterization of the virus.Since little is known about where DWV proteins localize in infected host cells, the objective of this project was to determine the subcellular localization of two of the important non-structural proteins that are encoded in the DWV genome. This project focused on the protein 3C, an autocatalytic protease which cleaves itself from a longer polyprotein and helps to cut all of the other proteins apart from one another so that they can become functional, and 3D, the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) which is critical for replication of the virus because it copies the viral genome. By tagging nested constructs containing these two proteins and tracking where they localized in living cells, this study aimed to better understand the replication of DWV and to elicit possible targetsfor further research on how to control the virus. Since DWV is a picorna-like virus, distantly related to human viruses such as polio, and picornavirus non-structural proteins aggregate at cellular membranes during viral replication, the major hypothesis was that the 3C and 3CD proteins would localize at cellular organelle membranes as well. Using confocal microscopy, both proteins were found to localize in the cytoplasm, but the 3CDprotein was found to be mostly diffuse cytoplasmic, and the 3C protein was found to localize more specifically on membranous structures just outside of the nucleus.


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Disuse osteoporosis is a condition in which reduced mechanical loading (e.g. bed-rest, immobilization, or paralysis) results in unbalanced bone turnover. The American black bear is a unique, naturally occurring model for the prevention of disuse osteoporosis. Bears remain mostly inactive for up to half a year of hibernation annually, yet they do not lose bone mechanical strength or structural properties throughout hibernation. The long-term goal of this study is to determine the biological mechanism through which bears maintain bone during hibernation. This mechanism could pinpoint new signaling pathway targets for the development of drugs for osteoporosis prevention. In this study, bone specific alkaline phosphatase (BSALP), a marker of osteoblast activity, and tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRACP), a marker of osteoclast number, were quantified in the serum of hibernating and active black bears. BSALP and TRACP decreased during hibernation, suggesting a balanced reduction in bone turnover. This decrease in BSALP and TRACP were correlated positively to serum adiponectin and inversely to serum neuropeptide Y, suggesting a possible role of these hormones in suppressing bone turnover during hibernation. Osteocalcin (OCN) and undercarboxylated OCN increased dramatically in the serum of hibernating bears. These increases were inversely correlated with adiponectin, glucose, and serotonin, suggesting that OCN may have a unique role in energy homeostasis during hibernation. Finally, MC3T3-E1 osteoblasts were cultured in the serum from active and hibernating bears, and seasonal cell responses were quantified. Cells cultured in serum from hibernating bears had a reduced caspase-3/7 response, and more living cells, after apoptotic threat. The caspase-3/7 response was positively correlated to serum adiponectin and to gene expression of OCN and Runx2, suggesting that reduced caspase-3/7 activity may be related to the reduced differentiation potential of osteoblasts in hibernation serum, and that adiponectin is a potential effector hormone. In summary, the activities of osteoblasts and osteoclasts are reduced during hibernation in bears. This reduced turnover is due, in part, to hormonal control. Further study of potential effectors adiponectin and neuropeptide Y may provide insight into the biological mechanism through which bears maintain bone throughout hibernation.


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In recent years, the bio-conjugated nanostructured materials have emerged as a new class of materials for the bio-sensing and medical diagnostics applications. In spite of their multi-directional applications, interfacing nanomaterials with bio-molecules has been a challenge due to somewhat limited knowledge about the underlying physics and chemistry behind these interactions and also for the complexity of biomolecules. The main objective of this dissertation is to provide such a detailed knowledge on bioconjugated nanomaterials toward their applications in designing the next generation of sensing devices. Specifically, we investigate the changes in the electronic properties of a boron nitride nanotube (BNNT) due to the adsorption of different bio-molecules, ranging from neutral (DNA/RNA nucleobases) to polar (amino acid molecules). BNNT is a typical member of III-V compounds semiconductors with morphology similar to that of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) but with its own distinct properties. More specifically, the natural affinity of BNNTs toward living cells with no apparent toxicity instigates the applications of BNNTs in drug delivery and cell therapy. Our results predict that the adsorption of DNA/RNA nucleobases on BNNTs amounts to different degrees of modulation in the band gap of BNNTs, which can be exploited for distinguishing these nucleobases from each other. Interestingly, for the polar amino acid molecules, the nature of interaction appeared to vary ranging from Coulombic, van der Waals and covalent depending on the polarity of the individual molecules, each with a different binding strength and amount of charge transfer involved in the interaction. The strong binding of amino acid molecules on the BNNTs explains the observed protein wrapping onto BNNTs without any linkers, unlike carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Additionally, the widely varying binding energies corresponding to different amino acid molecules toward BNNTs indicate to the suitability of BNNTs for the biosensing applications, as compared to the metallic CNTs. The calculated I-V characteristics in these bioconjugated nanotubes predict notable changes in the conductivity of BNNTs due to the physisorption of DNA/RNA nucleobases. This is not the case with metallic CNTs whose transport properties remained unaltered in their conjugated systems with the nucleobases. Collectively, the bioconjugated BNNTs are found to be an excellent system for the next generation sensing devices.


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Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) represent extracellular structures able to bind and kill microorganisms. It is believed that they are generated by neutrophils undergoing cell death, allowing these dying or dead cells to kill microbes. We show that, following priming with granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and subsequent short-term toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) or complement factor 5a (C5a) receptor stimulation, viable neutrophils are able to generate NETs. Strikingly, NETs formed by living cells contain mitochondrial, but no nuclear, DNA. Pharmacological or genetic approaches to block reactive oxygen species (ROS) production suggested that NET formation is ROS dependent. Moreover, neutrophil populations stimulated with GM-CSF and C5a showed increased survival compared with resting neutrophils, which did not generate NETs. In conclusion, mitochondrial DNA release by neutrophils and NET formation do not require neutrophil death and do also not limit the lifespan of these cells.


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Amino acids are necessary for all living cells and organisms. Specialized transporters mediate the transfer of amino acids across plasma membranes. Malfunction of these proteins can affect whole-body homoeostasis giving raise to diverse human diseases. Here, we review the main features of the SLC3 and SLC7 families of amino acid transporters. The SLC7 family is divided into two subfamilies, the cationic amino acid transporters (CATs), and the L-type amino acid transporters (LATs). The latter are the light or catalytic subunits of the heteromeric amino acid transporters (HATs), which are associated by a disulfide bridge with the heavy subunits 4F2hc or rBAT. These two subunits are glycoproteins and form the SLC3 family. Most CAT subfamily members were functionally characterized and shown to function as facilitated diffusers mediating the entry and efflux of cationic amino acids. In certain cells, CATs play an important role in the delivery of L-arginine for the synthesis of nitric oxide. HATs are mostly exchangers with a broad spectrum of substrates and are crucial in renal and intestinal re-absorption and cell redox balance. Furthermore, the role of the HAT 4F2hc/LAT1 in tumor growth and the application of LAT1 inhibitors and PET tracers for reduction of tumor progression and imaging of tumors are discussed. Finally, we describe the link between specific mutations in HATs and the primary inherited aminoacidurias, cystinuria and lysinuric protein intolerance.


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Death-associated protein kinase 2 (DAPK2) is a Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent Ser/Thr kinase that possesses tumor-suppressive functions and regulates programmed cell death, autophagy, oxidative stress, hematopoiesis, and motility. As only few binding partners of DAPK2 have been determined, the molecular mechanisms governing these biological functions are largely unknown. We report the identification of 180 potential DAPK2 interaction partners by affinity purification-coupled mass spectrometry, 12 of which are known DAPK binding proteins. A small subset of established and potential binding proteins detected in this screen was further investigated by bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) assays, a method to visualize protein interactions in living cells. These experiments revealed that α-actinin-1 and 14-3-3-β are novel DAPK2 binding partners. The interaction of DAPK2 with α-actinin-1 was localized at the plasma membrane, resulting in massive membrane blebbing and reduced cellular motility, whereas the interaction of DAPK2 with 14-3-3-β was localized to the cytoplasm, with no impact on blebbing, motility, or viability. Our results therefore suggest that DAPK2 effector functions are influenced by the protein's subcellular localization and highlight the utility of combining mass spectrometry screening with bimolecular fluorescence complementation to identify and characterize novel protein-protein interactions.


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Transient versus sustained ERK MAP kinase (MAPK) activation dynamics induce proliferation versus differentiation in response to epidermal (EGF) or nerve (NGF) growth factors in PC-12 cells. Duration of ERK activation has therefore been proposed to specify cell fate decisions. Using a biosensor to measure ERK activation dynamics in single living cells reveals that sustained EGF/NGF application leads to a heterogeneous mix of transient and sustained ERK activation dynamics in distinct cells of the population, different than the population average. EGF biases toward transient, while NGF biases toward sustained ERK activation responses. In contrast, pulsed growth factor application can repeatedly and homogeneously trigger ERK activity transients across the cell population. These datasets enable mathematical modeling to reveal salient features inherent to the MAPK network. Ultimately, this predicts pulsed growth factor stimulation regimes that can bypass the typical feedback activation to rewire the system toward cell differentiation irrespective of growth factor identity.


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All cells must have the ability to deal with a variety of environmental stresses. Failure to correctly adapt to and/or protect against adverse stress conditions can lead to cell death. In humans, stress response defects have been linked to a number of neurodegenerative diseases and cancer, underscoring the importance of developing a fundamental understanding of the eukaryotic stress response.^ In an effort to characterize cellular response to high temperature stress, I identified and described one member of a novel gene family— RTR1. I show that the RTR1 gene and its protein product genetically and biochemically interact with core subunits of the RNA polymerase II enzyme. Appropriately, loss of RTR1 results in defective transcription from multiple promoters. These data provide evidence that Rtr1, which is essential under stress conditions, acts as a key regulator of transcription.^ In addition to transcriptional regulation, cells deal with many stressors by inducing molecular chaperones. Molecular chaperones are ubiquitous in all living cells and bind unfolded or damaged proteins and catalyze refolding or degradation. Hsp90 is a unique chaperone because it targets specific clients—typically signaling proteins—for maturation. While it has been shown that Sse1, the yeast Hsp110, is a critical regulator of the Hsp90 chaperone cycle, this work describes the molecular basis for that regulation. I show that Sse1 modulates Hsp90 function through regulation of Hsp70 nucleotide exchange. Further, Hsp110-type nucleotide exchange factors (NEFs) appear to have a specific role in modulating Hsp90 function in this manner. Finally, in addition to Hsp110, the eukaryotic cytosol contains two other types of Hsp70 NEF: Snl1 (BAG-domain protein) and Fes1 (HspBP1-like protein). I investigated the cellular roles of these NEFs to better understand the reason that eukaryotic cells contain three distinct protein families that perform the same biochemical function. I show that while cytsolic Hsp70 NEFs have some degree of functional overlap, they also exhibit striking divergence. Taken together, the work presented in this dissertation provides a more detailed understanding of the eukaryotic stress response. ^


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Dictyostelium, a soil amoeba, is able to develop from free-living cells to multicellular fruiting bodies upon starvation using extracellular cAMP to mediate cell-cell communication, chemotaxis and developmental gene expression. The seven transmembrane G protein-coupled cAMP receptor-1 (cAR1) mediated responses, such as the activation of adenylyl cyclase and guanylyl cyclase, are transient, due to the existence of poorly understood adaptation mechanisms. For this dissertation, the powerful genetics of the Dictyostelium system was employed to study the adaptation mechanism of cAR1-mediated cAMP signaling as well as mechanisms intrinsic to cAR1 that regulate its activation. ^ We proposed that constitutively active cAR1 would cause constant adaptation, thus inhibiting downstream pathways that are essential for aggregation and development. Therefore, a screen for dominant negative cAR1 mutants was undertaken to identify constitutively active receptor mutants. Three dominant negative cAR1 mutants were identified. All appear to be constitutively active receptor mutants because they are constitutively phosphorylated and possess high affinity for cAMP. Biochemical studies showed that these mutant receptors prevented the activation of downstream effectors, including adenylyl and guanylyl cyclases. In addition, these cells also were defective in cAMP chemotaxis and cAR1-mediated gene expression. These findings suggest that the mutant receptors block development by constantly activating multiple adaptation pathways. ^ Sequence analysis revealed that these mutations (I104N, L100H) are clustered in a conserved region of the third transmembrane helix (TM3) of cAR1. To investigate the role of this region in receptor activation, one of these residues, I104, was mutated to all the other 19 possible amino acids. We found that all but the most conservative substitutions increase the receptor's affinity about 20- to 70-fold. However, only highly polar substitutions of I104, particularly basic residues, resulted in receptors that are constitutively phosphorylated and dominantly inhibit development, suggesting that highly polar substitutions not only disrupt an interaction constraining the receptor in its low-affinity, inactive state but also promote an additional conformational change that resembles the ligand-bound conformation. Our findings suggest that I104 plays a specific role in constraining the receptor in its inactive state and that substituting it with highly polar residues results in constitutive activation. ^


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Based on results of field observations in August 1998, July 2000, and August 2001 composition and quantitative distribution of coccolithophorids in the middle part of the Eastern Bering Sea shelf between 56°052'N and 59°019'N was characterized. Emiliania huxleyi abundance, biomass, and population structure as well as role of species in the coccolithophorid community and phytoplankton as a whole were evaluated. Abundance of the species in the upper mixed layer in bloom areas was 1-3 mln cells/l and biomass made up 30-75 mg C/m**3. E. huxleyi share in total phytoplankton numbers and biomass at that reached 98% and 84% respectively. Significant spatial heterogeneity of E. huxleyi, quantitative distribution and population size structure, as well as asynchronism in population development in neighboring parts of the bloom area were shown. The time period, during which population structure in certain part of the area shifts from domination of juvenile cells without coccoliths to a phase of active detritus formation with dying coccolithophorid cells involved, may be estimated as two weeks. A conclusion is made that after anomalous E. huxleyi bloom in 1997 mass development of coccolithophorids became a characteristic feature of phytoplankton community's seasonal succession in the middle part of the Eastern Bering Sea shelf.


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During the culmination of the phytoplankton spring bloom in the Fladen Ground area in April-Mai 1976, gross primary production was between 1500 and 2000 mg particulate C m**-2 day**-1, at a crop density (mainly diatoms of the genus Chaetoceros) of about 1500-3500 mg C m**-2. Estimates of the C:chlorophyll a ratio in living cells were much lower than those reported in the literature, possibly because part of what is measured as "chlorophyll a" by the common fluorometric method is associated with particles that are not reported as cells. Most of the dark 14C fixation during the bloom's climax was due to abiotic processes. Excretion of 14C-labeled carbohydrates did not account for a significant fraction of the total photosynthetic rate. The low crop after the bloom period, in June, corresponded with nutrient depletion of the euphotic zone. The low photosynthetic efficiency in June may have been a gross underestimate. The presence of relatively high concentrations of chlorophyll derivatives signifies that the algal crop was consumed by heterotrophs, but at a lower rate in April/May than during the June cruise when particularly high molar ratios of phaeophorbide a and phaeophytin a relative to chlorophyll a were found. The high respiratory rate relative to autotrophic production in June manifested itself also in high dark 14C fixation values. The high concentration of phaeophorbide a in the upper 40 m and its scarcity below this depth during the spring bloom climax in April/May implies that copepod grazing at that time took place principally in the euphotic zone. The remarkably high concentration of chlorophyllide a in the surface layer during the bloom period indicates that the part of the crop that was destroyed by the grazers while eating was occasionally as high as the part that was actually ingested.