994 resultados para knowledge paradigms
The dominant discourse in education and training policies, at the turn of the millennium, was on lifelong learning (LLL) in the context of a knowledge-based society. As Green points (2002, pp. 611-612) several factors contribute to this global trend: The demographic change: In most advanced countries, the average age of the population is increasing, as people live longer; The effects of globalisation: Including both economic restructuring and cultural change which have impacts on the world of education; Global economic restructuring: Which causes, for example, a more intense demand for a higher order of skills; the intensified economic competition, forcing a wave of restructuring and creating enormous pressure to train and retrain the workforce In parallel, the “significance of the international division of labour cannot be underestimated for higher education”, as pointed out by Jarvis (1999, p. 250). This author goes on to argue that globalisation has exacerbated differentiation in the labour market, with the First World converting faster to a knowledge economy and a service society, while a great deal of the actual manufacturing is done elsewhere.
We are working on the confluence of knowledge management, organizational memory and emergent knowledge with the lens of complex adaptive systems. In order to be fundamentally sustainable organizations search for an adaptive need for managing ambidexterity of day-to-day work and innovation. An organization is an entity of a systemic nature, composed of groups of people who interact to achieve common objectives, making it necessary to capture, store and share interactions knowledge with the organization, this knowledge can be generated in intra-organizational or inter-organizational level. The organizations have organizational memory of knowledge of supported on the Information technology and systems. Each organization, especially in times of uncertainty and radical changes, to meet the demands of the environment, needs timely and sized knowledge on the basis of tacit and explicit. This sizing is a learning process resulting from the interaction that emerges from the relationship between the tacit and explicit knowledge and which we are framing within an approach of Complex Adaptive Systems. The use of complex adaptive systems for building the emerging interdependent relationship, will produce emergent knowledge that will improve the organization unique developing.
With the electricity market liberalization, distribution and retail companies are looking for better market strategies based on adequate information upon the consumption patterns of its electricity customers. In this environment all consumers are free to choose their electricity supplier. A fair insight on the customer´s behaviour will permit the definition of specific contract aspects based on the different consumption patterns. In this paper Data Mining (DM) techniques are applied to electricity consumption data from a utility client’s database. To form the different customer´s classes, and find a set of representative consumption patterns, we have used the Two-Step algorithm which is a hierarchical clustering algorithm. Each consumer class will be represented by its load profile resulting from the clustering operation. Next, to characterize each consumer class a classification model will be constructed with the C5.0 classification algorithm.
This work describes a methodology to extract symbolic rules from trained neural networks. In our approach, patterns on the network are codified using formulas on a Lukasiewicz logic. For this we take advantage of the fact that every connective in this multi-valued logic can be evaluated by a neuron in an artificial network having, by activation function the identity truncated to zero and one. This fact simplifies symbolic rule extraction and allows the easy injection of formulas into a network architecture. We trained this type of neural network using a back-propagation algorithm based on Levenderg-Marquardt algorithm, where in each learning iteration, we restricted the knowledge dissemination in the network structure. This makes the descriptive power of produced neural networks similar to the descriptive power of Lukasiewicz logic language, minimizing the information loss on the translation between connectionist and symbolic structures. To avoid redundance on the generated network, the method simplifies them in a pruning phase, using the "Optimal Brain Surgeon" algorithm. We tested this method on the task of finding the formula used on the generation of a given truth table. For real data tests, we selected the Mushrooms data set, available on the UCI Machine Learning Repository.
Recommendation systems have been growing in number for the last fifteen years. To evolve and adapt to the demands of the actual society, many paradigms emerged giving birth to even more paradigms and hybrid approaches. Mobile devices have also been under an incredible growth rate in every business area, and there are already lots of mobile based systems to assist tourists. This explosive growth gave birth to different mobile applications, each having their own advantages and disadvantages. Since recommendation and mobile systems might as well be integrated, this work intends to present the current state of the art in tourism mobile and recommendation systems, as well as to state their advantages and disadvantages.
Recommendation systems have been growing in number over the last fifteen years. To evolve and adapt to the demands of the actual society, many paradigms emerged giving birth to even more paradigms and hybrid approaches. These approaches contain strengths and weaknesses that need to be evaluated according to the knowledge area in which the system is going to be implemented. Mobile devices have also been under an incredible growth rate in every business area, and there are already lots of mobile based systems to assist tourists. This explosive growth gave birth to different mobile applications, each having their own advantages and disadvantages. Since recommendation and mobile systems might as well be integrated, this work intends to present the current state of the art in tourism mobile and recommendation systems, as well as to state their advantages and disadvantages.
The emergence of new business models, namely, the establishment of partnerships between organizations, the chance that companies have of adding existing data on the web, especially in the semantic web, to their information, led to the emphasis on some problems existing in databases, particularly related to data quality. Poor data can result in loss of competitiveness of the organizations holding these data, and may even lead to their disappearance, since many of their decision-making processes are based on these data. For this reason, data cleaning is essential. Current approaches to solve these problems are closely linked to database schemas and specific domains. In order that data cleaning can be used in different repositories, it is necessary for computer systems to understand these data, i.e., an associated semantic is needed. The solution presented in this paper includes the use of ontologies: (i) for the specification of data cleaning operations and, (ii) as a way of solving the semantic heterogeneity problems of data stored in different sources. With data cleaning operations defined at a conceptual level and existing mappings between domain ontologies and an ontology that results from a database, they may be instantiated and proposed to the expert/specialist to be executed over that database, thus enabling their interoperability.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate knowledge, attitude and practice related to mammography among women users of local health services, identifying barriers to its performance. METHODS: A total of 663 women were interviewed at 13 local health centers in a city of Southeastern Brazil, in 2001. Interviewees were randomly selected at each center and they were representative from different socioeconomic conditions. The number of interviewees at each center was proportional to monthly mean appointments. For data analysis, answers were described as knowledge, attitude, practice and their respective adequacies and then they were correlated with control variables through the chi-square test. RESULTS: Only 7.4% of the interviewees had adequate knowledge on mammography, while 97.1% of women had an adequate attitude. The same was seen for the practice of mammography that was adequate in 35.7% of the cases. The main barrier to mammography was lack of referral by physicians working at the health center (81.8%). There was an association between adequacy of attitude and five years or more of education and being married. There was also an association between adequacy of mammography practice and being employed and family income up to four minimum wages. CONCLUSIONS: Women users of local health services had no adequate knowledge and practice related to mammography despite having an adequate attitude about this exam.
Perante a evolução constante da Internet, a sua utilização é quase obrigatória. Através da web, é possível conferir extractos bancários, fazer compras em países longínquos, pagar serviços sem sair de casa, entre muitos outros. Há inúmeras alternativas de utilização desta rede. Ao se tornar tão útil e próxima das pessoas, estas começaram também a ganhar mais conhecimentos informáticos. Na Internet, estão também publicados vários guias para intrusão ilícita em sistemas, assim como manuais para outras práticas criminosas. Este tipo de informação, aliado à crescente capacidade informática do utilizador, teve como resultado uma alteração nos paradigmas de segurança informática actual. Actualmente, em segurança informática a preocupação com o hardware é menor, sendo o principal objectivo a salvaguarda dos dados e continuidade dos serviços. Isto deve-se fundamentalmente à dependência das organizações nos seus dados digitais e, cada vez mais, dos serviços que disponibilizam online. Dada a mudança dos perigos e do que se pretende proteger, também os mecanismos de segurança devem ser alterados. Torna-se necessário conhecer o atacante, podendo prever o que o motiva e o que pretende atacar. Neste contexto, propôs-se a implementação de sistemas de registo de tentativas de acesso ilícitas em cinco instituições de ensino superior e posterior análise da informação recolhida com auxílio de técnicas de data mining (mineração de dados). Esta solução é pouco utilizada com este intuito em investigação, pelo que foi necessário procurar analogias com outras áreas de aplicação para recolher documentação relevante para a sua implementação. A solução resultante revelou-se eficaz, tendo levado ao desenvolvimento de uma aplicação de fusão de logs das aplicações Honeyd e Snort (responsável também pelo seu tratamento, preparação e disponibilização num ficheiro Comma Separated Values (CSV), acrescentando conhecimento sobre o que se pode obter estatisticamente e revelando características úteis e previamente desconhecidas dos atacantes. Este conhecimento pode ser utilizado por um administrador de sistemas para melhorar o desempenho dos seus mecanismos de segurança, tais como firewalls e Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS).
Knowledge plays an important role in health care. The production and diffusion of health-related knowledge are increasingly under the control of private commercial interests, which are characterized by conflicts of interests that result in abuses of power. Considerable research has been done on the medical-industrial complex and its role in the production of power imbalances and the consequent abuses, but little attention has been dedicated to the role played by the publishing industry, which can be subject to the same problems. The widely diffused idea that "frequent and major changes" occur in medicine, albeit unsupported by clearcut evidence, is an effective marketing tool for both the pharmaceutical and publishing industries, who feed and thrive on physicians' insecurities. The production and distribution of knowledge should be addressed as a strategic component of public health.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationship between locus of control and knowledge, attitude and practice regarding pill and condom use among university students. METHODS: The inquiry was developed in Campinas, a city in Southeastern Brazil, in 2006. A total of 295 adolescent newcomers to a public university answered a structured questionnaire and Levenson's multidimensional locus of control scale. The scores of the dimensions of locus of control were calculated and Spearman's correlation coefficient was used to assess their correlation with knowledge and practice concerning pill and condom use. In order to assess the relationship between the dimensions of locus of control and sociodemographic variables and variables related to the individuals' sex life, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests were used. RESULTS: Male adolescents had higher scores of powerful others externality when compared to female adolescents (p=0.01). Students living alone had lower internality (p=0.01). When locus of control was compared to condom use in the first intercourse, considering only the 102 students who informed the age of the beginning of sexual activity, greater internality was found among male adolescents who did not use condoms (p<0.05). When the locus of control scores were correlated with contraceptive knowledge and practice, it was found that the higher the powerful others externality locus, the lower the adequate use of contraceptive methods (r = -0.22, p=0.03). CONCLUSIONS: The powerful others externality locus influences the practice of contraceptive use in this group of adolescents.
Objetivos – Um dos principais objetivos da neurociência tem sido, desde sempre, compreender as funcionalidades do cérebro. A introdução da ressonância magnética funcional contribuiu em grande escala para o desenvolvimento do estudo cerebral. Assim, esta investigação tem como principal objetivo identificar e desenhar os diferentes perfis de localizações cerebrais, a nível do córtex motor, numa população jovem saudável, permitindo, assim, um maior conhecimento nesta área e dando um contributo à área da neurologia. Material e métodos – Foi realizado um estudo de ressonância magnética funcional em 30 indivíduos saudáveis numa clínica de imagiologia médica. Para tal recorreu-se a equipamento adequado para a recolha de dados. O paradigma motor utilizado foi o movimento dos dedos das mãos. Através das imagens obtidas foi medida a área de cada região ativa. Com o suporte do programa SPSS (versão 19) todos os valores foram tratados estatisticamente. Conclusão – Após todo este processo concluiu-se que a área do cérebro maioritariamente ativa, no momento do paradigma motor, encontra-se no hemisfério esquerdo.
As manifestações públicas de cultura popular têm sido abordadas por diferentes áreas do conhecimento (antropologia, sociologia, história, etnografia e outras), mas as ciências da comunicação têm-lhes dado relativamente menos atenção. Do estudo de festas populares, sobretudo na investigação literária da sua matriz religiosa, passamos à investigação e à análise dos processos comunicacionais destas manifestações. O encontro com uma nova área das ciências da comunicação, a folkcomunicação, foi decisivo para a opção por paradigmas e instrumentos de análise que nos têm apoiado na investigação em curso sobre comunicação popular. Este texto tem como principal objectivo apresentar a origem e a evolução desta teoria comunicacional, Folkcomunicação, teoria inspirada na Escola de Chicago. Trata-se de um artigo teórico/conceptual, resultado de pesquisa bibliográfica e análise do Estado da Arte em relação à cultura popular e à folkcomunicação.
As manifestações públicas de cultura popular têm sido abordadas por diferentes áreas do conhecimento (antropologia, sociologia, história, etnografia e outras), mas as ciências da comunicação têm-lhes dado relativamente menos atenção. Do estudo de festas populares, sobretudo na investigação literária da sua matriz religiosa, passámos à investigação e à análise dos processos comunicacionais destas manifestações. O encontro com uma nova área das ciências da comunicação, a folkcomunicação, foi decisivo para a opção por paradigmas e instrumentos de análise que nos têm apoiado na investigação em curso sobre comunicação popular. Este texto tem como principal objectivo apresentar a origem e a evolução desta teoria comunicacional, Folkcomunicação, teoria inspirada na Escola de Chicago. Trata-se de um artigo teórico/conceptual, resultado de pesquisa bibliográfica e análise do Estado da Arte em relação à cultura popular e à folkcomunicação.
The knowledge-based society we live in has stressed the importance of human capital and brought talent to the top of most wanted skills, especially to companies who want to succeed in turbulent environments worldwide. In fact, streams, sequences of decisions and resource commitments characterize the day-to-day of multinational companies (MNCs). Such decision-making activities encompass major strategic moves like internationalization and new market entries or diversification and acquisitions. In most companies, these strategic decisions are extensively discussed and debated and are generally framed, formulated, and articulated in specialized language often developed by the best minds in the company. Yet the language used in such deliberations, in detailing and enacting the implementation strategy is usually taken for granted and receives little if any explicit attention (Brannen & Doz, 2012) an can still be a “forgotten factor” (Marschan et al. 1997). Literature on language management and international business refers to lack of awareness of business managers of the impact that language can have not only in communication effectiveness but especially in knowledge transfer and knowledge management in business environments. In the context of MNCs, management is, for many different reasons, more complex and demanding than that of a national company, mainly because of diversity factors inherent to internationalization, namely geographical and cultural spaces, i.e, varied mindsets. Moreover, the way of functioning, and managing language, of the MNC depends on its vision, its values and its internationalization model, i.e on in the way the MNE adapts to and controls the new markets, which can vary essentially from a more ethnocentric to a more pluricentric focus. Regardless of the internationalization model followed by the MNC, communication between different business units is essential to achieve unity in diversity and business sustainability. For the business flow and prosperity, inter-subsidiary, intra-company and company-client (customers, suppliers, governments, municipalities, etc..) communication must work in various directions and levels of the organization. If not well managed, this diversity can be a barrier to global coordination and create turbulent environments, even if a good technological support is available (Feely et al., 2002: 4). According to Marchan-Piekkari (1999) the tongue can be both (i) a barrier, (ii) a facilitator and (iii) a source of power. Moreover, the lack of preparation for the barriers of linguistic diversity can lead to various costs, including negotiations’ failure and failure on internationalization.. On the other hand, communication and language fluency is not just a message transfer procedure, but above all a knowledge transfer process, which requires extra-linguistic skills (persuasion, assertiveness …) in order to promote credibility of both parties. For this reason, MNCs need a common code to communicate and trade information inside and outside the company, which will require one or more strategies, in order to overcome possible barriers and organization distortions.