778 resultados para koodit - URL


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Ressenya de l'obra: Vicent MARTINES, El «Tirant» poliglota. Estudi sobre el «Tirant lo Blanch» a partir de les seues traduccions espanyola, italiana ifrancesa dels segles XVI-XVIII. Barcelona: Curial Edicions Catalanes. Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, 1997. Col. "Textos i Estudis de Cultura Catalana", 55. 206 p.


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BACKGROUND: There is considerable interindividual variability in pulmonary artery pressure among high-altitude (HA) dwellers, but the underlying mechanism is not known. At low altitude, a patent foramen ovale (PFO) is present in about 25% of the general population. Its prevalence is increased in clinical conditions associated with pulmonary hypertension and arterial hypoxemia, and it is thought to aggravate these problems. METHODS: We searched for a PFO (transesophageal echocardiography) in healthy HA dwellers (n = 22) and patients with chronic mountain sickness (n = 35) at 3,600 m above sea level and studied its effects (transthoracic echocardiography) on right ventricular (RV) function, pulmonary artery pressure, and vascular resistance at rest and during mild exercise (50 W), an intervention designed to further increase pulmonary artery pressure. RESULTS: The prevalence of PFO (32%) was similar to that reported in low-altitude populations and was not different in participants with and without chronic mountain sickness. Its presence was associated with RV enlargement at rest and an exaggerated increase in right-ventricular-to-right-atrial pressure gradient (25 ± 7 mm Hg vs 15 ± 9 mm Hg, P < .001) and a blunted increase in fractional area change of the right ventricle (3% [-1%, 5%] vs 7% [3%, 16%], P = .008) during mild exercise. CONCLUSIONS: These findings show, we believe for the first time, that although the prevalence of PFO is not increased in HA dwellers, its presence appears to facilitate pulmonary vasoconstriction and RV dysfunction during a mild physical effort frequently associated with daily activity. TRIAL REGISTRY: ClinicalTrials.gov; No.: NCT01182792; URL: www.clinicaltrials.gov.


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Työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia Datex-Ohmedan nimikekoodien ja tuoterakenteiden käyttöä ja dokumentointia toiminnanohjausjärjestelmässä vientitoimintojen kannalta. Tavoitteena oli myös analysoida havaittuja ongelmia ja pyrkiä kehittämään tilannetta eteenpäin. Työssä on esitelty Datex-Ohmedan tuotteet, vientijärjestelmä sekä toiminnanohjausjärjestelmä perusteena käytetylle myyntirakenteelle ja tilausmenettelylle. Tilauksenkäsittelyn selventämiseksi on siitä tehty prosessikuvaus. Tilauksenkäsittelyprosessi on jaettu neljään pääprosessiin: tilauksen vastaanotto, tuotanto, pakkaus ja lähetys. Prosessissa kulkevien dokumenttien ja niissä käytettyjen koodimuotojen avulla on havainnollistettu koodien moninaista käyttöä. Koodipolitiikkaa on kuvattu esittämällä nimikekoodi, konfiguraatiokoodi, tilauskoodi, myyntirakenne ja nimiketyypit. Erillisten tilauskoodien vuoksi käytettävää järjestelmää on selostettu koodien yhteydessä. Vastaavat koodit ja käytännöt Pohjois-Amerikan organisaatiossa on kerrottu. Työssä on myös sivuttu tuotetiedon hallintaa ja tuotetiedon hallintajärjestelmä-projektia Datex-Ohmedassa. Havaitut ongelmat on jaoteltu tilauksenkäsittelyprosessiiin liittyviin, myyntirakenteeseen ja koodeihin liittyviin sekä yleisiin käytäntöihin. Ongelmia ja niiden taustoja on pohdittu yksitellen. Työn lopputuloksena on hahmoteltu tilanteen kehitysmahdollisuuksia ja analysoitu lyhyesti niiden toteuttamismahdollisuuksia ja vaikutuksia.


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Purpose of this work was to study different types of barcodes and possibilities of reading them with mobile phones camera. Another goal was to transfer product information from a server to a mobile phone according to a barcode. There is existing software to read barcodes with mobile phones camera. They also open a www – page to mobile phones browser according to a URL address interpreted from a barcode. I simulated a use-case scenario, in which product delivery related information was controlled by a mobile phone. The information was located in a MySQL database and it was controlled with www – pages through mobile phones browser. I also made tests about how possible difficulties effect on successful interpretation of a barcode.


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Biocuration has become a cornerstone for analyses in biology, and to meet needs, the amount of annotations has considerably grown in recent years. However, the reliability of these annotations varies; it has thus become necessary to be able to assess the confidence in annotations. Although several resources already provide confidence information about the annotations that they produce, a standard way of providing such information has yet to be defined. This lack of standardization undermines the propagation of knowledge across resources, as well as the credibility of results from high-throughput analyses. Seeded at a workshop during the Biocuration 2012 conference, a working group has been created to address this problem. We present here the elements that were identified as essential for assessing confidence in annotations, as well as a draft ontology--the Confidence Information Ontology--to illustrate how the problems identified could be addressed. We hope that this effort will provide a home for discussing this major issue among the biocuration community. Tracker URL: https://github.com/BgeeDB/confidence-information-ontology Ontology URL: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BgeeDB/confidence-information-ontology/master/src/ontology/cio-simple.obo


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BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Thromboxane prostaglandin receptors have been implicated to be involved in the atherosclerotic process. We assessed whether Terutroban, a thromboxane prostaglandin receptor antagonist, affects the progression of atherosclerosis, as measured by common carotid intima-media thickness and carotid plaques. METHODS: A substudy was performed among 1141 participants of the aspirin-controlled Prevention of Cerebrovascular and Cardiovascular Events of Ischemic Origin with Terutroban in Patients with a History of Ischemic Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack (PERFORM) trial. Common carotid intima-media thickness and carotid plaque occurrence was measured during a 3-year period. RESULTS: Baseline characteristics did not differ between Terutroban (n=592) and aspirin (n=549) treated patients and were similar as in the main study. Mean study and treatment duration were similar (28 and 25 months, respectively). In the Terutroban group, the annualized rate of change in common carotid intima-media thickness was 0.006 mm per year (95% confidence interval, -0.004 to 0.016) and -0.005 mm per year (95% confidence interval, -0.015 to 0.005) in the aspirin group. There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in the annualized rate of change of common carotid intima-media thickness (0.011 mm per year; 95% confidence interval, -0.003 to 0.025). At 12 months of follow-up, 66% of Terutroban patients had no emergent plaques, 31% had 1 to 2 emergent plaques, and 3% had ≥3 emergent plaques. In the aspirin group, the corresponding percentages were 64%, 32%, and 4%. Over time, there was no statistically significant difference in the number of emergent carotid plaques between treatment modalities (rate ratio, 0.91; 95% confidence interval, 0.77-1.07). CONCLUSIONS: Compared with aspirin, Terutroban did not beneficially affect progression of carotid atherosclerosis among well-treated patients with a history of ischemic stroke or transient ischemic attacks with an internal carotid stenosis <70%. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION URL: http://www.controlled-trials.com. Unique identifier: ISRCTN66157730.


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Polyphenols are a major class of bioactive phytochemicals whose consumption may play a role in the prevention of a number of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, type II diabetes and cancers. Phenol-Explorer, launched in 2009, is the only freely available web-based database on the content of polyphenols in food and their in vivo metabolism and pharmacokinetics. Here we report the third release of the database (Phenol-Explorer 3.0), which adds data on the effects of food processing on polyphenol contents in foods. Data on >100 foods, covering 161 polyphenols or groups of polyphenols before and after processing, were collected from 129 peer-reviewed publications and entered into new tables linked to the existing relational design. The effect of processing on polyphenol content is expressed in the form of retention factor coefficients, or the proportion of a given polyphenol retained after processing, adjusted for change in water content. The result is the first database on the effects of food processing on polyphenol content and, following the model initially defined for Phenol-Explorer, all data may be traced back to original sources. The new update will allow polyphenol scientists to more accurately estimate polyphenol exposure from dietary surveys. Database URL: http://www.phenol-explorer.eu


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Le système digestif est colonisé dès la naissance par une population bactérienne, le microbiote, qui influence le développement du système immunitaire. Des modifications dans sa composition sont associées à des pathologies comme l'obésité et les maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l'intestin. Outre les antibiotiques, des facteurs environnementaux comme le tabagisme semblent aussi avoir une influence sur la composition de la flore intestinale, pouvant en partie expliquer la prise de poids à l'arrêt du tabac avec une modification de la composition du microbiote proche de celle observée chez des personnes obèses (profil microbiotique montrant des capacités accrues d'extraction calorique des aliments ingérés). Ces découvertes permettent d'imaginer de nouvelles approches diagnostiques et thérapeutiques via la régulation de ce microbiome. The digestive tract is colonized from birth by a bacterial population called the microbiota which influences the development of the immune system. Modifications in its composition are associated with problems such as obesity or inflammatory bowel diseases. Antibiotics are known to influence the intestinal microbiota but other environmental factors such as cigarette smoking also seem to have an impact on its composition. This influence might partly explain weight gain which is observed after smoking cessation. Indeed there is a modification of the gut microbiota which becomes similar to that of obese people with a microbiotical profile which is more efficient to extract calories from ingested food. These new findings open new fields of diagnostic and therapeutic approaches through the regulation of the microbiota.


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BACKGROUND: New generation transcatheter heart valves (THV) may improve clinical outcomes of transcatheter aortic valve implantation. METHODS AND RESULTS: In a nationwide, prospective, multicenter cohort study (Swiss Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation Registry, NCT01368250), outcomes of consecutive transfemoral transcatheter aortic valve implantation patients treated with the Sapien 3 THV (S3) versus the Sapien XT THV (XT) were investigated. An overall of 153 consecutive S3 patients were compared with 445 consecutive XT patients. Postprocedural mean transprosthetic gradient (6.5±3.0 versus 7.8±6.3 mm Hg, P=0.17) did not differ between S3 and XT patients, respectively. The rate of more than mild paravalvular regurgitation (1.3% versus 5.3%, P=0.04) and of vascular (5.3% versus 16.9%, P<0.01) complications were significantly lower in S3 patients. A higher rate of new permanent pacemaker implantations was observed in patients receiving the S3 valve (17.0% versus 11.0%, P=0.01). There were no significant differences for disabling stroke (S3 1.3% versus XT 3.1%, P=0.29) and all-cause mortality (S3 3.3% versus XT 4.5%, P=0.27). CONCLUSIONS: The use of the new generation S3 balloon-expandable THV reduced the risk of more than mild paravalvular regurgitation and vascular complications but was associated with an increased permanent pacemaker rate compared with the XT. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation using the newest generation balloon-expandable THV is associated with a low risk of stroke and favorable clinical outcomes. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT01368250.


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The efficacy of Gamma Knife surgery (GKS) in local tumor control of non-secreting paragangliomas (PGLs) has been fully described by previous studies. However, with regard to secreting PGL, only one previous case report exists advocating its efficacy at a biological level. The aims of this study were: 1) to evaluate the safety/efficacy of GKS in a dopamine-secreting PGL; 2) to investigate whether the biological concentrations of free methoxytyramine could be used as a marker of treatment efficacy during the follow-up. We describe the case of a 62-year-old man diagnosed with left PGL. He initially underwent complete surgical excision. Thirty months after, he developed recurrent biological and neuroradiological disease; the most sensitive biomarker for monitoring the disease, concentration of plasma free methoxytyramine, started to increase. GKS was performed at a maximal marginal dose of 16 Gy. During the following 30 months, concentration of free methoxytyramine gradually decreased from 0.14 nmol/l (2*URL) before GKS to 0.09 nmol/l, 6 months after GKS and 0.07 nmol/l at the last follow-up after GKS (1.1*URL), confirming the efficacy of the treatment. Additionally, at 30 months there was approximately 36.6% shrinkage from the initial target volume. The GKS treatment was safe and effective, this being confirmed clinically, neuroradiologically and biologically. The case illustrates the importance of laboratory tests taking into account methoxytyramine when analyzing biological samples to assess the biochemical activity of a PGL. In addition, the identification of methoxytyramine as a unique positive biomarker could designate it for the monitoring of tumor relapse after treatments, including Gamma Knife surgery.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar o desempenho da carga viral do HPV por captura de híbridos II (CHII) na predição da gravidade das lesões cervicais. MÉTODOS: foram incluídas 309 mulheres admitidas por resultado anormal da colpocitologia oncológica (CO) entre agosto de 200 e novembro de 2002. Todas foram submetidas a avaliação histológica, sendo que a presença de neoplasia intra-epitelial cervical (NIC) grau 2 ou mais (NIC 3, carcinoma invasor) foi considerada doença grave. A CHII foi realizada para tipos de HPV de alto risco oncogênico e a carga viral medida em unidades relativas de luz (URL). O desempenho da CHII foi avaliado por curva receiver operating characteristics (ROC). RESULTADOS: na avaliação histológica, 140 (45,3%) mulheres apresentavam cervicite ou NIC 1 e 199 (54,7%), NIC 2/3, adenocarcinoma in situ ou câncer invasor. O melhor ponto de corte da CHII para a detecção de doença grave foi 35 URL, com sensibilidade de 69% e especificidade de 70%. O valor preditivo positivo das alterações compatíveis com lesão de alto grau na CO associado a CHII de 35 URL (unidades relativas de luz) foi de 88,2% para a detecção de NIC 2 ou mais. Já 95,7% das mulheres com lesões de baixo grau na CO e CHII menor que 1 URL não apresentaram lesões histológicas graves. CONCLUSÃO: o melhor desempenho da CHII no diagnóstico de NIC 2 ou lesão mais grave foi encontrado com 35 URL. A associação da CO com a CHII em diferentes cargas virais mostrou valores preditivos positivos e negativos muito altos.


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Growing demand for stainless steel construction materials has increased the popularity of substitutive materials for austenitic stainless steels. The lean duplex grades have taken their place in building of structures exposed to corrosive environments. Since the duplex grades are relatively new materials, the current codes and norms do not fully cover the newest duplex grades. The joints tested in this thesis were designed and studied according to Eurocode 3, even though all the materials are not yet accepted to the standards. The main objective in this thesis was to determine the differences of the used materials in behaviour under loading at low temperatures. Tests in which the deformation and strength properties of the joints were determined were done at the temperature of -46°C, which is the requirement of temperature for structures designed according to Norsok standards. Results show that replacing the austenitic grade with the lean duplex grade is acceptable.