992 resultados para intradermal inoculation


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The structures and manner with which Pseudocercospora macadamiae penetrates, colonises and proliferates from the pericarp of macadamia fruit was studied using scanning electron microscopy and fluorescence light microscopy. Germ tubes arising from conidia penetrated open stomata within 20 h of inoculation, without observation of specialised infection structures such as appressoria. Colonisation of the pericarp was intercellular, without observation of specialised intracellular infection structures such as haustoria, and was complete from the epidermis to the mesocarp. The fungus proliferated at the epidermis by the formation of conidiophores and conidia on substomatal and protuberant subepidermal stromata. These structures were not observed on the mesocarp surface. The onset of visual husk spot symptoms coincided with an increase in pathogen biomass on the pericarp surface. The progression of symptoms from tan-coloured spots to larger red-brown lesions coincided with the production of conidiophores from substomatal and protuberant subepidermal stromata. The darker the colour of the husk spot lesion, the more frequently protuberant subepidermal stromata were observed. These findings are discussed in the context of observation of other cercosporoid fungi.


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Sorghum ergot, caused by Claviceps africana, has remained a major disease problem in Australia since it was first recorded in 1996, and is the focus of a range of biological and integrated management research. Artificial inoculation using conidial suspensions is an important tool in this research. Ergot infection is greatly influenced by environmental factors, so it is important to reduce controllable sources of variation such as inoculum concentration. The use of optical density was tested as a method of quantifying conidial suspensions of C. africana, as an alternative to haemocytometer counts. This method was found to be accurate and time efficient, with possible applications in other disease systems.


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Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) was found by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) to be not fully systemic in naturally infected kava (Piper methysticum) plants in Fiji. Twenty-six of 48 samples (54%) from various tissues of three recently infected plants were CMV-positive compared with 7/51 samples (14%) from three long-term infections (plants affected by dieback for more than 1 year). The virus was also found to have a limited ability to move into newly formed stems. CMV was detected in only 2/23 samples taken from re-growth stems arising from known CMV infected/dieback affected plants. Mechanical inoculation experiments conducted in Fiji indicate that the known kava intercrop plants banana (Musa spp.), pineapple (Ananas comosus), peanut (Arachis hypogaea) and the common weed Mikania micrantha are potential hosts for a dieback-causing strain of CMV It was not possible to transmit the virus mechanically to the common kava intercrop plants taro (Colocasia esculenta), Xanthosoma sp., sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), yam (Dioscorea alata), papaya (Carica papaya) or the weed Momordica charantia. Implications of the results of this research on a possible integrated disease management strategy are discussed.


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Table beet production in the Lockyer Valley of south-eastern Queensland is known to be adversely affected by soilborne root disease from infection by Pythium spp. However, little is known regarding the species or genotypes that are the causal agents of both pre- and post-emergence damping off. Based on RFLP analysis with HhaI, HinfI and MboI of the PCR amplified ITS region DNA from soil and diseased plant samples, the majority of 130 Pythium isolates could be grouped into three genotypes, designated LVP A, LVP B and LVP C. These groups comprised 43, 41 and 7% of all isolates, respectively. Deoxyribonucleic acid sequence analysis of the ITS region indicated that LVP A was a strain of Pythium aphanidermatum, with greater than 99% similarity to the corresponding P. aphanidermatum sequences from the publicly accessible databases. The DNA sequences from LVP B and LVP C were most closely related to P. ultimum and P. dissotocum, respectively. Lower frequencies of other distinct isolates with unique RFLP patterns were also obtained with high levels of similarity (>97%) to P. heterothallicum, P. periplocum and genotypes of P. ultimum other than LVP B. Inoculation trials of 1- and 4-week-old beet seedlings indicated that compared with isolates of the LVP B genotype, a higher frequency of LVP A isolates caused disease. Isolates with the LVP A, LVP B and LVP C genotypes were highly sensitive to the fungicide Ridomil MZ, which suppressed radial growth on V8 agar between approximately four and thirty fold at 5 μg/mL metalaxyl and 40 μg/mL mancozeb, a concentration far lower than the recommended field application rate.


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In Chapter 1, the literature relating to rabies virus and the rabies like lyssaviruses is reviewed. In Chapter 2, data are presented from 1170 diagnostic submissions for ABLV testing by fluorescent antibody test (Centocor FAT). All 27 non-bat submissions were ABLV-negative. Of 1143 bat accessions 74 (16%) were ABLV-positive, including 69 of 974 (7.1%) flying foxes (Pteropus spp.), 5 of 7 (71.4%) Saccolaimus flaviventris (Yellow-bellied sheathtail bats), none of 151 other microchiropteran bats, and none of 11 unidentified bats. Statistical analysis of data from 868 wild Black, Grey-headed, Little Red and Spectacled flying foxes (Pteropus alecto, P. poliocephalus, P. scapulatus, and P. conspicillatus) indicated that three factors; species, health status and age were associated with significant (p< 0.001) differences in the proportion of ABLV-positive bats. Other factors including sex, whether the bat bit a person or animal, region, year, and season submitted, were not associated with ABLV. Case data for 74 ABLV-positive bats, including the circumstances in which they were found and clinical signs, is presented. In Chapter 3, the aetiological diagnosis was investigated for 100 consecutive flying fox submissions with neurological signs. ABLV (32%), spinal and head injuries (29%), and neuro-angiostrongylosis (18%) accounted for most neurological syndromes in flying foxes. No evidence of lead poisoning was found in unwell (n=16) or healthy flying foxes (n=50). No diagnosis was reached for 16 cases, all of which were negative for ABLV by TaqMan PCR. The molecular diversity of ABLV was examined in Chapter 4 by sequencing 36 bases of the leader sequence, the entire N gene, and start of the P gene of 28 isolates from pteropid bats and 3 isolates from Yellow-bellied sheathtail (YBST) bats. Phylogenetic analysis indicated all ABLV isolates clustered together as a discrete group within the Lyssavirus genera closely related to rabies virus and European bat lyssavirus-2 isolates. The ABLV lineage consisted of two variants; one (ybst-ABLV) consisted of isolates only from YBST bats, the other (pteropid-ABLV) was common to Black, Grey-headed and Little Red flying foxes. No associations were found between the sequences and either the geographical location or year found, or individual flying fox species. In Chapter 5, 15 inocula prepared from the brains or salivary glands of naturally-infected bats were evaluated by intracerebral (IC) and footpad (FP) inoculation of Quackenbush mice in order to select and characterize a highly virulent inoculum for further use in bats (Inoculum 5). In Chapter 6, nine Grey-headed flying foxes were inoculated with 105.2 to 105.5 MICED50 of Inoculum 5 divided into four sites, left footpad, pectoral muscle, temporal muscle and muzzle. Another bat was inoculated with half this dose divided into the footpad and pectoral muscle only. Seven of 10 bats developed clinical disease of 1 to 4 days duration between PI-days 10 and 19 and were shown to be ABL-positive by FAT, HAM immunoperoxidase staining, virus isolation in mice, and TaqMan PCR. Five of the seven bats displayed overt aggression, one died during a seizure, and one showed intractable agitation, pacing, tremors, and ataxia. Viral antigen was demonstrated throughout the central and peripheral nervous systems and in the epithelial cells of the submandibular salivary glands (n=4). All affected bats had mild to moderate non-suppurative meningoencephalitis and severe ganglioneuritis. No ABLV was detected in three bats that remained well until the end of the experiment on day 82. One survivor developed a strong but transient antibody response. In Chapter 7, the relative virulence of inocula prepared from the brains and salivary glands of experimentally infected flying foxes was evaluated in mice by IC and FP inoculation and TaqMan assay. The effects in mice were correlated to the TaqMan CT value and indicated a crude association between virulence and CT value that has potential application in the selection of inocula. In Chapter 8, 36 Black and Grey-headed flying foxes were vaccinated with one (day 0) or two (+ day 28) doses of Nobivac rabies vaccine and co-vaccinated with keyhole limpet haemocyanin (KLH). All bats responded to the Nobivac vaccine with a rabies-RFFIT titer > 0.5 IU/mL that is nominally indicative of protective immunity. Plasma from bats with rabies titres >2 IU/mL had cross-neutralising ABLV titres >1:154. A specifically developed ELISA detected a strong but transient response to KLH.


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To determine the potential role of flying foxes in transmission cycles of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) in Australia, we exposed Pteropus alecto (Megachiroptera: Pteropididae) to JEV via infected Culex annulirostris mosquitoes or inoculation. No flying foxes developed symptoms consistent with JEV infection. Anti-JEV IgG antibodies developed in 6/10 flying foxes exposed to infected Cx. annulirostris and in 5/5 inoculated flying foxes. Low-level viremia was detected by real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction in 1/5 inoculated flying foxes and this animal was able to infect recipient mosquitoes. Although viremia was not detected in any of the 10 flying foxes that were exposed to JEV by mosquito bite, two animals infected recipient mosquitoes. Likewise, an inoculated flying fox without detectable viremia infected recipient mosquitoes. Although infection rates in recipient mosquitoes were low, the high population densities in roosting camps, coupled with migratory behavior indicate that flying foxes could play a role in the dispersal of JEV.


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Quambalaria spp. are eucalypt leaf and shoot pathogens of growing global importance, yet virtually nothing is known regarding the manner in which they infect and colonize their hosts. A study of the infection process of Q. pitereka and Q.eucalypti on Corymbia and Eucalyptus species was thus undertaken using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy after artificial inoculation. Conidial germination was triggered when relative humidity levels exceeded 90% and commenced within 2 h in the presence of free water. Light reduced germination but did not prevent germination from occurring. Conidial germination and hyphal growth occurred on the upper and lower leaf surfaces with penetration occurring via the stomata or wounds on the leaf surface or juvenile stems. There was no evidence of direct penetration of the host. Following penetration through the stomata, Q. pitereka and Q. eucalypti hyphae grew only intercellularly without the formation of haustoria or interaction apparatus, which is characteristic of the order Microstromatales. Instead, the presence of an interaction zone is demonstrated in this paper. Conidiophores arose through stomatal openings producing conidia 7 days after infection.


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Inoculation of legumes with rhizobia is fundamental to sustainable productivity of Australian agriculture. The National Rhizobium Program has specific aims of sustaining and increasing Nitrogen fixation by legumes in Australian agriculture.


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Survey of rhizobium inoculation methods used in chickpeas of the northern grains region with aim to adopt technologies for future microbial inoculants.


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The pathogenicity of three isolates of Alternaria alternata from Backhousia myrtifolia leaves was characterised and compared. Isolate BRIP 52222 was virulent compared to isolates BRIP 52223 and BRIP 52221. A comparison of inoculation methods showed that abrasion was more effective at establishing an infection than puncture wounding. Koch's postulates were assessed to confirm the pathogenicity of A. alternata on B. myrtifolia foliage and floral tissues using a conidial suspension of the most virulent isolate. Sporulation was triggered by incubating A. alternata (BRIP 52222) at 28 degrees C for 10 d under alternating 12 h black-light/12 h dark conditions on half-strength potato dextrose agar (PDA). In contrast, incubation of A. alternata under continuous black-light on either half- or full-strength PDA did not yield conidia. Host symptoms caused by inoculation with the pathogen included a brown-black discolouration of both foliage and floral tissues. Microscopic examination of cellular structures suggested that perturbation of oil glands may contribute to the tissue discolouration in B. myrtifolia caused by A. alternata infection. Oil gland structures can be disrupted during an active A. alternata infection, causing the leakage of essential oil followed by discolouration.


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Quantal response bioassays were conducted with cattle ticks and sheep blowflies with three different isolates of Metarhizium anisopliae and different methods of inoculation. Ticks were either topically dosed with 2 mu l or immersed in the conidial preparations. Blowflies were either topically dosed with 2 mu l of the conidial preparation or fed on conidia mixed with sugar. Probit analyses were carried out on the mortality data to compare the virulence of these isolates to ticks and blowflies and look for indications of different virulence mechanisms employed by M. anisopliae isolates when invading these hosts. One isolate (ARIM16) showed high virulence to both hosts killing 95% of ticks after 2 days and 88 (+/- 2)% of blowflies after 4 days. Strikingly different mortality patterns indicated that virulence is dependent on different mechanisms in ticks and blowflies. The pattern of mortality seen with ticks suggested that the number of conidia adhering per unit area of the cuticle was more important for rapid tick death than the total number of conidia contacting the entire tick surface. Blowflies fed conidia mixed with food died rapidly after an initial lag phase regardless of dose.


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Viruksien käyttö tuotekehityksen ja tutkimuksen vaatimien proteiinien tuottamiseen, syötävien rokotteiden kehittämiseen ja geeniterapiaan edustavat kasvavia biotekniikan sovellusalueita. Perunan A-virus (PVA) kuuluu potyviruksiin, joiden proteiinit tuotetaan aluksi yhtenä suurena molekyylinä, joka pilkotaan yksittäisiksi proteiineiksi viruksen itsensä tuottamilla entsyymeillä. Siten virusgenomiin lisätty vieras geeni käännetään proteiiniksi virusproteiinien mukana. Lopputuloksena kaikkia proteiineja tuotetaan kasvisoluissa samansuuruinen määrä. Lisäksi, viruksen proteiinikuoren koontimekanismi sallii perintöaineksen merkittävän lisäyksen ilman että viruksen tartutuskyky merkittävästi heikkenee. Koska virus monistuu ja leviää koko kasviin, jo melko pieni määrä kasveja riittää huomattavan proteiinimäärän tuottamiseen esimerkiksi säännösten mukaisessa kasvihuoneessa. Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli muuntaa PVA:n genomia siten, että virus soveltuisi yhden vieraan proteiinin tai useiden erilaisten proteiinien samanaikaiseen tuottamiseen kasveissa. Aluksi kokeiltiin viruksen replikaasia ja kuoriproteiinia koodaavien genomialueiden välistä kohtaa ja ihmisestä peräisi olevaa geeniä, joka tuotti S-COMT-entsyymiä (katekoli-O-metyylitransferaasi). Sen aktiivisuuden rajoittaminen auttaa Parkinsonintaudin hoidossa. Kasvissa tuotettua S-COMT:ia voitaisiin käyttää lääkekehityksessä estolääkkeiden testaukseen. Kahden viikon kuluttua tartutuksesta tupakan lehdissä oli entsymaattisesti aktiivista S-COMT:ia n. 1 % lehden liukoisista proteiineista. PVA:n P1-proteiinia koodaavalta alueelta oli paikannettu kohta, johon ehkä voitaisiin siirtää vieras geeni. Asia varmistettiin siirtämällä tähän kohtaan meduusan geeni, joka tuottaa UV-valossa vihreänä fluoresoivaa proteiinia (GFP). GFP-geeniä kantava PVA levisi kasvissa ja lisääntyi n. 30-50 %:iin viruksen normaalista pitoisuudesta. Koko kasvi fluoresoi vihreänä UV-valossa. Vieras geeni voidaan sijoittaa myös potyviruksen P1- ja HCpro-proteiineja koodaavien alueiden väliin. Samaan PVA-genomiin siirrettiin kolme geeniä, yksi kuhunkin kolmesta kloonauskohdasta: GFP-geeni P1:n sisälle, merivuokon lusiferaasigeeni P1/HCpro-kohtaan ja bakteerin beta-glukuronidaasigeeni (GUS) replikaasi/kuoriproteiini-kohtaan. Virusgenomin ja itse viruksen pituudet kasvoivat 38 %, mutta virus säilytti tartutuskykynsä. Se levisi kasveissa saavuttaen n. 15 % viruksen normaalista pitoisuudesta. Kaikki kolme vierasta proteiinia esiintyivät lehdissä aktiivisina.


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The studies presented in this thesis aimed to a better understanding of the molecular biology of Sweet potato chlorotic stunt virus (SPCSV, Crinivirus, Closteroviridae) and its role in the development of synergistic viral diseases. The emphasis was on the severe sweet potato virus disease (SPVD) that results from a synergistic interaction of SPCSV and Sweet potato feathery mottle virus (SPFMV, Potyvirus, Potyviridae). SPVD is the most important disease affecting sweetpotato. It is manifested as a significant increase in symptom severity and SPFMV titres. This is accompanied by a dramatic sweetpotato yield reduction. SPCSV titres remain little affected in the diseased plants. Viral synergistic interactions have been associated with the suppression of an adaptive general defence mechanism discovered in plants and known as RNA silencing. In the studies of this thesis two novel proteins (RNase3 and p22) identified in the genome of a Ugandan SPCSV isolate were shown to be involved in suppression of RNA silencing. RNase3 displayed a dsRNA-specific endonuclease activity that enhanced the RNA-silencing suppression activity of p22. Comparative analyses of criniviral genomes revealed variability in the gene content at the 3´end of the genomic RNA1. Molecular analyses of different isolates of SPCSV indicated a marked intraspecific heterogeneity in this region where the p22 and RNase3 genes are located. Isolates of the East African strain of SPCSV from Tanzania and Peru and an isolate from Israel were missing a 767-nt fragment that included the p22 gene. However, regardless of the absence of p22, all SPCSV isolates acted synergistically with SPFMV in co-infected sweetpotato, enhanced SPFMV titres and caused SPVD. These results showed that p22 is dispensable for development of SPVD. The role of RNase3 in SPVD was then studied by generating transgenic plants expressing the RNase3 protein. These plants had increased titres of SPFMV (ca. 600-fold higher in comparison with nontransgenic plants) 2-3 weeks after graft inoculation and displayed the characteristic SPVD symptoms. RNA silencing suppression (RSS) activity of RNase3 was detected in agroinfiltrated leaves of Nicotiana bethamiana. In vitro studies showed that RNase3 was able to cleave small interferring RNAs (siRNA) to products of ~14-nt. The data thus identified RNase3 as a suppressor of RNA silencing able to cleave siRNAs. RNase3 expression alone was sufficient for breaking down resistance to SPFMV in sweetpotato and for the development of SPVD. Similar RNase III-like genes exist in animal viruses which points out a novel and possibly more general mechanism of RSS by viruses. A reproducible method of sweetpotato transformation was used to target RNA silencing against the SPCSV polymerase region (RdRp) with an intron-spliced hairpin construct. Hence, engineered resistance to SPCSV was obtained. Ten out of 20 transgenic events challenged with SPCSV alone showed significantly reduced virus titres. This was however not sufficient to prevent SPVD upon coinfection with SPFMV. Immunity to SPCSV seems to be required to control SPVD and targeting of different SPCSV regions need to be assessed in further studies. Based on the identified key role of RNase3 in SPVD the possibility to design constructs that target this gene might prove more efficient in future studies.


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Biological control techniques attract increasing attention as one of the sustainable alternatives to pesticide use in integrated pest management programs. In order to develop sustainable pest management methods for arable crops based on entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN), their efficacy and persistence needed to be investigated, and an economically feasible delivery system had to be developed. In this study, first a survey of entomopathogens was conducted, and a system approach was tested, using the oilseed Brassica (OSB) growing system (OSB, spring wheat, and red clover) as a model. The system approach aimed at determining the potential of Steinernema feltiae (Filipjev) for the control of OSB pests, developing OSB rotation schemes that support EPN persistence, and investigating the impact of the selected biotic and abiotic factors on efficacy and persistence of EPN. This study employed abductive logic (which employs constant interplay between the theory and empirical observation), quantitative methods, and a case study on OSB. Laboratory and field experiments were carried out, and two types of pathogen surveys. A horizontal survey included OSB fields across Estonia, Germany, Poland, Sweden and the UK, while a vertical survey included sampling from two sets of differently managed experimental fields during three years. A new approach was introduced for measuring occurrence, where the prevalence and relative intensity of entomopathogens, biotic agents, and unidentified insect antagonists were determined. The effect of dose, timing, and the application method on S. feltiae in the control of pests in OSB, and the potential of a controlled release delivery system (CRS) were evaluated in the field. Studies on the impact of selected biotic and abiotc factors (Brassica plant, bait insects, developmental stages of Meligethes aeneus Fab., Isaria fumosorosea Wize (Ifr), and organic and synthetic fertilizers) on the efficacy of S. feltiae were conducted in the laboratory. Persistence of S. feltiae in the OSB growing system, and the effect of dose, timing, and the application method, was assessed in the field as part of the efficacy experiments. The impact of selected biotic and abiotic factors on S. feltiae persistence was assessed in laboratory experiments. The pathogen survey showed that the occurrence of entomopathogens is low in the OSB growing system, and that a management system causing less disturbance (ICM) to the soil increases the relative intensity of insect parasitic nematodes and other insect antagonists. A longer study period is required to show any possible impact of ICM on the relative intensity of entomopathogenic fungi, or on the prevalence of entomopathogens. Two different measures of the occurrence yielded different results: the relative intensity revealed the difference between the two different crop management methods, while prevalence did not. The highest efficacy of S. feltiae was achieved by using a low dose and targeting all stages of M. aeneus. When only the larval stage was targeted, the application method and dose had no significant effect. The CRS decreased the pest abundance significantly more than the surface application method. S. feltiae persisted in the OSB fields in Finland for several months, but did not survive the winter. The strain survived for 7 months when it was applied in autumn in Germany, but its populations declined rapidly after winter. The examined biotic and abiotic factors had variable impacts on S. feltiae efficacy and persistence. The two measures, prevalence and relative intensity of entomopathogens, gave valuable information for their use in biocontrol programs. The recommended biocontrol strategy for OSB growing in Finland is inundation and seasonal inoculation of EPN. The impact of some biotic and abiotic factors on S. feltiae efficacy and persistence is significant, and can be used to improve the efficacy of EPN. The CRS is a novel alternative for EPN application, and should also be considered for use on other crops. Keywords: Biological control, inundation, inoculation, conservation, formulation, slow release method, crop rotation, Entomopathogenic nematodes, Steinernema feltiae, oilseed rape pests, Meligethes aeneus, Phyllotreta spp., occurrence, prevalence, intensity, efficacy, persistence, field, Isaria fumosorosea, biotic factors, abiotic factors, interaction, impact, insect stages, integrated crop management, standard (conventional) crop management


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Stripe or yellow rust (YR) is a significant problem in wheat crops worldwide. The deployment of adult-plant resistance (APR) genes in wheat cultivars is considered a sustainable management strategy, as these genes confer partial resistance that is usually non-race specific. Screening for APR typically involves assessment of adult plants in the field, where expression may be influenced by environmental factors. We report a high-throughput screening method for YR APR that can be used to assess fixed lines or segregating populations grown under controlled environmental conditions (CEC). Inoculation of 3-week-old wheat plants from lines with known APR responses to YR, when grown under constant light and temperature, provided disease responses typical of adult plants. Two F-2 populations ('H45' x 'ST93' and 'Wyalkatchem' x 'ST93') segregating for APR were assessed under both CEC and field conditions. These populations showed similar variation in disease response and lines assessed in both environments attained similar rankings. Phenotypic screening using CEC and continuous light provides an opportunity to accelerate the development of new wheat cultivars with durable resistance.