952 resultados para lange termijn strategieën
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The effects of various cultural conditions on the composition and nutritional quality of Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Sing. were investigated. Variation in composition was found between different classes of sample. Sampling techniques were standardised to allow for major variations in the different developmental stages and culture ages. Fruitbodies were found to be of low calorific value but contained protein of high digestibility and quality, containing all the essential amino acids required by man. Quantitative estimates of the sulphur-containing amino acids indicated that fruitbodies were deficient in methionine and cysteine. The extent of water application and the supplementation of conventional substrates with various nitrogen-containing substances, influenced yield and composition, establishing the importance of these two factors in the physiology of fruitbodies and cultural management. Storage conditions influenced composition, high temperatures being deleterious to the nutritional value of fruitbodies. Submerged culture techniques were used to investigate the effects of various nutrients on growth and composition of mushroom mycelium, with special reference to the sulphur-containing amino acids. Yield and composition were greatly affected by the carbon:nitrogen ratio of the medium and by the nitrogen source. Significant increases in mycelial methionine content were observed on the addition of inorganic sulphate, the methionine derivative N-acetyl-L-methionine, and L-methionine. A greater increase in methionine content was obtained when the biomass of a thermophilic bacterium isolated from compost was used as a nitrogen source.
The changes of the concentration of iron in the growth substrates and the sporophores of Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Pilat that occurred during culture under standard commercial conditions, were observed using atomic absorption spectrophotometry and iron-59 radiotracing techniques. The routes of translocation and sites of iron accumulation within the sporophore were shovn to alter during development and by the use of novel, pelletised substrates the concentration of iron in the mycelium of the substrates and in developing sporophores was observed during culture. Findings indicated that the compost was the major source of iron and that the concentration of iron in the compost mycelium varied cyclically in relation to the periodic appearance of sporophores. In the casing layer the mycelium is organised into strands which are responsible for the movement of iron from the compost into developing sporophores. A photographic technique for estimating sporophore growth rates showed that the accumulation of iron was not concomitant with sporophore growth and this was attributable to a declining quantity of available iron in the compost mycelium during sporophore growth. Variations in the quantity of iron in sporophores resulted primarily from differences in the quantity of water soluble iron in the compost but, the productivity of the crop, the type of casing layer and differences in watering also influenced sporophore composition. Changes in the concentration of extractable iron in the compost and casing layer throughout culture were related to mycelial activity and to a lesser extent were influenced by watering and the bacterial populations of the casing layer. Thus, the findings of this study give some indication of the relative importance that different cultural conditions exert over sporophore composition together with demonstrations of the movement of a single material within the sporophores and substrates during the cultivation of Agaricus bisporus.
Effluent from pulp and paper production at the Kemsley mill of Bowaters U.K. Paper Company Limited passes through two treatment stages before its discharge into the Swale estuary. Suspended material removed during treatment is deposited on wasteground as a thin sludge. The solids it contains are mainly wood components lost during pulp production, whilst it also has a high salt content, derived from chemicals used in pulping processes. After deposition the sludge undergoes an ageing process during which it dries out and its salt content is reduced. This ageing can be reproduced and accelerated by improved drainage under controlled conditions. The paper mill sludge was investigated as a casing medium in the culture of Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Pilat, the cultivated mushroom. It was unsuitable up to one year from deposition due largely to the inhibitory effect of its salt content on fruiting. Material eighteen months or more in age gave yields comparable to standard peat casing. Before use as a casing the material must be shredded to a satisfactory structure, neutralised with chalk, and pasteurised to eliminate organisms harmful to the crop. The prepared medium has a high water holding capacity and a structure resilient to management procedures, important requirements of a good casing. A passive movement of salts from the compost to the casing was shown to occur during culture, capable of enhancing the natural decline in cropping if sufficiently great. The ions chloride, potassium, sodium and sulphate were shown to be responsible, their damaging effects being due to high conductivity created in the casing. Studies of elements available during culture suggested phosphate availability in the compost could limit crop potential, whilst iron released by mycelium of A.bisporus in the casing may be utilised by associated micro-organisms.
Volgens de hechtingstheorie komt de band die een kind met zijn of haar primaire verzorgers heeft gehad, op latere leeftijd tot uiting in veilige dan wel onveilige hechtingspatronen of –stijlen binnen de affectieve relaties met nabije anderen. Onveilig gehechte individuen hanteren specifieke hechtingsstrategieën in reactie op nonresponsiviteit of insensitiviteit van nabije anderen, zoals een geïntensiveerd (angstig) zoeken naar steun of bescherming, ofwel de vermijding van intimiteit waarbij de pogingen om steun of bescherming te verkrijgen, volledig worden opgeven. Hechtingsrepresentaties werden lange tijd gezien als vrij stabiele constructen (trait-hechting). Inmiddels is echter bewezen dat hechting veranderlijk kan zijn in de tijd en over verschillende soorten relaties heen (state-hechting). Individuen blijken meer aanpasbaar te zijn voor wat betreft de hechtingsstijlen en –strategieën binnen nauwe verbintenissen dan vroeger werd gedacht. In onderzoek is een verband geconstateerd tussen onveilige hechtingsstijlen en –strategieën en psychopathologie. Voor het vaststellen van de (dominante) volwassen hechtingsstijl binnen intieme partnerrelaties en in relaties met anderen ‘in het algemeen’, worden in de praktijk veelal hechtingsvragenlijsten ingezet. Met kennis van en inzicht in de hechtingsstijl en –strategieën van cliënten en met een goed hechtingsinstrument om deze te meten, kan de therapeut gerichte interventies toepassen om cliënten te begeleiden van meer onveilige hechtingspatronen en ineffectieve hechtingsstrategieën naar veilige hechting en effectieve hechtingsstrategieën binnen relaties. Met dit onderzoek werd getracht een idiografische (persoonsbeschrijvende) state-hechtingslijst voor de psychologiepraktijk te ontwikkelen. Daartoe werden twee instrumenten op interne structuur en psychometrische kwaliteiten onderzocht, namelijk de State Adult Attachment Measure (SAAM; Gillath et al., 2009) en de Hechtingslijst (HL-48; Van Geel et al., 2011). Een externe validatie werd gedaan met een hexagon-analyse (Van Geel, 2011) door projectie van de twee instrumenten en (een Nederlandse vertaling van) de Relationship Questionnaire van Bartholomew en Horowitz (1991; RQ-NL; Emmelkamp, 2011) tegen de achtergrond van de zes affectieve prototypen van de Zelfconfrontatiemethode (ZKM; Hermans & Hermans-Jansen, 1995; Hermans, Hermans-Jansen & Van Gilst, 1985).
vorgelegt von Franz Jäger
Sammelrezension von: 1. Renate Knobel: Der lange Weg zur akademischen Ausbildung in der sozialen Arbeit. Stationen von 1868 bis 1971. Frankfurt a. M., Deutscher Verein für öffentliche und private Fürsorge, 1992. Besprechungen, 105 S. 2. Ute Lange-Appel: Von der allgemeinen Kulturaufgabe zur Berufskarriere im Lebenslauf. Eine bildungshistorische Untersuchung zur Professionalisierung der Sozialarbeit. (Studien zur Erwachsenenbildung. Bd. 11.) Frankfurt a.M./Bern: Lang 1993. 354 S.
Ce texte a été écrit en hommage à l’Italie, un pays si nourri d’art en général, si amoureux des belles voix en particulier, qu’il a toléré pendant au moins deux siècles, en particulier au 17ème et 18ème siècles, l’âge baroque, la mutilation d’environ 3000 à 4000 jeunes garçons chaque année, afin de créer les plus étranges de toutes les voix de chanteurs, les voix de castrats.
Rezension von: Sabine Hastedt / Silvia Lange (Hrsg.): Männer und Grundschullehramt. Diskurse, Erkenntnisse, Perspektiven. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2012 (171 S.; ISBN 978-3-531-18767-9)