190 resultados para interglacials
On the basis of two sedimentary records from the central Sea of Okhotsk, we reconstruct the closely coupled glacial/interglacial changes in terrigenous flux, marine productivity, and sea ice coverage over the past 1.1 Myr. The correspondance of our sedimentary records to the China loess grain size record (China loess particle timescale, CHILOPARTS) suggests that environmental changes in both the Sea of Okhotsk area and in SE Asia were closely related via the Siberian atmospheric high-pressure cell. During full glacial times our records point to a strong Siberian High causing northerly wind directions, the extension of the sea ice cover, and a reduced Amur River discharge. Deglacial maxima of terrigenous flux were succeeded by or synchronous to high-productivity events. Marine productivity was strengthened during glacial terminations because of an effective nutrient utilization at times of enhanced water column stratification and high nutrient supply from fluvial runoff and sea ice thawing. During interglacials, SE monsoonal winds prevailed, analogous to today's summer situation of a pronounced Mongolian Heat Low and a strong Hawaiian High. Strong freshwater discharge induced by high precipitation rates in the Amur drainage area and a seasonally reduced and mobile sea ice cover favored marine productivity (although being considerably lower than during the terminations) and a lowered flux of ice-rafted detritus.
Planktic foraminiferal faunas and modern analogue technique estimates of sea surface temperature (SST) for the last 1 million years (Myr) are compared between core sites to the north (ODP 1125, 178 faunas) and south (DSDP 594, 374 faunas) of the present location of the Subtropical Front (STF), east of New Zealand. Faunas beneath cool subtropical water (STW) north of the STF are dominated by dextral Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, Globorotalia inflata, and Globigerina bulloides, whereas faunas to the south are strongly dominated by sinistral N. pachyderma (80-95% in glacials), with increased G. bulloides (20-50%) and dextral N. pachyderma (15-50%) in interglacials (beneath Subantarctic Water, or SAW). Canonical correspondence analysis indicates that at both sites, SST and related factors were the most important environmental influences on faunal composition. Greater climate-related faunal fluctuations occur in the south. Significant faunal changes occur through time at both sites, particularly towards the end of the mid-Pleistocene climate transition, MIS18-15 (e.g., decline of Globorotalia crassula in STW, disappearance of Globorotalia puncticulata in SAW), and during MIS8-5. Interglacial SST estimates in the north are similar to the present day throughout the last 1 Myr. To the south, interglacial SSTs are more variable with peaks 4-7 °C cooler than present through much of the early and middle Pleistocene, but in MIS11, MIS5.5, and early MIS1, peaks are estimated to have been 2-4 °C warmer than present. These high temperatures are attributed to southward spread of the STF across the submarine Chatham Rise, along which the STF appears to have been dynamically positioned throughout most of the last 1 Myr. For much of the last 1 Myr, glacial SST estimates in the north were only 1-2 °C cooler than the present interglacial, except in MIS16, MIS8, MIS6, and MIS4-2 when estimates are 4-7 °C cooler. These cooler temperatures are attributed to jetting of SAW through the Mernoo Saddle (across the Chatham Rise) and/or waning of the STW current. To the south, glacial SST estimates were consistently 10-11 °C cooler than present, similar to temperatures and faunas currently found in the vicinity of the Polar Front. One interpretation is that these cold temperatures reflect thermocline changes and increased Circumpolar Surface Water spinning off the Subantarctic Front as an enhanced Bounty Gyre along the south side of the Chatham Rise. For most of the last 1 Myr, the temperature gradient across the STF has been considerably greater than the present 4 °C. During glacial episodes, the STF in this region did not migrate northwards, but instead there was an intensification of the temperature gradient across it (interglacials 4-11 °C; glacials 8-14 °C).
Geologie cores on two profiles oriented normaly to the continental shelf and slope, have been investigated to reconstruct the Quaternary sedimentary history of the southeast continental border of South Orkney (NW Weddell Sea). The sediments were described macroscopically and their fabric investigated by use of X-radiographs. Laboratory work comprised detailed grain-size analysis, determination of the watercontent, carbonate, organic carbon and sand fraction.composition. Stable oxygen and carbon isotopes have been measured On planktonic foraminifera. Palaeomagnetism, analysis of 230Th-content and detailed comparison of the lithlogic Parameters with the oxygen isotope stages (Martinson curve) were used for stratigraphic classification of the sediments. The sediment cores from the continental slope comprise a maximum age of 300,000 years B. P.. Bottom currents, ice rafting and biogenic input are the main sources of sediment. Based on lithologic parameters a distinction between glacial and interglacial facies is possible. Silty clays without microfossils and few bioturbation characterise the sediments of the glacial facies. Only small amounts of icerafted debris can be recognized. This type of sediment was accumulated during times of lower sea-level and drastically reduced rate of bottom water production. Based on grain-size distribution, bottom current velocities of 0.01 cmls were calculated. Thick sea-ice coverage reduced biogenic production in the surface water, and as consequence benthic communities were depleted. Because of the reduced benthic life, sediments are only slithly bioturbated. At the beginning of the interglacial Stage, the sea-level rised rapidly, and calving rate of icebergs, combined with input of ice-rafted material, increased considerably. Sediments of this transition facies are silty cliiys with a high proportion of coarse ice-rafted debris, but without microfossils. With the onset of bottom water production in connection with shelf ice water, sediments of interglacial facies were formed. They consist of silty clays to clayey silts with considerable content of sand and gravel. Sediments are strongly bioturbated. Based On the sediment caracteristics, current velocities of the bottom water were calculated to be of 0.96 cmls for interglacials. At the southern slope of a NW/SE-striking ridge, bottom water current is channelized, resulting in a drastic increase of current velocities. Current velocities up to 7.5 cm/s lead to formation of residual sediments. While the continental slope has predominantly fine sediments, the South Orkney shelf are mainly sandy silts and silty sands with a high proportion of gravel. These sediments were formed dominantly by ice-rafting during Brunhes- and Matuyama-Epoch. Currents removed the fine fraction of the sediments. Based on microfossil contents it was not possible to differentiate sediments from glacial to interglacial. In the upper Parts of the cores graded sequences truncated by erosion were observed. These sequences were formed during Brunhes-Epoch by strong currents with velocities decreasing periodically from about 7.5 cm/s to about 1 cm/s. Sediments with a high proportion of siliceous microfossils but barren of foraminifera compose the lower part of the shelf cores. These sediments have formed during the warmer Matuyama-Epoch.
The bulk magnetic mineral record from Lake Ohrid, spanning the past 637 kyr, reflects large-scale shifts in hydrological conditions, and, superimposed, a strong signal of environmental conditions on glacial-interglacial and millennial timescales. A shift in the formation of early diagenetic ferrimagnetic iron sulfides to siderites is observed around 320 ka. This change is probably associated with variable availability of sulfide in the pore water. We propose that sulfate concentrations were significantly higher before ~320 ka, due to either a higher sulfate flux or lower dilution of lake sulfate due to a smaller water volume. Diagenetic iron minerals appear more abundant during glacials, which are generally characterized by higher Fe/Ca ratios in the sediments. While in the lower part of the core the ferrimagnetic sulfide signal overprints the primary detrital magnetic signal, the upper part of the core is dominated by variable proportions of high- to low-coercivity iron oxides. Glacial sediments are characterized by high concentration of high-coercivity magnetic minerals (hematite, goethite), which relate to enhanced erosion of soils that had formed during preceding interglacials. Superimposed on the glacial-interglacial behavior are millennial-scale oscillations in the magnetic mineral composition that parallel variations in summer insolation. Like the processes on glacial-interglacial timescales, low summer insolation and a retreat in vegetation resulted in enhanced erosion of soil material. Our study highlights that rock-magnetic studies, in concert with geochemical and sedimentological investigations, provide a multi-level contribution to environmental reconstructions, since the magnetic properties can mirror both environmental conditions on land and intra-lake processes.
In this study we review a global set of alkenone- and foraminiferal Mg/Ca-derived sea surface temperatures (SST) records from the Holocene and compare them with a suite of published Eemian SST records based on the same approach. For the Holocene, the alkenone SST records belong to the actualized GHOST database (Kim, J.-H., Schneider R.R., 2004). The actualized GHOST database not only confirms the SST changes previously described but also documents the Holocene temperature evolution in new oceanic regions such as the Northwestern Atlantic, the eastern equatorial Pacific, and the Southern Ocean. A comparison of Holocene SST records stemming from the two commonly applied paleothermometry methods reveals contrasting - sometimes divergent - SST evolution, particularly at low latitudes where SST records are abundant enough to infer systematic discrepancies at a regional scale. Opposite SST trends at particular locations could be explained by out-of-phase trends in seasonal insolation during the Holocene. This hypothesis assumes that a strong contrast in the ecological responses of coccolithophores and planktonic foraminifera to winter and summer oceanographic conditions is the ultimate reason for seasonal differences in the origin of the temperature signal provided by these organisms. As a simple test for this hypothesis, Eemian SST records are considered because the Holocene and Eemian time periods experienced comparable changes in orbital configurations, but had a higher magnitude in insolation variance during the Eemian. For several regions, SST changes during both interglacials were of a similar sign, but with higher magnitudes during the Eemian as compared to the Holocene. This observation suggests that the ecological mechanism shaping SST trends during the Holocene was comparable during the penultimate interglacial period. Although this "ecology hypothesis" fails to explain all of the available results, we argue that any other mechanism would fail to satisfactorily explain the observed SST discrepancies among proxies.
Multivariate statistical analysis on the kaolinite/chlorite ratios from 20 South Atlantic sediment cores allowed for the extraction of two processes controlling the fluctuations of the kaolinite/chlorite ratio during the last 130,000 yrs, (1) the relative strength of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) inflow into the South Atlantic Ocean and (2) the influx of aeolian sediments from the south African continent. The NADW fluctuation can be traced in the entire deep South Atlantic while the dust signal is restricted to the vicinity of South Africa. Our data indicate that NADW formation underwent significant changes in response to glacial/interglacial climate changes with enhanced export to the Southern Hemisphere during interglacials. The most pronounced phases with Enhanced South African Dust Export (ESADE) occurred during cold Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5d and across the Late Glacial/Holocene transition from 16 ka to 4 ka (MIS 2 to 1). This particular pattern is attributed to the interaction of Antarctic Sea Ice extent, the position of the westerlies and the South African monsoon system.
A high-resolution record of radiolarian faunal changes from Site Y8 south of the Subtropical Front (STF), offshore eastern New Zealand, provides insight into the paleoceanographic history of the last 265 kyrs. Quantitative analysis of radiolarian paleotemperature indicators and radiolarian-based sea surface temperature (SST) estimates reveal distinct shifts during glacial-interglacial (G-I) climate cycles encompassing marine isotope stages (MIS) 8-1. Faunas at Site Y8 are abundant and diverse and consist of a mixture of species typical of the subantarctic, transitional and subtropical zones which is characteristic of subantarctic waters just south of the STF. During interglacials, diverse radiolarian faunas have increased numbers of warm-water taxa (not, vert, similar 15%) while cool-water taxa decrease to not, vert, similar 11% of the assemblage. Warmest climate conditions occurred during MIS 5.5 and the early Holocene Climatic Optimum (HCO) at the onset of MIS 1 where SSTs reach maxima of 12.8 and 12.9 °C, respectively. This suggests that temperatures during the HCO were comparable to the Eemian, one of the warmest interglacial intervals of the Late Quaternary. Glacials are characterized by less diverse radiolarian faunas with cool-water taxa increasing to 49% of the assemblage. Coolest climate conditions occurred in MIS 4 and 2 where SSTs are reduced to 5.4 °C and 4.3 °C, respectively. Radiolarian faunal changes and SST estimates clearly identify major water masses and oceanic fronts in the offshore eastern New Zealand area. During warmest MIS 5.5 and early MIS 1 substantial influence of northern-sourced Subtropical Surface Water (STW) is evident at Site Y8. This implies southward incursions of STW around the eastern crest of Chatham Rise with the STF displaced towards higher latitudes and spinning off eddies as far south as Campbell Plateau. Additionally, increased flow of the Southland Current (SC) might have enhanced the local occurrence of warm-water radiolarians derived from the subtropical Tasman Sea. Coolest glacials are marked by a strong inflow of cool, southern-sourced waters at Site Y8 indicating a more vigorous flow along the Subantarctic Front (SAF).
Independent proxies were assessed in two Late Quaternary sediment cores from the eastern South Atlantic to compare deep-water changes during the last 400 kyr. Two cores were recovered from beneath North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) at approximately 3 000 m depth. Late Quaternary presence of NADW is indicated by the Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi assemblage on the Walvis Ridge (Core GeoB 1214) and the Bulimina alazanensis assemblage on the Namibian continental slope (Core GeoB 1710). The propagation of NADW is exclusively observed during interglacials, with maximum factor loadings in Stages 1, 5, 7, 9 and 11. These maxima are consistent with peaks in kaolinite/chlorite ratios and maxima of poorly crystalline smectite in the clay-mineral record. Kaolinite and poorly crystalline smectite are products of intense chemical weathering. They are injected into the NADW at low latitudes, north of the study area, and advected south. Chlorite, which is stable under cold weathering regimes, is a characteristic mineral of water masses of southern origin. During glacial stages, it is advected north with Southern Component Water (SCW). Above the NADW/SCW depths, kaolinite/chlorite ratios vary only slightly without a significant glacial-interglacial pattern, as measured in a core (GeoB 1712) from 1 000 m deep on the same profile of the Namibian continental slope off Walvis Bay.
Interglacial lacustrine sediments of 0.3-0.6 m thickness are found in the basin of Wurzach over a distance of about 9 km as detected by 5 borings. The interglacial bed is intercalated between lacustrine sediments of Würm (above) and glaciolacustrine sediments of the Younger Riss (below). Most of the Würmian sediments are silty-sandy, calcareous and varved deposits. They were deposited as bottom sediments of a delta, which had formed in the glacial lake filling the Wurzach basin during the Upper Würm. The terminal moraine of the Younger Riss is found in the N and S of the Reed of Wurzach. In the NE it is overlain by sediments of Würm and Holocene age. The pollen bearing part of the new profile represents the last interglacial period (except its earliest phases), the two Lower Würm interstadials, which are equivalents of the Brørup and Odderade interstadial phases, and a third interstadial, the Dürnten, known from other localities in the forelands of the Alps with a forest vegetation, which consisted mainly of spruce and larch trees, and the intercalated stadial phases. These interstadials are different from those described earlier by FILZER, which on the contrary represent cold periods with highly increased reworking of pollen. The equivalents of the Brørup, Odderade and Dürnten interstadials are the "Kiefer-Fichten-Kampfzeit" and part of the "Kiefernzeit mit Fichte" of FILZER. The characteristic series of climatic events known already from a great number of sites scattered all over Europe and again at Wurzach proves that the Riss/Würm- and the Eem interglacial periods are time-equivalents. Differing amounts of Carpinus and Abies at different places in the northern foreland of the Alps are related to the migration history of the two species during the last interglacial period and must not be used to distinguish different types of interglacials (type Zeifen, type Pfefferbichl).
The reliability of Arctic climate predictions is currently hampered by insufficient knowledge of natural climate variability in the past. A sediment core from Lake El'gygytgyn (NE Russia) provides a continuous high-resolution record from the Arctic spaning the past 2.8 Ma. The core reveals numerous "super interglacials" during the Quaternary, with maximum summer temperatures and annual precipitation during marine benthic isotope stages (MIS) 11c and 31 ~4-5 °C and ~300 mm higher than those of MIS 1 and 5e. Climate simulations show these extreme warm conditions are difficult to explain with greenhouse gas and astronomical forcing alone, implying the importance of amplifying feedbacks and far field influences. The timing of Arctic warming relative to West Antarctic Ice Sheet retreats implies strong interhemispheric climate connectivity.
Here we present orbitally-resolved records of terrestrial higher plant leaf wax input to the North Atlantic over the last 3.5 Ma, based on the accumulation of long-chain n-alkanes and n-alkanl-1-ols at IODP Site U1313. These lipids are a major component of dust, even in remote ocean areas, and have a predominantly aeolian origin in distal marine sediments. Our results demonstrate that around 2.7 million years ago (Ma), coinciding with the intensification of the Northern Hemisphere glaciation (NHG), the aeolian input of terrestrial material to the North Atlantic increased drastically. Since then, during every glacial the aeolian input of higher plant material was up to 30 times higher than during interglacials. The close correspondence between aeolian input to the North Atlantic and other dust records indicates a globally uniform response of dust sources to Quaternary climate variability, although the amplitude of variation differs among areas. We argue that the increased aeolian input at Site U1313 during glacials is predominantly related to the episodic appearance of continental ice sheets in North America and the associated strengthening of glaciogenic dust sources. Evolutional spectral analyses of the n-alkane records were therefore used to determine the dominant astronomical forcing in North American ice sheet advances. These results demonstrate that during the early Pleistocene North American ice sheet dynamics responded predominantly to variations in obliquity (41 ka), which argues against previous suggestions of precession-related variations in Northern Hemisphere ice sheets during the early Pleistocene.
A bathymetric transect of cores in the South China Sea extending from 4200-m to less than 1000-m water depth has been examined for glacial-interglacial changes in carbonate and organic carbon sedimentation. Typical 'Pacific carbonate cycles' (high carbonate content during glacials and low carbonate content during interglacials) characterize cores from water depths deeper than 3500 m. In contrast, 'Atlantic carbonate cycles' (low carbonate during glacials and high carbonate during interglacials) are observed in cores from depths shallower than 3000 m as a result of increased dilution of carbonate by terrigenous material during glacial low stands of sea level. Glacial-interglacial changes in the carbonate chemistry of South China Sea intermediate and deep waters resulted in significant changes in the positions of the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) and the aragonite compensation depth (ACD). During the last glacial the CCD and ACD were at least 400 and 1200 m deeper, respectively, than at present. Organic carbon accumulation rates in the South China Sea were approximately 2 times higher during the last glacial than the Holocene. Carbon isotopic analyses and C/N ratios of the organic matter indicate that only a small fraction of the increase in glacial organic carbon accumulation can be attributed to input of terrestrial carbon. On the basis of this we conclude that surface water productivity in the South China Sea was approximately 2 times higher during the last glacial maximum. This is consistent with previous studies which have demonstrated that glacial productivity was higher in low- to mid-latitude regions of the Atlantic and eastern Pacific. The deglacial decrease in organic carbon accumulation is accompanied by a decrease in delta13Corg. Using the relationship between delta13Corg and [CO2](aq) developed by Popp et al. [1989], we estimate that surface water pCO2 values in the South China Sea during the last 25,000 years were very similar to atmospheric CO2 concentrations.
Site 532 on the Walvis Ridge was sampled at 4000- to 800-year intervals from 2.24 to 2.60 Ma, spanning the three large glacial advances of the late Pliocene. An age model was created by correlating the oxygen isotope record to Site 607 with linear interpolations between tie-lines. The resultant age model differs from that in the site reports by more than 800,000 years, due to misidentification of a magnetic boundary. Sedimentation rates varied by an order of magnitude at this site, with minimum accumulation during glacial events. Interglacial intervals were charactrized by high marine production and high summer precipitation on land, while glacials had very low production and arid continental climate. During the large glacial events (Stages 96-100) conditions of low production and continental aridity reached their greatest intensity, but there is no evidence of a permanent mode shift in either marine or terrestrial records. Calcite concentration has a strong variation at obliquity frequencies, with maxima during interglacials, but occasionally shows a large amplitude at precessional frequencies as well, so that high concentrations occur in a few glacial intervals. As a result, color variation is not a reliable guide to glacial-scale cycles at this site. Composition of the phytoplankton assemblage is diverse and highly variable, and we have not been able to distinguish a clear indicator of upwelling-related production. Spectral analysis reveals obliquity and precessional signals in the pollen data, while several diatom records contain combination tones, indicating that these data represent a complicated response to both local and high-latitude forcing.
everal hypotheses have been put forward to explain the onset of intensive glaciations on Greenland, Scandinavia, and North America during the Pliocene epoch between 3.6 and 2.7 million years ago (Ma). A decrease in atmospheric CO2 may have played a role during the onset of glaciations, but other tectonic and oceanic events occurring at the same time may have played a part as well. Here we present detailed atmospheric CO2 estimates from boron isotopes in planktic foraminifer shells spanning 4.6-2.0 Ma. Maximal Pliocene atmospheric CO2 estimates gradually declined from values around 410 µatm to early Pleistocene values of 300 ?atm at 2.0 Ma. After the onset of large-scale ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere, maximal pCO2 estimates were still at 2.5 Ma +90 µatm higher than values characteristic of the early Pleistocene interglacials. By contrast, Pliocene minimal atmospheric CO2 gradually decreased from 310 to 245 µatm at 3.2 Ma, coinciding with the start of transient glaciations on Greenland. Values characteristic of early Pleistocene glacial atmospheric CO2 of 200 ?atm were abruptly reached after 2.7 Ma during the late Pliocene transition. This trend is consistent with the suggestion that ocean stratification and iron fertilization increased after 2.7 Ma in the North Pacific and Southern Ocean and may have led to increased glacial CO2 storage in the oceanic abyss after 2.7 Ma onward.
A new interglacial pollen sequence from the Döttinger dry maar in the Eifel region of the Rheinish Schield is presented. Palynology is used to correlated to several classical north German Holsteinian sites. The lake sediments reveal the complete interglacial and also 60 m of laminated sediments from the glacial preceding the Holsteinian. The interglacial section indicates limnic conditions in its lower part and telmatic conditions in its upper part with an intermediate episode of peat formation. Ash layers document internsive volcansim during the interglacial in the Eifel region. Some of the north German Holsteinian sites reval spikes of high abundance of Pinus, Beutal and Poaceae and/or setbacks of more demanding taxa during the interglacial, often interpreted as cold events. The Döttingen profile shows similar pattern, but with little response from the thermophilous pollen taxa. In the Döttingen sequence these vegetation 'anomalies' are preceded, or accompanied by phases of active volcanism. The role/interaction of climate and/or volcanism as a likely cause for these vegetation 'anomalies' ist still to be quantified.