956 resultados para listening


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Pedagogy is often glossed as the ‘art and science of teaching’ but this focus typically ties it to the instructional practices of formalised schooling. Like the emerging work on ‘public pedagogies’, the notion of cultural pedagogies signals the importance of the pedagogic in realms other than institutionalised education, but goes beyond the notion of public pedagogies in two ways: it includes spaces which are not so public, and it includes an emphasis on material and non-human actors. This collection foregrounds this broader understanding of pedagogy by framing enquiry through a series of questions and across a range of settings. How, for example, are the processes of ‘teaching’ and ‘learning’ realised within and across the pedagogic processes specific to various social sites? What ensembles of people, things and practices are brought together in specific institutional and everyday settings to accomplish these processes? This collection brings together researchers whose work across the interdisciplinary nexus of cultural studies, sociology, media studies, education and museology offers significant insights into these ‘cultural pedagogies’ – the practices and relations through which cumulative changes in how we act, feel and think occur. Cultural Pedagogies and Human Conduct opens up debate across disciplines, theoretical perspectives and empirical foci to explore both what is pedagogical about culture and what is cultural about pedagogy.


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This paper is about dogs and stories. As a communication studies academic and owner of a certified therapy dog, I noticed that something interesting happens when people interact with my dog. In some (most) cases, the simple act of patting and talking with the dog triggers the desire to share stories from their own ‘pet history’ – starting with simple catalogue of the animals they have owned, next, moving on to accounts of the life events that have occurred with and because of these pets and finally, sharing how they felt as a result.


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Two neighbouring glass houses, with large ears protruding from their structures, sit quietly. They seem to be listening carefully. Are these sentient forms? They are each broadcasting animations from within – revealing their contents and their inner selves, and blurring the division between personal and public space.


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The guide is designed to focus around someone who may be facing a decision, either now or in the future. It provides information for supporters about how to assist those with a disability to make decisions.


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This resource guides training facilitators and participants through the workshop titled "People with severe to profound intellectual disabilities leading lives they prefer through supported decision-making: "Listening to those rarely heard". The package consists of a PPT presentation, a training video and a workshop manual.


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We examined the effects of listening to music on attentional focus, rating of perceived exertion (RPE), pacing strategy and performance during a simulated 5-km running race. 15 participants performed 2 controlled trials to establish their best baseline time, followed by 2 counterbalanced experimental trials during which they listened to music during the first (M-start) or the last (M-finish) 1.5 km. The mean running velocity during the first 1.5 km was significantly higher in M-start than in the fastest control condition (p < 0.05), but there was no difference in velocity between conditions during the last 1.5 km (p > 0.05). The faster first 1.5 m in M-start was accompanied by a reduction in associative thoughts compared with the fastest control condition. There were no significant differences in RPE between conditions (p > 0.05). These results suggest that listening to music at the beginning of a trial may draw the attentional focus away from internal sensations of fatigue to thoughts about the external environment. However, along with the reduction in associative thoughts and the increase in running velocity while listening to music, the RPE increased linearly and similarly under all conditions, suggesting that the change in velocity throughout the race may be to maintain the same rate of RPE increase.


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Il presente lavoro tratta la progettazione e caratterizzazione di una nuova "listening room" ad acustica controllata partendo dai requisiti dettati dalle norme tecniche ITU-R BS 1116-1 e EBU/UER Tech. doc. 3276. Ad oggi è presente un'ampia letteratura, che tratta approcci per valutazione acustica delle sale di ascolto. Essa inizialmente era volta a trovare proporzioni ideali tra le dimensioni della camera, poi la ricerca si è spostata sull'elaborazione di modelli previsionali. Purtroppo tali metodi spesso non riescono a garantire le prestazioni desiderate, mentre le prove sperimentali dettate dalle norme risultano essere di comprovata validità. L'ambiente oggetto di studio è stato progettato all'interno dello spazio dei laboratori CIRI. La tecnologia costruttiva è frutto di uno studio approfondito, in particolare la scelta di fibre di poliestere termolegate, per il rivestimento delle pareti interne, è stata valutata attraverso misure in camera riverberante secondo UNI-EN-ISO 354. Si è poi seguita una metodologia iterativa che coinvolgesse messa in opera, misurazioni in situ e valutazione tramite confronto con i parametri consigliati dalle normative tecniche sopra citate. In quest'ottica sono state effettuate acquisizioni di risposte all'impulso monoaurali e dei livelli di pressione sonora per verificare la qualità di isolamento e il comportamento alle basse frequenze. La validazione restituisce indicazioni positive per gli utilizzi dell'ambiente ipotizzati e risulta compatibile con le stringenti richieste delle norme tecniche.


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Questa tesi ha come oggetto di studio i problemi riscontrati nelle trascrizioni di testi orali in lingua inglese prodotte da 39 studenti della laurea magistrale in Interpretazione. Nel Capitolo 1 viene presentato l’ascolto, che viene definito prima da un punto di vista storico, poi analizzato come processo composto da quattro fasi, come sostiene Michael Rost (2011). Il capitolo si conclude con l’ascolto nell’ambito dell’interpretazione. Nel Capitolo 2 viene analizzato in maniera contrastiva l’apprendimento dell’ascolto nella prima e nella seconda lingua. I primi due capitoli forniscono le basi per comprendere il caso di studio. Il Capitolo 3 concerne la metodologia dello studio. Vengono presentati il metodo di analisi delle trascrizioni, la categorizzazione dei problemi riscontrati e il processo di creazione del sistema di analisi utilizzato. Nel Capitolo 4 vengono presentati i dati ottenuti seguendo il metodo esposto nel Capitolo 3. Si presentano i problemi riscontrati, che vengono suddivisi in categorie in base a ciò che può averli causati. Il Capitolo 5 è dedicato alle conclusioni. Qui vengono suggerite possibili strategie mirate ad aiutare gli studenti di Interpretazione a migliorare le proprie capacità di ascolto in lingua inglese. Esta tesis quiere analizar los problemas encontrados en transcripciones de textos orales en inglés hechas por 39 estudiantes del máster en Interpretación. En el Capítulo 1 se presenta la escucha, que se define primero desde una perspectiva histórica, y luego como un proceso formado por cuatro fases, como argumenta Michael Rost (2011). El capítulo se cierra con la escucha en el ámbito de la interpretación. En el Capítulo 2 se analizan de forma contrastiva el aprendizaje de la escucha en la primera y segunda lengua. Los primeros dos capítulos constituyen la base para comprender el caso de estudio. El Capítulo 3 atañe a la metodología del estudio. Se presentan el método de análisis de las transcripciones, la categorización de los problemas encontrados y el proceso de creación del sistema de análisis que se ha empleado. En el Capítulo 4 se proporcionan los datos obtenidos gracias al método presentado en el Capítulo 3. Se presentan los problemas encontrados, que han sido divididos en categorías según qué puede haberlos ocasionado. El Capítulo 5 está dedicado a las conclusiones. Aquí se sugieren posibles estrategias cuyo objetivo es ayudar a los estudiantes de Interpretación a mejorar sus capacidades de escucha en inglés.


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The biggest challenge facing software developers today is how to gracefully evolve complex software systems in the face of changing requirements. We clearly need software systems to be more dynamic, compositional and model-centric, but instead we continue to build systems that are static, baroque and inflexible. How can we better build change-enabled systems in the future? To answer this question, we propose to look back to one of the most successful systems to support change, namely Smalltalk. We briefly introduce Smalltalk with a few simple examples, and draw some lessons for software evolution. Smalltalk's simplicity, its reflective design, and its highly dynamic nature all go a long way towards enabling change in Smalltalk applications. We then illustrate how these lessons work in practice by reviewing a number of research projects that support software evolution by exploiting Smalltalk's design. We conclude by summarizing open issues and challenges for change-enabled systems of the future.