980 resultados para intelligent agent


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Thesis is to Introduce an Intelligent cross platform architecture with Multi-agent system in order to equip the simulation Models with agents, having intelligent behavior, reactive and pro-active nature and rational in decision making.


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If a company or person wants to invest a lot of money, where, when, and how should the investment go? A multi-agent based Financial Investment Planner may give some reasonable answers to the above question. Good advice is mainly based on adequate information, rich knowledge, and great
skills to use knowledge and information. To this end, this planner consists of four principal components information gathering agents that are responsible for gathering relevant information on the Internet, data mining agents that are in charge of discovering knowledge from retrieved information as well as other relevant databases, group decision making agents that can effectively use available knowledge and appropriate information to make reasonable decisions (investment advice), and a graphical user interface that interacts with users. This paper is focused on the group decision making part. The design and implementation of an agent-based hybrid intelligent system - agent-based soft computing society are detailed.


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Agent technology provides a new way to model many complex problems like financial investment planning. With this observation in mind, a financial investment planning system was developed from agent perspectives with 12 different agents integrated. Some of the agents have similar problem solving and decision making capabilities. The results from these agents require to be combined. Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA) operator was chosen to aggregate different results. Details on how OWA was applied as well as appropriate evaluation are presented.


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Agent-oriented cooperation techniques and standardized electronic healthcare record exchange protocols can be used to combine information regarding different facets of a therapy received by a patient from different healthcare providers at different locations. Provenance is an innovative approach to trace events in complex distributed processes, dependencies between such events, and associated decisions by human actors. We focus on three aspects of provenance in agent-mediated healthcare systems: first, we define the provenance concept and show how it can be applied to agent-mediated healthcare applications; second, we investigate and provide a method for independent and autonomous healthcare agents to document the processes they are involved in without directly interacting with each other; and third, we show that this method solves the privacy issues of provenance in agent-mediated healthcare systems.


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More intelligent scheduling methods are required for manufacturing scheduling due to the move to more agile systems. Multi-agent methods are one such approach. This paper describes the application of a reconfigurable multi-agent scheduler to the problem of allocating orders to warehouses in a distribution supply chain. This multi-agent system was originally developed for allocation of orders to machines in a highly reconfigurable manufacturing system and this work was aimed at investigating the ease of applying this same scheduler to other problems. It was found that this new application was readily achieved because of the modular structure of the scheduler. This paper shows how the application to the new problem was achieved.


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We present an agent-based system Intelligent Financial News Digest System (IFNDS) for analyzing online financial news articles and associated material. The system can abstract, synthesize, digest, and classify the contents, and assesses whether the report is favorable to any company discussed in the reports. It integrates artificial intelligence technologies including traditional information retrieval and extraction techniques for the news analysis. It makes use of keyword statistics and backpropagation training data to identify companies named in reportage whether it is, evaluatively speaking, positive, negative or neutral. The system would be of use to media such as clipping services, media management, advertising, public relations, public interest, and e-commerce professionals and government non-governmental bodies interested in monitoring the media profiles of corporations, products, and issues.


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In this paper, aiming at describing interrelationships and communication mechanisms among agents based on a multi-agent framework of Railway Intelligent Transportation System (RITS), we construct the model about stations and trains in the system, which is called Agent-Oriented G-Net Train Group Operation Model (AGNTOM). The framework degrades the complexity of computation and makes the distribution of simulation system easy in design. The simulated experiments prove that the model provides an effective approach for dealing with communication problems in the system.


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The very challenging issue for intelligent agents is “do what they should do”. The BDI architecture is presented to solve this challenge. The main difficult for this architecture is the formalizing problem. In this paper, we discuss the procedure descriptive framework, which presents a method for formalizing BDI architecture. We a present decision model for intelligent agents in this procedure descriptive framework. This research shows how an agent to generate beliefs and make decisions by using its current beliefs.


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Multi-agent Systems (MASs) offer strong models for representing complex and dynamic real-world environments. Taking financial investment planning as an example, this paper describes how to model complex systems from agent perspectives. Different agents and their behaviours are identified for financial investment planning. These agents are put together as an agent-based system. The experimental results show that all agents in the system can work cooperatively to provide reasonable investment advice. The system is very flexible and robust. The success of the system indicates that (MASs) can significantly facilitate the modelling of complex systems.


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Electronic commerce and the Internet have created demand for automated systems that can make complex decisions utilizing information from multiple sources. Because the information is uncertain, dynamic, distributed, and heterogeneous in nature, these systems require a great diversity of intelligent techniques including expert systems, fuzzy logic, neural networks, and genetic algorithms. However, in complex decision making, many different components or sub-tasks are involved, each of which requires different types of processing. Thus multiple such techniques are required resulting in systems called hybrid intelligent systems. That is, hybrid solutions are crucial for complex problem solving and decision making. There is a growing demand for these systems in many areas including financial investment planning, engineering design, medical diagnosis, and cognitive simulation. However, the design and development of these systems is difficult because they have a large number of parts or components that have many interactions. From a multi-agent perspective, agents in multi-agent systems (MAS) are autonomous and can engage in flexible, high-level interactions. MASs are good at complex, dynamic interactions. Thus a multi-agent perspective is suitable for modeling, design, and construction of hybrid intelligent systems. The aim of this thesis is to develop an agent-based framework for constructing hybrid intelligent systems which are mainly used for complex problem solving and decision making. Existing software development techniques (typically, object-oriented) are inadequate for modeling agent-based hybrid intelligent systems. There is a fundamental mismatch between the concepts used by object-oriented developers and the agent-oriented view. Although there are some agent-oriented methodologies such as the Gaia methodology, there is still no specifically tailored methodology available for analyzing and designing agent-based hybrid intelligent systems. To this end, a methodology is proposed, which is specifically tailored to the analysis and design of agent-based hybrid intelligent systems. The methodology consists of six models - role model, interaction model, agent model, skill model, knowledge model, and organizational model. This methodology differs from other agent-oriented methodologies in its skill and knowledge models. As good decisions and problem solutions are mainly based on adequate information, rich knowledge, and appropriate skills to use knowledge and information, these two models are of paramount importance in modeling complex problem solving and decision making. Follow the methodology, an agent-based framework for hybrid intelligent system construction used in complex problem solving and decision making was developed. The framework has several crucial characteristics that differentiate this research from others. Four important issues relating to the framework are also investigated. These cover the building of an ontology for financial investment, matchmaking in middle agents, reasoning in problem solving and decision making, and decision aggregation in MASs. The thesis demonstrates how to build a domain-specific ontology and how to access it in a MAS by building a financial ontology. It is argued that the practical performance of service provider agents has a significant impact on the matchmaking outcomes of middle agents. It is proposed to consider service provider agents' track records in matchmaking. A way to provide initial values for the track records of service provider agents is also suggested. The concept of ‘reasoning with multimedia information’ is introduced, and reasoning with still image information using symbolic projection theory is proposed. How to choose suitable aggregation operations is demonstrated through financial investment application and three approaches are proposed - the stationary agent approach, the token-passing approach, and the mobile agent approach to implementing decision aggregation in MASs. Based on the framework, a prototype was built and applied to financial investment planning. This prototype consists of one serving agent, one interface agent, one decision aggregation agent, one planning agent, four decision making agents, and five service provider agents. Experiments were conducted on the prototype. The experimental results show the framework is flexible, robust, and fully workable. All agents derived from the methodology exhibit their behaviors correctly as specified.


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The real world challenges of incomplete information access and bounded computational resources in supply chain management motivate us to propose a bottom up approach to supply chain intelligence, built over a widely used reactive card-based replenishments system (kanban). The rationale is to use agent technology to improve the performance of the traditional kanban system while maintaining its recognized usability. Instead of optimizing a system utility function, we encode the system goal in desired behaviours of individual agents that reason about their own behaviours in the local context. This paper discusses a rigorous framework for evaluation of the proposal based on the concept of benchmarking. Preliminary results from these simulations show remarkable improvements over the traditional system. Furthermore, use of the benchmarking framework gives confidence that these results translate into real performance gains in practical implementations.


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This paper presents laboratory experiments to test a bottom up approach to production control and supply chain management. Built upon the successful traditional kanban (Card) system, the new intelligent system associates a kanban agent to each physical kanban. Instead of relying on demand forecast and planning, kanban agents reason about their own movements to adapt to changing demands. After previous simulations results of the intelligent system showed significant performance improvements over the traditional system, we further use the Auto-ID Laboratory at Cambridge University to test the feasibility of the idea in a realistic manufacturing environment. The results from the experiments demonstrated the superiority on several performance measures of the intelligent system compared to the traditional system used as a benchmark. Moreover, the implementation of the experiments exposed several real world constraints not shown in the simulation study and practical solutions were adopted to address these.


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Fraud and deception in online marketplaces has been an on-going problem. This thesis proposes novel techniques and mechanisms using agent technology to protect buyers and sellers in online environments such as eBay. The proposed solution has been rigorously tested and the results show good commercial promise.


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A novel agent-driven heuristic approach was developed to control the operational scheduling for a local manufacturer. This approach outperformed the traditional kanban control mechanism under numerous simulated benchmarking tests. Using this approach, the individual machine loading was reduced by, on average, 28%, with the loading spread reduced by 85%